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A Racist Conspiracy? Why are we taught that Black Africans never formed or ruled Ancient Egypt?

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posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by 2012srb
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Listen, if you don't know how we get little Africans, I'm not going to be the one to teach you.

Ha Ha Ha!

Your funny!

You do stand up at the klan meetings?

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Surreptitious

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze
For centuries, Eurocentric scholars have rejected the idea that Ancient Egypt was formed and ruled by Black Africans. Today we are commonly taught as a fact that Ancient Egyptian people had olive/brownish skin (like Queen Cleopatra, yet she was Greek...) and that their slaves were Black Africans. Also, it is almost ingrained in our brains that Black Africans have never really had the audacity to maintain a vast civilization due to the simple fact we see and are taught that all they did was dance around, make music and hardly bothered to form an organised society.

This video which will no doubt be extremely controversial to you as it explains how Black Africans were apparently denied the right to have formed and maintained Ancient Egypts due to western scholars wanting a "European Superior" view of history (like the Romans particularly) in the past.

Based on the evidence what do you think?

edit on 25-7-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

Because NONE of the egyptian hyroglyphs' represent BLACK people.

Get over it...


P.S. At a 'push' BLACKS were used as "Slaves" to build 'stuff' (pyramids - under 'their' authority) for the RULING Egyptians.

edit on 2-8-2011 by Surreptitious because: (no reason given)

Who build the Nubian pyramids?

Why are you so sold on making the case that we have no culture?

It might crush your weak hate religion.

Its like your hate religion(or attention phishing by proxy) is being threatened so you ignore anything that goes against your religious dogma.

Hey is your problem live and let live.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by 2012srb
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Clearly you have no clue what Caucasian means.

Get educated.

I posted a link above for the ignorant masses.

Well there you go again. What are you running from?

Ignore most of the post and post random ad hominem attack.

What you scared of the truth?

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 08:49 PM
Reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

You asked why there are more Africans.

I was trying to break it to you delicately, but.....

There are more Africans because they breed in greater numbers.

I thought that was pretty obvious.

Whites have controlled their breeding.

Clearly that will be the death of us.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

edit on 8/2/2011 by 2012srb because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

Thats one of the most ignorant things i've read on ATS and thats saying alot

Psst, i wouldn't vent your hate towards this guy Teen’s DIY Energy Hacking Gives African Village New Hope.

Don't underestimate those folks..too late!

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 04:46 AM

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by My_Reality
reply to post by DeNaga

Again, if you did not overstand the point that if was trying to make earlier. We split because their were different views on dealing with white people. Those of the southern part wanted nothing to do with you. Those of the north started selling out and we see where that got us. You, like most like you want to say that the people in the middle east were the original inhabitants of that land which is not true. I don't know why you are saying this because if you are white you are not apart of those people anyway. You do know that what you are looking at as being tama-re and ethiopia covered a much broader area than today right.

It has been recorded that the times that egypt or tama-re flourished was under black rule. Any time a foriegn people came there it regressed. Egypt was completely black. Not mixed until we started letting you in and started schooling you. Look at all your greek and roman peoples that studied there. ptolemy, pythagorean, plato and the likes. Those of the southern part of the dynasty wanted nothing to do with you. Those in the North tried to civilize you and look where that has gotten us. This was a big issue for the Nation that stretched from the Americas into India. Egypt was shut down and became more like disneyland because we had to protect the secrets. Stop saying black africans like there was some other type of african there at that time. There are three root races, negroid, mongaloid, and caucasoid. Everthing you see now is a mixture of those. You have haplotypes, and blood types that distiguish further. The people you see in the northern part of africa and the middle east are not the original inhabitants. The Cu#e empire stretched all the way into india and was there when herodotus spoke of it. From the shores of montezuma to tripoli, that was the western part of the empire.

Nubia did invade egypt but that was a time when the puntites were taking back land that was originaly theirs. That land and the land above it was inhabited by wooly haired black people. Not white, not biege, not mixed. If you don't know history then don't speak on it. It may seem impossible in your mind that this could be, but just look at India and do some research and you will find that the original inhabitants of that land belong to the negroid familily also. Just like those of the americas. I don't know why white people think they are related to persians, or indians and whatnot. If you came out white then you lost that connection.
Are their any scientist in the house that I can talk to?

It is very hard for me to understand your distorted view on history. First off, I never claimed that the people in the Middle East were the first to inhabit that land. Also, I am aware of the extent of land "controlled" by the ancient cultures that you seem to identify with so fanatically. You may very well be correct that the population of North Africa/Egypt was black. For example, like 10000+ years ago. What you cannot seem to grasp is that change always occurs. You simply cannot accept the fact that thousands of years of interbreeding between cultures gave us the variety of races that we have today. Also, are you trying to tell me that the inhabitants of ancient East Asia were also 100% black as well? Laughable.

Please show me proof that the southern parts of Egypt and Nubia wanted nothing to do with the rest of "us". If that were true there would not be trade routes from China, to India, to Persia, to Egypt, to Mesopotamia, to Nubia, through the Sahara to parts of Africa south of the desert, to Greece, to Carthage, to Rome. These trade routes are historically documented and frankly, cannot be disputed. The pharaoh Necho II tried to build an eastward canal that would connect the Nile River & the Red Sea. Also, if the "south" wanted nothing to do with us devilish whites, why did Ethiopia embrace and form their own unique version of Christianity in the 4th century AD? In case you didn't know the oldest church of Ethiopia is called the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. There are also many other variants.

You claim that Herodotus mentions a grand Kush empire extending from India on one side to Tripoli on the other. That is a blatant falsehood. I'll give you a brief history lesson. I'll start with Assyria which fell in 612 BC long before Herodotus. An alliance of Median, Scythian, and Chaldean people destroyed Assyria. Shortly after that(in historical terms) the Achaemenian Persian empire formed and that empire stretched from Inida to, at times, Egypt. It in no way included North Africa west of Egypt because those lands were controlled by Carthage. Your "wooly haired black people", as you so eloquently put it, had nothing to do with these events. Also, you cannot take everything Herodotus writes as absolute truth. Look into the fleet of Phoenicians Necho II hired to circumnavigate Africa. They succeeded and the proof that they did so is this: They reported that when the fleet rounded Africa in the south the noonday sun was in the North. In the southern hemisphere, that is a fact. However, Herodotus did not believe the report because he believed it to be against the laws of nature. Go ahead and read what Herodotus has to say about that.

Regarding the Greeks and Romans. Let's see, where should I begin? First off, many historical Greek scholarly figures did indeed to travel to Egypt and studied there. What you fail to mention is that this was after Alexander the Great conquered much of Persia which brought Greek culture, technology, and learning to Egypt and Persia. Shortly afterward, the disintegration of Alexanders empire into the Hellenistic Kingdoms occurred. There was the Seleucid Empire which held most of the Asian dominions of old Alex's empire. There was Macedonia and Greece itself as yet another fragment. Finally, there was Ptolemaic Egypt and yes, you guessed it, it was a fusion of Greek & Egyptian Culture. In fact, Ptolemaic Egypt was the most prosperous nation in the world for a time, around 250 BC. Alexandria at that time was a melting pot of cultures which included Greeks, Egyptians, Jews, and of course, "black Africans".

Finally, I do not identify myself as "white". I am a human being - that's it. The racism in your posts is readily apparent. Allow me to present to you a truly hard to believe concept: No race is superior than any other and that is fact because we are all the same species.

We are not from the same species. This is clear evidence that you know nothing about that wich you speak on. There are many different species on this planet, that you call humans. There is homo erectus, Neandethal, Homo sapien, and many more. You may think they are the same, and from the same root, but this is false. No blacks have ties to Neaderthal, and only a few present whites and caucasians have genetic ties to this species.
This is the problem, it's easy to think that I don't know what I am say will sound rediculous to some ignorant people but the facts is that it's not and can be back up. I've been away from this thread for a while because believe it or not, I thought that silly ish like this was over 15 years ago. 2011 and with all the historical data out there and people still have the nerve to claim Tama re was not built by blacks...come on. You can't know anything about the name of the land to even say that. It wasn't called egypt, or kemet, by the people. They were like the rest of us and opened their doors to you and you did that same song and dance you are doing today and and they had to go get the most fear military force on the planet at the time to kick your arse out of there. And they did hate you after that...sorry.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by thePharaoh
reply to post by LUXUS

ok..i have nothing to do with

in the museum in egypt they have two coffins and they are famously known as "the twins" was black and one was yellow....multicultural
buut the pharaonic line was a maitrachy...mother had to be from per-aa...the blood line of osiris...the great house

it was evident that tutankamun could of been mixed race...they army of thebes led by Ay..took tutankamuns father amenhotep 4 off the as tutankhamuns mother was from per-aa (the great house, osirian/upper blood line).....

amenhotep 4 = akenaten
tutankhaten = tutankamun....

they could of been half hittite....but its been proven that the so called hittites were upper tuthmosis, amenhotep etc....

could of been mixed...BUT WAS 100 % BLACK ...

the red hair was henna

How could Tut be of mixed race? Do you even know why the Ptahites were inter-marrying? This is the nonsense that I speak of, when people say, "Oh look they just prove jesus had ab blood, or tut had A blood, or a european subgrouping. You must really not know what you are saying or think I am really stupid. I will not go there in this conversation because I don't feel that information should be divulged on this forum so I will stick to historical information, accounts, and artwork. I'm not doing nobody any favors, or having you blame me for feeling butt hurt. I don't get down like that...Oh and you do know pharoah is not a tama-raen word right?
edit on 6-8-2011 by DeNaga because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by gremlin2011

Just curious but is there any cultures that dont dance?

I don't think Egyptians at that time were black though, dont really see why that matters to be honest.
edit on 7-8-2011 by OwenGP185 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by DeNaga


posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 07:13 PM
I agree with the Idea that the great societies of ancient Egypt were black only fools and Hollywood would think different. I have been there several times, if you pay attention to reality you would realize it in short order. However like many great societies they lost their way. As to the racist Ideas, they were also very racist and held many slaves to help build their society. What race made up the majority of their slaves, you might be surprised (Moses)
I often wonder if they ever paid reparations?

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Bullcookies
I agree with the Idea that the great societies of ancient Egypt were black only fools and Hollywood would think different. I have been there several times, if you pay attention to reality you would realize it in short order. However like many great societies they lost their way. As to the racist Ideas, they were also very racist and held many slaves to help build their society. What race made up the majority of their slaves, you might be surprised (Moses)
I often wonder if they ever paid reparations?

You could't have read the whole thread to make a statement like that. Moses? what is that supposed to imply...? Moses was a black man...and i think this may be hard for you to wrap you mind around so relax and listen for a minute.

You might be surprised when you find out who moses really was, why his marriage to an ethiopian was shunned, and what the Quaran says about the color of musa(moses).

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:41 PM
psted the wrong video before...sorry.

This shows how loving the Egyptians were when it came to foreigners

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by DeNaga

Originally posted by Bullcookies
I agree with the Idea that the great societies of ancient Egypt were black only fools and Hollywood would think different. I have been there several times, if you pay attention to reality you would realize it in short order. However like many great societies they lost their way. As to the racist Ideas, they were also very racist and held many slaves to help build their society. What race made up the majority of their slaves, you might be surprised (Moses)
I often wonder if they ever paid reparations?

You could't have read the whole thread to make a statement like that. Moses? what is that supposed to imply...? Moses was a black man...and i think this may be hard for you to wrap you mind around so relax and listen for a minute.

You might be surprised when you find out who moses really was, why his marriage to an ethiopian was shunned, and what the Quaran says about the color of musa(moses).

It wasn't to imply anything other than how societies progress through slavery to decline. As for as Moses being black #1 who cares #2 If your only proof of Moses being black is the Quaran I think you are the one with an agenda

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 12:29 AM
.... why are you guys so infatuated with Race..

I could quiet honestly care less the Americans enslaved the Black people , considering the Blacks enslaved them because they lost tribal warfare generally , and we bought them. Whites have been enslaved just as long as the Blacks have , Asians have been enslaved just as long as the blacks have.

I could care less what black , white , Asian people accomplish. We are here today and the world will keep spinning if you dont stand up and make a discovery. Youll die the next , or youll live the next , no one truly cares until it comes to your own skin.

Race is trivial , im tired of hearing about it. The white Man enslaved the black man .... the White man enslaved the white man too. The Middle eastern enslaved the the middle eastern as well. The Asians enslaved Asians as well.

Get over yourself. Go back to Africa or your home Nation if you dont like it. It happened. Get over it.

So im basically sayin ..... i could care less what color you are. The world keeps spinning whether your dead or a live white or black or Asian or Hispanic. I dont walk down the street or going look at the mexican or black guy , no i go down the street saying look at that idiot (if your doing something stupid) We need to stop associating race with everything. Gets you no where.

Ive seen , all walks of people bleed , and its the same color .... same fear.
edit on 04/30/2011 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by milkyway12
.... why are you guys so infatuated with Race..

I could quiet honestly care less the Americans enslaved the Black people , considering the Blacks enslaved them because they lost tribal warfare generally , and we bought them. Whites have been enslaved just as long as the Blacks have , Asians have been enslaved just as long as the blacks have.

I could care less what black , white , Asian people accomplish. We are here today and the world will keep spinning if you dont stand up and make a discovery. Youll die the next , or youll live the next , no one truly cares until it comes to your own skin.

Race is trivial , im tired of hearing about it. The white Man enslaved the black man .... the White man enslaved the white man too. The Middle eastern enslaved the the middle eastern as well. The Asians enslaved Asians as well.

Get over yourself. Go back to Africa or your home Nation if you dont like it. It happened. Get over it.

So im basically sayin ..... i could care less what color you are. The world keeps spinning whether your dead or a live white or black or Asian or Hispanic. I dont walk down the street or going look at the mexican or black guy , no i go down the street saying look at that idiot (if your doing something stupid) We need to stop associating race with everything. Gets you no where.

Ive seen , all walks of people bleed , and its the same color .... same fear.
edit on 04/30/2011 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

Yeah race is trivial when someone checks your arse on the bs that's being put out. I agree that it's shouldn't be about race, but unfortunately that's what's implied everyday. Everyday I turn on the tv, it's whiteyville...Race is reality whether you realize it or not. If you have never been profiled, or disrespected because of your race, or have idiots claiming your heritage then you would know what it feels like. Until the truth is told about racial differences then we as a group cannot move forward because the next evolutional level is biological, and I'll let you guess who they are studying right now.

The Moors enslaved the white man and the white man made the blacks in america think they were brought over here as slaves. Two totally different things.

As far as the go back to africa comment, we were here first. Before the white man, before the so call "indians", and before the so called hispanics. Did you know that a woman by the name of empress verdiace of the moorish nation took the government to court in the 80s to prove that the louisiana purchase was illegal, and that blacks were the idigenous people of this land and won! The moorish nation was also recognized by the geneva convention as a separate nation. Also the empress was petitioned by the govenor of texas to recognize texas as a soveriegn state because texas wasn't recognize by the geneva convention and the only way a country or state can be sovereign is by the geneva convention or to be recognized by another sovereign nation.
How bout you go back to where you came from if you can find it.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Bullcookies

Originally posted by DeNaga

Originally posted by Bullcookies
I agree with the Idea that the great societies of ancient Egypt were black only fools and Hollywood would think different. I have been there several times, if you pay attention to reality you would realize it in short order. However like many great societies they lost their way. As to the racist Ideas, they were also very racist and held many slaves to help build their society. What race made up the majority of their slaves, you might be surprised (Moses)
I often wonder if they ever paid reparations?

You could't have read the whole thread to make a statement like that. Moses? what is that supposed to imply...? Moses was a black man...and i think this may be hard for you to wrap you mind around so relax and listen for a minute.

You might be surprised when you find out who moses really was, why his marriage to an ethiopian was shunned, and what the Quaran says about the color of musa(moses).

It wasn't to imply anything other than how societies progress through slavery to decline. As for as Moses being black #1 who cares #2 If your only proof of Moses being black is the Quaran I think you are the one with an agenda

Where did I say I didn't have an agenda? My agenda is to shut up idiots that for some reason feel we should have to prove prominent people in africa or the bible are black, when you should be proven they were white. There were no white people in these lands at that time and for your comment about the quaran, this is another book that has been changed, and I don't need that to prove moses was black because there was never anyone named moses. Another corruption of the language. l

You people are a trip, when your wrong, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Well it matters to those of us who are tired of hearing your lies.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by 1MrsJesusChrist
When I learned a long time ago that the first open brain surgery was performed by the Egyptians I knew proper credit would not be given, because Egyptians are Lighter than those in South Africa. It seems everysince the beginning of history, the Whiteman has tried to prove He is superior because of His Color, when most evidence usallly shows the opposite. When given the opportunity to compete; the Blacks out beat them in playing games; boxing, basketball, football, and even golf. As a matter of fact that's why the GOP is pissed off at our First Black President.

Originally posted by MasterGemini
Well when I was in Egypt (2010) the northerners where arabic and the southerners were more black and WOW the northerners were so freaking racist about the south it was disturbing. I could easily see there being a conspiracy against the black people of Egypt.

Off topic, but that also goes for the Black Thais, I was up in Thailand for three weeks (chang rai and bangkok mostly) and man did I hear a lot of racist remarks about them in bangkok.

I guess its normal to label the black sheep black. I should stop expecting much from the human race.

Even though it kinda irks me when people use the term "whiteman" because I'm white and I know I'm not this way... It does seem like the job that the president THOUGHT he was going to do isn't going to get done because of the obstacles in his way.

I don't think this is a racist issues now. I do see how it appears that way because whites are currently in the most power. Don't worry, this always changes. I do believe that Blacks have ruled in their own times... times always shift and for different reasons. now, I'm not saying that skin color has never been used as some odd symbol or excuse for division.... but people have been so many things. We have all been so many things. Racism certainly does exist in many different forms... but when it comes to what Mr. President has going against him it doesn't matter what excuse they use or what color they try to paint... it is GREED.

The biggest problems are usually the most basic sins.

now with everything that is going on, I'd hate for Mr President to forget about all that greed and in one way or the other we all come from the same woodpile because this is probably going to be a sensitive issue for him... and when they rile him WITH this issue and he lets that frustration get to him he will be more apt to display things that will cause him more and more to fall out of favor... because it is actually a sensitive issue for EVERYONE these days. Fact is, if you have not been oppressed... you have just automatically been *accused* and that'll make a person buck up as well. that is how racist logic works and takes hold.

Don't fall for it.

These people he is up against if he is trying to do a good job may be white, but most importantly... they are just damn greedy.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician

Originally posted by 1MrsJesusChrist
When I learned a long time ago that the first open brain surgery was performed by the Egyptians I knew proper credit would not be given, because Egyptians are Lighter than those in South Africa. It seems everysince the beginning of history, the Whiteman has tried to prove He is superior because of His Color, when most evidence usallly shows the opposite. When given the opportunity to compete; the Blacks out beat them in playing games; boxing, basketball, football, and even golf. As a matter of fact that's why the GOP is pissed off at our First Black President.

Originally posted by MasterGemini
Well when I was in Egypt (2010) the northerners where arabic and the southerners were more black and WOW the northerners were so freaking racist about the south it was disturbing. I could easily see there being a conspiracy against the black people of Egypt.

Off topic, but that also goes for the Black Thais, I was up in Thailand for three weeks (chang rai and bangkok mostly) and man did I hear a lot of racist remarks about them in bangkok.

I guess its normal to label the black sheep black. I should stop expecting much from the human race.

Even though it kinda irks me when people use the term "whiteman" because I'm white and I know I'm not this way... It does seem like the job that the president THOUGHT he was going to do isn't going to get done because of the obstacles in his way.

I don't think this is a racist issues now. I do see how it appears that way because whites are currently in the most power. Don't worry, this always changes. I do believe that Blacks have ruled in their own times... times always shift and for different reasons. now, I'm not saying that skin color has never been used as some odd symbol or excuse for division.... but people have been so many things. We have all been so many things. Racism certainly does exist in many different forms... but when it comes to what Mr. President has going against him it doesn't matter what excuse they use or what color they try to paint... it is GREED.

The biggest problems are usually the most basic sins.

now with everything that is going on, I'd hate for Mr President to forget about all that greed and in one way or the other we all come from the same woodpile because this is probably going to be a sensitive issue for him... and when they rile him WITH this issue and he lets that frustration get to him he will be more apt to display things that will cause him more and more to fall out of favor... because it is actually a sensitive issue for EVERYONE these days. Fact is, if you have not been oppressed... you have just automatically been *accused* and that'll make a person buck up as well. that is how racist logic works and takes hold.

Don't fall for it.

These people he is up against if he is trying to do a good job may be white, but most importantly... they are just damn greedy.

Amen bruda

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 04:41 AM

I KNEW I was in the mood to rant to the world for a good reason this weekend.
I think it's helping me sort things out.

Wouldn't it be nice to just have everybody on the same page for once?
Now that I think about it, I really do wish I knew what was going on up in DC.
I wish that I wasn't thinking there was really that much division but the current symptoms suggest it.
We want to avoid racial conflict now at all cost so I hope no one is getting dogged around up there.

I remember Obama said he believed people with wealth wanted to do their part.

The fact is, some people are just way too rich. Screw the dollar, common people can stick together if we try.
We all have to have faith and work together. If that's the worst of it... it's a damn good day.

edit on 8-8-2011 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-8-2011 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

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