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Just found out a family friend was Abducted by aliens and had her baby taken!?!

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by dilly1

1. I realize that the only individual you seem to respect on the topic is the purportedly omniscient one in your mirror.

2. I don't have any great compulsive or other need to verify my factual assertions you just listed again. Folks can take them or leave them or search the vast net database for confirmation and/or disconfirmation and make up their own minds.

3. I know the quality of my research on the topic.

4. I know the quality of the experts I've talked to face to face.

5. I know the quality of my PhD in clinical psychology--and the 30+ years of counseling experience which entails rather routinely and constantly practicing assessing personal narratives for their degree of truthfulness and congruence with "objective" facts. It doesn't matter greatly whether you believe such facts, or not. Your loss.

6. You, as expected, avoided the TYPE I vs TYPE II ERROR issues. Sadly, avoiding discussing them will NOT prevent the virtual certainty that a TYPE II ERROR will eventually bite hard in the rear or other tender places.

7. I've studied the topic since 1962.

. .

edit on 26/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: editing out

edit on 26/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: editing in

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by PopSecretMission

Originally posted by dilly1

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by dilly1

You said "what if"
And you said "what if" nothing can go faster than light. Even if that were true, which it might not be according to some new research being done at some of the worlds most advanced facilities, you're still ignoring the certain ways to get around that problem, such as those noted by BO XIAN.

You're making assumptions just as much as anyone else.
edit on 26-1-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)
When the hell did I say what if nothing can go faster than light?. I'm stating new physics is needed (for us) to travel in hostile space. Space travel is so hard, if mastered by ET, we would all be done. No more ATS. Or do you have hope that ET would have some TLC for us humans. Lol

BOXian doesn't know diddlysquat about anything. Correction, he does have gnosis: on theories ; based on hope and converted into delusional facts.

Are you sure that's the band-wagon you want ride?

I don't make assumptions. I basically state the realistic facts that you and the million other naive members who ignorantly choose to ignore the fundamentals of hostile space.

You sure claim to know a lot about hostile space and how it works and doesn't work and can even predict into the future about what WON'T work later. Sounds like you've been there. Have you?

You dam well know I haven't been their.

Its common sense. Are you serious? We would need new physics to travel at a very high velocity,bend space and create life-support to travel in space. New physics is close to impossible to achieve. If a miracle happens then so be it. I don't believe in miracles and I won't be holding my breath for one either. You want to hope and have faith that one day in the future we will create new physics go right ahead. But don't call yourself logical. You are far from it.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by dilly1

We would need new physics to travel at a very high velocity,bend space and create life-support to travel in space. New physics is close to impossible to achieve. If a miracle happens then so be it
You are still talking about this in Human terms.

And you apparently missed my post on the last page... no response?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:24 AM
Well, I don't have personal experience with this, but....

You might want to check out the movie, Communion. It's based on a true story. From 1989, I believe. It's based off the autobiographical account of the author, Whitley Streiber. In short (don't read this if you don't want it spoiled) He gets abducted by aliens and his son does, too. Then, at some point he starts gets some regression therepy and discovers that he's been abducted. His therapist suggests he goes into this therapy group called, Communion, with other fellow alien abductees. There was atleast one women in the group that spoke a bit about her baby being taken. He eventually starts remembering things (not under hypnosis) about his childhood and realizes that he's been abducted before, when he was a kid. It's something that gets passed down from parent to child. And they show on board the ship, too, and you can see these little kids there.

Even a movie like, Agnes of God (another true story), shows evidence of alien abduction, if you are aware of the usual occurances associated with it.

And I remember a long time ago on TV they showed some (another based on a true story) movie that was made for TV, but I don't remember the name. Anyway, the woman that the movie was about was brought on board the ship and she gave birth to her baby on it and when the baby came out she saw it and it looked like one of those tall thin aliens with the huge eyes, but the eyes were blue like a human's.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by dilly1

Yes I am saying :believing in aliens,here on earth or hoping they exist somewhere wanting to be are buddies (or boogyman) is freakin delusional. And that includes believing all abduction accounts,ufo pictures or video or anything that leans towards ET influence. There is NO credible proof so why people use the Alien option IS delusional.

I don't know if you believe or hope the delusional alien option could be real. But you sure are desperate posting this ridiculous story. You're either lonely or really lonely. Its obvious you are not looking for answers or a logical explanation.

Whoa, slow down there! I am all for looking for a practical explanation, but sometimes, there isn't one. In this case, i think there is, and have already posted so. However, that is not so with all cases, nor are all the people involved in those cases "delusional", etc. As I stated in an earlier reply, I knew someone that was NOT crazy at all, was never hypnotized, and yet still believed he'd been abducted. This was someone so close to my family, he was like another brother. I also have a family member that has seen UFOs. Now, this family member KNOWS various planes quite well. and sees quite a lot of military craft, being close to more than one AFB for years, and in a place they flew near regularly. SOME of that this person saw, I am told, could have been unknown test craft. Some, though, could NOT have been. Not unless there is technology so advanced, and secret from most of us, that it would seem like science fiction, or beyond. Aliens? This person doesn't think that's the case, but this person also doesn't see a good explanation.

I don't think someone sharing a story they have heard is doing so because of some emotional need, either. That's rather presumptuous of you to state such a thing. Posting here, of all places, IS looking for possible explanations, theories, etc. Have you truly never experienced anything at all, your entire life, that you can't explain? Seen nothing you could not identify? A lot of people do, and they aren't head cases for looking for answers.

By all means, look for a rational explanation, even offer one, but not by attacking the OP, eh? We can all offer the same courtesy and respect to others that we want for ourselves.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by dilly1

Originally posted by PopSecretMission

Originally posted by dilly1

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by dilly1

You said "what if"
And you said "what if" nothing can go faster than light. Even if that were true, which it might not be according to some new research being done at some of the worlds most advanced facilities, you're still ignoring the certain ways to get around that problem, such as those noted by BO XIAN.

You're making assumptions just as much as anyone else.
edit on 26-1-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)
When the hell did I say what if nothing can go faster than light?. I'm stating new physics is needed (for us) to travel in hostile space. Space travel is so hard, if mastered by ET, we would all be done. No more ATS. Or do you have hope that ET would have some TLC for us humans. Lol

BOXian doesn't know diddlysquat about anything. Correction, he does have gnosis: on theories ; based on hope and converted into delusional facts.

Are you sure that's the band-wagon you want ride?

I don't make assumptions. I basically state the realistic facts that you and the million other naive members who ignorantly choose to ignore the fundamentals of hostile space.

You sure claim to know a lot about hostile space and how it works and doesn't work and can even predict into the future about what WON'T work later. Sounds like you've been there. Have you?

You dam well know I haven't been their.

Its common sense. Are you serious?

If they had a smiley that went *blink, blink, blink* in astonishment.....this is where I would stick mine.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I highly recommend the books "Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo Abductions" and The THREAT: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda by David M. Jacobs. I first heard of these books when my cousin, who attends Temple University in Philly told me about A former associate there who wrote books on aliens. Given that I could easily go to the school and determine this guy was a real, respected professional gave me the confidence to spend the few bucks.I picked them up and fell in love. If there is merit to any of the claims, this book is a fantastic, in-depth look into abductions. You will feel like an expert yourself by the time you're done reading. Don't let the latter title ward you off (it comes off a bit hokey to me) - he does a bit of theory pushing but always feel free to draw your own conclusions. I give him credit where its due, he gives great source information in an easy-to-read format for those who seem a bit intimidated by the amount of info/mis-info on the internet. Sue's case, in a completely non-offensive way, sounds quite mundane in its characteristics - a run-of-the-mill abduction for the Hyprid Breeding Project. Obviously, for what she went through I greatly sympathize and think you will do well to read these books to get your feet wet in this very deep ocean of anecdotal evidence and varied opinions.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by dilly1

Last time I checked the OP's topic is based on the possibility of alien abduction. If anyone of you really new how dam hard and impossible it is to travel in space,not orbit, you wouldn't give a hoot about ET harassing pregnant women.
I'm still riding

Have you considered the possibility of some other form of travel? Or, how about the possibility that some non-human beings are far closer? There are stories throughout history of this sort of thing. Ancient "gods" mating with women, producing "demigods", fairies taking people, making half-fairy offspring. Changelings. Even the Bible, and the Nephilim. Do you think, with this a common theme throughout the history of mankind, that there is NOTHING to it? Something that long-lasting, that widespread, has to have a reason. Simplest explanation is that there is some group doing this, and they are "wearing different masks", if you will, depending on the times. At least think about it. By all means, offer an alternate explanation for this historical phenomenon. That's what we are here for.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by SweetSomnia

Sue's case, in a completely non-offensive way, sounds quite mundane in its characteristics - a run-of-the-mill abduction for the Hyprid Breeding Project.
Finally, some one who has done some real research into this topic. That's exactly what I thought as soon as I read this thread. For me, this thread pretty much confirms what Jacobs wrote about. And there are several other threads like this on ATS. Do a search for abductions and look through some of the old threads. It's amazing.
edit on 26-1-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

I used to be more patient with folks who said such unaware, ill-informed, brazenly biased things to try and discredit folks' personal narratives and experiences.

Now, I can be somewhat patient still but I don't respect their biased, hostile, often insulting rock throwing.

And, I'm virtually forced to the conclusion, as a shrink, that the reason they throw so many rocks with such a knee-jerk fervor . . . virtually MUST be . . . because they are terminally fearful at some deep, inner point . . . of and threatened by the possiblities that the critters represent.

I personally think they are evil critters, fallen angels from a spiritual dimension as French scientist Jacques Vallee asserted after 10 years or more of serious scientific study of the phenomenon.

He seems to agree a lot with Guy Malone of


However, My Biblical construction on reality does NOT put me at the 'merciless mercy' of even the satanic fallen angels. Christ overcame the world, the flesh, the devil, hell and the grave. So I can still have hope.

Well spoken. I tend to agree with Vallee myself. Thought the same thing for a long time now. Plus, the "baby" angle fits that as well - we are told of such things happening before, after all. Makes me wonder how many of these are walking among us now, and how would we KNOW if they were!!

I have stated this before on this site, and will again, as it fits here. The person I knew (deceased) that believed he was abducted, stayed at my home at one time, for a visit along with members of my family. He was thought of as family, really. I told him this theory while he was there, and that if I was correct, he would not be bothered while there, as I do not allow such things in my home. While he didn't believe it at first, he stated a day or two later that he hadn't felt so safe in days. To me, that is good evidence.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by dilly1

1. My close relative worked with a high level German physicist adjacent to the UFO craft area at area 51.

2. I have had personal extensive contact with some of the top researchers around the world on UFO phenomena and technologies.

3. My B.A. program physics prof also asserted some such . . . factors.

4. I read a WIDE variety of material from a WIDE variety of sources.

5. Your ASSUMPTIONS about my sources of information seem to be as poorly informed and poorly thought-out as your assumptions about UFO technologies and the new physics that has been hidden from most of the public for more than 50 years.

Very interested in more details on these points! Care to open a thread to share some? #5 is especially interesting.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by dilly1

You dam well know I haven't been their.

Its common sense. Are you serious? We would need new physics to travel at a very high velocity,bend space and create life-support to travel in space. New physics is close to impossible to achieve. If a miracle happens then so be it. I don't believe in miracles and I won't be holding my breath for one either. You want to hope and have faith that one day in the future we will create new physics go right ahead. But don't call yourself logical. You are far from it.

Um, you mean "there"? You speak of "new physics", as though that is something we would make ourselves. Newsflash for you - we don't create physics; we simply discover how things work, and this knowledge is being adjusted all the time. Plus, you have no idea what could be known, yet kept secret. If logic is so important, should you not consider that you might not have all the data?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by dilly1

Maybe the story was massively made up ?? you think?

It doesnt fit into ur narrow world view so its obviously made up

Scientists have not said ALL stars have planet.

I said NEARLY all not ALL and yes they have!!!!

check out this link and educate yourself a little
Scientists see more planets than stars

Wow...And so what if there's trillions of blue planets; you ,like the rest, forget the immense effort it entails to travel in hostile space. Which is always ignored by you ufoers. And don't say this topic as no relation to aliens. If it really didn't this topic wouldn't have been even be considered for posting.

You like the rest forget that barely a hundred years ago most people who THOUGHT they were intelligent thought it would be impssible to fly. WHo knows what a civilsation hundreds if not thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years more advanced than us would be capable of.
Who said this topic had nothing to do with aliens??? It has it right there in the thread title that it is about aliens, pretty much the only person who has been narrow minded enough to not even consider that possibility has been you. Your blatantly a troll and Im done with you, grow up and try opening your mind a little

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by popsmayhem

If her sister was in the room
she was hypnotised also..

She does not even know it
but that damn hypnotist did this
to them both!!!!

That is exactly what happen

OK, let me get this right . . .

you sound 100% CONVINCED

Correct, I have a degree is psychology
so trust me on this. I know what goes
on behind the scenes. The regression
sessions are just a code name for
download data session. All they info
and data was downloaded on these two women
and none of this actually happened.
This hypnotis needs to hang!
edit on 26-1-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by thedeadwalkk

Sorry but did you read the OP???

The lady in question was a very close friend of my mothers and it was related to her first hand.
She was regressed to try and understand why she was having such trouble sleeping and to remember the nightmares

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by thepixelpusher

Originally posted by Mnemicrsl
Are you guys still in touch? Can you get your hands on his drawings? Super interesting.

I second that. Get scans of the drawings from both and try to interview her for a complete set of details from all 3 occurrences and please report back here.

I would love to but its not gonna happen, apart from the fact I dont live in Australia anymore this is not something the lady wishes to discuss and as a family friend Im going to respect that.

I can see no way of getting hold of or even finding out if the drawings are still around without being massively insensitive

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:35 AM

Ok......My story starts back in the early 80's when i was just 8 years old. I remember it was in the middle of the summer holidays. The day was usual and nothing remarkable and so was the evening. I was bathed and put down at about 8.30 and slept pretty solidly. I was awoken later that night or early morning to find i was out of my covers and lying on the bed with my head twards the end of the bed. I also noticed my curtains were parted and my window open. My grandmother was very padantic and always swaddled me before bed and was very paticular about having the windows shut and the curtain pulled as she was scared i might climb out.

I was disorintated and confused and could not get back to sleep and was adament the world was comming to an end by the sun exploding ?? I finally cried myself back to sleep. The next thing i know my cousin invited me to camp out in his backyard and my grandfather said i had too. (i think the holidays were giving him the #s) I was stead fast that i could not or would not sleep out there because what if i was taken away again ??. I created such a fuss the tent sleep out was canned. I had no other experiences from then until i was 18

i gave birth to a healthy girl in 1992

lost twins in 1992

gave birth to a healthy boy in 1993

gave birth to a healthy boy in 2002

gave birth to a healthy (hybrid alien) girl in 2004

gave birth to a healthy boy in 2006

This is where the plot thickens..... between 2006 and now i have lost no fewer than 9 pregnancies. Every single time the pregnancy test would come up posative but further investigation would prove there was nothing there. This normaly happens at about 6 weeks pregnant. I don't know what's happening to me but i know in my heart of hearts that this has something to do with my abduction when i was 8.

Alien fetous abduction

What I write here is the summ of the concept Giovanna say to the host on the various videos I found about the interview.

So she say, she was 4 year old when they started to abduct her for study, later on when she was older they started to artificially inseminate her, she had 18 births in all these years. She say they take the fetus out after 2 months and continue the growt themselves.

Asked how they do it, she answer they just come down cloaked in these ships then they send a ray and she lose consicence, sometime they come in the house aswell.

She say when she was young his father used to be upset at her because she was missing in plain night for hours at time, and he tought she was out with friends, when in fact she was abducted, usually abduction lasted around 3-5 hours.

Asked about these aliens she anwer, they are a race that cannot reproduce itself anymore due to genetic problems they are here because we are the most compatible race, in fact the only race they know of that are compatible with them, because we have in ourselves many alien different DNA parts. Some of which are compatible with their, we are the only chance for them to not go extinct.

They are preparing a Hibrid human race , in one of the video she say someting a bit disturbing "we have only 2 year left" she not comment more about this.

Asked about where they are she said they are here, they come from far away and they are not going away, they have bases both on the earth on the moon and probably other planets.

Then she show the TAC about his brain, which show an implant in the center of his brain, she say they placed this metallic capsule in his brain with an instrument from his nose, she show also other photo taken by her and a friend after one of the abduction, which show signs of chirurgy, and the white substance they use when they touch her.

Asked what this substance is, she say they told her is to protect bot her and them from contact each other, she say also they inject virus in humans that for them are lethal and for us are not so they come back later take the blood from the abducted victim and process it to take out the anticorps that huamns can make and use that to cure themselves.

Pretty wild story and video of Alien Fetus Autopsy

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:36 AM

On March 28th 2004 I turned 27, that night soemthing happened to me thathas really changed my life! Ok I have to say I went to bed just fine that night, in fact i fell right to sleep. Now I woke up later but I wasn't in my room, i woked up to feeling drugged, like someone had drugged me, I felt sluggish, and I remember I was seeing white, two white things, and the more focused I saw two white figures looking at me, and these two figures turned into aliens, and they were just staring at me, I was naked on a flat uncomfortable table, i had a blanket drapped on me, I saw a huge doctor's lamp, the one they use during childbirth, and they got really close to me, I didn't understand what I was doing there, one of them reached down and pulled a fetus still in it's sack out of me, and they showed me the baby, (okay I'll stop, I have to say that during this time i was 3 weeks late with my period, how I even got pregnant is beyond me because my husband was fixed and no stuf was getting through) So they took the baby, and I was hearing screaming, but it wasn't from me, it was from another girl, she had blonde hair looked very young, and they were holding her down and they put the baby in her. After that I basically blacked out, or passed out, and woke up in my room, I went to the bathroom and blood just started coming out.

After that incident I styarted looking up aliens, and the whole abduction thing, and i realized I wasn't alone with this, many women had their babies taken from them for hybrid purposes, i was shocked, terrified and upset. I was made fun of, and ridiculed by people who didn't know me, they said for me to stop watching the x-files, and i have to admit I am not an x-file girl, i can't stand that show, in fact before this I wasn't interested in aliens at all!

So I realized after going through the motions it was real for me, 2 weeks later i had flashbacks from the incident, i saw myself being floated out of my room, and being beamed to a ship, I also saw in my flashbacks, an alien standing in my doorway, and seeing the earth below me as I was in a ship! i know this to be real! It didn't stop that night, oh no, I continued to either dream or be taken by them.

Now this all came to a head on december 2004, in fact christmas Eve. i remember i was being woken up weeks before this happened around 2am every night, and I would scan my room, because I felt something was in my room. On christmas eve i gotten woken up at 2am, and looked around my room, i didn't see anything at first, and yes i was wide awake. i looked to my window and thought it was morning, it was so bright out I thought it was 7 am. I saw this grey standing there, looking at me he was tall, and had human features, with ne ears, he wasn't really a grey, he was different looking. I saw him with my own eyes. I don't know what he did to me but I saw him, and he looked at me disappeared and I fell right to sleep, I woke up that morning, the real morning naked, with my underwear off, and the covers were thrown off of me, i don't know what happened, but my face, my left side was completely numb, i couldn't feel that side of my face, before i got up I saw lights outside the window, and a flash, as if they took off. To me that is as real as it has gotten to say they exist, and i saw one first hand!!!

My own abduction

edit on 26-1-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Almost everyone in my family has been abducted by aliens.

saying that even to myself sounds crazy.. but after all I have experienced in my life, nothing seems impossible

My mom was abducted as a child when she lived in georgia. She said she would often wake up in the corn field outside even though the front door was too high for her to have reached because she was very young, so there was no way she could have sleepwalked outside. She also got pregnant and had a mysterious missing fetus right before getting pregnant with me.

After i was born, she said she awoke to a grayish white creature standing next to the bed, and she was paralyzed and couldnt move. I was in bed with her, and she said I started floating to the creature, and she blacked out. When she woke up the next morning, she chalked it up to being a dream, until she realized I was wearing different clothes which she had never bought.

another time, my brother when he was young was walking with his friend, to his friends house right around the corner from our house, and told my mom he would be back in just a minute. A minute turned into an hour, so my mom called my brother's friends house, and when his mom answered, she said they had left an hour earlier and shouldve been back to our house. A little while later my brother showed up and my mom was furious and asked where he went and why he didnt come straight home. He looked at her like she was psycho and said hed only been gone for a couple minutes and didnt know what she was walking about. Well, that night he had a flashback that he was walking with his friend down the street, and suddenly everything stopped but him. The people, the cars... time stood still. And all he remembers is a bright light. After that day, any time he would walk, skateboard, run or anything by this spot in the sidewalk he was at when time stopped, he would trip.

My dad had in general just many strange things happen to him growing up. One instance in particular, he was adopted as a baby, but he knows his real family was jewish. So, one day he was walking home from school, and a car pulled up to him. A few men in suits came out of the car, grabbed my dad, and pulled him into the car. They told him they had to do some jewish ritual on him, it took a minute, and they let him out of the car and went off. Very odd and not sure what that was all about. Then, my dad was trying to find his real family and was doing research in the yearbook records. He knew his grandma was a music teacher at this school in albuquerque and the year she taught there, but he knew nothing else. Not a name or what she looked like. So he went to the music section and found a name that he felt really strongly about, it was definitely a jewish name, but the picture of her was ripped out. No other picture in the entire yearbook was. He looked through about 10 different copies of the same yearbook, and in every single one, her picture was torn out.

I consider myself as well as my entire family, a very normal family. But we have experience very abnormal things.

All I know is, my mom, myself, my dad, and my brothers who have all been abducted, have very strong political views, are passionate about nature and are very concerned with world issues, and world peace. I almost wonder if it has anything to do with being abducted. I just feel like I have some sort of purpose on this earth that is different from anyone else's everyday purpose. I feel like im meant for something more, and I dont know why.

My family, including myself, has a history of alien abduction

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:40 AM
The above posts are some stories I found simply by searching the first 2 pages of search results for "abduction pregnant". Who knows how many more stories like this are floating around ATS. One of those threads is from 2005, and I bet there are even older threads.
edit on 26-1-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

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