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Sun watch 2004

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posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:04 AM
It is the increased solar flare activity, increased sea water temperatures being recorded, increased frequency of earthquakes as well as the increased magnitude of these quakes and the increased volcanism we are researching the effect's and relating current weather to any solar activity not volcanoes and earthquake's....

This thread will keep you updated of this activity.

Sunspot activity is interesting today because the numbers of solar flares being recorded is setting records.
Whereas we used to see a single flare every few days; now we are seeing a flare every ten minutes.

The coronal mass ejection of these flares create high winds and storms on earth several days later.

The 11-year Solar maximum was scheduled for 2000, but still the Sun
is in very turbulent states.

Because so many people have become sensitive to the issue, lately, in 2002, NASA started manipulating data, to make it appear as if there were no extraordinary changes in the Sun's behavior.

To see what I mean, look at these NASA links,


And then look into a different source, the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH), a radio telescope dedicated to observe the Sun located in Japan.

Click this link

And you will see a graph showing the Number of Solar Flares Observed by
Nobeyama Radioheliograph between 1991 and now. Take note of the
obvious discrepancy between NASA graphics and NoRH, particularly for
the readings of past months.

Even the NASA graph shows an exceptional surge by mid 2002, whereas the NoRH graph reveals an unbelievable trend that seemingly goes beyond all previous maxima.

Again remember that statistically the year 2000 would have been the peak in the 11- year sunspot cycle, a rhythm which has been very steady over the past four centuries.

Except for a 50-year period between 1645 and 1715 and which show ever rising numbers of Solar events � substantially exceeding the readings of the year 2000, which would have been the year of expected peaking in Solar activity.

Related and Real-time data links...

Easy to read solar flare/wind,geomag storms website updated frequently

The official U.S. government bureau for real-time monitoring of solar and geophysical events(also forecasts)

Realtime and archival images of the Sun from SOHO

Good article on the affects sun has on earth

An interesting link and gives easy-to-understand answers about solar flares

Huge archive of sunspot numbers form 1700 - current date

[edit on 26-8-2004 by markjaxson]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:25 AM
The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently
increased 1000 percent.

That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness.

This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic.

All this is happening all at the same time and it's all working up to a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden shift.

[edit on 22-8-2004 by markjaxson]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by markjaxson
Just found an interesting peice saying that solar flares do have an affect on the earths atmosphere.

Solar flares are the most energetic explosions in the solar system.
Solar flares have a direct effect on the Earth's atmosphere.

Now if i could find some data for every year that shows the most powerful flares and the data for the earths atmosphere it would help alot.

Anyone know much about this subject that can help.

Hi, Mark:

Thanks so much for the link. I've just now started studying this. We are talking about this very thing on a post about the changing weather. Lately I've been listening to Jim McCanney talk about the sun and the effects on earth's weather. It's very interesting. While I don't agree with a lot of what he talks about, he is interesting when talking science stuff.

Also, one might ask: Why is the sun going through this huge sunspot activity right now? Is something else in the solar system causing it to act this way?

Jim McCanney goes into this. Well, I can't prove what he says about it. It is a theory right now.

I was telling others that I don't care for his anti-government rantings, but he does have some interesting talks. If you get a chance, listen to his July 15 radio broadcast. It's interesting, but at first he's talking about amatuer astronomers. You have to get past that part.


posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 03:10 PM
The Giant sunspot 649 facing earth...

Will it have any weather affects on earth within the next few day's?

[edit on 22-8-2004 by markjaxson]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 09:26 PM
Hi, Mark:

When I get a chance, I'll look at more of your info. I've already looked at some of it. Thing is I grew up learning stuff in inches and feet, etc., and temp is in degrees. So it's kind of difficult for me to convert it.

Oh, I found this. I realize this is old news, and you may have already seen it. It's from Nov. 2003 when they had that X-class flare that, I think, measured off the charts. You must watch this.

If it pulls up the correct thing, it's called Spaceweather Gone Crazy. That flare will just blow you away. Watch it!


posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 09:36 PM
This article is dated July 25th. Please read it.

Now, that is the 25th of July. That is Sunspot No. 652, the huge one that is coming around again. Our bad weather happened on July 27th or 28th when some places around me had those 12- and 13-inch overnight rains in Texas.

I don't think it's coincidence at all. I believe that stuff like this on the sun really does affect our weather. It's just happened too much lately.


posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 07:15 AM
Hello mark, I will not be able to put in any good research time but I would like to give you weather updates for the Ohio region in the united states. I am all for the research you are doing and highly commend you. Tiza here is a good conversion web site I use for work, it comes in real handy. Hope it helps.

The weather here has been extremely mild. It has not reached above 84 in my area in the last week and a half. This time of year the temp is usually around 85 to 95 degrees farenheight or 25 to 35 degrees celsius. The humidity is usually unbearable around 90% on any given day, with a severe thunderstorm/tornado warning atleast 5 days out of the week. But lately they have been saying rain for the last 4 or 5 days and there has been nothing. Today they are calling for a daytime high of 74deg F or 23 Deg C. They are saying the actual temp will be 71F or 21C. Like I said earlier the temp is supposed to be around 90F, 32C.

I hope this helps and let me know if you need more info.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 09:17 AM
Hi, jmilici:

Thanks so much for the conversion chart. It will definitely be quite helpful.


posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 09:20 AM
BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 649, which unleashed five X-class solar flares in July, has returned and it's growing again. Witness this 4-day (Aug. 7th - 10th) animation from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory:

The 'spot is now big enough to see without a telescope; but never stare at the blinding sun. Use safe solar projection methods

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 09:59 PM
I had a hard time finding this thread, so it looks like I'm going to have to keep it to even get to it.

Our weather tonight in Texas where I live, absolutely wonderful! It's like late fall weather, not August weather. In August, our weather is usually over 100 during the day, with it running anywhere from somewhere in the 90s to the high 80s at night. But tonight what is it going to be? Gee, it's going to be in the 60s something or another. That is wonderful.

However, I don't remember it ever being this temp in August in Texas where I live.

Now, are there any Texans around? If so, what is your temp? I'm just curious.


posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 09:26 AM
BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 649 is simply enormous. You can see it without a telescope, but never stare at the blinding sun. Instead, use a sun-safe filter or build a build a solar projector. It's easy!

I think we are going to be stuck with this spot, it had almost died off, now its back bigger and stronger than before.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 09:38 AM
Huge Swirls of Hot Gas Found Above Earth
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 12 August 2004
06:56 am ET

Pockets of superheated gas several times the size of Earth have been discovered swirling like bathtub drains high above the planet.

The vortices seem to suck high-energy particles from the Sun into Earth's otherwise protective magnetic shield. The finding should help solve a longstanding mystery.

The Sun spits out a constant stream of charged particles known as the solar wind. It travels at nearly 1 million mph and sometimes much faster. Earth's magnetic field blocks most of these particles, which slip past the planet around a teardrop-shaped magnetosphere.

When Earth's magnetic field is aligned opposite to that of the solar wind, gaping holes can allow the energized particles to pour in and collect in an outer region of the magnetosphere called the boundary layer. Scientists already knew this, and during solar storms the gaps can force a rain of particles at lower altitudes, generating tremendous displays of sky lights called auroras while threatening satellites and terrestrial power grids.

But since 1987, scientists have also known that when the magnetic fields are aligned, and the magnetosphere ought to be impenetrable, the boundary layer is actually fuller.

New observations by the European Space Agency's Cluster mission of satellites found the likely cause.

Like wind over water, the hot solar wind, called plasma, rubs against plasma at the magnetopause -- the outer limit of Earth's magnetosphere, explains Hiroshi Hasegawa of Dartmouth College. "At the magnetopause, the interaction of fast streaming solar wind plasma and stagnant plasma in the magnetosphere creates the vortices," Hasegawa said in an e-mail interview.

The swirls of electrified gas are nearly 24,850 miles (40,000 kilometers) in diameter.

Theory predicted the vortices, but they hadn't been seen until now. Theory also predicts the vortices might pull charged particles into the magnetosphere, but scientists aren't sure how.

"We don't know yet exactly how the vortices bring the solar wind into the boundary layer," Hasegawa said. "But this would be similar to what happens when cresting waves on the surface of the ocean crash: Large quantities of air are engulfed into the seawater."

Hasegawa said it takes roughly 10 minutes for a vortex to form and collapse, and he suspects they are created continuously when conditions are favorable. Other unknown mechanisms might also contribute to filling the boundary layer, he said, adding that current space-based observatories won't answer all the questions.

The results are detailed in the Aug. 12 issue of the journal Nature.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 10:07 AM
Good find Tiza!

Now i researched on the solar wind to see if it has any effect on the climate and i came up with this...

In summary, the 1991-1994 quadrennium has given us some tantalizing glimpses of possible connections between solar variability and global climate. The generally accepted most likely mechanism for such a connection is the variation of the sun's total irradiance, which if it is large enough must undoubtedly affect climate. Since the earth's climate is dominated by the oceans, however, and since the oceans possess a large thermal inertia that will damp out high-frequency variations in solar radiation, the observable effects are likely to be confined to time scales of decades to centuries. The situation regarding effects at shorter periods, from the 11-year solar magnetic cycle to the time scale of synoptic weather systems, remains unsettled. There is now little doubt that the atmosphere displays variability on a 10--12 year scale, but while some of the atmospheric parameters show remarkable synchronization with the solar cycle, the possibility that the decadal-scale variability is a result of internal forcing from the ocean, or even some kind of stochastic variation in the highly nonlinear climate system, cannot be dismissed

Its at the bottom of the page and theres some other parts at the beginning explaining that it could have an affect.

Then i came across this...

Near-Earth variations in the solar wind, measured by the geomagnetic aa index since 1868, are closely correlated with global temperature ( r = 0.96; P < 10-7). Geomagnetic activity leads temperature by 4 to 8 years. Allowing for this temperature lag, an outstanding aa peak around 1990 could explain the high global temperature in 1998. After 1990 the geomagnetic aa data show a steep decline comparable to the decrease between 1955 and 1967, followed by falling temperatures from 1961 through 1973 in spite of growing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This points to decreasing global temperature during the next 10 years.


And i also found this..

Dec. 8, 1998: Residents of the far north who saw a massive display of the aurora borealis in late September were also staring through an invisible fountain of gas being accelerated into space by a powerful bubble of solar wind, which pumped about 200 gigawatts of electrical power into the Earth.


Its an interesting article if somewhat scary.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 11:11 AM
Hi, Mark:

Yes, that last article is scarey.

You know those two storms by Florida? Well, I guess y'all are reading the news on it, but it's a rarity for it to happen. Below is something about those storms.


Simultaneous Tropical Storms a Rarity

Thu Aug 12, 7:10 AM ET Add Science - AP to My Yahoo!

By DAVID ROYSE, Associated Press Writer

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - The prospect that a tropical storm and a hurricane � or possibly two hurricanes � could strike Florida on the same day is something meteorologists say they have never seen.

AP Photo

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"It's almost unheard of," state meteorologist Ben Nelson said.

Disaster officials are keeping an eye on Tropical Storm Bonnie as it spins toward the Florida Panhandle, bringing heavy rains that could cause flooding. The other eye is trained on Hurricane Charley, aimed at the Florida Keys at the opposite end of the state.

Bonnie was expected to come ashore southwest of Tallahassee Thursday morning, with Charley hitting the Keys late Thursday or Friday morning. Charley also could hit the mainland later Friday.

There is a rare phenomenon called the Fujiwara effect, where two storms can essentially collide and spin around each other, but meteorologists said that's not likely to happen with Bonnie and Charley.

Florida emergency officials have faced large storms and wildfires in the past, but officials say the storm systems will test their skills, making it difficult to track both.

"We've had experience dealing with different disasters running at the same time," said Craig Fugate, the state's emergency management director. "It is more work but it is something that this team's designed to do."

The last time two tropical storms struck Florida within days of each other was in 2000, when Gordon hit west-central Florida on Sept. 17 after being downgraded as a hurricane. Days later, Helene slammed the Panhandle.

The only time two tropical systems have hit Florida within 12 hours was in 1906, when storms had numbers instead of names.

Storm 9 made landfall on the morning of Oct. 17 near Daytona. Twelve hours later Storm 8 hit the southern tip of Florida over the Everglades, AccuWeather meteorologist Ken Reeves said.

Officials say that this time around, each county is managing its own response, with help from the state. About 8,000 Florida National Guard members also were available to help with the aftermath, spokesman Lt. Col. Ron Tittle said.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 02:10 PM
When someone gets a chance, go to SOHO under the latest images, the ones kind of in the middle, and notice the white chunks of stuff by the sun. Not the stars. You'll see what I'm talking about. Are those meteors, perhaps?


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:13 AM
Hello all,
It's been a few days since I've been on here. Last night I went to the McCanney Web site and noticed that Jim McCanney has some interesting information about August 17 Weather Summary. When you get a chance, please check it out. Last night it was dated August 16. Today he's changed it. Here is the link:

To me, this is an important read. Please, when you get a chance, check it out.


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:25 AM
Okay, Folks. I just went to the McCanney Web site when I posted the link. Now I cannot get in to read the info that he has about deaths in FL from the hurricane. He had something about 50,000 dead. Hmm...

Well, he must have been hacked, I guess. I'll try back later.


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:47 AM
That is creepy looking.

Check it out though - I know its just a coincidence, but look at the left of this image and tell me if you see anything.

I think I need to take a break from sci-fi on this forum!

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 12:44 PM
I see that the image looks to be cut & pasted but that might be a common practice for this type of picture.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Godsent
That is creepy looking.

Check it out though - I know its just a coincidence, but look at the left of this image and tell me if you see anything.

I think I need to take a break from sci-fi on this forum!

Hi, Godsent:

I'm having a difficult time today for some reason with this computer. I finally got into Jim McCanney's Web site again, but it was tricky. Then I can't get this link to pull up anything. It's just blank. It acts like it's going to pull up, then nothing.


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