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U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted

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posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by TheOneEyedProphet

Afghanistan will never be a done deal. It never has been. Maybe, ever.

Afghanistan is a thorn in the side of every neighbouring nation and has been since hominids began living there. Only in the modern era, technology makes everyone your neighbour.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Aeons

It will be whenever foreign interests loose interest.
It will be when all that is left of the region is a nuclear wasteland
It will whenever its enemies wipe it out or get wiped.

the same thing you mention can be said of other countries and/or nations of the northern western hemisphere.
It depends on who is pointing fingers, and what motivations they have.

Magical WMD´s anyone?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by GovtFlu

You're making accusation that have no basis in reality. That's your problem. If you want to complain about liars then complain about yourself! Real people will act where you do not.

In the real world we have to make choices: and quick. We do not have the benefit of time.

We cannot afford to wait and see if maybe we were just wrong. When Iran gets access to a nuclear weapon, if they don't already have it, there's too much of a risk that they will USE it.

This is how national security works. It's not a game. There's no redo button.
edit on 11-10-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

No basis in your reality.. the Gulf of Tonkin, like 9/11 and the Reich stag fire were inflated lies spun into war.

Spare me the dramatic "terrorism is real" propaganda screed.. sounds like a govt pamphlet. I grew up during the fake red menace hysteria where a gaggle of liars had all us 5th graders convinced some commie wanted to kill our mommy... all contrived fear fear fear hate hate hate tools of control.

History lessons, free of charge: Google video: edward bernays 20th century of the self, Naomi Wolf End of America and The Roman Empire rules today. Far from factual perfection, but lots of history thats repeating..

This low budget sounding "plot" is nothing but the same old stale propaganda technique , different foe & justifications.. every generation gets duped into supporting / fighting wars.. fearing super scary strangers for no tangible reason.. and you have obviously bought into it like millions of others before you. Way to be an original thinker.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Aim64C
yea and they spent $1.5 million on the failed attack, abc news said so will look for link later, now they spent that, how soon will be the next 0one and at what $$$$? and then they plan on sending ships here off the coast????? Where is the money coming from??? ha ha found the story from the link

JANE COWAN: US authorities allege two Iranians, one also a naturalised US citizen, planned to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the US on American soil.
They describe it as a murder for hire scheme, involving a plan to pay the assassin $1.5 million to carry out the killing.
So is there a direct link of the money ? Say from Iran to the alleged assassin? Or is it just guess work???

edit on 12-10-2011 by bekod because: added link

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Jordan River
Iran doesn't have the money to do such an operation.

Obviously you've never heard of extremists or religious nut jobs. You dont think Iran has the money to blow some hings up? Since when did you really ever need much money to blow some things up? Get me a gas canister i can throw and a pistol with one bullet. I'm sure it'll blow up when i shoot the bullet at it? Have you learn nothing from all the Hollywood movies and video games of the last 20 years?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:05 AM
rot roe cheerios, the plot thickens from the link

Washington (CNN) -- The United States will be looking for nations around the world to get tougher on Iran in the wake of the alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States, a senior State Department official said Tuesday.
we do want war it seems.

The official said that although Iran is under multiple sanctions, many countries are not enforcing the restrictions, and sometimes if they have problems with Iran, they don't speak out publicly.
If they do speak out, Iran will cut off there oil. Got to say , nothing like hitting a hornets with a short stick.

Asked what actions the United States would take next, the official said, "We are continuing to look for additional ways to apply financial sanctions on Iran. We are very much in the business of increasing pressure on Iran through sanctions so Iran understands they have a clear choice to be made between coming to the table seriously (and) meaningfully, and facing further isolation and sanction.

"We're continuing on that course."
In other words, lets get it on, you said you would hit us, well we will push you till you do.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by DaRAGE

Originally posted by Jordan River
Iran doesn't have the money to do such an operation.

Obviously you've never heard of extremists or religious nut jobs. You dont think Iran has the money to blow some hings up? Since when did you really ever need much money to blow some things up? Get me a gas canister i can throw and a pistol with one bullet. I'm sure it'll blow up when i shoot the bullet at it? Have you learn nothing from all the Hollywood movies and video games of the last 20 years?

It would take Iran more than a millenium to even approach the number things the U.S. has blown up.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by DaRAGE

Originally posted by Jordan River
Iran doesn't have the money to do such an operation.

Obviously you've never heard of extremists or religious nut jobs. You dont think Iran has the money to blow some hings up? Since when did you really ever need much money to blow some things up? Get me a gas canister i can throw and a pistol with one bullet. I'm sure it'll blow up when i shoot the bullet at it? Have you learn nothing from all the Hollywood movies and video games of the last 20 years?

If you want to put it that way, then why is the US attempting to place sanctions on iran?

One mans actions cannot be defined as an act of their country of residence. This is effectively saying... if a polish serial killer murders someone in the united states, would the US place sanctions on the whole of poland for his act? No they would not.

Look at Afghanistan, Iraq, and every other country that has been DEMOLISHED because of sanctions put in place by america. It leads to death, and war. Most of which is innocent lives that are lost. Why is it okay for one nation to wreak havoc and destruction to bystanders and their families, yet when someone ALLEGEDLY attempts to assasinate the saudi embassador in the US, its worth sanctioning the whole of the "plotters" country?

If thats fine. Then tell me, why can the US be attacked by 2 passenger jets killing lots of innocent people, which were allegedy piloted by saudi nationals AND then they invade Iraq, Afghanistan, IRAN?. Why has saudi arabia not been sanctioned for their participation in the 9/11 attacks?

You can't persecute a whole community or nation, because the actions of one human being.

Iraq, Afghanistan, were excuses for oil. Iran has lots of oil. See where this is going? The lies begin...

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:15 AM
When is Iran going to understand that the NSA knows everything they plot and has broken all there government codes.

The story of the informant is a cover story so that Iran does not pick up on the NSA knowing what they have planned before they can ever put it into action,

The NSA SIGINT and COMINT units have been intercepting all Iran's encrypted message traffic for years and use it to bait Iran into actions that lead to these arrests.

When they get a good bust like this they can never release that it was from NSA intercepts so they come up with the story of undercover Informants.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:32 AM
It is now becoming embarrassing how blatant their attempts are to fool the public. I hope people are cringing at this new attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the public. Shame on the people responsible for perpetuating this rubbish propaganda and even more shame on the people that continue to believe this crap.

edit on 12-10-2011 by XplanetX because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:36 AM
Why does it seem to me that as most have said is that this is a ploy by The SCUM in order to regain control over the people for which whatever ground they've gained recently has all been lost and needs a makeup plan quick or else the entire house of card falls and collapses.

That is what I think this is and am more then probably is the case for which it would not surprise me at this point in time. This falls they still have the nuclear option for which they won't dare do stateside.

Have y'all noticed that there haven't been any big mergers as of late and that no increase in jobs or really much of anything? Things are just to easy for something to occur that causes shockwaves. To distract from the #OWS protests that are currently going and somehow blame it on The #OWS group as a response for it's Agent Provocateurs failure to disrupt the protests? - Something to consider!

I firmly back the decree of "One mans actions cannot be defined as an act of their country of residence." as brought to attention by ID : InsideYourMind .Cover story that's believable enough that the vast number of meshbrains will fall for it without question.

edit on 12-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by InsideYourMind

One mans actions cannot be defined as an act of their country of residence. This is effectively saying... if a polish serial killer murders someone in the united states, would the US place sanctions on the whole of poland for his act? No they would not.

Very good point. The man in custody is a US citizen. Time for the US to have a bunch of sanctions slapped on I guess. Maybe US shouldn't pay Mexican drug cartel killers for hire, That might be a good start. Just how many Mexican citizens has this DEA "informant" (the guy who dropped the dime on suspect) killed in the last couple of years?.

edit on 12-10-2011 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:49 AM
Have to love how they set up this false flag hey? Serious problems are going to occur now and if they harp on about Iran Ron Paul is going to look like an idiot trying to tell them they are no danger. This will mealy be the reason for it if this goes further Ron Paul has lost if the blind can't see what is about to happen. These bastards are smart and this is how they will do it without firing a bullet so he is fore ever looked at as a nut case. Sad days ahead

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Jordan River
Iran doesn't have the money to do such an operation.

num 1 topic priority:
get people power and Nuke plants running!

why spoil that with a terror plot?

What does money have to do with it? Did the Oklahoma city bomber have lots of money? No not really. How about those kids that shot up Columbine.No...Not really.

It's a scary thing but it does not cost that much money to do a lot of damage...

At least the plot was stopped. Assuming the US is not full of hot air and trying to make us think they are doing a good job.... Distraction from OWS?

I doubt it... The media barely even acknowledges it... But for those who think this is some sort of false flag or what have you... We are not going to war with Iran any time soon.

edit on 12-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by GovtFlu

You're making accusation that have no basis in reality. That's your problem. If you want to complain about liars then complain about yourself! Real people will act where you do not.

In the real world we have to make choices: and quick. We do not have the benefit of time.

We cannot afford to wait and see if maybe we were just wrong. When Iran gets access to a nuclear weapon, if they don't already have it, there's too much of a risk that they will USE it.

This is how national security works. It's not a game. There's no redo button.

Are you kidding? Have you learnt absolutely nothing from the past?
You are willing to set the world on fire based on unverified allegations???

Is this BS really still working on the general public in the US?
I have to know if its really that easy to rally US Americans behind another war.

If so, then you are the perfect orwellian Citizen.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:23 AM
Well, this report from the Australian media seems to be starting the backtracking. Apparently a US ex intel analyst - Middle Eastern CIA case officer - doesn't believe the allegations. He thinks the Iranians are smarter than that, and that the whole operation doesn't fit their MO. He also believes that the US needs to be very careful about their position, or risk an "uncontrollable war"

Aussie news report

I did a quick scan and couldn't find another news report to back this one up. Maybe the war drums are beating too loudly, or just maybe this story is being floated to see how easily they can backtrack from the initial position.

Just noted in the story - the seed has been planted that "maybe there's a rogue element in Iran". Yep - backtracking has started.
edit on 12-10-2011 by tangotemper because: add to post

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by vkturbo
,I think the reason this is happen it's because the resolution against Syria didn't pass because veto of Russia and China ,so they get sanctions against Iran especially on arms deal with the help of US allies,and after you proof Iran is a terrorist treat they will pass a resolution against Syria ,because Syria is the key here,to get knock down it's only ally Iran and give no road to China and Russia on a future vote at the UN>I am afraid of what will come,because I always have prophetic dreams 2 days before they happen ,and you can see this in dreams section on ATS,but watch Ron Paul for the next days!!!

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:45 AM
A shovel load of the stinky stuff, plain and simple!

This BS is not unlike a cheating spouse who will never admit the truth. The other spouse may know, but they will most likely accept the lies because they do not want to tear down their well being. They will want to defend their marriage, family etc… This can however result in a seeded mistrust, obsessive jealousy, decreased self worth, overly controlling behavior etc... that in the end will destroy the marriage.

Truth is the only thing that will save the marriage, as it is the only path back to a mutual trust.

If you have ever been to marriage counseling this is why you hear them say honesty, honesty, honesty over and over again.

If you have ever heard someone say "never admit it even if you feel bad". This is the worst advise you can take and I would imagine these people have never been in a relationship of more than a few years, or if they have I would bet the farm, that it is a very troubled one.

Truth and honesty are at the heart of all great unions, not mistrust and deceit.

Just think of the mistrust we are seeding in our children. Consider that schools teach one thing, but parents and other sources say something different. A child is forced to make a choice, and in turn will have a seeded mistrust of the Government or his Peers. It is very black and white! This has become a clear line in the sand, and yet we allow the few to go unpunished and in turn plant the seeds of our own destruction.

Like Whitney Houston said the "Children are the future".

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by concernedcitizen519

9-11 was most likely backed and funded by the US the whole way then the "terrorists" outsmarted them in the end and got a mission complete. With this situation and about every other situation its probably some dude chatting on an I Hate America/Americans site then a couple agents see the opportunity to get a promotion and supply the guys with everything they needed to look like they could complete the job then stand up and announce they are feds and bust them like on the movie BLOW

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by princeofpeace

Alright -- you heard the man: This party is officially over. The government pinky swears that this scenario isn't a prelude to war. Everyone back in the pool!

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