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Why Should I Vote For Ron Paul?

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:19 PM
Honestly, I dont know who to vote for, whether its Romney, Paul, Obama, etc..... None of the candidates stand out to me, its like I'll be voting for the least bad of the group, and that alone doesnt excite me....

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by captaintyinknots

AHaha.. at least we know you are trolling for a fact now. I make a completely well reasoned reply and you respond that way. No real facts or insight. Nothing intelligent. Just insults. I would report it if it wasn't a waste of the mods time.

You really do love to call people trolls, huh? Another thing you need to educate yourself on-an opposing point of view does not make one a troll. Attacking those points of view. With insults and ad homs DOES make one a troll. Who here fits that mold?

1)I ask again, what would you like me to source? What do you claim I have said that is false?
2)please do report it, so that you can see, whenn the mods don't remove it, that you are hiding behind buzzwords and attempts to misconstrue what I have said. Not one post I have made in this thread is off base. You, however, continue to make personally directed posts, which will geet removed if you report anything, which I assume is the real reason you won't report me.
3)do you have anything on topic t say?
4)seriously. I like RP. But you fanatics are downright scary.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:27 PM
If you really feel that way then don't vote. You don't need validation from anyone, just don't vote.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by EvolEric

You may be right but we'll never know until he's elected into office. I feel electing him into office is a test to see if our system of government is controlled by an inside group of policy makers. What sets him apart from all the other candidates is his voting record. Whether you like it or not, he has consistently voted based upon our constitution. If you listen to him talk, he's very sincere and he's not worried about going against the conservative agenda. He speaks his mind and isn't concerned about the rights of politicians or changing the course of our foreign policy. He's the first candidate that has stood against lobbying, abolishing the Fed, and eliminating or making the tax system fair for all citizens not just the rich.

He would be the oldest presidential candidate to win the presidency so I really don't think he cares if he ruffles feathers in congress. I also believe his stance against everything that takes away freedom from the citizens of this country is a good indication he would stand up against any behind the scene string pulling. I wouldn't be surprised if he took his complaints to the people if this should happen. I feel his passion for what's right for citizens of this country is more of a concern than his own life. He's already ruffling political feathers, you can easily see how the controlled media is trying to limit his voice.

Voting for him is a chance I'm willing to make, and it's the last chance to get this country back on track and regain America's positive & respectful image on the world stage.

If he does go against everything and becomes a puppet, than God help us all. We will than know for sure we are not residing in a democracy but a controlled dictatorship behind the scenes.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
If you really feel that way then don't vote. You don't need validation from anyone, just don't vote.

But than comes the If you didn't vote, you can't complain argument... ***sigh***

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by WeRpeons

Ron Paul:

- Won't be elected
- Has extremely unAmerican and dangerous ideas

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Just like I don't take the rumors at face value with the other candidates, I don't with him either. Show me where he has said these things.

Captain, I understand what you're saying, and I agree....however, I think the fact that said billionaires are absent from Ron Paul's campaign donor list speaks volumes by itself....regardless of whether it's due to Ron Paul refusing their donations or not. If Paul DID have such contributors to his campaign, then I would wonder what the hell was really going on.

The point is that these billionaires and their cronies have control of this country. If we want to loosen the grip they have on our government, then we have to start by putting someone in the White House who has proven he cannot be bought. There is only ONE MAN that has proven that. For that ALONE, he should get votes. No, he cannot change America as one man, but he can certainly surround himself with an administration of people who are like-minded and more trustworthy. It's a start.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:51 PM
What could Ron Paul accomplish?

Given that the president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and given that Ron Paul has a
twenty year track record of firmly standing by his word, I believe he would put an end to US
military aggression overseas. That much he could accomplish ~by himself~ with the stroke of a pen.

Now, what else could he accomplish--given his twenty year track record of ineffectual congressional
influence? Probably not much. By that I mean garnering support from congress for bills he would like
to pass. I doubt he would be very successful in that endeavor.

But the BIGGEST reason to vote for Ron Paul is to give the man the ability to use the power
of the presidential veto reign in congressional spending, and STOP unconstitutional laws
such as NDAA from EVER seeing the light of day.

This country BECAME the world power that it is today because of the constitution. We have
strayed from the principles laid out by our founding fathers and we have failed to heed their personal
warnings to never choose security over liberty, to never allow a an outside entity to control
the US money supply, and to be ever-vigilant against tyranny.

We have sadly slept thru the last century placated by largesse while the machinery of tyranny
has incrementally tightened its grip.

We no longer live in a functioning Republic. With the implementation of laws such as the Patriot
Act and NDAA, etc., we are now living in a virtual police state where the King (read: President)
has achieved the power to incarcerate, or assassinate, at will, with very negligible oversight.

You should vote for Ron Paul so that your children can have hope that they to can pursue life,
liberty, and happiness unencumbered by an over-bearing government.

Hope that they to (like you) can speak their mind freely without fear of government reprisal.

Hope that they to can sire your grandchildren in a free democratic republic where all are
created equal, and are treated as equal, and no official of government is seen as above-the-law.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by WeRpeons

If you listen to him talk, he's very sincere and he's not worried about going against the conservative agenda. He speaks his mind and isn't concerned about the rights of politicians or changing the course of our foreign policy. He's the first candidate that has stood against lobbying, abolishing the Fed, and eliminating or making the tax system fair for all citizens not just the rich.

That is an important point, WeRpeons, because I have yet to hear someone say that Ron Paul doesn't sound sincere with his words. They may claim that his words alone are like those of a politician who's just trying to say what the people wanna hear to get elected. But when he speaks them, he does not sound like bullsh*tting rest of the lot who are no better than used car salesmen trying to pawn a lemon off on you.

By contrast, Obama may be the master orator, but eventually, even a master orator is revealed for the fraud he is if his words are not based in sincerity and truth.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by rival

Now, what else could he accomplish--given his twenty year track record of ineffectual congressional influence? Probably not much. By that I mean garnering support from congress for bills he would like to pass. I doubt he would be very successful in that endeavor. But the BIGGEST reason to vote for Ron Paul is to give the man the ability to use the power of the presidential veto reign in congressional spending, and STOP unconstitutional laws such as NDAA from EVER seeing the light of day.

That comment is a very realistic perception of the issue and I totally agree.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by The Old American
Anyone that makes these posts are just trolls. There's not a single person on ATS that doesn't know who Ron Paul is, what his legendary record as a consistent congressman is, and what his platform is. People in the freaking U.K. know this, but someone from Kentucky doesn't? His son is one of your senators, for crying out loud!


I'm sorry.....but that is too funny.....and true......

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by EvolEric

Look at his voting record. Then look at all the other politicians you're talking about.

Tell me the difference you see.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by captainnotsoobvious
reply to post by WeRpeons

Ron Paul:

- Won't be elected
- Has extremely unAmerican and dangerous ideas

The Lord GOD has spoken.

I guess we can all go home now.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

Ron Paul: - Won't be elected - Has extremely unAmerican and dangerous ideas

How can be supporting the constitution and citizen's rights be so un-American? How can stopping occupying foreign lands and minding our own business be considered dangerous? We are doing exactly want our government propagated on the American people during the cold war era with the Soviet Union. We are trying to spread and force democracy around the world on cultures that don't want it! You're buying into the fear mongering our government has been doing for years.

Dangerous? I don't know what's more dangerous than the United States going into bankruptcy and the dollar crashing due to the excessive amount of money being funneled into wars overseas, nation building, occupations and supporting over a hundred military bases to protect countries that are clearly capable of defending themselves. Our military budget is 6 times that of China who is second to none.

What's dangerous is when voters believe the fear propaganda our government uses to justify occupying foreign lands. We should be defending our own borders and our young men and women shouldn't be defending foreign borders. An everlasting peace is created from within a country not from foreign occupations.

Our allies are all equipped with modern technology supplied by the United States since world war II. Do you honestly believe South Korea couldn't defend themselves with technology that is beyond anything the North Korean's have? Israel has nukes and American technology, they can easily defend themselves from any hostile forces. Why should we involve ourselves in disputes outside our region?

I think the current front running republican candidates our far more dangerous than Ron Paul. If Obama doesn't get us into a war with Iran, you can count on Romney or Gingrich to carry the torch. Who really is the war monger?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by captainnotsoobvious
Ron Paul:

- Won't be elected
- Has extremely unAmerican and dangerous ideas

He certainly does.
He also has some very good ideas, however the bad are still bad and that wont change.

I think David9176 summed it up nicely in a recent thread.

Originally posted by David9176
I'm not voting for me....I'm voting for my daughter.

I just can't. Look, I understand why so many of you like him so much.....i just can't do it. There are some things that I do like that he stands a previous poster stated.....but there are too many positions I can't support.

I realize everyone likes him because he is principled and continuously states the same things.....but that doesn't mean that I have to support him.

I love that he is anti-war....i love that he wants to bring all the troops home....but i believe in SS...I believe in Medicare...i believe in the federal minimum wage...I believe in Amber Alerts....I believe a united country is a stronger country.

edit on 29/1/12 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:27 PM
vote for ron paul if you are honest and have good character , vote for the others if you are a crook of no character or a brain dead sheeple walking to the slaughter house with these scum bag politions lureing you in the gates!

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:38 PM
Ron Paul has said some great things, from the video's I have seen. But, like the OP says, they never deliver on promises. I would say he is the best choice from the selection. But, why vote for a man?

The following suggestion will remove the ability for them to lie through their back teeth, to screw you over, to continue pounding this, one single earth we have, to dust. Vote on the actions the country takes yourselves.

1) A database driven website with user accounts created for all citizens. Login information sent to each citizen by regular post.

The ability on said website to allow ALL citizens to decide what their country does and how it does it.
The ability to vote yes/no/undisclosed on every topic available. And give it a rank of priority.
The ability to create subjects to be voted for.
The senate/congress/president is then charged with putting into application the result of the votes.

This removes the minority, living the dream so many people never even get a taste of, making the decisions that keep them rich and powerful and instead allows ALL people of the nation to shape their own destiny.

It really is simple. The hard part is getting people to twig, then winning the war for it.
I really see this method as a genuine solution to all the problems with society and the world in general.

I thought of a reasonably simple solution to ALL the problems in the U.S and probably every other nation in the world.

The internet is important. Very Important.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:59 PM
This is why. Watch the linked video & realize the truth...

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by oldrockinchair
vote for ron paul if you are honest and have good character , vote for the others if you are a crook of no character or a brain dead sheeple walking to the slaughter house with these scum bag politions lureing you in the gates!
another prime example of RP supporters using the same fear tactics and propaganda that they claim RP is against.

The hypocrissy of these people knows no bounds

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by EvolEric

If we all agree that things are never as simple as they seem in the government then we can see the issues that will arise. If we all agree that the government is controlled by the banks then those who get elected president are already those who were chosen for the job. So my questions are

-- Can Ron Paul even get elected, is the voting system rigged?
-- Is he willing to do what he promises many politicians say they will do things once they are president but never really have the intention.
-- Even if he is elected president can he change anything? He might become president but realize that all he wants to do is impossible in his position.
-- Could he be assassinated if he was elected president?

Personally i support Ron Paul except on his views on abortion, other than that i believe he is the only person saying anything worth listening too.

Here are some videos from YouTube to inform yourself better about his views. If you know a good video on him that i haven't listed please list it so i can add it to my list.

Ron Paul's Views

Ron Paul Highlights
Ron Paul Prediction
Ron Paul Truth
Ron Paul's Personality

Ron Paul on Government Power
Ron Paul on Government
Ron Paul on Terrorism
Ron Paul on Obama
Ron Paul on Iran Nukes
Ron Paul on Libya
Ron Paul on War
Ron Paul on Iraq
Ron Paul on Foreign Aid
Ron Paul on Denial
Ron Paul on gay marriage
Ron Paul on Abortion
Ron Paul on Healthcare
Ron Paul on Gays in the Military

Ron Paul Vs Chris Matthews
Ron Paul Vs Fox News 1
Ron Paul Vs Fox News 2
Ron Paul Vs McCain
Ron Paul Vs Bernanke
Ron Paul Vs Bachmann
Ron Paul Vs Michael Moore on Larry King
Ron Paul Vs Stephen Baldwin
Ron Paul Vs Condoleezza Rice
Ron Paul Vs Caller

Ron Paul @ ABC News
Ron Paul @ Tucker Carlson
Ron Paul @ Jon Stewart
Ron Paul @ American Morning
Ron Paul @ DL Hughley
Ron Paul @ Bill Maher (08)
Ron Paul @ Bill Maher (09)
Ron Paul @ From Hillary
Ron Paul @ Alex Jones
Ron Paul @ Glenn Beck

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