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A Racist Conspiracy? Why are we taught that Black Africans never formed or ruled Ancient Egypt?

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posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

ok..i have nothing to do with

in the museum in egypt they have two coffins and they are famously known as "the twins" was black and one was yellow....multicultural
buut the pharaonic line was a maitrachy...mother had to be from per-aa...the blood line of osiris...the great house

it was evident that tutankamun could of been mixed race...they army of thebes led by Ay..took tutankamuns father amenhotep 4 off the as tutankhamuns mother was from per-aa (the great house, osirian/upper blood line).....

amenhotep 4 = akenaten
tutankhaten = tutankamun....

they could of been half hittite....but its been proven that the so called hittites were upper tuthmosis, amenhotep etc....

could of been mixed...BUT WAS 100 % BLACK ...

the red hair was henna

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by DeNaga

Again, if you did not overstand the point that if was trying to make earlier. We split because their were different views on dealing with white people. Those of the southern part wanted nothing to do with you. Those of the north started selling out and we see where that got us. You, like most like you want to say that the people in the middle east were the original inhabitants of that land which is not true. I don't know why you are saying this because if you are white you are not apart of those people anyway. You do know that what you are looking at as being tama-re and ethiopia covered a much broader area than today right.

It has been recorded that the times that egypt or tama-re flourished was under black rule. Any time a foriegn people came there it regressed. Egypt was completely black. Not mixed until we started letting you in and started schooling you. Look at all your greek and roman peoples that studied there. ptolemy, pythagorean, plato and the likes. Those of the southern part of the dynasty wanted nothing to do with you. Those in the North tried to civilize you and look where that has gotten us. This was a big issue for the Nation that stretched from the Americas into India. Egypt was shut down and became more like disneyland because we had to protect the secrets. Stop saying black africans like there was some other type of african there at that time. There are three root races, negroid, mongaloid, and caucasoid. Everthing you see now is a mixture of those. You have haplotypes, and blood types that distiguish further. The people you see in the northern part of africa and the middle east are not the original inhabitants. The Cu#e empire stretched all the way into india and was there when herodotus spoke of it. From the shores of montezuma to tripoli, that was the western part of the empire.

Nubia did invade egypt but that was a time when the puntites were taking back land that was originaly theirs. That land and the land above it was inhabited by wooly haired black people. Not white, not biege, not mixed. If you don't know history then don't speak on it. It may seem impossible in your mind that this could be, but just look at India and do some research and you will find that the original inhabitants of that land belong to the negroid familily also. Just like those of the americas. I don't know why white people think they are related to persians, or indians and whatnot. If you came out white then you lost that connection.
Are their any scientist in the house that I can talk to?

It is very hard for me to understand your distorted view on history. First off, I never claimed that the people in the Middle East were the first to inhabit that land. Also, I am aware of the extent of land "controlled" by the ancient cultures that you seem to identify with so fanatically. You may very well be correct that the population of North Africa/Egypt was black. For example, like 10000+ years ago. What you cannot seem to grasp is that change always occurs. You simply cannot accept the fact that thousands of years of interbreeding between cultures gave us the variety of races that we have today. Also, are you trying to tell me that the inhabitants of ancient East Asia were also 100% black as well? Laughable.

Please show me proof that the southern parts of Egypt and Nubia wanted nothing to do with the rest of "us". If that were true there would not be trade routes from China, to India, to Persia, to Egypt, to Mesopotamia, to Nubia, through the Sahara to parts of Africa south of the desert, to Greece, to Carthage, to Rome. These trade routes are historically documented and frankly, cannot be disputed. The pharaoh Necho II tried to build an eastward canal that would connect the Nile River & the Red Sea. Also, if the "south" wanted nothing to do with us devilish whites, why did Ethiopia embrace and form their own unique version of Christianity in the 4th century AD? In case you didn't know the oldest church of Ethiopia is called the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. There are also many other variants.

You claim that Herodotus mentions a grand Kush empire extending from India on one side to Tripoli on the other. That is a blatant falsehood. I'll give you a brief history lesson. I'll start with Assyria which fell in 612 BC long before Herodotus. An alliance of Median, Scythian, and Chaldean people destroyed Assyria. Shortly after that(in historical terms) the Achaemenian Persian empire formed and that empire stretched from Inida to, at times, Egypt. It in no way included North Africa west of Egypt because those lands were controlled by Carthage. Your "wooly haired black people", as you so eloquently put it, had nothing to do with these events. Also, you cannot take everything Herodotus writes as absolute truth. Look into the fleet of Phoenicians Necho II hired to circumnavigate Africa. They succeeded and the proof that they did so is this: They reported that when the fleet rounded Africa in the south the noonday sun was in the North. In the southern hemisphere, that is a fact. However, Herodotus did not believe the report because he believed it to be against the laws of nature. Go ahead and read what Herodotus has to say about that.

Regarding the Greeks and Romans. Let's see, where should I begin? First off, many historical Greek scholarly figures did indeed to travel to Egypt and studied there. What you fail to mention is that this was after Alexander the Great conquered much of Persia which brought Greek culture, technology, and learning to Egypt and Persia. Shortly afterward, the disintegration of Alexanders empire into the Hellenistic Kingdoms occurred. There was the Seleucid Empire which held most of the Asian dominions of old Alex's empire. There was Macedonia and Greece itself as yet another fragment. Finally, there was Ptolemaic Egypt and yes, you guessed it, it was a fusion of Greek & Egyptian Culture. In fact, Ptolemaic Egypt was the most prosperous nation in the world for a time, around 250 BC. Alexandria at that time was a melting pot of cultures which included Greeks, Egyptians, Jews, and of course, "black Africans".

Finally, I do not identify myself as "white". I am a human being - that's it. The racism in your posts is readily apparent. Allow me to present to you a truly hard to believe concept: No race is superior than any other and that is fact because we are all the same species.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by DeNaga

Then prove it wrong please. I can prove everything I say. Can you ?

then prove it, with real evidence from real unbias sources,

This is the danger of people who think they actually know something. Read that sentence again and tell me you know what you are talking about. Please. Prove it please. You know nothing about scientific racial classification, this much is clear.

if you think that is remotely true you know nothing about science, race is a cultural contruct, it has no meaning in science.
if you doubt that arabs are related to the hebrews, the canaanites, and other groups, then you need to learn some linguistics and about human genetics.
your statement is just projection, you don't know jack about the topics so you make claims that i'm the idiot because i disagree with you, even though you babble on about topics that the historical,scientific, and linguistic communities have known about since the late 19th century and on, under revision of course.

Again talking about things you know nothing of. Arabic is not really a language but you wouldn't know that if you haven't studied languages. Just like most people think we speak english but if you talk to someone from england, that will tell you the alphabet we have is wrong and we don't speak english.

we don't speak english because it is different from british english? again you are projecting nonsense on to me.
we speak english, with loan words from other languages, by your nonsensical logic no one speaks anything since every LANGUAGE DOES THIS.
there isn't a single language except dead ones that don't evolve, or use other words than it's parent language or sister languages, what you are claiming is absurd.
i've never heard a single british person claim the alphabet we use is wrong, they use it too!

We speak slang just like what you are calling Arabic, and yiddish which are from and older tongue.

all languages are from an older tongue! modern english is from middle english, which is descended from old english, old german, french, latin and a lot of other languages.
you have no idea what slang is do you? slang:Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language.
what in the world is arabic slang of?! arabic is a semitic, language related to hebrew aramaic and phoenician. oh yeah YIDDISH is a language! it is a mixture of various other languages, just like english.

This is our culture and you will never overstand the science behind what we have laid down, but you will know the facts, not the truth, but the facts.

you have no facts or truth, just pseudo-intellectual babble to fill the void.

You Don't know what classical arabic is nor what language Muhammed wrote, so please stop talking to me like you know. Always trying to steal our story.

what story? that revisionism drivel, no better than the white nationalists who puff up their chests by replacing non-white endeavors with white people?
classical arabic is a semitic language used before the coming of islam in the 7th century ad, related to hebrew, aramaic, and other canaanite languages.
your inability to get this is your problem, no linguist would ever call arabic or yiddish "slang", consider that slang is using non standard words in a language, such as calling your father "pops", that would be slang.

Did you know Muhammed's parents were Hebrew? I thought not. What about that Muhammed went down into nubia before he wrote the Qur'an?

what is your proof for that? i've never read a single thing in the history of muhammad that said that. at most you could claim descendance from ishmael.

Again you don't know what you are talking about and don't realize there is a reason for these books and glyphs and it ain't for going to church or a mosque and hoping you go to heaven. This is science that you are not ready for and that is why we don't believe.

being an atheist i don't believe such nonsense. i don't know what you believe, i do know that based on facts and history you are completely wrong and like all revisionists no matter the way you group yourselves, are making up things out of full cloth.

If you study genetics then you would know that geneticly the white male is the weakest person on the planet.

this is bollocks, you have no proof of this, you have no idea how evolution works,

So this is not about who is right or wrong about this and that, it's about we know you and you are a liar and weak.

good to know that when the cards are down the ideologue can do nothing but go for racism and personal attacks.
good job, you must be proud of your brainwashed rtherotic, you are still wrong though.

edit on 30-7-2011 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-7-2011 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-7-2011 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-7-2011 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by DeNaga
Please stop talking about the Hebrews(not jews) when you know nothing about them. Abram who became abraham was not a jew or a hebrew, or a hibiru, or a nibiru or a neb heru before he crossed the big river.

yes he was, hebrew comes from his ancestor eber according to hebrew folklore and history. jew was a term used for the people of israel, your objection is nonsensical.

This is what those words mean. He brought the talmud or the torah.

the talmud was the written version of the oral torah, and it was written in 200 ce, and 500 ce, and abraham was supposed to have lived, when? at least hmm a few thousand years before that?
the torah was written in various parts through out the 6th century bce, or by moses in the 12th or 15th century bce.

He got it from the land of bab el and they got it from the Ptah-hites or kemites or egyptians.

uh no, the torah was written around the 6th century bce, during the babylonian exile by the jewish people, no egyptians had anything to do with it.
babylon didn't exist when abraham was supposed to have lived, he was from sumer

Jews have been stealing Egyptian culture for years, and I hope they've enjoyed themselves because the party is over. We know you because we know your father, and we know his father.

bollocks, jewish culture is nothing like egyptian culture, how would a people that never set foot in egypt steal anything? the hebrews/israelites/jews are a canaanite tribe who came to prominence around the 10th century as egypt collapsed on itself.

please do not talk about things you know nothing about.
edit on 28-7-2011 by DeNaga because: (no reason given)

take your own advice, you have no idea what the heck you are talking about!
my god, abraham having to do with the torah? what? have you ever even READ the torah? moses wrote it, or at least that is the claim.

edit on 30-7-2011 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-7-2011 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by thePharaoh

the levant...lolol

you mean isreal and sinai ?? what an idiot.

no i mean syria, jordan, and east of egypt, into iraq. nice to see the intellectual level you go for when people don't swallow your propaganda.

the oldest evidence we have are located in a few pre dynasty....NAQQADA, NEKHEN AND ABYDOS...(in the north a place called BUTO)....

these places are ALL in upper egypt, dotted around aswan...nekhen and abydos are where the first pharaohs are from, they were known as thinnites and they put the capital in memphis,

uh no they weren't, or at least not the way you are trying to make it sound, this is just speculation at best.

now the levant ( and also places in sudan) where known as the red lands, pharaohs are depicted waring both the people from the levant and from the south.

thebes and karnack, the power houses of egypt are both in the south....NUBIAN LAND , the people known to archeologists as the mysterious A - GROUP.

what you are talking about are aboriginal peoples, as i said the egyptians are a mixture of different peoples, people already living in egypt and those that migrated east into israel,syria and modern iraq.
you are trying to isolate groups way too much, when archaeologists and historians have found no evidence to lead to doing so.
the fact is, egypt tended to blur any lines of so called "race" that modern people thought exist, when in fact race is nonsense.

to add, osiris wore the atef, the crown of upper egypt, the later pharaohs who controlled the levant ( ra, pharaohs from helipolis) wore the crown of lower do the maths

my math says that the idea that you can say the egyptians are nubian when in fact like the 10 tribes the nubians all but disappeared in new kingdom.
it is like trying to show a cut off point for someone genetically, when do they stop being X and start being Y?

nubians where always pharaohs...the darker black people you see where ethiopians/sudanese from the south, the reasons why nubians where called kuchite kings (kings of the 25 dynasty) is due to the divisions which happend duringth armana period....

which people are we talking about here? there is no real "nubian" people, per se, they are rather like the celts in that they don't fit modern nomenclature
i still don't know what group you are talking about, there were lots of various kingdoms, tribes and groups that fit the name.
the kingdom of meroe is what i assume you keep talking about? what is sometimes called kush?

the nubian language is not known to any scholar, its not written anywere, only spoken amongst the older generation

if you mean old nubian, yes it is, it is, it was used till the 16th century ad by christians, nobiin is descended from it. kind of like how modern english is descended from middle english.
lots of religious documents are written in it, maybe even the bible.

nubians came from the word "nubt", which means precious....maybe gold....the word pharaoh comes from the word per-aa....they where the parent stock of the pharaoh...the abydos league...scorpio, narama, aha .etc...egypts long history is complex

per-aa means great house, it has nothing to do with anything you said.

but basically
ptah, and amun.....upper egyptian....
Ra and Atum.....lower egyptian

what you have are earth and man cults from the south.....and sun worship in the north.....

religion always follows the importance of the people, i don't know what your point is?

the reasons why hebrews speak the late kingdom language is because the cult in helipolis, left egypt with the knowledge of the states libraries....the language came and was carried fby a covanent sect of egyptian priests,

what?! hebrew is its own language, descended from proto-semitic, just like egyptian, but it doesn't remotely come from egyptian.
if it did, why are the words so different?

the state was not one race...but the per aa...the great house....meant that the mother of the pharaoh (the womb that created him) HAD to be from upper egypt...the blood line related to osiris....ABYDOS.
kemet was a maitrachy

this all reminds me of the difference between DJEDFRE and KHAFRE.....khafres mother was upper egyptian, djedfre was not...khafre was favoured by the provinces of the nile

okay... so this has nothing to do with anything i said.

edit on 31-7-2011 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-7-2011 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

We are taught a lot of things that aren't true about the black lineages of old. "They' know where your from but they don't want you knowing anything. They have worked hard to strip this great lineage of it's knowedge, origin and true heritage. They have suppressed it all. The true history of our earth is hidden and has remained so. It is a war against the truth.

The twelve tribes have been scattered throughout the earth. Most are unaware of their lineages.
edit on 31-7-2011 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by thePharaoh

If you search for it you will find they did tests on the hair too, they found that the red colour was natural, was in the actual hair shaft and was produced naturally by the cells!

considering that the DNA testing found the highest mach with the Irish and Scots, many of whom have red hair that shouldent supprise you.

Now if you study ancient Irish text you will find that they actually say they went into Egypt, and now the dna testing backs this up with proof!

edit on 31-7-2011 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by LUXUS
reply to post by thePharaoh

If you search for it you will find they did tests on the hair too, they found that the red colour was natural, was in the actual hair shaft and was produced naturally by the cells!

considering that the DNA testing found the highest mach with the Irish and Scots, many of whom have red hair that shouldent supprise you.

Now if you study ancient Irish text you will find that they actually say they went into Egypt, and now the dna testing backs this up with proof!

edit on 31-7-2011 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

ok...the scottish the new kingdom...during ramsees2 reign...there was an apparent exodus...his daughter scota is said to of settled in ireland and scotland..

so your saying that the irish and scots came from egypt or did the egyptians come from ireland and scotland???!!!

i believe there is a link to the lineage of the 19th dynasty....but thats the 19th dyansty...there were 18 before that. that said the ancient iriish texts date to about 3000 yrs stonehenge...this all coincides with the 19th dynasty.

to finish:



posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by demongoat

uh no they weren't, or at least not the way you are trying to make it sound, this is just speculation at best.

yes they were....

firstly all the kings of the 18th and 19th dyansty (new kingdom) are buried in ABYDOS in a place called" the valley of the kings"..IN UPPER EGYPT....sheesh!

secondly the man who was responsible for the pharaoh...Narmer..... wore the atef crown of upper egypt. scorpio, the macehead...alll found in upper egypt..all the pharaohs are from upper egypt...

the famous story of horus and seth...was not actually about upper and lower egypt.. it was actually strictly upper egyptian!!....Horus represented nekhen....Set represented Naqqada...and orisris represented abydos...EVEN THIS GREAT STORY WAS PURELY UPPER EGYPTIAN

NOW....your fixation with the new kingdom...look..the 18th dynasty, tuthmosis`s, amenhotep`s...were all upper egyptian and black...they were not foreign like some egyptologists think....just last month zahi hawas showed a temple structure with monolthic statues of amenhotep 4 upper egypt.....amenhotep 4 was akhenaten...he was upper egyptian as well...only the religous ideology differed....upper egyptian continously assterted their royal line on the the form of "the cult of amun" the cult of re in helipolis was filled with middle eastern elites ....

19th dyanasty

SETI...who built the osarian and was father to ramsees the great...chose an upper egyptian name.

dont get confused...per aa..means the upper egyptian bloodline....ALL MOTHERS OF THE PHARAOH HAD TO BE FROM PER-AA the blood line of the pharaoh osiris...ramsees the great opted for upper egyptian.....tutankhamuns mother, whos in the valley of the kings..(called by egyptologists as a worker girl) was an upper egyptian royal...which is why tutanlhamun was accepted by the theban led army.

this is deep knowledge im your mind and drop the arrogance....i dont know why white people are so concerned with the 18th dynasty....seems like this was the origin of the way..the virgin birth and ressurection was all egyptian in essense.. which is why you find this ideology in pagan europe....leading onto christianty...


to add....nubians were not christian

they were pharaohs for 3000 yrs...then roman empire led to christianity catholism...then in 642 ad they became its not faif to call them christian. call them ancients or muslims before christian

edit on 31-7-2011 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by thePharaoh

She dident mind going to Ireland because she knew where her blood line was from, she was returning home!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 02:27 PM
The hatred for the black race and it's rich history is astounding. To be honest it is a recent phenomenon if you consider 400 years recent. You see during the colonial period when africa was the source of slaves for american plantations the europeans had to dehumanise the black african , he was made a beast. What beast ever created a civilization , eh? Every trace of african civilization was destroyed or litterally whitewashed. This Dehumanisation was done to justify slavery and colonialism.

With that said , yes ,Khemet/Khamit , (the true name for aegypt) from the original heiroglyphic consonants(the khemti or khemetians as the egyptians called themselves didn't use vowels) KMT meaning Black Land , yes "Black Land". Aegyptus being the greek name the greeks called it. How silly that many of you here want to push a fallacy/fantasy on black people once more and you don't even know the civilizations' true name.Quite Revealing.

Khemet was created by black africans .The blacks Who founded the civilization of Khemet were nilotic/saharan , modern day sudanese and tuareg , (not the sudanese arabs) some of the blackest people on earth. Makes you wonder why that jihad in sudan went unnoticed but the ones in iraq , afghanistan , balkans , libya got america's military involved. Another civilization created by these nilotics was Kush or Nubia.

As time went on inter breeding with asiatics coming from babylon and syria and caucasians from greece and rome and europe as a whole may have created a lighter skin tone and caused some differences in hair. We must remember that aegypt was diluted many times , conquered by the Hyksos an asiatic peoples , in the 12th dynasty-1900 bc whom they ousted around 1550 bc , almost 400 years of foreign occupation. It was after having to repel a foreign invsion that Khemet created a powerful army one that was used to conquer syria. Then the Assyrians invaded in 667 bc they were repelled in 653 bc. The Persians invaded in 525 bc , led by Cambyses II.

The 5th century bc was marked by rebellion against persia and Nectanebo II a native khemetian breifly claimed the throne of khemet as the last native royal house of dynastic Khemet , but he was defeated in battle against a combined force of persians and greeks at the battle of Pelusium. He fled south and held power there for some time , his fate after that is unknown. Persian rule was restored for a short time until in 332 bc mazaces the persian ruler surrendered it to Alexander the great without a fight.The greek satrap Ptolemy Soter after Alexander's death became the pharoah and a caucasian dynasty began. Cleopatra Soter was the last of that greek dynasty then the Romans came.After the Romans who brought christianity and the destruction of native khematic religion;NETJER. After the Romans Came the Arabs and islam. So you see , by now you will find it hard to find a racialy pure Khemetian/egyptian but there still are and they are black nilo saharans.

As for the cry that well oh , that's the only civilization blacks had , there was Kush/Nubia mentioned earlier and Punt;which has never been clearly located or identified. Dongola and Ethiopia in the horn of africa and Numidia in North africa. These were khemet's contempory classical black civilizations in africa. There is also evidence of an unknown civilization in Nigeria called the Nok Civilization but extensive archeology has not been carried out this far.

The middle ages saw the rise of islam which spread quickly by the sword or taqiya (deception). Notable black civilizations which emerged were the Moorish Caliphate , Ghana-shamanistic , Mali-successor to ghana shamanistic/islamic , Kanem-Bornu-islamic , songhai-successor to mali and fully islamic , Ashanti-shamanistic/islamic and also Yoruba.

Ethiopia was still around , it outlived black AEgypt even up to today , it had converted to christianity but had a sizeable jewish population , thanks to the affair between the queen of sheba and king solomon. Being a christian country in a sea of islamic caliphates and sultanates was not easy and for the whole of the middle ages till now Ethiopia has had to contend with invasions and raids.Ethiopia was almost conquered in 1529-1543 by Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi or IL-Ghazi a Somalian. Had it not been for the belated intervention of the portuguese at the behest of Dawit II of Ethiopia appeling to their brothers in religion , Ethiopia may today be a fully islamic country.

Now some will say "You see they needed the white man to help them" but you need to know the full picture , the somalians were being backed by the ottoman empire. Until late in the war Ethiopia stood alone against the mighty ottomans and their proxy somalia.

At the onset of the war the muslim somalians aided by the then powerfull ottoman turks managed to defeat a larger ethiopian army but at a heavy cost. They then reverted to guerrila tactics until they could reform by which time the ottoman turks gave the jihadists guns and cannons which the ethiopians did not have nor were they exposed to before.

African civilizations that Flourished during colonial times were Congo , Great Zimbabwe , Kilwa and zulu.
edit on 1-8-2011 by De La Valletta because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by De La Valletta
The hatred for the black race and it's rich history is astounding. To be honest it is a recent phenomenon if you consider 400 years recent. You see during the colonial period when africa was the source of slaves for american plantations the europeans had to dehumanise the black african , he was made a beast. What beast ever created a civilization , eh? Every trace of african civilization was destroyed or litterally whitewashed. This Dehumanisation was done to justify slavery and colonialism.

With that said , yes ,Khemet/Khamit , (the true name for aegypt) from the original heiroglyphic consonants(the khemti or khemetians as the egyptians called themselves didn't use vowels) KMT meaning Black Land , yes "Black Land". Aegyptus being the greek name the greeks called it. How silly that many of you here want to push a fallacy/fantasy on black people once more and you don't even know the civilizations' true name.Quite Revealing.

Khemet was created by black africans .The blacks Who founded the civilization of Khemet were nilotic/saharan , modern day sudanese and tuareg , (not the sudanese arabs) some of the blackest people on earth. Makes you wonder why that jihad in sudan went unnoticed but the ones in iraq , afghanistan , balkans , libya got america's military involved. Another civilization created by these nilotics was Kush or Nubia.

As time went on inter breeding with asiatics coming from babylon and syria and caucasians from greece and rome and europe as a whole may have created a lighter skin tone and caused some differences in hair. We must remember that aegypt was diluted many times , conquered by the Hyksos an asiatic peoples , in the 12th dynasty-1900 bc whom they ousted around 1550 bc , almost 400 years of foreign occupation. It was after having to repel a foreign invsion that Khemet created a powerful army one that was used to conquer syria. Then the Assyrians invaded in 667 bc they were repelled in 653 bc. The Persians invaded in 525 bc , led by Cambyses II.

The 5th century bc was marked by rebellion against persia and Nectanebo II a native khemetian breifly claimed the throne of khemet as the last native royal house of dynastic Khemet , but he was defeated in battle against a combined force of persians and greeks at the battle of Pelusium. He fled south and held power there for some time , his fate after that is unknown. Persian rule was restored for a short time until in 332 bc mazaces the persian ruler surrendered it to Alexander the great without a fight.The greek satrap Ptolemy Soter after Alexander's death became the pharoah and a caucasian dynasty began. Cleopatra Soter was the last of that greek dynasty then the Romans came.After the Romans who brought christianity and the destruction of native khematic religion;NETJER. After the Romans Came the Arabs and islam. So you see , by now you will find it hard to find a racialy pure Khemetian/egyptian but there still are and they are black nilo saharans.

As for the cry that well oh , that's the only civilization blacks had , there was Kush/Nubia mentioned earlierand Punt;which has never been clearly located or identified. Dongola and Ethiopia in the horn of africa and Numidia in North africa. These were khemet's contempory classical black civilizations in africa. There is also evidence of an unknown civilization in Nigeria called the Nok Civilization but extensive archeology has not been carried out this far.

The middle ages saw the rise of islam which spread quickly by the sword or taqiya (deception). Notable black civilizations which emerged were the Moorish Caliphate , Ghana-shamanistic , Mali-successor to ghana shamanistic/islamic , Kanem-Bornu-islamic , songhai-successor to mali and fully islamic , Ashanti-shamanistic/islamic and also Yoruba.

Ethiopia was still around , it outlived black AEgypt even up to today , it had converted to christianity but had a sizeable jewish population , thanks to the affair between the queen of sheba and king solomon. Being a christian country in a sea of islamic caliphates and sultanates was not easy and for the whole of the middle ages till now Ethiopia has had to contend with invasions and raids.Ethiopia was almost conquered in 1529-1543 by Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi or IL-Ghazi a Somalian. Had it not been for the belated intervention of the portuguese at the behest of Dawit II of Ethiopia appeling to their brothers in religion , Ethiopia may today be a fully islamic country.

Now some will say "You see they needed the white man to help them" but you need to know the full picture , the somalians were being backed by the ottoman empire. Until late in the war Ethiopia stood alone against the mighty ottomans and their proxy somalia.

At the onset of the war Ethiopia the muslim somalians aided by the then powerfull ottoman turks managed to defeat a larger ethiopian army but at a heavy cost. They then reverted to guerrila tactics until they could reform by which time the ottoman turks gave the jihadists guns and cannons which the ethiopians did not have nor were they exposed to before.

African civilizations that Flourished during colonial times were Congo , Great Zimbabwe , Kilwa and zulu.

Thanks for the history lesson.

Alot of things things changed over 1,200 years.

So the christian ethiopia was helped by the portugese against the ottomans/somalians?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:00 PM
The royal bloodline of Egypt was not black, DNA has shown that they wernt!

edit on 1-8-2011 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by LUXUS
The royal bloodline of Egypt was not black, DNA has shown that they wernt!

who on earth are these white people..most of them seem that they lived less then 2000 yrs ago...they look like 19th and 18th century europeans.

i dont think your mind can entertain the notion let alone accept it.

i got a better question for you to answer

egypts dynastic period started in 3100

SHOW ME EVIDENCE OF WHITE PEOPLE EXISTING ON EARTH AT 3100 me anything from europe from this date.....

no evidence that you even existed let alone you running a remote kingdom in africa...
look stop the ignorant racism....its IMPOSSIBLE that they were white....
i dont think you understand what 4,500 years ago sure you didnt have bonnets and suits at this barely made it out of the cave yet


edit on 1-8-2011 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

...dude you crack me up!...but i caught it.

as for that new word...NUBIAN.

edit on 1-8-2011 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

i don't remember when but i saw a nat geo that talked about egypt having a nubian pharoah... I dont remember the exact story but they said he came conquered became the pharoah and then left to rule from his own capital... i remember he built smaller and steeper pyramids... then he had successors rule for 3/4 of a centry from egypt, untill the were pushed back by the assyrians...

i think that there are always going to be whiners and haters... there's not even an issue... they have evidence... it's more like a few deny while a few make a big deal about the denial... egypt was ruled by a nubian pharoah during the 7th and 8th centry bc and here's a link to a galery of pics that support this... racism is just a distraction to divide us

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Ok I understand now, if the dna testing showed they were black that would be ok, but because it showed they were white that makes it "racist"

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Yes they were helped but it was "quid pro quo" - something for something Ethiopia had to agree to bring their orthodox church under the Roman See of the Catholic church. They refused outright control by the vatican but allowed jesuit preists to evangelise in ethiopia , that is until they began to get fanatical and the jesuits were kicked out in 1633. After the war with somalia and turkey , turkey blockaded ethiopian ports from ever interacting with the outside world in fear that the ethiopians would be too strong to deal with if they ever got guns and european training also to get rid of the portuguese dominance of the red sea at that time. But this was ended in 1570 as the ottoman fleet was needed more in the mediterranean and a more taqiyah strategy of subversion and pitting rival ethiopian rulers against each other was adopted. A feudal period began called the Age of princes or in ge'ez Zemene Mesafint which began from 1570 and gained full momentum in 1769 and lasted till 1865.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by thePharaoh

i got a better question for you to answer

egypts dynastic period started in 3100

SHOW ME EVIDENCE OF WHITE PEOPLE EXISTING ON EARTH AT 3100 me anything from europe from this date.....

Sure, not that hard

1 Newgrange is one of the best examples in Ireland and in Western Europe, of a type of monument known to archaeologists as a passage-grave or passage-tomb.

2 It was constructed around 3200BC, according to the most reliable Carbon 14 dates available from archaeology. This makes it more than 600 years older than the Giza Pyramids in Egypt, and 1,000 years more ancient than Stonehenge.
edit on 1-8-2011 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

Up until the conquest by the hyksos the Shekem and shekeenah;the true names for the emperors and emperesss of khemet the people and rulers were black nilotic/saharan. "Pharoah" from "pyra" means white house or fire house or light house; it was the palace of the shekem and shekeenah not their title. The hyksos were an asiatic people who userped the crown of khemet , they were followed by Assyrians , Persians , Greeks and Romans so it is not surprising to find some white or asiatic dna in a "pharoah's" blood. Also khemetians freely mingled with other races and vice versa , especially from syria which was right next door and greece was just a hop over the pond.

edit to add-
The hyksos I must add loved everything about Khemetian culture so much so they totally adopted the black culture, now if it was so inferior why didn't they replace it with their pure white more advanced culture. They only thing they taught the khemetians was war , and how to make harder blades. Their capital in khemet was called Avaris (AVARICE-extreme greed).

edit on 1-8-2011 by De La Valletta because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by 11azerus11
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

i don't remember when but i saw a nat geo that talked about egypt having a nubian pharoah... I dont remember the exact story but they said he came conquered became the pharoah and then left to rule from his own capital... i remember he built smaller and steeper pyramids... then he had successors rule for 3/4 of a centry from egypt, untill the were pushed back by the assyrians...

i think that there are always going to be whiners and haters... there's not even an issue... they have evidence... it's more like a few deny while a few make a big deal about the denial... egypt was ruled by a nubian pharoah during the 7th and 8th centry bc and here's a link to a galery of pics that support this... racism is just a distraction to divide us

let me pick up on this...

what people need to realise... is that the nubians were not seperate from the kingdom, untill the new kingdom (18th dynasty)....when even the word "pharaoh" was dropped by the kings....

nubians were the thinnites/abydos league (first pharaohs)....there cults were of ptah and whenever you see amun as the states religion, the royal line was nubian....nubians were not dark black people like some egyptologists get confused with...these were ethiopians... were talking about the ku#es of the 25th dynasty...they were known as nubians....they travelled north and battled and controlled egypt untill they lost tanis and the north to th epersian empire...the last ku#e king was called taharaq....will smith is making a film about this where he plays taharaq (released 2012)..called "the last pharaoh" after him foreigners where pharaohs ...(but they were considered a dual lineage)....

.. nubians are from nubt, abydos, thebes, EGYPT...later after the divisions of the new kingdom, they then became ku#es...known as the last real pharaohs... after them pharaohs were persians, greeks, roman emperors, muslims of 642 ad......through till today, nubians are still there.... being mistaken by egyptologists as ethiopoians, as dark blacks...when there skin colour is golden tanned (nubt means gold) nubians are that colour...they are not dark black....

stop the confusion and the gnostic propaganda...if your confused then research the word " Medjai " - elite police, soldiers, royal guards, all have blood of related to the pharaoh.....THEY WERE ALL NUBIANS
...also read about the mysterious A-group....


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