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A Racist Conspiracy? Why are we taught that Black Africans never formed or ruled Ancient Egypt?

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posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
I don't think Black Africans did, there's way to many flaws in the "nubian" theory.

The problem with your denial is that the "Nubian theory" is based on hard scientific fact. Meaning that the statement that the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Nubians were biologically indistinguishable, is actually supported by crania-metric measurements (science). This is shown to you quite clearly in the dendrogram that I just posted above. Based on actual measurements of the crania (thus a major determinant in phenotype) Nubians and early ancient Egyptians overlap. Middle Easterners and Modern Egyptians don't come into close biological affinity until after the New Kingdom.

This seems to be more brainwashing by Farrakhan and his cronies, don't get fooled comrade.

No sir that is not Farrakhan being sourced, that is leading linguist and head of professor of African studies at UCLA Christopher Ehret who wrote the article of the cultural and linguistic origins of ancient Egypt. Those archaeological and linguistic aspects of the question and origins of Egypt, also indisputably point to both Sub Saharan East Africans and the Nilo Saharan speakers of the ancient Sahara (both black Africans) as the creators of ancient Egypt.

Please do not be fooled by perhaps one of the biggest racially motivated Eurocentric lies in history. The original ancient Egyptians were black Africans period!

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 09:10 AM
To answer the question of if there was ever a racist conspiracy to hide the fact that the original ancient Egyptians were black Africans, the answer is YES. Below are the comments by Bio-Anthropologist SOY Keita about the Eurocentric distortions of this ancient African civilization:

"The living peoples of the African continent are diverse in facial characteristics, stature, skin color, hair form, genetics, and other characteristics. No one set of characteristics is more African than another. Variability is also found in "sub-Saharan" Africa, to which the word "Africa" is sometimes erroneously restricted. There is a problem with definitions. Sometimes Africa is defined using cultural factors, like language, that exclude developments that clearly arose in Africa. For example, sometimes even the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea) is excluded because of geography and language and the fact that some of its peoples have narrow noses and faces.

However, the Horn is at the same latitude as Nigeria, and its languages are African. The latitude of 15 degree passes through Timbuktu, surely in "sub-Saharan Africa," as well as Khartoum in Sudan; both are north of the Horn. Another false idea is that supra-Saharan and Saharan Africa were peopled after the emergence of "Europeans" or Near Easterners by populations coming from outside Africa. Hence, the ancient Egyptians in some writings have been de-Africanized. These ideas, which limit the definition of Africa and Africans, are rooted in racism and earlier, erroneous "scientific" approaches." (S. Keita, "The Diversity of Indigenous Africans," in Egypt in Africa, Theodore Clenko, Editor (1996), pp. 104-105. [10])

People of modern Western society who have never studied ancient Egypt or Africa for that matter (including some African Americans) are so accustomed to seeing the ancient Egyptians as an Arabanized/Mediterranean people portrayed on National Geographic reenactments that they feel that this is a true representation of them. Some even feel offended at the revelation of the actual hard facts pointing conversely to their black African origins. In reality the original ancient Egyptians looked most similar to modern day populations seen in the Horn of Africa:

"Analysis of crania is the traditional approach to assessing ancient population origins, relationships, and diversity. In studies based on anatomical traits and measurements of crania, similarities have been found between Nile Valley crania from 30,000, 20,000 and 12,000 years ago and various African remains from more recent times (see Thoma 1984; Brauer and Rimbach 1990; Angel and Kelley 1986; Keita 1993). Studies of crania from southern predynastic Egypt, from the formative period (4000-3100 B.C.), show them usually to be more similar to the crania of ancient Nubians, Ku#es, Saharans, or modern groups from the Horn of Africa than to those of dynastic northern Egyptians or ancient or modern southern Europeans." (S. O. Y and A.J. Boyce, "The Geographical Origins and Population Relationships of Early Ancient Egyptians", in Egypt in Africa, Theodore Celenko (ed), Indiana University Press, 1996, pp. 20-33)

The above is what actual peer reviewed research has concluded about the phenotype of the original ancient Egyptians, not some crack pot Afrocentrics as some have asserted. Some people need to put away their blind prejudices if they can ever answer such questions objectively.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 09:34 AM
Some of them were black. Some were white. Egypt is a mix. Some are black Nubians and you can see this in their art. Others had lighter skin and looked similar to their Hebrew neighbors and Berber people in North Africa.

Generally Africans who are south of Cancer have black skin, most of them north have olive skin and Caucasian features and some of them from the Atlas Mountains and north coast look straight up white.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by m1991Some of them were black. Some were white. Egypt is a mix. Some are black Nubians and you can see this in their art.

Which do you think is a better way to answer the question of what they looked like?

1. Empirical research based on their skeletal morphology (which concludes by the way)

"There is now a sufficient body of evidence from modern studies of skeletal remains to indicate that the ancient Egyptians, In general, the inhabitants of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the greatest biological affinity to people of the Sahara and more southerly areas.".. In general, the inhabitants of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the greatest biological affinity to people of the Sahara and more southerly areas." (Nancy C. Lovell, " Egyptians, physical anthropology of," in Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, ed. Kathryn A. Bard and Steven Blake Shubert, ( London and New York: Routledge, 1999) pp 328-332)


2. Subjective artwork? (For example)

King Tut

Ethiopian Children

Northern Egyptian Children

Which kids look more like Tut?

Generally Africans who are south of Cancer have black skin, most of them north have olive skin and Caucasian features and some of them from the Atlas Mountains and north coast look straight up white.

In regards to populations being tropically adapted, you are aware that the ancient Egyptians had tropically adapted body plans aren't you?

"The raw values in Table 6 suggest that Egyptians had the “super-Negroid” body plan described by Robins (1983).. This pattern is supported by Figure 7 (a plot of population mean femoral and tibial lengths; data from Ruff, 1994), which indicates that the Egyptians generally have tropical body plans. Of the Egyptian samples, only the Badarian and Early Dynastic period populations have shorter tibiae than predicted from femoral length. Despite these differences, all samples lie relatively clustered together as compared to the other populations." (Zakrzewski, S.R. (2003). "Variation in ancient Egyptian stature and body proportions". American Journal of Physical Anthropology 121 (3): 219-229.

This is relevant because as you've stated Egypt and most of Northern Africa lie above the tropics. Therefore in order for a population to be tropically adapted like the ancient Egyptians were "GENERALLY" (most often) found to be, then it would mean that that particular population had to have came from the tropics. According to ecological principal and as you've even stated tropically adapted populations have black skin regardless of if they are African or not (people like aboriginal Australians are also tropically adapted). Therefore the ancient Egyptians were black skinned Africans, with crania that most closely resembled Nubians, Ku#es, and Horn Africans.

"During an excavation headed by the German Institute for Archaeology, Cairo, at the tombs of the nobles in Thebes-West, Upper Egypt, three types of tissues from different mummies were sampled to compare 13 well known rehydration methods for mummified tissue with three newly developed methods. .. Skin sections showed particularly good tissue preservation, although cellular outlines were never distinct. Although much of the epidermis had already separated from the dermis, the remaining epidermis often was preserved well (Fig. 1). The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin as expected for specimens of Negroid origin." --(A-M Mekota and M Vermehren. (2005) Determination of optimal rehydration, fixation and staining methods for histological and immunohistochemical analysis of mummified soft tissues. Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, Vol. 80, No. 1, Pages 7-13

The above and posted at the bottom of the previous page is what peer reviewed studies have concluded about the remains of the ancient Egyptians. They clearly conclude that the original ancient Egyptians generally looked like elongated Africans (like those seen in Somalia on the news) along with broad featured Africans (like Nilo Saharans). The ORIGINAL ancient Egyptians were not Middle Easterners or a mixture of the black African and Middle Easterners, they were black Africans as just about every piece of Bio-Cultural evidence indicates. If anyone disputes this then please provide something other than an explanation of their own cherry picked Egyptian artwork and more along the lines of hard measurable biological evidence as I've presented.

edit on 15-8-2011 by SirShawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
I don't think Black Africans did, there's way to many flaws in the "nubian" theory.
This seems to be more brainwashing by Farrakhan and his cronies, don't get fooled comrade.

farakan ...shmarakan....look ive met nubian....and i`ll say flat out..THEY WERE THE PHARAOHS


posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 11:27 PM
Please, just knock it off already. Really, it seems like Blacks are incapable of accomplishing anything of their own, so the only thing to do at this point is just try to steal others' accomplishments. Pathetic. Black Egypt? Sorry, but no.

Look, if Blacks really want to be considered equals, then I suggest they set out and actually achieve something of their own. No one's stopping them. But all they're doing with stuff like this is making themselves more of a laughingstock.

......By the way, if the Ancient Egyptians really were Black, just why is it that seemingly all of their mummies and artwork apparently suggest otherwise?

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by thePharaoh

NAME a foreign pharaoh

From the hyksos; Sakir-har , from persia;Xerxes I of Persia , from the greeks;Alexander the great , then Ptolemy Soter. The list goes on.

the word pyra-mid is greek though!..pyra means flame in greek....stop using greek!...

Do not , antagonise me , nor skew my words. Of course it's greek! Any greek I used is to justapose and compare to show that the true name and meaning per aa;light house , white house , great house, is not conveyed . We are told pharoah meant the ruler when in fact it was his palace. Just as Aegypt is used instead of Khemet. I do not use the greek as the actual meaning , got that! Funny thing about Pharoah or white house , is that the seat of government of the worlds leading nation , USA , is in Washington D.C at the white house.

yes and my point is..the so-called hyksos of the 18th dynasty were NOT foreign....their ideology was....they were all related to the bloodline....ahmose..the first king of the new kingdom...WAS UPPER EGYPTIAN....they fought for a new ideology...

As far as I know and showed Hyksos means foreign ruler in Khemetian heiroglyphs , all history books and articles verify this , the khemetians considered them to have invaded from the east , they were never native. Why not show me your sources , some links to what is otherwise contrary stuff?

Also , the name khemet. Now I will admit , I don't know if there's any connection but from it you can get , khemystery and All-Khemy , just something I've allways wondered about.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by Bleak

Please, just knock it off already. Really, it seems like Blacks are incapable of accomplishing anything of their own,

The moorish caliphate
Great Zimbabwe

You don't mean these right?Oh but you never took the time to research these black civilizations , so why should I expect you to know them? After all what can blacks accomplish , right?

so the only thing to do at this point is just try to steal others' accomplishments. Pathetic.

Oh , you mean 400 years and counting of , Colonialism and now Neo-Colonialism , That's Europeans and now asians buddy. What black country invaded , Iraq , Afghanistan ,China , vietnam and South East Asia, India , The americas , carved up all of africa into colonies and neglected the populations of these countries while funneling these nations resources back home.Last but not least the Economic embargo of Haiti from 1804 to the 1915 invasion by america who left a ruth-less dynasty to rule that country in the form of François Duvalier aka "Pappa Doc" and his son Jean-Claude Duvalier aka "Baby Doc".

Was it blacks who committed genocide against the native americans north and south of the masie-dixie , Aborigines of australia and blew Melenesia in the pacific to kingdom come , with nuclear testing. Was it africans who got chinese addicted to oppium and then when they tried to fight back in the boxer rebellion went in just like africa and screwed the chinese like a door-knob , every COLONIAL power took turns. Don't get me started on the Imf and Economic hitmen and how they rape third world countries and started the global economic crisis. That , is pathetic. what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?

Black Egypt? Sorry, but no.

Yes , Black Khemet! Damn right! Can ya dig it!
This Is queen Tiye grandmother of Tutankhamen and mother of Akhenaton. Black like tar isn't she.

Look, if Blacks really want to be considered equals, then I suggest they set out and actually achieve something of their own.

So you don't consider blacks equal , hmmmm.....? And they've never achieved anything , hmmmm?........this reveals so much. Again , why don't you see them! Maybe you just don't want to see it , I'll show you one more time.

The moorish caliphate
Great Zimbabwe

No one's stopping them.

I agree , no one , is stopping them. So to all black people out there , do not listen to these racist whitewhasing revisionists , black people can excel in the world in areas other than athletics. You do have a wonderful past , you have accomplished much , you just need to look within for your solutions not at what colonial history books teach you or racist eugenicists. Believe in yourself and be proud (not too proud that you're arrogant) , you had ancient and medieval empires that were the envy of the world. Look at Ethiopia today it's still there , racially intact and it was there way back then , Khemet fell , The hellenic empire of Alexander fell , Both roman empires fell. Ethiopia outlived them. Black people , stand together as one.

But all they're doing with stuff like this is making themselves more of a laughingstock.

Son of Set , remember , "He who laughts last.....!"

just why is it that seemingly all of their mummies and artwork apparently suggest otherwise?

Show me these white men you speak of , I'm sure anyone who looked at the khemetians heiroglyphs and murals depicting themselves will see brown and black men , not white or yellow. Also a little mixed blood amung the royals and the whole civilization is white , that's a bit extreme isn't it?! For goodness sakes these men had harems full of women from all over the known world don't ya think Shekem(emperor of Khemet) would have a greek , a Scythian , Asssyrian , Babylonian , Persian concubine?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by De La Valletta

1) Listing random African countries.....I'm not seeing the point.

2) The whole "European atrocity" thing is something I've spoken of extensively before; I do not wish to get into it yet again. Besides, it's off topic anyway.

3) It seems as if there were many racial types in Ancient Egypt, including a handful of Blacks (I actually said nothing to the contrary), but to bluntly call it a "Black civilization"......I think not.

4) Huh? Where did I say that the Ancient Egyptians were White? Still, it's clear that some of them WERE in fact White; certainly not all of them, but some of them. Look into it.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Bleak

1) Listing random African countries.....I'm not seeing the point.

Exactly , as I said and you never will (see). If you knew anything , you'd know these were and some still are , black empires and seats of civilization , not just "random african countries". I put their names there to show you black people did create something of their own. I bet you couldn't find some of these on a map of afica?

2) The whole "European atrocity" thing is something I've spoken of extensively before; I do not wish to get into it yet again. Besides, it's off topic anyway.

No , it is very on topic. There seems to be many people here who seem to think that black africans are the worst , that they are savages , backwards and can't possibly run the affairs of a nation properly. Remember , Barry is part white and before him bush did so good with no mixture. So I've given you a track record of what europeans have done. Whites and asians are just as capable of creating failed states. And there's much more where that came from.

3) It seems as if there were many racial types in Ancient Egypt, including a handful of Blacks (I actually said nothing to the contrary), but to bluntly call it a "Black civilization"......I think not.

Again , you do not like to study the evidence , I showed you queen Tiye and already you want to say a handfull of blacks.Just a handful? She wasn't a nubian royal , she was a ligitamate full blooded khemetian queen mother. A native queen at that.

4) Huh? Where did I say that the Ancient Egyptians were White? Still, it's clear that some of them WERE in fact White; certainly not all of them, but some of them. Look into it.

Your words man.

By the way, if the Ancient Egyptians really were Black, just why is it that seemingly all of their mummies and artwork apparently suggest otherwise?

Again , khemet was situated at a crossroads they had many european and asiatic neighbours especially in lower khemet , which is the north in the delta , just because they they illegally immagrated does not give them ancestral rights. But middle and upper Khemet in the south were exclusively and quite telling , very black nilo/saharans. Revealingly these were the heartlands of khemet and the cultural , religious , historic and royal centers of khemet like Thebes and Heliopolis which was called per-aat or great house.

You still have not shown me any depictions of white pharoahs , or white skinned Khemetians. You may find depictions of yellow or pink queens , but as stated by me and others the kingship passed through a matriachy that was very black. These were more than likely harem offspring from foreign princesses , not legitamate matriarchy. Some of these little queens as they were called even conspired to userp the throne for their sons or daughters , you do remember the Harem Plot that Rameses had to put down. So through typical court intrigue , deceptian and mechanations some of the shekems of khemet did have mixed blood. But had you seen them on a cotton plantation in the south during slavery you would still tear their backs up with the whip as they still looked black enough. It was only after the whole persian and hellenic conquests that white illegitamate pharoahs came about , like Ptolemy Soter.

edit on 17-8-2011 by De La Valletta because: had to bold a word

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Bleak
Please, just knock it off already. Really, it seems like Blacks are incapable of accomplishing anything of their own, so the only thing to do at this point is just try to steal others' accomplishments. Pathetic. Black Egypt? Sorry, but no.

Look, if Blacks really want to be considered equals, then I suggest they set out and actually achieve something of their own. No one's stopping them. But all they're doing with stuff like this is making themselves more of a laughingstock.

......By the way, if the Ancient Egyptians really were Black, just why is it that seemingly all of their mummies and artwork apparently suggest otherwise?

Notice that this racist bastard could not even address the peer reviewed studies and articles that I posted at the top of this page and the last, which confirm the reality of black Egypt. Instead he opted to resort to cowardly ass ad hominems based entirely on his own ignorance of ancient African history...PATHETIC!!!

Here is a 2009 study for your racist ass to swallow, which confirm all of the previous research stating that the ancient Egyptians and Nubians were biologically indistinguishable from one another. Proving that the ancient Egyptians were black just like the Nubians:

"The Mahalanobis D2 analysis uncovered close affinities between Nubians and Egyptians. Table 3 lists the Mahalanobis D2 distance matrix... In some cases, the statistics reveal that the Egyptian samples were more similar to Nubian samples than to other Egyptian samples (e.g. Gizeh and Hesa/Biga) and vice versa (e.g. Badari and Kerma, Naqada and Christian). These relationships are further depicted in the PCO plot (Fig. 2).

The clustering of the Nubian and Egyptian samples together supports this paper's hypothesis and demonstrates that there may be a close relationship between the two populations. This relationship is consistent with Berry and Berry (1972), among others, who noted a similarity between Nubians and Egyptians.

Both mtDNA (Krings et al., 1999) and Y-Chromosome data (Hassan et al., 2008; Keita, 2005; Lucotte and Mercier, 2003) indicate that migrations, usually bidirectional, occurred along the Nile. Thus, the osteological material used in this analysis also supports the DNA evidence.

On this basis, many have postulated that the Badarians are relatives to South African populations (Morant, 1935 G. Morant, A study of predynastic Egyptian skulls from Badari based on measurements taken by Miss BN Stoessiger and Professor DE Derry, Biometrika 27 (1935), pp. 293–309.Morant, 1935; Mukherjee et al., 1955; Irish and Konigsberg, 2007). The archaeological evidence points to this relationship as well. (Hassan, 1986) and (Hassan, 1988) noted similarities between Badarian pottery and the Neolithic Khartoum type, indicating an archaeological affinity among Badarians and Africans from more southern regions. Furthermore, like the Badarians, Naqada has also been classified with other African groups, namely the Teita (Crichton, 1996; Keita, 1990).

Nutter (1958) noted affinities between the Badarian and Naqada samples, a feature that Strouhal (1971) attributed to their skulls possessing “Negroid” traits. Keita (1992), using craniometrics, discovered that the Badarian series is distinctly different from the later Egyptian series, a conclusion that is mostly confirmed here. In the current analysis, the Badari sample more closely clusters with the Naqada sample and the Kerma sample. However, it also groups with the later pooled sample from Dynasties XVIII–XXV.

The reoccurring notation of Kerma affinities with Egyptian groups is not entirely surprising. Kerma was an integral part of the trade between Egypt and Nubia.

However, the archaeological evidence actually showed slow change in form over time (Adams, 1977) and the biological evidence demonstrated a similar trend in the skeletal data (e.g. Godde, in press; Van Gerven et al., 1977). These conclusions negate the possibility of invasion or migration causing the shifts in time periods. The results in this study are consistent with prior work; the Meroites and X-Group cluster with the remaining Nubian population and are not differentiated.

Gene flow may account for the homogeneity across these Nubian and Egyptian groups and is consistent with the biological diffusion precept. Small geographic distances between groups allow for the exchange of genes.
The similarities uncovered by this study may be explained by another force, adaptation.. resemblance may be indicative of a common adaptation to a similar geographic location, rather than gene flow
Egypt and Nubia have similar terrain and climate. Because of the similarity between and the overlapping of the two territories that would require similar adaptations to the environment, common adaptation cannot be discounted.

Gene flow appears likely between the Egyptians and Nubians, although common adaptations to a similar environment may have also been a factor in their cranial similarities. This study does not rule out the possibility that in situ biological evolution occurred at other times not represented by the samples in this analysis. "

-- Godde K. (2009) An Examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: Support for biological diffusion or in situ development? Homo. 2009;60(5):389-404.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Bleak
reply to post by De La Valletta

1) Listing random African countries.....I'm not seeing the point.

Those were ancient African civilization you genius. Do some damn research before you open spout ignorance. The world did not always revolve around Europe.

3) It seems as if there were many racial types in Ancient Egypt, including a handful of Blacks (I actually said nothing to the contrary), but to bluntly call it a "Black civilization"......I think not.

The predominant race in ancient Egypt all the way up until the end of the New Kingdom were native black Egyptians. In Egypt's pre-Dynastic stage black Africans were the only racial type in Egypt. Hence Egypt was a black nation:

Previous analyses of cranial variation found the Badari and Early Predynastic Egyptians to be more similar to other African groups than to Mediterranean or European populations (Keita, 1990; Zakrzewski, 2002). In addition, the Badarians have been described as near the centroid of cranial and dental variation among Predynastic and Dynastic populations studied (Irish, 2006; Zakrzewski, 2007). This suggests that, at least through the Early Dynastic period, the inhabitants of the Nile valley were a continuous population of local origin, and no major migration or replacement events occurred during this time.

Studies of cranial morphology also support the use of a Nubian (Kerma) population for a comparison of the Dynastic period, as this group is likely to be more closely genetically related to the early Nile valley inhabitants than would be the [Late Dynastic Egyptians, who likely experienced significant mixing with other Mediterranean populations (Zakrzewski, 2002).-- AP Starling, JT Stock. (2007). Dental Indicators of Health and Stress in Early Egyptian and Nubian Agriculturalists: A Difficult Transition and Gradual Recovery. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 134:520–528

The above is peer reviewed research which proves that ancient Egypt was black and conversely that what you are arguing is utter baselessness and or BULL#!

4) Huh? Where did I say that the Ancient Egyptians were White? Still, it's clear that some of them WERE in fact White; certainly not all of them, but some of them. Look into it.

Yeah white FOREIGNERS during the LATE DYNASTIC PERIOD from GREECE and ROME, unless for some strange reason (for the purpose of claiming input into a civilization) we are NOW going to consider Middle Easterners white. And Hell Middle Easterners did not even become a significant part of the Egyptian populace until the New Kingdom when a #load of invasions infiltrated the Nile.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Bleak
reply to post by De La Valletta

1) Listing random African countries.....I'm not seeing the point.

Those were ancient African civilization you genius. Do some damn research before you open spout ignorance. The world did not always revolve around Europe.

3) It seems as if there were many racial types in Ancient Egypt, including a handful of Blacks (I actually said nothing to the contrary), but to bluntly call it a "Black civilization"......I think not.

The predominant race in ancient Egypt all the way up until the end of the New Kingdom were native black Egyptians. In Egypt's pre-Dynastic stage black Africans were the only racial type in Egypt. Hence Egypt was a black nation:

Previous analyses of cranial variation found the Badari and Early Predynastic Egyptians to be more similar to other African groups than to Mediterranean or European populations (Keita, 1990; Zakrzewski, 2002). In addition, the Badarians have been described as near the centroid of cranial and dental variation among Predynastic and Dynastic populations studied (Irish, 2006; Zakrzewski, 2007). This suggests that, at least through the Early Dynastic period, the inhabitants of the Nile valley were a continuous population of local origin, and no major migration or replacement events occurred during this time.

Studies of cranial morphology also support the use of a Nubian (Kerma) population for a comparison of the Dynastic period, as this group is likely to be more closely genetically related to the early Nile valley inhabitants than would be the [Late Dynastic Egyptians, who likely experienced significant mixing with other Mediterranean populations (Zakrzewski, 2002).-- AP Starling, JT Stock. (2007). Dental Indicators of Health and Stress in Early Egyptian and Nubian Agriculturalists: A Difficult Transition and Gradual Recovery. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 134:520–528

The above is peer reviewed research which proves that ancient Egypt was black and conversely that what you are arguing is utter baselessness and or BULL#!

4) Huh? Where did I say that the Ancient Egyptians were White? Still, it's clear that some of them WERE in fact White; certainly not all of them, but some of them. Look into it.

Yeah white FOREIGNERS during the LATE DYNASTIC PERIOD from GREECE and ROME, unless for some strange reason (for the purpose of claiming input into a civilization) we are NOW going to consider Middle Easterners white. And Hell Middle Easterners did not even become a significant part of the Egyptian populace until the New Kingdom when a #load of invasions infiltrated the Nile.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by De La Valletta

From the hyksos; Sakir-har , from persia;Xerxes I of Persia , from the greeks;Alexander the great , then Ptolemy Soter. The list goes on.

sakir - har from thje 15th dynasty??....sakir-har (sokar - horus)...was not foreign...unless he was part of the paitrachy....but still not foriegn.
as for the persians and greco romans...YES they are foreign...they ruled for the LAST 525 yrs and sold egypt out to the romans.....

Also , the name khemet. Now I will admit , I don't know if there's any connection but from it you can get , khemystery and All-Khemy , just something I've allways wondered about.

chemistry and alchemy....was a cult practice...priests and scientists were one and the same


posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Painterz

lol yeah I know a few older stubborn white christian guys who will NEVER admit jesus was anything but a whtie guy. Its sad really.

Those are the same guys who refuse to head about evolution, because it just 'doesn't make sense' to them.

I have always grew up thinking the egyptians must have been black, or at least very dark.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 04:55 PM
I say what the heck does it matter what they had done 2000 some odd years ago? It's the old addage "what have you done lately?
Show me something positive they have done lately for their country.
That's what is important not the past, have they advanced? If so then why do we need to send them so many billions of dollars each year in Aid? They need us for modern medicine. So...The whole topic is how many pages of pointless drivel?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by thePharaoh

The hyksos or heka-khawaset as the khemetians called them and that word meant foriegn ruler. I'd really like to know where you picked up the idea that they were native. All sources I know of says they are foreign invaders from the east , they were shephard kings.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 06:16 PM
If ancient Egyptians were black, how come they are not drawn with negroid features?

All art coming out of Negroid Africa portraits people with large dlat noses and big lips. However, no Egyptian drawings show such people.

Personally, I think it is logical to assume that Ancient Egyptians did not have Negroid features.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by masterp
If ancient Egyptians were black, how come they are not drawn with negroid features?

All art coming out of Negroid Africa portraits people with large dlat noses and big lips. However, no Egyptian drawings show such people.

Personally, I think it is logical to assume that Ancient Egyptians did not have Negroid features.

Just wondering, have you seen all the every pieces of art on Egyptian walls?

It takes one search in google and you will find many examples or black/ dark skin Egyptians at that time.
edit on 17-8-2011 by OwenGP185 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

If so then why do we need to send them so many billions of dollars each year in Aid?

Neo-Colonialism , my darling. The Imf got many third world developing countries to borrow money at exhorbitant interest rates , they fool , bribe or co-oerce the leaders(Corrupt them) to take these loans and also privatise perfectly liquid and profitable national assets like water , electrical plants , farms etc. This is the job of Economic Hitmen. The privatization of national assets free them up to be bought off by all the foreign vultures who usually do not have the peoples best interest at heart , just profit.

Also the high interest loans are usually used to enhance these now private institutes and if they are used , they usully build useless infrastructure at the advice of these economic hitmen. When the eventual outcome of the country not being able to repay it's debt , it either raises taxes , fires public workers and sells everything it owns , like Greece. They also repeat the vicious cycle of borrowing more money at high interest rates to pay back the debt. They have to take these toxic loans or else. The imf and world bank send in the jackles to cause unrest and to assassinate the leader who refused to take that loan. Watch Casino Jack about Jack Abramov;a lobbyist in washington who was convicted for extortion , fraud and bribery. Another article to read and watch is Confessions of an Economic Hit Man;detailing the practices of John Perkins in destroying third world economies.

They need us for modern medicine. So...The whole topic is how many pages of pointless drivel?

We neded them just as much , blacks have contributed just as much as others and in the time of slavery and colonialism many discoveries and innovations were wrongfully atribbuted to white associates or masters of black inventors or innovators. A list of contributions by africans and black men.

1721-Onesimus;Onesimus informed his master about an inoculation procedure practiced in Africa. The centuries-old practice was practiced throughout Africa and involved the extraction of material from the pustule of an infected person and, using a thorn, scratching it into the skin of the unaffected person

1751:Cesar, a slave in South Carolina was freed by the SC general Assembly because he discovered a cure for rattlesnake bites.

Open heart surgery
1893: Daniel Hale Williams;He was the first surgeon to open the chest cavity successfully without the patient dying of infection and repair a torn pericardium. The man he fixed went on to live 50 more years.

Gas Mask
1914:Garrett Morgan;inventor of the gas mask , saved many lives in ww1 and ww2.

Blood/Plasma banks and their preservation
1940: Dr. Charles Drew pioneered techniques for separating and preserving blood components-especially blood plasma. His expertise saved thousands of lives during World War II.

Reversal of blue baby syndrome and creation of new surgical instruments
1944:Vivien Thomas;a laboratory technician , developed the procedures used to treat blue baby syndrome in the 1940s , his innovation was awarded to his white collegues. He never attended medical school and was recognised 28 years later after training many doctors and surgeons.

edit on 17-8-2011 by De La Valletta because: accedental smiley

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