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Why the Hate Towards Jesus Christ on ATS?

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
Its not just ATS my friend, Jesus of Nazareth seems to be the main target on many forums/websites. If you ask me that's just gives him more creditability of being the one true deity since he seem's to be such a huge threat to the non-believers who post here.
edit on 7-7-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

So you're saying that Jesus has more credibility because more people present legitimate doubt?

Okay. That doesn't make sense but okay.

It makes plenty of sense.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:42 PM


Can someone provide an example of an ATS poster, and/or their post, that demonstrates that they literally hate Jesus?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by sting130u
reply to post by yourmaker

You take the Bible out of context if thats what you believe. The gospel does not say kill others, stone your children, start wars, be hypocrites, etc. Jesus is our salvation, our brother, and our only way to the Kingdom of God. Repent, and walk with Jesus. Follow the ten commandments. There is a difference between faith and fanatic. Faith in your favorite musician means you buy their tickets, their cds, their videos, fanatic means you go crazy, you are part of all the fan clubs, you'd kill someone for this musician, you collect every pebble they seem to walk on, and you stalk them. It's about your experience in life and how you look at things.

It's like a company. You can have 5000 people in the company and everything works great. One person screws up and ends up in the news than the whole company looks like s#. These people doing bad things because the Bible says so are just ruining the image, and your allowing it to do that. Your letting others thoughts and actions influence your decision on the Bible. Read the whole Bible, and than come tell me if you feel like going out and killing anyone that doesn't agree with you.

You sure you're quoting the right person?

"Your letting others thoughts and actions influence your decision on the Bible."

Please read the whole thread before my head explodes. I answer to no one. My thoughts of the bible are my own.
I HAVE actually read the bible, like as I stated in this thread.

"Read the whole Bible, and than come tell me if you feel like going out and killing anyone that doesn't agree with you."

I don't have the urge to kill anyone. LOL. When did I ever say anything remotely close to this?

"There is a difference between faith and fanatic. Faith in your favorite musician means you buy their tickets, their cds, their videos, fanatic means you go crazy, you are part of all the fan clubs, you'd kill someone for this musician"

It's funny you mention this, i'm the musician. HAHA

"Jesus is our salvation, our brother, and our only way to the Kingdom of God."

Good to know, I don't believe in Kingdoms, or Kings to rule me.

These people doing bad things because the Bible says so are just ruining the image

The image was ruined itself from the moment it was conceptualized.

You take the Bible out of context if thats what you believe.

Oh? and what is it I believe exactly? Do tell. You all seem to know what I believe more then I do myself.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer


Can someone provide an example of an ATS poster, and/or their post, that demonstrates that they literally hate Jesus?

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by chancemusky
I dont think people hate the idea of jesus, just what some of his "followers" do. Also, christianity is one of the most familiar religions to most of ATS.

Nope I hate the idea of a jesus, yes sir.

I provided my own. LOL. I really do. Not the idea of being a good person. Honest, truthful.
The lies surrounding him and his story.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker
I provided my own. LOL. I really do. Not the idea of being a good person. Honest, truthful.
The lies surrounding him and his story.

So, is that hate for Jesus or hate for the idea of Jesus?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:00 PM
I don't hate Jesus, I hate some hypocritical followers who think that they can save my soul, when they can't see their own faults. Why would I want to hang out with them? I've seen close-minded people in all christian faiths trying to convert me, but I don't want to be like them, or feel the need to go to church. Noone is better than anyone else, but christian followers take the biscuit as far as arrogance goes. Recently I had to call off a 'friendship' cos the 'christian' involved was trying to convert me on one hand and cheat on his missus on the other...sheer ignorance and arrogance. Needless to say I wasn't impressed with him and there was more than a few four-lettered words flying about. Why do christians think that just cos they go to church, that they are somehow better? Cos they think they are saved? So all 'christians' have to do to mitigate themselves is say sorry to God or Jesus...not to help the people who were shafted in some way by those same 'christians'....the whole thing is disgusting.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

I have no idea where my head was at when I replied to you. I don't think I meant to reply to you, and now I can't seem to be able to refocus on what I was trying to get across. This happens alot when your a parent. Sometimes I can't even read an article a day without being interrupted. My apologies.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by yourmaker
I provided my own. LOL. I really do. Not the idea of being a good person. Honest, truthful.
The lies surrounding him and his story.

So, is that hate for Jesus or hate for the idea of Jesus?

I don't know if I could bring myself to actually hate Jesus. There's nothing really to hate.
Actually I don't "hate". Just dislike or wish it wasn't like this. Good point, my mistake.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:03 PM
I'm gonna add my 2 cents here.

I'm not doubting that Jesus was a real person, I am saying all of the miracles and greatness are BS.

That area is full of hallucinogenic plants.

Don't believe me?

Look it up.

I believe all of these "miracles" are the result of someone eating the wrong kind of mushrooms and writing down what they saw.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:06 PM
well, hi

i don't think it's a specific hatred but rather a reaction towards the ever increasing amount of zealots for the past few years. whatever game is being played on this planet, religion seems to be shoved down our throats, trust me, same goes for everywhere and any abrahamic religion, i.e., we down here in turkey are likewise fed up with the ruling govt's overly religious sensitivity (they're mild n moderate islamists and just won yet another election with 50% this time). mankind should've figured out interstellar travel or at least found a cure for cancer instead of acting like the nutcase mum in stephen king's carrie but alas it seems we're heading the opposite direction. same $#@! diff. color.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

I believe in people, in life, in the REAL.

So tell me then, what is real?

Because if you think life is only what you think is real, I feel sorry for you. That is a mighty small box you live in.

The perception of reality can be changed, but the word and meaning of Jesus Christ will last forever.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by celticpride
I don't hate Jesus, I hate some hypocritical followers who think that they can save my soul, when they can't see their own faults. Why would I want to hang out with them? I've seen close-minded people in all christian faiths trying to convert me, but I don't want to be like them, or feel the need to go to church. Noone is better than anyone else, but christian followers take the biscuit as far as arrogance goes. Recently I had to call off a 'friendship' cos the 'christian' involved was trying to convert me on one hand and cheat on his missus on the other...sheer ignorance and arrogance. Needless to say I wasn't impressed with him and there was more than a few four-lettered words flying about. Why do christians think that just cos they go to church, that they are somehow better? Cos they think they are saved? So all 'christians' have to do to mitigate themselves is say sorry to God or Jesus...not to help the people who were shafted in some way by those same 'christians'....the whole thing is disgusting.

I hear this as a problem alot. People don't want to be bothered and told their souls will burn for an eternity due to them not being saved. I can't even tell you the people I've yelled at for knocking on my door with this dribble.

I think their main goal is to open everyone up to the option of being saved. The Bible tells us to tell others, spread the gospel. The gospel, not the beliefs of people. I think the trying to save people was for more of the dark ages, before literacy and computers and electronic communication. But you can only beat a dead horse so much right? You have the message, you understand what is being said, so why do people keep pushing the issue? It seemed to stop completely for me when I accepted Jesus (again). I have not been bugged in 3 years. I'm not gonna say I'm christian, I am just a human being that is a sinner and believes in Jesus. My beliefs should not be your beliefs, cause we aren't individuals than.

No one can form an opinion for you, only you can do that. I just hope your right if you chose to deny the gift because the consequences are quite extreme for telling God no and slamming doors in his followers faces, if that is the case.

I think this world is based on negative and positive. I am a pretty negative person, but I have gotten alot better in my years. I think Jesus message was very positive, and he was trying to get people to live positive so we can be in a positive state. Who knows though, I'm just a squirrel looking for a nut in this world of no trees.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired

There is no shortage of hate towards religions on the forum/posting websites that allow users to openly discuss and comment upon topics. Christians / Christianity is a favorite among haters. There seems to be a lot of people who got very turned off by people they have been exposed to in their lives which results in clumping believers onto one big pot.

ATS is tame compared to a few sites I've been on. As usual, the anonymity of the internet seems to bring out the worst in some folks and they display behavior they wouldn't think of showing as a guest in your home or at a party, etcetera.

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” - Albert Einstein

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Skerrako
reply to post by yourmaker

I believe in people, in life, in the REAL.

So tell me then, what is real?

Because if you think life is only what you think is real, I feel sorry for you. That is a mighty small box you live in.

The perception of reality can be changed, but the word and meaning of Jesus Christ will last forever.

Yes, because this life is a physical life and is just a matrix system. We are conditioned to believe in the physical and in time, as with God its infinite time, unconditional love, on a spiritual plane. This "world" is nothing but a time out corner. And like a father to his children, God has stuck us in time out for acting out (cause we were given freewill) Now when my kids want out of the corner they apologize (repent) and fix (salvation) what they broke (or messed up). Apologies do not fix things, and God knew that. Which is why we were given Jesus for salvation. His blood cleaned up our sins. Thats how I see it anyways. None of this should be treated by unbelievers as truth or fact, it is just my belief.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:18 PM

So tell me then, what is real?
Because if you think life is only what you think is real, I feel sorry for you. That is a mighty small box you live in.
The perception of reality can be changed, but the word and meaning of Jesus Christ will last forever.

this is the exact attitude that draws disbelivers more away than attracting them to your religious faith.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by sting130u

He 'slammed the door' on me, not the other way around...guess I'll never figure out if it was because I had already told him to leave me alone on the christianity issue 3 times, and after telling him i was raised a catholic, he still had to push his luck...or whether i didn't think him trying it on despite him being married was appropriate behaviour from someone who can give the Anglican version of 'last rites'. Or maybe it was because i'd asked him why he was so bothered about it all now, when 20 years ago he didn't bother, and 10 years ago, he had actually locked me in with him...luckily he wasn't up for a fight cos he had recently undergone an operation and so, i got let back out again.
Whatever problems I've got I've had to learn to sort out or live with by myself. If there is a 'God' and He really did create everything including man, then we're all doomed.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Skerrako
reply to post by yourmaker

I believe in people, in life, in the REAL.

So tell me then, what is real?

Because if you think life is only what you think is real, I feel sorry for you. That is a mighty small box you live in.

The perception of reality can be changed, but the word and meaning of Jesus Christ will last forever.

Just so you know, I lived Christian before I turned Athiest. My box isn't as small as you think.

The word and meaning of Christ will last only as long as those who push it.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

I don't know if I could bring myself to actually hate Jesus. There's nothing really to hate.
Actually I don't "hate". Just dislike or wish it wasn't like this. Good point, my mistake.

Yeah, that's what I'm finding - even the most rabid atheists don't seem to literally hate Jesus, as is claimed in the OP. Hate the ideas, hate the followers, etc. but hate Jesus? I can't say I've ever seen that on ATS.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Skerrako

So tell me then, what is real?


The perception of reality can be changed, but the word and meaning of Jesus Christ will last forever.

That is why there are numerous denominations who have a different interpretation of the reality of the word and meaning of Jesus Christ.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
Its not just ATS my friend, Jesus of Nazareth seems to be the main target on many forums/websites. If you ask me that's just gives him more creditability of being the one true deity since he seem's to be such a huge threat to the non-believers who post here.
edit on 7-7-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

Yes it is a HUGE threat. of mammoth proportions. but it's to your ways of thinking not HIM.
YOU and his followers give him "creditability". There is no such thing as a deity. They don't exist. Simple.

The threat is when you people take these stories to be fact, literal and real. That's scary to the sane.
Preaching bible quotes like they mean anything today. That's scary.

How do you know that their is no diety? are you omni-present?

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