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Monsanto's Dirty Little Secret: Anniston, Alabama

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posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by isthisreallife

If there were any justice, the Monsanto corporation would be dissolved and its execs tried for crimes against humanity.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 02:46 PM
Oh oh, rabbit hole go deeper

Check out this company-

They were involved in the XE deal - has CIA written all over it - ok, look at all the DOLE STUFF.

DOLE is in bed with Monsanto. They are trying to GMO all sorts of veggies, from spinach to carrots to everything else.

Why modify spinach? The stuff grows so easy it chokes out weeds.

Someone needs to untangle this spider's web - it is hooked to the US GOVT everywhere.

edit on 4-9-2011 by hadriana because: adding link

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by isthisreallife

The solution or using monsanto's own play on words, 'Solutia' to the problem of eradicating them is to identify the products they have a hand in, and avoid those products like the plague...with monsantos track record, 'the plague' might not actually turn out to be proverbial, but very real indeed.

Boycott them.

Put them out of business.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Universer

Monsanto will always be in business. Period. End of Story. There is nothing we could possibly do to stop it. Our politicians are bought and paid for with Monsanto money. Our FDA is headed by a former high-ranking member of Monsanto. Millions of farmers (many now in 3rd world nations) use Monsanto's GMO and Terminator Seeds. Their RoundUp is the most commercially popular and available pesticide/herbicide on the market. Their chemical corporations produce chemicals used in everything from plastics to fertilizers.

The only thing that may do Monsanto in is if President Obama gets cancer from the food that is bought and paid for and grown by Monsanto.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by isthisreallife

The solution or using monsanto's own play on words, 'Solutia' to the problem of eradicating them is to identify the products they have a hand in, and avoid those products like the plague...with monsantos track record, 'the plague' might not actually turn out to be proverbial, but very real indeed.

Boycott them.

Put them out of business.

You can start by stopping eating soy products. 90% of all soy products are made from Monsanta GMO Frankenstien beans that are engineered to be able to withstand high doses of roundup and not die. So you are getting dosed with round-up when ever you eat soy cause they spray the crap out the beans with round up. They are even sueing non gmo farmers out of business etc. Soy is not good for you or cattle anyway contrary to popular belief. (Gee I wonder where the propaganda that it is good for you came from anyway)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by hadriana

Ha & hmmm. Went to your link and found the following title in my face that says rather a lot I think ahem.

Citizen Journalism: Friend or foe to PR?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by isthisreallife
reply to post by Alethea

I know money is just paper, but it means more than that. It means that for the first time, Monsanto/Solutia will have to take responsibility for their systematic killing of Anniston residents. It also gives them the means to receive treatment for their ailments.

I disagree. It was just a pay-off to "make the problem go away". Their silence was bought and paid for. Money is not sufficient compensation nor is it just retribution. It seems, though, to be the only option in this world of faulty justice. IMO justice would have been served if the company had been completely put to an end and participants been charged with crimes against nature. Actually, these things should have been stopped before they ever began. There is a lack of overseeing these industries. (Just the same way BP continues on, oblivious and defiant.) But then again, perhaps we should really dig deeper to find out how these corporate atrocities are able to continue on with their destruction and ruination. Who is really the face behind Monsanto (aka "Old Saint")? Perhaps Monsanto is only a rook. Who backs Monsanto?

GMO's: Vatican, Archbishop and Monsanto

Pope Endorses Monsanto

Monsanto Hanging Out at the Vatican, Funding School Science Programs in Britain

The Pope claims to speak on behalf of god. Does that make the Vatican and the Papal Empire the rulers of this planet? The root of the problem goes deeper than just Monsanto.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:13 PM
We need legislation to stop the revolving door b/t politics and big corporations.

I don't know how or any of the specifics, only that there is a NEED.

It would not only stop problems with Monsanto, but with GS and others.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by isthisreallife
reply to post by Universer

Monsanto will always be in business. Period. End of Story. There is nothing we could possibly do to stop it. Our politicians are bought and paid for with Monsanto money. Our FDA is headed by a former high-ranking member of Monsanto. Millions of farmers (many now in 3rd world nations) use Monsanto's GMO and Terminator Seeds. Their RoundUp is the most commercially popular and available pesticide/herbicide on the market. Their chemical corporations produce chemicals used in everything from plastics to fertilizers.

The only thing that may do Monsanto in is if President Obama gets cancer from the food that is bought and paid for and grown by Monsanto.

I hate to say that it looks like that might be the case. At this point anyway. So when all is said and done it looks like another big part of the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

Well--nature or the forces of nature unleashed will tidily take care of it some day. In the meantime I'll kick whatever annoying pebbles I can their way. It's all we can do--you're right.

At least we can start writing it into our psyches to teach our children that this can NEVER happen again if humanity survives their reckless GMO abomination.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by isthisreallife
reply to post by Universer

At least we can start writing it into our psyches to teach our children that this can NEVER happen again if humanity survives their reckless GMO abomination.

I don't see it that way. I see it more as our children's lives and world is at stake. We can't keep waiting.
We've got to push, but I just don't know how.

I think we have to discover the web, then shine a light on it and photograph it, then soon enough we can smash the spider and her egg sack of GMO seeds.

edit on 4-9-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

I disagree. It was just a pay-off to "make the problem go away". Their silence was bought and paid for. Money is not sufficient compensation nor is it just retribution. It seems, though, to be the only option in this world of faulty justice. IMO justice would have been served if the company had been completely put to an end and participants been charged with crimes against nature. Actually, these things should have been stopped before they ever began. There is a lack of overseeing these industries. (Just the same way BP continues on, oblivious and defiant.) But then again, perhaps we should really dig deeper to find out how these corporate atrocities are able to continue on with their destruction and ruination. Who is really the face behind Monsanto (aka "Old Saint")? Perhaps Monsanto is only a rook. Who backs Monsanto?

While I agree to an extent, there's not much that could be done. Monsanto is too wealthy and too powerful to ever be shut down, at least in the foreseeable future. If I was a resident of Anniston that was paid out in the settlement I would be happy. Because, they could be like the residents of Logan-Martin Lake. Or Rex Lake. Or Weiss Lake.

Residents whose home values, whose safety and whose livelihood has either been completely wiped out or so devastated that they may never recover.


Absolutely beautiful waters, but they will never be the same due to pollution. Or Rex Lake. Rex Lake was one of Birmingham's most popular fishing areas 10 years ago. Now? It's closed. Why? No one's really sure. At least not that I've talked to. Maybe its a coincidence but right across a two lane road from Rex Lake is a U.S Federal Installation. What is it? Not sure. No trespassing signs and "Warning: US Government Property" signs dot the hills.

Those people will never receive payouts or possibly any explanation for their polluted waters.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:53 PM
Wow. Member Someone336 nailed the MIC connection in 2009. This thread didn't get much attention but it's even more eye opening in the untangling of this complex monstosity.

Don't let the title fool you it's definitely some clarification about Monsanto the entity. Hmm…Entity...

Oakridge Tn. I'm surrounded.

The tentacles are many. For your perusal:

Big Pharma: A Wing of the Military Industrial Complex?
edit on 4-9-2011 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:16 PM
HI, S&F for posting this, but sadly this information has been out on the interwebs and on DVD for a while now, nevertheless Kudos for making a thread on this very valid topic.

I thought I could add this, it's a very good documentary that really goes into detail about everything the Op and this thread have been discussing.

The World According to Monsanto.

It cannot be argued after viewing such evidence and hearing the testimonies of the victims, that Monsanto has any compassion for Humanity or Mother Earth.

edit on 043030p://pm3015 by Spike Spiegle because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Spike Spiegle

Yeah, I'm ashamed how long it took me to pay real attention. Gonna try to make up for it.

I'm a few minutes in your vid Der Spiegel and it's looking good.

I see the Canadian Film Board provided support. They have actually been known to help some good directors speak their mind.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:03 PM
Monsanto are an evil company. I used to be involved with them.

But wait - before the pitchforks come out I'd like to say I am no longer!

My job used to be as an Agronomist for a company in Australia. This was during the 90's & early 00's.

During that time Monsanto came out with their "Roundup Ready" Canola (or Rapeseed as it’s known in some countries). The idea was to create genetically modified Canola that was resistant to Roundup, thereby negating the need for other herbicides (or competition to Monsanto). You basically blasted the Canola crop with Roundup (Glyphosate), to eradicate everything except the crop itself.

The canola was also a recipient of the "Terminator Gene", which meant seed gathered was not viable for re-sowing (they said so as to not have Roundup resistant canola spread to where it wasn't wanted, but in actual fact it was more so the farmer had to buy seed from Monsanto every season they grew this crop, thus giving not only the seed but the chemical money to them).

When we first began trialling these crops we were required to be BLINDFOLDED when going on site! The stupid thing is that I knew the property we were on once we arrived, but anyway...

The trials carried on for quite some time. Already there was growing concern amongst the farming community, yet Monsanto treated their questions and enquiries with complete disdain. To us they would state categorically that they had no interest in the growers’ opinions, often referring to them as "cash-cows", or "redneck hicks".

They were in a hurry to get this up and running due to the patent on Roundup expiring. Already there were cheap Chinese variants available (I recall selling a 20L drum of Roundup for $300.00 + whereas the Chinese stuff was less than $100.00), and they needed to bleed what they could out of it.

Overall – their attitude (be it their lowly sales reps through to the head honchos and researchers), was very aggressive. It’s like they were all little Monsanto drones, programmed to forcefully push their way into these farming communities and have everyone using this stuff, whether they wanted to or not. Small scale seed suppliers were pressured and a few went out of business.

I left that industry. Personally, I saw a catastrophe beginning to happen whereby farmers (who had been on their land for generations), were being tricked, deceived or forcibly pushed into using these products, and secondly we were already seeing resistance to Diclofop-methyl type herbicides (used to remove rye grass from cereal crops – Hoegrass is an example of a product name) and to me, hammering everything with Roundup would result in the same. Interestingly we now have reports of weeds that show signs of resistance to Glyphosate.

But mainly – I left because it was no longer about helping a grower achieve the best results through minimal / no herbicide use and clever management (be that soil fertility, bio control of pests or whatever). Monsanto changed this pretty much overnight in their attempt to greedily bleed the wallets of honest farmers who, by no fault of their own, didn’t really understand what they were getting themselves in to.

edit on 4/9/11 by TRiPWiRE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by wayno

Originally posted by wrathofall
reply to post by stirling

Holy Hell! That is frightening! We are all so screwed on so many levels. Get me off this rock!!!

Edit: My boycotts comments were dry sarcasm. I think it is virtually impossible to avoid their evil hand. That was the point I was trying to get across. Monsanto is but only one part of the evil grip upon this Earth. We let it all go to far.
edit on 4-9-2011 by wrathofall because: (no reason given)

My understanding from the links is that the simplest way to boycott Monsanto and their ilk is to buy organic. Its getting easier all the time to find organic alternatives; especially if u stay away from stores like Walmart.

I know the majority of consumers out there are clueless, but for the rest of us there is no excuse to continue buying from the corporate oligarchs. Supporting local small business and organics is the way to go for now.

Sometimes we cannot stretch the food budget enough to afford it, but we started growing all our own lettuce and some other greens and carrots which grow year round for us in a simple painters drop cloth and PVC green house.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 07:04 PM
Solutia was a spinoff of Monsanto`s chemical division ,designed specifically to fail dreamed up by non other than Robert Shapiro. Aniston legal problems as well as all others, Monsanto`s retirement pension plan and medical obligations to all of its former employees. Shapiro split the company into three divisions, Biotech-Monsanto, Pharmaceutical-Pharmacia and Chemical- Solutia. All off Monsantos debts and liabilities were placed on Solutia so it would fail and it would obsolve Monsanto of all its past practices and obligations, so yes Solutia went Chapter 11 soon after it was formed as the lone division could not support that type of financial burden...just like Shapiro knew it would. He made millions of dollars from the company for coming up with the idea, unfortunatly it didnt work out fully as he expected. Monsanto is still partially liable though they did their damndest to screw everyone along the way, defendants through retirees who had given them a lifetime of service and their health. . I am totally against GM foods/crops because food has been around for a long time and it has been just fine. My heart goes out to all who have suffered at Aniston and I myself have been exposed to PCB`s for some time as I am an industrial electrician and most old time lighting ballasts as well as oil filled electrical transformers contained PCB`s.

edit on 4-9-2011 by Camperguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
Oh oh, rabbit hole go deeper

Check out this company-

They were involved in the XE deal - has CIA written all over it - ok, look at all the DOLE STUFF.

DOLE is in bed with Monsanto. They are trying to GMO all sorts of veggies, from spinach to carrots to everything else.

Why modify spinach? The stuff grows so easy it chokes out weeds.

Someone needs to untangle this spider's web - it is hooked to the US GOVT everywhere.

edit on 4-9-2011 by hadriana because: adding link

It's a tangled web we weave, indeed. Spinach may grow well, but it could be growing even better once they genetically hack it and cause it to grow 300% faster, albiet some nasty side effects, but don't worry, Monsanto doesn't eat it's own products:


posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 08:38 PM
I found this article published in 2008 in "Vanity Fair" It gives a great history lesson of all the corruption this company has been involved in.

Investigation "Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear" Monsanto already dominates America’s food chain with its genetically modified seeds. Now it has targeted milk production. Just as frightening as the corporation’s tactics–ruthless legal battles against small farmers–is its decades-long history of toxic contamination.

Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 09:20 PM

So...who's gonna be my on camera talent?

I'd volunteer, and I have a degree in broadcasting to boot. But alas, I have a face for radio.

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