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Tarot or I Ching Readings to Those Interested

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by CelestialSon
Is Australia the best place for me to work in the future?

many thanks!

Since you said you wanted a general reading, I'll give you one instead.
How about a Horoscope spread? There are 12 cards, so it's kind of intensive, but I think it will give you a good overall image of what's going on in your life.

1. Aries – Self. Queen of Pentacles Reversed.

I suppose you're being a little selfish right now. Perhaps you feel like you've been greatly wronged, so it's caused you to think only of yourself. I think it's time to take a step back and contemplate why you are being so greedy.

2. Taurus – Resources and Money. The Hierophant

It seems you handle your money very seriously. I take it you probably keep a balance of all of your spendings. It might also mean that you don't spend your money on crazy, frivolous things, but only on basic essentials.

3. Gemini – Communication. Knight of Cups Reversed.

It doesn't seem you're willing to communicate your emotions. When it comes to expressing the more fragile part of your self, you withdraw, perhaps you like to change the subject, or you choose to just not want to talk about anything deeper. Your inability to communicate your feelings represents your own inability to accept these feelings. However, you need to realize that these feelings are a part of you and you need to accept them.

4. Cancer – Home. The Moon Reversed.
It doesn’t seem like your home is a very peaceful environment. One might even describe it as hostile. If you have roommates, I imagine that they are very bad influences that promote negativity and disharmony in your life. If you live alone, I imagine that your home is in a state of disarray, perhaps as a representation of your inner self. If I were you I would remove myself from this environment as quickly as possible. Your home should promote harmony in your life, not chaos.

5. Leo – Pleasure, romance, creativity. The Devil.

The devil card seems to be emphasizing the pleasure component in your life. More than likely, you’re so caught up in doing that in your life that is giving you the most pleasure, as opposed to doing that in which is actually good. Seriously reflect all these things that you see as pleasure, and look and see that it’s not really giving you happiness. It’s like you’re mesmerized to the point of not being able to see the truth. Whatever you’re “intoxicated” by, you better be careful because if you keep headed down this path, it’s likely you’ll run into misery.

6. Virgo – Health and Work. Five of Cups

It doesn't seem your health is at its peak. It seems you are often emotionally devastated, which negatively affects your physical health. It seems you dwell too much on the negative aspects of your life, and you can't move on. It will really benefit you to let go of that pain, and find ways to improve your life. By doing this, you'll find improvements in your physical well-being.

7. Libra – Partnerships. The Three of Wands Reversed.

It doesn’t seem like partnerships are working out. More than likely, it seems you’re going to have to depend on yourself. This is probably upsetting for you, and perhaps you feel lonely because of it. More than likely it has to do with your selfish behavior.

8. Scorpio – Sex, death, money. Ten of Pentacles

Pentacles tend to mean money, so it seems your life is full of money. You’re very well off, but Ten of Pentacles also represent family. So more than likely, your money comes from family, as opposed to money you’ve earned yourself. Inheritance from a family member’s death could also be possible.

9. Sagittarius – Far horizons. Nine of Wands Reversed

It seems that you will feel very run-down in your future. It will be like you are depleted of energy, and all you feel you can do is just wait for things to turn around. But you’ll be waiting for something outside yourself to change and fix things. I have a very good feeling that it is something inside yourself that you have to change. It’s all about attitude, and if you change your attitude for the better, this future can be avoided.

10. Capricorn – Career. The Lovers

It seems you’ve found a career you really love. The career you’ve chosen really resonates with you, and I sense it gives you a lot of happiness. Take gladness in the fact that you’ve chosen well, and this path is really right for you.

11. Aquarius – Friends. Three of Cups Reversed

I had a feeling that a card like this would appear under Friends. It seems your friends aren’t the best of influences on you. It seems like you spend a lot of time partying, but so much time partying that you don’t actually spend time helping each other out with what is most important. Think of this, if all you guys do is have fun, what if someone is going through a tough time? Perhaps your friends think that one can solve this by drinking in order to forget about the harder aspects of life. But this doesn’t actually solve anyone’s problems. What needs to be done is to talk about things that are important in your lives. Partying can be awesome, but not to the point that it is harmful as opposed to helpful.

12. Pisces – What is hidden. Five of Swords

This is what is deeply imbedded in you, but you are refusing to face. The fact of the matter is that you’re not happy. There are things that you can’t deal with, and it’s hard to cope. Perhaps you hate yourself or despise yourself. Perhaps you’ve thought of suicide. But you have to be strong. You have to face the tougher battles, and the battles have little to do with the outside, it’s to be done all inside. You need to learn to forgive yourself. You need to learn to love yourself. You need to want to turn your life around, and do what is right.

It seems like there are a lot of improvements that can be made in your life. Your job is great, but it seems you can be selfish. It also seems your friends aren’t really there to help you improve yourself, but they’re more there to tempt you to avoid facing the harsh reality, the lonely feelings you feel sometimes. The helpless feelings. These are things you need to work on, and they all stem from you not liking yourself. Don’t worry though. You can improve. It’s not easy, but it will get better. You just have to have faith. So please trust me on this one.

edit on 11/7/2011 by Xaberz because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/7/2011 by Xaberz because: fixed errors and mistakes

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:12 PM
Thank you for offering to do readings. If I may, I'd like a I-Ching reading? My question would be this: I had a major synchronicity experience in my life and was wondering what insight into the situation the reading may have for me? Thanks again.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:15 PM
Just so everyone knows,

I'm not doing any readings past page 11 at this time.

It's taken me a month to get to page 9! haha.

So if I were to take everyone else's it would be like

3 months to get to you, which is silly.

I will probably take more readings later,

but just not at this time,

so don't feel a need to ask questions,

because I won't get to them.


edit on 11/7/2011 by Xaberz because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/7/2011 by Xaberz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Xaberz

Thank you very much for this - I've copied the text and saved it in a file for safe keeping til next year
. Will be fun to take a read it in 12 months.

Anyway, thanks for spending time on me and have a nice day.


posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Chaoic_Black_Dragon
Hello Xavier,

It is truly my pleasure greeting you here. I am very curious about your answers to my questions that I have been wondering about. I have so much of interesting thing that have happened to my life and I have been going through so much of changes in my life at the same time. I would like a general reading from you about me and my life, especially my incoming great life journey. I am not expecting straight answers, but instead, I am interested to hear your answers to my question since you have sincere intention to answer anyone's questions.

Chaoic out...
edit on 5-10-2011 by Chaoic_Black_Dragon because: Corrected some of my English mistakes.

I'm going to do a little different spread then I usually do. I'm going to draw 9 cards, and put them in a 3x3 square. as it will give a very broad/wide reading of what your questions are dealing with.

Knight of Wands........Queen of Wands........King of Wands
Nine of Wands................Strength............Knight of Swords
Three of Swords..........Four of Swords.........Five of Swords

Okay, so this is a very unusual reading. Everything is in such a particular order, knight queen king. All wands and swords. Strength in the center, and then three four and five.

Okay, so the Knight of Wands represents you. He is fair skin with blonde hair. He is adventurous. He can sometimes be reckless. He is proud of his achievements. He is an admirable young person. He wants to do something with his life, and is willing to do what is necessary to achieve it.

Because you are the Knight, the one who is next to you is your mother, the Queen of Wands. I take it you are closer to your mother than your father. She is oftentimes there for you, but perhaps you haven't been as close as of late. The reason being is that the Knight of Wands faces left, but the Queen of Wands faces forward with her head leaned to the right. It's kind of like you're going off in your own direction, but you know she is there when you need her. The King of Wands is farther away, so that's why I said you are probably closer to your mother than your father. But it is important to know that your Father is facing left. He is watching over your mother and you. I get the sense that you don't realize it, but your Father really cares for you and he is always there watching over you.

The next line. Nine of Wands. I sense Hardships. Things not really turning out well. Not going your way. Typically I would say that there would be a defeatist aspect to this card, or the feeling of being tired, but Strength is next to it. So No. I would say you are strong, so you can face those hardships and not lose faith and give up. I sense you're a very strong individual with very strong ideals that you're willing to stand up for. Next is the Knight of Swords. You might be the Knight of Wands, but the Knight of Swords is another aspect of you. It's this reckless quality that can get you into trouble. Perhaps you stand up for your beliefs so much that you can be antagonistic to others. If not antagonistic, at least reckless where you might act before thinking. So I guess the Tarot is saying to learn to control your urges. It is better to think ahead then to jump into the fray because it's going to get you into trouble. Your feelings are strong, and you feel they are worth fighting for, but I think it's learning how to handle these issues in a more diplomatic manner.

Next is the Three of Swords. Heartache. Romantic ending. I take it you were recently in a relationship and it didn't work out. That might even be putting it lightly. It really didn't work out and it kind of blew up or disintegrated into pieces depending how you look at it. Naturally, from the relationship ending you withdrew. It was hard to cope with your emotions. It became hard to do much of anything. Perhaps you felt little to no energy. Perhaps you felt like not much could give you happiness. Perhaps you had trouble sleeping. But it looks like it was hard to move on from this person who you left or who left you.

This leads to the Five of Swords. If you haven't noticed, the swords aren't the nicest of cards. The five of swords is little different, and it seems you've been having trouble coping with all this. More than likely you blame yourself, or you blame this other person, or you blame both of you. It's hard to accept what's happened, and you want to get over this other person but it's like so hard to do. The five of swords is also about not accepting change. Something has changed in your life, and you are refusing to accept it. It will be very hard for you to finally become happy until you do.

The cards can also read down. I get the sense that you really stand up for your beliefs. It is so important for you. I hope this doesn't sound mean, but you might want to face the idea that you're stubborn. You have this way of thinking, and it's hard for you to see another person’s point of view. I think this is what led to the break up. You two were just too different. You couldn’t see their point of view, which made the relationship impossible. This is something you need to learn so you can prevent it from happening again with your next relationship.

I know you might not be concerned with your next relationship right now, and surely aren’t thinking about things you can do to prevent the next relationship from falling apart also, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be important. When we date, we often find ourselves in the same situations that we were in in our last relationship. The reason being is because the relationship ended because we refused to change in a certain way. And after it ended, more than likely we still had not changed, so when it comes to the next relationship, it’ll work out the same way. So instead of letting it happen all over again, it’s important to see how you can change to make it work out. So this is just something to think about. You either get it or you don’t. If you don’t get it, that’s okay, it’s just something for you to work on later on, and you’ll understand it when you’re ready.

Next we have the Queen of Wands Strength and the Four of Swords. It seems your mother is a part of your strength. But for some reason, she isn’t there for you right now. Maybe she is sick. Maybe she is just tired all the time. But for some reason she can’t be there physically, but I get the sense she is there in your heart. So it’s important to remember that I think. I have a feeling knowing this will help you later on.

This next one made me chuckle, we have the King of Wands, your father, then we have the Knight of Swords which we said was this act before you think mentality. A me against them attitude. It seems you picked up this behavior from your father, which is only natural, but it made me chuckle at the same time. I mentioned the Tarot was expressing that this is something you should work on, but I think by knowing where it comes from, will make it easier for you to understand. Next is the Five of Swords, this inability to move on. More than likely you got this from your father too. Perhaps the two of you can be rather stubborn at times. I think it’s important to accept these ideas, and then see what you can do to change these things. The reason being is that stubbornness and recklessness is going to lead to a lot of heartache and pain, and why do that to yourself? If you know what I mean.

Yeah, that’s pretty much it. I hope it is the answer to the questions you were looking for. If you feel the need to explain your situation, feel free. Or if you have any more questions too, I’d be more than happy to answer them.
It was quite unusual for all those cards to work like that in a row. It’s like the Tarot wanted to really let you know these things, so it made it out as plainly and easy to understand as possible.

edit on 11/8/2011 by Xaberz because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/8/2011 by Xaberz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by shadowland8
reply to post by Xaberz

Thank you very much for this - I've copied the text and saved it in a file for safe keeping til next year
. Will be fun to take a read it in 12 months.

Anyway, thanks for spending time on me and have a nice day.


No problem!
It was fun to do. Like I said, I hope it helps.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by BlindSided
"Tarot please!" This should be very interesting. Don't leave anything out! Thanks!

Hi, there! I'm going to do a simple 5 card spread that is shaped like a tree. I really like this spread as it's super easy to understand, and I hope that it will help you.

The first card are the roots. It's basically the roots of what has led to your current situation.

It is the Hanged Man. Basically, you have gotten into the situation you are in because of an inability to make a decision. This is not a bad thing, it just what happened. So don't worry. There could be lots of reasons why we are at a standstill in life, and it's very important to realize that everything happens for a reason, and to not have any regrets.

The second card is the trunk. It's what's come about because of what's happened.

It is the Queen of Pentacles. I sense confusion. Not knowing what you should do. I sense holding onto something simply because you've held onto in the past. I sense hurt feelings, not necessarily your own, but because you couldn't make a decision you hurt someone else's.

The next card are the branches. This is stuff you should foster and continue to work on in your life.

It is the Empress. It seems you're really good at loving and helping others. You care a lot of others, perhaps you also care a lot about what others think of you, which is something you might need to work on. Basically this card is telling you to keep on loving and caring for others. This is your gift, and the more you incorporate this gift into your life, the happier you will be.

The next are the dead branches, which is stuff you should remove from your life.

It is the Seven of Cups. Basically, you get stuck because you can't make a decision. Because of this you find it very difficult to get things accomplished and so you suffer because of it. How to solve this. Think about the Empress. You're really good at helping other people. The Seven of Cups is saying, however, that you're not so good at helping yourself. Why is this? I think your mind is clouded when you think of what you must do. There is a lot of doubt and such, preventing you from making a decision. The fact of the matter is you can make a decision, but you need to learn to get in touch with your more intuitive side. This will be a learning process, and something you should tackle eventually. For now, you might want to take it step by step.

The last card are the leaves. This is the final result and the summation of the reading.

It is the King of Pentacles. I get the feeling because it's hard for you to make a decision, it's really time to talk to your father for advise. Tell him what is going on that you're having trouble with, and hopefully he'll lead you in the right direction. Chances are he's a lot like you and you are a lot like him. Maybe he too has trouble making decisions in his own life, and/or has doubts in himself. Or maybe he's worked on that, and perhaps he can give you advice on how you can work on it too. It might behoove you to talk about this also. But the cards seem to be saying that he'll be able to help you in some way.

So best of luck to you!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Xaberz

Wouldnt you just know it......Im on page 12. Story of my life, a day late and a dollar short. Thank you anyway dear Xaberz. It was very kind of you do do as many readings as you did. Sending you the white light of healing.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Xaberz
Hello Xaberz, I had every intention of ripping into this but I couldn't. The reason is, I have never carried very much weight with readings. Quite frankly I thought it was a bunch of "hooey." I don't anymore!

Everything was spot on Xaberz except for the father part because he passed away on my birthday in 1989. If it wasn't for the fact that lately, off and on, I have had him in my dreams it would have been perfection but even this is spot on because of the interaction within the dream.

So, a perfect reading it is! Once again thanks Zaberz.
See ya on the other side.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Xaberz


I certainly have alot to tell you about this. You got several thing 'swapped' (opposites) for example, I am really close to my father instead of my mothers but I respect both all the time. However, your reading is very impressive and I really need more time before I can type back to you. I am having hectic week and this weekend I should be able to reply whole thing. I thank you for a humble reading. I appreciate it.

Thank you,

Chaoic out...

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 01:33 AM
G'day your probably flooded doing readings right now but i would appreciate if you could do a general tarot reading for me and Private mesaage it

Would be interested to see will i ever find love in my life?
Will i ever move on to the job i've always wanted and turn my life around?

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by BlindSided
reply to post by Xaberz
Hello Xaberz, I had every intention of ripping into this but I couldn't. The reason is, I have never carried very much weight with readings. Quite frankly I thought it was a bunch of "hooey." I don't anymore!

Everything was spot on Xaberz except for the father part because he passed away on my birthday in 1989. If it wasn't for the fact that lately, off and on, I have had him in my dreams it would have been perfection but even this is spot on because of the interaction within the dream.

So, a perfect reading it is! Once again thanks Zaberz.
See ya on the other side.

Very interesting. Thank you for sharing the feedback. That's very interesting you've been dreaming of your father lately. I think it's nice that even though someone has died, we can still interact with their "spirit" in the dream world.

I'm glad that you liked your reading and that you didn't feel impelled to rip me a new one.
Best of luck to you!

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Chaoic_Black_Dragon
reply to post by Xaberz


I certainly have alot to tell you about this. You got several thing 'swapped' (opposites) for example, I am really close to my father instead of my mothers but I respect both all the time. However, your reading is very impressive and I really need more time before I can type back to you. I am having hectic week and this weekend I should be able to reply whole thing. I thank you for a humble reading. I appreciate it.

Thank you,

Chaoic out...

You're very welcome.
It was a very fun reading to do, and I hope it helps in some way.
Take your time responding back. There's no rush, but I am interested in hearing more. Thanks!

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:24 AM
I would like to throw my hat in the ring as well. My general questions rotate around the love in my life, but specifically I would like to know if I will leave this life with love in my heart. I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Katatonik
Hi! I think it's really sweet of you to be doing this for everyone. Anyways, I had had a reading about a year ago (tarot) some things have come to pass, others have not. I am curious if the cards have any insight as to if I am still heading in the same direction and if the choices/decisions I had made were the right ones? Thanks again!

Hi Katatonik,

Your first card is the Nine of Swords. It seems there is a great deal of things troubling you. Perhaps you feel high anxiety over something. Something is obviously not going your way, and you have a deep desire to change it, but perhaps you are not sure how. Perhaps you feel stuck in life. Or perhaps you feel helpless to outside circumstances.

The next is the Nine of Wands. It seems that you're afraid that things aren't going to be very good in the near future. It's like you're awaiting something bad to happen.

Next is the Page of Cups. I get the sense that this is a friend in your life. Perhaps he or she sees you being so down, so there are there for you to cheer you up. This might be good for you, because it'll ease your mind from that which is troubling you. But obviously something is troubling you, so it is still important to face whatever it is that is doing this.

Next is the Two of Swords. It seems you have to make a very important decision. It also seems like you're unsure how to go about it. But I have a good feeling that once you make this decision your future will become remarkably clearer. It's like because of your lack of ability to make a decision is why your future is so unclear. I suppose it's a Catch-22. You need to make a decision so things are clearer, but you can't make a decision because things are not clear. Let's see if the next cards will give you any guidance.

Next is the Seven of Pentacles. It seems you've worked very hard for something. And now you're experiencing the fruit of your labors. I suppose now is the perfect opportunity to harvest what you sowed. So that is something to pay attention to.

Next is the Six of Swords. It seems that what you must do requires you embarking on some sort of journey. Perhaps you will have to move. It is a man and a child and a cloaked figure on a boat traveling over water. Symbolically, being on a boat could also mean you have to move. You have to do some sort of action because sitting on your butt contemplating is not going to get you anywhere. It might not be the easiest of decisions to make, but it is what you need to do.

Finally is the Four of Pentacles. It seems money is important here. I suppose finances might be tight so you need to hold onto your savings or reign in on your spendings. Your future finances might not be in the best of locations, so I believe the Tarot is saying to be conscious of that. Spend conservatively if you can, or try not to make any large financial risks. Think wisely about the money you spend because you never know what might happen, especially in today's economy.
edit on 11/16/2011 by Xaberz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:32 PM
since i am getting along in years...but i still have a 10 year agenda of tasks to address...

is my liver still adequate? to accomplish stuff for a decade or so?
do i have an early stage of prostrate cancer?
can i ever make it to least as a pile of ashes?
i am considering taking the stuff called Tumeric as a supplement, why is this popping into my mind all of a sudden?


edit on 16-11-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

hey...i can wait the 3 months you announced in headline type a few post before this one

thanks again
edit on 16-11-2011 by St Udio because: ADD - 3 month deal

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Xaberz

Wow, that's incredible! Thank you so much for taking the time to do the reading. Indeed, I do have many things troubling me and I really have no idea what to do, I know what I want, I just don't know how to obtain it. My boyfriend is my rock and my best friend, he is the only thing helping me keep it together. We live together, but I lost my job and money is very tight, He is frustrated because it's very difficult for him to support both of us. That being said, I moved with him so we could be closer together, but it has been weighing on my mind to move home for a while, so maybe it will relieve some tension financially, but that would mean we wouldn't get to see each other very much, I haven't told him that yet. I know it would be a lot easier if I could find a job, but I am having no luck, I have applied to dozens of places. Right now I just feel like I don't know what to do. Even if I move home, the jobs there aren't very lucrative either. So I'm left with should I continue looking around my area, or try to move home and see if that works better for the time being? Something deep down tells me that moving home could have serious consequences on our relationship and I don't want to lose that. Also, I can't stop feeling guilty about pulling my own weight financially with him. He says he understands, but I can tell it bothers him and it's difficult on him. Seems like I need to make a decision soon, because I do spend a lot of time thinking and over analyzing things. I just hope I can find the right path..But thank you again! Keep up the great work, you are really good at this. Good luck to you with your other readings!

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Xaberz
Just so everyone knows,

I'm not doing any readings past page 11 at this time.

It's taken me a month to get to page 9! haha.

So if I were to take everyone else's it would be like

3 months to get to you, which is silly.

I will probably take more readings later,

but just not at this time,

so don't feel a need to ask questions,

because I won't get to them.


edit on 11/7/2011 by Xaberz because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/7/2011 by Xaberz because: (no reason given)

How about through page 12? That's the one I'm on, oh well, I guess you're not getting paid for this so thanks for being patient.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Katatonik
reply to post by Xaberz

Wow, that's incredible! Thank you so much for taking the time to do the reading. Indeed, I do have many things troubling me and I really have no idea what to do, I know what I want, I just don't know how to obtain it. My boyfriend is my rock and my best friend, he is the only thing helping me keep it together. We live together, but I lost my job and money is very tight, He is frustrated because it's very difficult for him to support both of us. That being said, I moved with him so we could be closer together, but it has been weighing on my mind to move home for a while, so maybe it will relieve some tension financially, but that would mean we wouldn't get to see each other very much, I haven't told him that yet. I know it would be a lot easier if I could find a job, but I am having no luck, I have applied to dozens of places. Right now I just feel like I don't know what to do. Even if I move home, the jobs there aren't very lucrative either. So I'm left with should I continue looking around my area, or try to move home and see if that works better for the time being? Something deep down tells me that moving home could have serious consequences on our relationship and I don't want to lose that. Also, I can't stop feeling guilty about pulling my own weight financially with him. He says he understands, but I can tell it bothers him and it's difficult on him. Seems like I need to make a decision soon, because I do spend a lot of time thinking and over analyzing things. I just hope I can find the right path..But thank you again! Keep up the great work, you are really good at this. Good luck to you with your other readings!

Oh wow! Thank you for sharing. It does seem you have to make a decision soon, and you won't have to stress nearly as much. I totally understand not wanting to be a financial burden on your partner. They might say it doesn't matter, and they might even be glad to help out, but experience dictates, when a big fight or argument occurs, the fact that they paid for such and such always seems to come up.

I sincerely hope that you can find a job near you so you can stay with your boyfriend. It seems that's what you want, so I hope you find what you're seeking. Best of luck to you! Just keep applying everyday and don't give up, and I'm sure you'll find a job. Best of luck!

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 03:55 PM
Hey there Xaberz. I was just checking in and saw that there are only 4 more before me on page 11! Hooray! Just curious, do you have an estimate on when you may complete those readings? Not being impatient, but am certainly anticipating the reading.

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