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5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam.

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posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

have no more than a 0.0000000000000% interest in THE TRUTH.

But I have. I know the info you sprout, I have known it for years. You only have to look at some of my older threads to see this but lately I feel most of it is BS portrayed by the mainstream media gearing up for major wars in the Middle East.

You can't tell me that mr pattel the corner shop owner, who let me off of a £40 bill because I was having money trouble, is evil because of the religion he follows.


ETA: oh and I humbly admit to being wrong about the poll. After doing a bit of research it seems you only need to poll 1500 people to get a general consensus.
edit on 9-1-2012 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:38 PM
If you truly wish to understand religion, then you must study the history behind it as well.

Religion is not just about 'faith'. It is about civilisation - growth and evolution of a species or an ethnic group.

It is often circumstances that led to the developement of rules for society members to co-exists with one another and to others that shared the land.

With the developement of the cell phone, attached were dangers with its use, such as driving while talking on that phone or texting, which will harmself and other users of the road. Thus came about rules to control its use by society so that all may co-exist peacefully.

Based upon science, archeology and anthropological studies, mankind was found to have evolved at some point in time back from caves and jungles, depending on which part of the world they were located - Middle east, Europe, S. America, Africa, etc.

Either darwinism evolution or intelligent design, at that point of time, history of our civilisation began out of the caves and jungles into cities and progress. Man began to follow rules and codes of behaviour to co-exist, from simple rules to complex legal structures, with only co-existance in mind.

Times change, people change, inorder to keep up with evolution, but the basic rules of co-existance were kept, or improved upon, for they had been well tried and tested, and served humanity well. Rigidity of the laws may hinder our progress, but free rein will only create chaos. Thus, it calls for pragmatism at each stage of our evolution, and not for rigidity nor free rein.

As for the often misinterpretations of the Koran, one only needs to go back to the time when Islam began.

The good prophet, was not a conqueror when he first preach and taught the arabs. For years, he had to convince the arabs of a civilised path for humanity, rather than the brutality of mankind's basic instincts way of life existing then in those lands.

And often, he and his bands were often persecuted. But he persevered, and in time, his followers grew and became a force to be reckoned with. And yet, he did not seek to conquer other lands, but continued to bring civilisation to the arabs, to help them give up on their barbaric ways, not by force, but by reason.

Unfortunately, barbarians never ceased to persecute them. As such, in the face of hostilities, the muslims had to respond in the language that the uncouth and untutored barbarians understood - force and violence, but only when the muslims are attacked.

Those barbarians whom refused civilisation was executed, but those whom accept, were spared. Children of the book whom will willing to share the land and end hostilities against the muslims were spared. But the stubborn ones whom wish to continue to hurt and harm muslims were not spared.

It was such methods upon which Islam grew after the good prophet passed on. He left no heir, nor was divinely directed to, and as such there were both good and evil men that took leadership. Good ones became a beacon of light to humanity that showed the way to enlightenment, the evil ones believed themselves God on Earth and ruled muslim harshly.

Divine guides for civilisation never wrong, either for that particular situation and time, or for general usage throughout time. It is only the misinterpretations by men who think themselves gods, that corrupts divine teachings. It had happened before, and it will happen again.

No mortal man must be allowed to rule alone - is a lesson ALL mankind must learn from our civilisation. Perfection exist not in flawed mortals.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Craig Winn above asserts that he has 10,000 hours of study into Islam.

I expect that has you beat by a huge margin.

Jul 29th, 2006, in IM Posts, by David

A small percentage of Indonesian Muslims have carried out violence in the name of Islam and a large percentage say they are prepared to do so.

The Center for Islamic and Social Studies (PPIM), Pusat Pengajian Islam dan Masyarakat, carried out a survey on religion and violence in which was given the following results:

0.1% have helped forcibly close illegal churches;
14.7% were prepared to help forcibly close illegal churches;

1.3% have committed "intimidation" against those considered to be blasphemers of Islam;
18.1% support the murder of Muslims who converted to other faiths;

20% supported the Bali bombings;
40% were prepared to commit violence against those blaspheming Islam;

44% were prepared to wage jihad on threatening non-Muslims;
61% supported the waging of jihad on threatening non-Muslims;

The survey was conducted in March 2006 and was done with 1,200 Muslims in 30 of the country's 33 provinces. The results were given during a seminar called "Agama, Budaya Kekerasan dan Demokrasi", Religion, Culture of Violence, and Democracy at the State Islamic University in Jakarta.

Referring to the 0.1% figure PPIM researcher Jajat Burhanudin said:

The percentage looks very small but it is very high in its real figure when you note that 85 percent, or 200 million, of the country's 230 million population are Muslims.

This condition has helped terrorists easily recruit new comrades and makes the country a fertile ground for sectarian radicalism.

Interestingly, for its honesty and openness, he said that a simultaneous study on the reasons for the results found that Islamic teachings themselves, and what he called "Islamism", made the most significant contributions to violent behaviour, both in the domestic and public spheres.

The more Muslims give their support for certain Islamic teachings legitimizing the use of violence, the more violence will happen.

He noted that between 30 and 58% of respondents approved of amputation of the left hand for thieves and the stoning to death of rapists, as well as other tenets of sharia law, and opposed the election of non-Muslims for president. (see also Support for Sharia & Islamic Radicalism.)
Jul 29th, 2006, in IM Posts, by David

. . .

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

ETA: oh and I humbly admit to being wrong about the poll. After doing a bit of research it seems you only need to poll 1500 people to get a general consensus.

Congrats on your candor. It's plenty rare hereon from your side of the line.

In terms of your shop owner. I don't know that INDIVIDUAL.

Certainly I've known a number of kindly Muslims IN SOME CONTEXTS AROUND SOME ISSUES.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Maslo

I never claimed it was not cultural, in fact that is indeed my view. I was just disputing the "tiny minority of extremists" paradigm.

Which your poll does nothing for.

So what was the point again? I thought it was supposed to prove your point?

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Kafternin

How not? It clearly shows that in many muslim countries, the extremists are the majority or around half, not tiny minority.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:53 PM

edit on 9/1/12 by Maslo because: doublepost

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by LongbottomLeaf

that's right....

plus 3/5ths clause/compromise.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Islamic ‘Honor Violence’ Rising in the West

CBN News

BARCELONA, LONDON, and PARIS - As Muslims migrate to the West, and more Muslim young people adopt Western ways, honor violence is increasing.

Warning: this report contains some disturbing scenes that should not be viewed by children.

• A Canadian woman was strangled by her father because she refused to wear a headscarf.

• An Italian had her throat slit by her dad while she was held down by three uncles.

• An American woman was run over by her father in his Jeep Cherokee.

• Two sisters were shot by their father in a New York taxi.

They were all the victims of honor violence. They may have defied the wishes oftheir parents, or adopted Western ways, or tried to leave Islam.

They did something that, in the eyes of their families, brought shame and dishonor.

So they were killed. Many were tortured first.

Honor Killing on the Rise
. . .

. . . But one new report said 3,000 honor attacks were committed in Britain last year alone.

Norwegian activist Hege Storhaug left journalism to devote her life to helping the victims of honor violence after doing a story about a Norwegian girl who was forced to marry her cousin from Pakistan.

“I was astonished when she said, ‘My parents were willing to kill me if I didn’t enter this marriage, to protect their own honor,” Storhaug said.

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The Fear

Because (1) these potential killers are trained everywhere within Islam and evenly distributed throughout the greater Islamic population (ummah) and (2) because they cannot be easily identified, it means any devout believer anywhere could be the next killer. Every Muslim is aware of this potential threat (fear) from these most devout believers. As a result all Muslims suffer from the same fear that drives the system.

The violence and fear created by these devout believers has a profound effect on Islam. It is at the core of what Islam has become. The violence/fear cycle is responsible for all the irregularities of Islamic society. It is why Muslims seem so pious (fear of a negative response from the most devout believers). It is why Muslims don’t leave the faith and why they don’t integrate when they emigrate. (The killers are trained to kill anyone who leaves the faith). It is why moderate Muslims never speak up (the killers are trained to kill anyone who questions the faith). It is why Muslims from Morocco to the Philippines riot over a handful of cartoons or a simple comment from the Pope. (The killers’ riot and others go along in order to look pious.)

This violence/fear cycle leaves a deep psychic scar on Muslim society and is responsible for what Islam is. Understanding this violence/fear system is the ultimate key to understanding Islam. No attempts to deal with Islamic violence will ever succeed unless they address the cause of this violence/fear cycle.

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Islam - Terrorism, Inc. - Part II

This pattern is so obvious that it leads one to wonder what exactly is it that makes Muslims so viciously engaged in violent crimes against the rest of humanity. Why are all terrorist activities that target innocent Non-Muslim victims always abetted by Muslim terrorists? What is it that makes the Muslim mind so subject to criminality and the display of such violent tendencies right from his/her childhood days?

The answer lies in the systematic brainwashing that Muslims are subjected to since birth. The majority of the Non-Islamic world has deluded itself into believing that the principles of Islam are tolerant in nature. This misconception is heightened when people think that the fault lies with only a handful of misguided Muslims who are not adhering to Islamic principles and hence indulge in terrorism. It is time for the entire world to realise that Islam by its very nature and through its essential principles openly supports, encourages and propogates Terrorism of the worst kind. Therefore the Islamic terrorist is in fact the most devout Muslim, because he is following exactly what Islam teaches through the Divine Koran. It is this very Koran which is considered by Muslims to be the holy word of their Allah himself. The Koran functions as the central terrorist manual that urges them to slaughter, rape, torture,pillage, mutilate and molest all Non-Muslims.

The Muslim is exhorted by their GOD to kill, mutilate, molest, rape and steal. This repetitive conditioning of the mind is performed by indoctrinating the Koranic Surahs in every Muslim child at Madarsas (Islamic schools). . . .
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posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

. . .
Imagine being forced to watch the most violent scenes imaginable, day in and day out throughout your childhood and then being told by your elders that all that violence is Allah's will. Imagine being told that to be a good Muslim, you MUST commit the same violent and heinous actions as the barbaric Prophet Mohammed or else be prepared to be damned and go to hell for not performing your religious duty. Is it any wonder that in every corner of the world, terrorism is synonomous with Islam ? Any Muslim child or adult who dares to question the criminal and violent nature of the acts sanctioned by Allah and perpetrated by Mohammed, is threatened with the direst consequences. Any Muslim daring to question the authority of the Koran is immediately silenced by force. Therefore it is hardly surprising that all Muslims grow up to become direct or indirect supporters of Terrorism and Violent Crime against Non-Muslims (And many times against other Muslims as well). Intolerance, Hatred, Violence, Fundamentalism, Fascism and Ignorance are inculcated into every Muslim's child's head before he can even pronounce the alphabet.

To get an idea of what kind of conditioning the Muslim mind undergoes, one need only open the Koran. Every chapter is brimming over with hatred, ruthlessness, cruelty and the sort of invective that would make the Ku Klux Klan shake in their shoes. Since the verses espousing violence in the Koran are so numerous, I can only quote a few of the most horrifying ones at a time. The exceptionally cruel, sadistic and violent nature of Mohammed's motivations and Allah's inspirations spill out through every Verse in the Koran. I will let the words speak for themselves:

Koran 17:16-17
When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet transgress; so that Allah's word is proved true against them: then we destroy them utterly. How many generations have we destroyed after Noah? And enough is thy Lord to note and see the Sins of his servants

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The central question is: What is wrong with the Islamic world, and how will it reform?

The basic problem is very clear. It is that millions of people in the Islamic world do not believe in free speech, freedom of religion, democracy, a secular state, free enterprise and human rights. Millions of Muslims also have a hatred for Israel and America that has no rational basis.

Who is our enemy?, by Steven Den Beste, has a hard time defining who exactly is the west's enemy, but correctly points out it is not just a small group of terrorists. Much of the Islamic world - and almost all of the Arab Islamic world - must change.
"This war will continue until the traditional crippled Arab culture is shattered. It won't end until they embrace reform or have it forced on them. Until a year ago, we were willing to be patient and let them embrace it slowly. Now we have no choice: we have to force them to reform because we cannot be safe until they do."
"what we have to do is to take the 14th century culture of our enemies and bring it into the 17th century. Once we've done that, then we can work on bringing them into the 21st century ... But they've got to accept their own failure, personally and nationally and culturally. That is the essential first step. They've got to accept that the cause of their failure is their own culture ... And they've got to accept that the only way to succeed is to change. That will be a difficult fight, and it's going to take decades. Along the way it's going to be necessary to remove many governments which come to power and yet again try to embrace the past"
The war will last decades: "This war will end when they change, but not before."

We (the west) don't want to do this. We would far prefer to let them stay in their own failed societies. Who on earth would volunteer for the job of reforming the Middle East? What a pain that after finally winning the Cold War, and entering what we hoped was a new era of peace and prosperity, the west now has to sign up for this endless exhausting job.
We don't want to do this. We (the west) have to do this. Because they threaten us. Because they will destroy one of our cities with nuclear weapons as soon as they get a chance. So we have to reform them. They have forced us to.

. . .


posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by Kafternin

How not? It clearly shows that in many muslim countries, the extremists are the majority or around half, not tiny minority.

No, it actually does not.
What part of my last post did you not understand exactly?
It completely eradicates your point.
Perhaps that is why you keep saying it IS a Muslim thing but 'hey, not a religious thing.'

Please respond to my last post then and explain what I got wrong.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

His own figures (the one you quoted clearly show that it isn't a majority that's extremist

61% supported the waging of jihad on threatening non-Muslims

Notice the "threatening"? I'm surprised the percentage isn't higher, and it clearly shows that his way of asking questions is laughable. If I ask you if you'd defend yourself against a THREATENING *insert random group of people*, you'd be a fool to say "no"

In short, it's all about how you ask the questions...and judging from the post you quoted, he's incredibly misleading when asking his "polling questions"

Not only do the figures you posted prove the EXACT OPPOSITE of the point you're trying to make, the links you post are also mostly laughable blog posts on sites where everyone and his dog can voice their OPINION ( Hell, they even base most of their "analysis" on random Koran quotes. I have already explained why that's retarded. It's akin to taking all those horrible racist, genocidal, and slavery-supporting quotes in the bible and claiming "that's what Christians totally believe"

edit on 9-1-2012 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL


Johann Hari on opinion polls after liberation: "So what we now know is that on the day of the anti-war rally, with all the caveats ... a majority of Iraqis were saying: "Better this invasion than what we faced otherwise." They would not have been marching with you. They would have been marching for the invasion."

July 2003
Post-liberation, the majority of Iraqis in Iraq support the war! (also here and here and here)

Sept 2003
What Iraqis Really Think, September 10, 2003 (also here)
The majority oppose an Islamic state.
When asked what country they would want Iraq to be like - Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt or the US - the US was the no.1 answer.
The majority want to punish the Baath Party rather than forgive their crimes.
The majority want America to stay longer.

The gulf between Iraqis and their appalling Arab neighbours who supported the tyrant:
What Iraqis think of their fellow Arabs - "The grim reality, particularly hard to hear for all those Arabs that felt they were supporting their Iraqi brethren when demonstrating to stop the war, is that most people here don't want anything to do with them. ... In contrast, the US spilled the blood of its own people to liberate them from Saddam's tyranny."
Arab Fighters Say Iraqis Sold Them Out to U.S. - A loony Islamofascist foreign volunteer finds out what Iraqis really think of people like him. "Ahmed Abdel Razzaq went to Iraq to fight the Americans and die a martyr. He ended up in a U.S. prison camp after the Iraqis he went to defend captured and sold him for $100."

Mar 2004
The majority who expressed an opinion supported the US invasion.
The majority think things are better now than before the war.
The majority oppose an Islamic state.
80 percent oppose the fascist "resistance".
The majority want America to stay longer.
Who knows better: the Iraqi people or Spain's new PM? - discussion of the above survey by Janet Daley. Why does the ignorant socialist government of Spain listen to Al Qaeda on Iraq, instead of to the Iraqi people? Why do they do Al Qaeda's bidding on Iraq, instead of the bidding of the people of Iraq?

May 2004
84 percent of Iraqis say Saddam is guilty of murdering their countrymen.
83 percent say he was a torturer.
61 percent say he deserves the death penalty.

June 2004
76 per cent of Iraqis feel freer to express their political views in public today than under Saddam.
More than 80 per cent feel freer to exercise their religious beliefs.
76 per cent do not believe their lives were made worse by the Coalition.
85 per cent feel safer with CPA in place.

. . .


. . .

Opinion Polls in Afghanistan
Opinion Polls in the Islamic world

Opinion survey, 2004 - 65 percent approve of the US. 13 percent approve of the Taliban. This would make Afghans far more pro-US than Europeans. As Tony Allwright notes, "I don't think any other country would give a 65% approval rating to America, probably not even Americans."

Opinion survey, Jan 2006
81 percent of Afghans said al-Qaeda is having a negative influence in the world.
90 percent have an unfavorable view of Osama bin Laden.
88 percent have an unfavorable view of the Taliban.
82 percent of Afghans supported the American war on Afghanistan.
As Richard Waghorne points out: "The liberation of Afghanistan - surely one of the most just wars in history - was opposed by something like 40 percent of Irish people."

83 percent of Afghans have a favourable view of the U.S. military.
79 percent approve of the U.S. military "conducting operations to capture or kill al-Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan."
81 percent have a favorable view of the US.
82 percent approve of women in Parliament.
83 percent said their country is heading in the right direction.
66 percent of Afghans believe Pakistan is still supporting the Taliban and allowing it to operate.
63 percent of Afghans have an unfavorable view of Pakistan.

Poll, Dec 2006:
75 percent of Afghans believe their quality of life has improved since the fall of the Taliban.
70 per cent say they are "grateful" rather than "unhappy" with the presence of Nato troops in the country.
Just 5 per cent expressed support for Taliban fighters.
Just 11 per cent expressed support for jihadi fighters from other countries.

Poll, Feb 2009
Only 4 percent of Afghans want the Taliban back!
69 percent approve of the US invasion.
63 percent support the continued presence of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan.
64 percent say attacks on U.S. military forces cannot be justified.
79 percent have the worst ("very unfavourable") view of the Taliban.
82 percent have the worst ("very unfavourable") view of Bin Laden.


posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

The websites you are copying from clearly have an agenda. I put it to you that for every story you post there are also ones like this:

A random Muslim guy jumped in and helped a Jewish guy on Hanukkah - that's a miracle," said Adler, an honors student at Hunter College

Hundreds of mourners paid their last respects to Lance Corporal Jabron Hashmi, the first British Muslim soldier to be killed in Afghanistan.

These are but a few of hundreds of examples.


posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL


Optimism - Few western Muslims support terrorist violence.
The opinion polls above are a lot better than polls in the Islamic countries. Probably 80-90 percent of Muslims in the west we can live happily with. Only 10-20 percent are a problem.
Survey, July 2006 also shows that a fantastic 56 percent of British Muslims think the UK government is not doing enough to fight Islamist extremism.

Pessimism - They want to end our liberties peacefully.
40 percent of Muslims want sharia law in UK.
That is, 40 percent of British Muslims want to end our western liberties. They just want to do it peacefully. If ever they are in the majority, they will end British freedom.
The poll shows 41 percent of British Muslims don't want sharia law. And of course they may win the argument, as, over time, British Muslims finally come to understand and appreciate what a free society is.
Still, 40 percent in favour is an appalling number. It is a strong argument for restricting Islamic immigration until current Muslims integrate better. Certainly, no one who believes in sharia law should be allowed into the West.

Poll shows Muslims in Britain are the most anti-western in Europe - Pew Survey, 2006
Only 17% of British Muslims believe that Arabs carried out 9/11.

The young are worse than the old:
Poll of British Muslims, Jan 2007 (and here)
37 percent of young British Muslims want Sharia law in Britain.
36 percent of young British Muslims think apostates should be killed.
13 percent of young British Muslims said they "admired" Al Qaeda.
The stats for older British Muslims are much better. Maybe the young will ditch their fascist views as they grow up. Or maybe, disturbingly, the young show what the British Muslims of the future will look like.
The fantastic young Muslim woman Munira Mirza (British-born daughter of Pakistani immigrants) discusses the report, and, brilliantly, declines to blame it all on "Iraq" or "Israel" or some other mythical root cause. Instead, she blames it on multiculturalism, and the patronising left-liberal habit of treating immigrants as members of groups and tribes, rather than as individuals and freethinking citizens. This has helped alienate young British Muslims from British society, and forced them to look for an alternative identity.
Brilliantly, she points out that the alternative to multiculturalism, that is, a proposed unifying culture of Britain, does not have to be an exclusivist, ethnic, monocultural Anglo-Saxon tribalism, nor does it have to be just a bland, valueless, greedy consumer society. Rather the unifying culture of Britain should be the universal values of the western Enlightenment. This is what every British immigrant can and should sign up to.
Munira Mirza really speaks my language. I, and people like me, understand the values to promote to get immigrants to integrate into the West. The liberal left don't. Their values will lead to tribalism, alienation, bigotry, racism, ethnic conflict, and in the long-term possibly even civil war.

Survey of Muslim students in Britain, July 2008
40 percent support the introduction of sharia for British Muslims.
33 percent support a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on sharia.

. . .


First ever poll of Irish Muslims, Dec 2006, shows that Shaheed Satardien was right. Like in Britain, there is a minority of Irish Muslims who are extremists:
The majority (59 percent) of Irish Muslims disagree that "people in Ireland should be free to say whatever they want, even if it offends other people's religious beliefs". Though 35 percent agree.
37 percent of Irish Muslims would like Ireland to be governed as an Islamic state. Though 50 percent said they would not.
The majority (57 percent) of young Irish Muslims (under 26) believe Ireland should become an Islamic State.
36 percent of Irish Muslims said they "respect" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
15 percent said they "respect" Osama Bin Laden.
11 percent said they "respect" Mullah Omar.


The study found 40 percent of the Moroccan youth in the Netherlands reject western values and democracy. Six to seven percent are prepared to use force to defend Islam.

The majority are opposed to freedom of speech for offensive statements, particularly criticism of Islam. Buijs is the first director of CRES, which will provide information to people who come into contact with radicalism as part of their work.


posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

So you are telling me that the majority of the afgan people prefer to live without the (extremist) Taliban. In essence the total opposite of the point your trying to make.

edit on 9-1-2012 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:22 PM
Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious to watch someone claim the majority of Muslims are evil, and then read his links and quotes where all the figures clearly prove that it is NOT a majority that's extremist. It's really quite remarkable. There's a guy who's preconceived notions are so ingrained that he can post "proof" that proves the exact opposite of his point...just to then claim it proves his point. I'm baffled

Also, according to Gallup's latest poll (2011), 92% of Muslims in the US condemn violence (LINK). But hey, who cares about facts, right?

Funny enough, Muslims are also least likely to condone military violence against civilians...only Mormons also disagree with military violence on civilians. Every other group has at least twice as many people condoning such violence.
edit on 9-1-2012 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Those polls about Muslims wanting sharia law are wrong, current polls have Muslims who prefer to live under British law at 59% against the 28% of Muslims who want to live under sharia.


posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

The study found 40 percent of the Moroccan youth in the Netherlands reject western values and democracy. Six to seven percent are prepared to use force to defend Islam.

The majority are opposed to freedom of speech for offensive statements, particularly criticism of Islam. Buijs is the first director of CRES, which will provide information to people who come into contact with radicalism as part of their work.

You really need to stop post these link, I don't think your even reading them. In the above passage notice the word 'defend'. Sounds like self defence to me.

And the oppose freedom of speech for offensive comments point is moot. Most people are against any form of offensiveness.


posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL


Among Muslims born in this country, 32% see at least a fair amount of support for extremism, while 25% say there is no support. Among Muslims born outside the U.S., just 15% say there is a great deal or fair amount of support for extremism, while 40% say there is no support at all.


Religious, But Not Dogmatic

Large majorities of Muslim Americans accept the basic teachings of Islam. Among American Muslims, 96% believe in God, 96% believe in the Prophet Muhammad, 92% believe in a future Day of Judgment and 90% believe in angels, all of which are traditional Islamic beliefs.

While there is widespread agreement on these core tenets of Islam, most U.S. Muslims (57%) also say there is more than one true way to interpret the teachings of Islam; far fewer (37%) say there is only one true interpretation of Islam.

Compared with the U.S. population as a whole, more Muslims say there is only one true way to interpret their faith; among all Americans affiliated with a religion, 27% say there is just one true way to interpret their own faith.

What the World Thinks in 2002 - survey, December 4, 2002
The majority of Lebanese support suicide bombing.
The majority of Nigerians who expressed an opinion support suicide bombing.
The majority of Bangladeshis who expressed an opinion support suicide bombing.
47 percent of Jordanians who expressed an opinion support suicide bombing.
43 percent of Pakistanis who expressed an opinion support suicide bombing.
A Year After Iraq War - survey, March 16, 2004
The majority in Jordan support suicide bombing of Jews.
The majority in Morocco support suicide bombing of Jews.
The majority who expressed an opinion in Pakistan support suicide bombing of Jews.


The survey, conducted from 2001 to March 2006, found 43.5 percent of respondents were ready to wage war on threatening non-Muslim groups, 40 percent would use violence against those blaspheming Islam and 14.7 percent would tear down churches without official permits.

“This condition has helped terrorists easily recruit new comrades and makes the country a fertile ground for sectarian radicalism,” Jajat said.

He added that a simultaneous study on the reasons for the results found Islamic teaching and Islamism made the most significant contributions to violent behavior, both in the domestic and public spheres.

“The more Muslims give their support for certain Islamic teachings legitimizing the use of violence, the more violence will happen.”

He noted that between 30 percent and 58 percent approved of amputation of the left hand for thieves and the stoning to death of rapists, as well as other tenets of sharia law, and opposed the election of non-Muslims for president.
. . .


Pew Survey of Muslim countries, July 2007. Clear drop in support for Al Qaeda and suicide bombing. The Bin Laden revolution may never happen. The jihadis may be dying for nothing. Muslim societies continue, it is true, to have large numbers of supporters of Islamic terror. But the civilized Muslims may be slowly winning the argument.
Back in 2002:
74 percent of Lebanese supported suicide bombing of civilians.
47 percent of Nigerians supported suicide bombing of civilians.
44 percent in Bangladesh supported suicide bombing of civilians.
43 percent of Jordanians supported suicide bombing of civilians.
33 percent of Pakistanis supported suicide bombing of civilians.
Now in 2007:
42 percent of Nigerians support suicide bombing of civilians.
34 percent of Lebanese support suicide bombing of civilians.
23 percent of Jordanians support suicide bombing of civilians.
20 percent in Bangladesh support suicide bombing of civilians.
9 percent of Pakistanis support suicide bombing of civilians.
8 percent of Egyptians support suicide bombing of civilians.
Back in 2003:
72 percent of Palestinians supported Bin Laden.
59 percent of Indonesians supported Bin Laden.
56 percent of Jordanians supported Bin Laden.
46 percent of Pakistanis supported Bin Laden.
20 percent of Lebanese supported Bin Laden.
Now in 2007:
57 percent of Palestinians support Bin Laden.
41 percent of Indonesians support Bin Laden.
38 percent of Pakistanis support Bin Laden.
20 percent of Jordanians support Bin Laden.
1 percent of Lebanese support Bin Laden.
. . .
Survey of Muslim world, Sept 2009

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