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Pope's ``pedophilia advisor`` gets arrested... for pedophilia

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 05:30 PM
What do you think a pedophilia advisor does?
He tells the pope where to get the best kids

the church is killing its self.
it does not need are help.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by BLKMJK
reply to post by gabby2011

No disrespect intended I assure you. If I did offend you over the "la la land" I apologize. Self serving though? That is quite a stretch. I do not know why I am explaining this but I will anyways. The "la la Land" reference is meant for those who actually think that these sick dogs can change. I don't buy it and I really do not care if they did change. Once a child has been molested he carries a life sentence while the pedo walks from prison in a few years.

edit on 5/27/2011 by BLKMJK because: (no reason given)

My sincerest apologies..I thought you meant something entirely different , and become defensive about it, therefore attacking you in a manner you didn't deserve.

What can I fragile ego gets in the way too much, and I end up thinking,and saying things I later regret.

I appreciate you pointing out what you meant by the statement.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Dear Vitchilo,

It is not about pedophile priests, it is about pedophiles in the first place. Pedophiles seek out jobs and organizations where they will have access to children and can hide. This includes schools, churches and clubs like the Boy Scouts. It gets worse because society accepts children having sex at earlier and earlier ages. Society glorifies promiscuity and children see that everyday on television and the media.


Please read the history of the organization. It attempted to act as a homosexual group advocating "consensual" sex with minors and was almost allowed to participate with other gay organizations but a group of lesbians led the fight to keep them out and separate themselves from them. Because some (not the majority) of gays accepted the belief that "he who is against my enemy is my friend" philosophy they had to think about whether or not NAMBLA should be allowed to participate with them in protests.

People are willing to accept 14 year olds having sex with other 14 year olds then they have accepted children having sex. They hand out condoms in junior high school and are surprised when teachers sleep with students. We reward children having babies by giving them welfare and saying that we should not condemn such activities (not the children, the activities). There is even a reality show which glorifies and makes stars of children who have babies.

People have taken to accepting that promiscuous sex is acceptable, there is currently a reality show being pitched that glorifies "swingers". It is to be called "Bedroom Community". Soccer moms who sleep around while their husbands do the same have little moral authority to tell their children to control their urges. Disney produces a film like "Pretty Woman" glorifying prostitution and young girls find it to be a love story.

My ex cheated on me and left me for another man (he dumped her as soon as she filed for divorce). Her sister who had also been married for over 20 years decided to do the same to her husband. My ex told her it was wrong but had lost all moral authority and was told so. "Do as I say and not as I do" doesn't work too well. While I am a Christian, you don't have to be to see that the message we are allowing to go out in the media gives people a justification for premarital, indiscriminate and meaningless sex.

Perhaps a return to common sense is in order, perhaps not justifying our own actions to our children will allow us to return to reason. Perhaps old men waiting for the Olsen twins to turn 18 and having websites that tracked their age needs to be addressed. We can jail all the pedophiles and it will continue as long as we accept children having sex. My opinion.
edit on 27-5-2011 by AQuestion because: left out a word

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

No worries, I should have been more clear. *cyber hug*

This topic is just to vile and gets me in a bad mood. I have 3 kids and it just sickens me that the world is full of these pigs. Especially in Church, it does not get any lower than that. I was raised a Catholic and I had the utmost reverence, respect and trust for my Priest when I was a child. Thankfully he was not one of these animals.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by BLKMJK
reply to post by gabby2011

No worries, I should have been more clear. *cyber hug*

This topic is just to vile and gets me in a bad mood. I have 3 kids and it just sickens me that the world is full of these pigs. Especially in Church, it does not get any lower than that. I was raised a Catholic and I had the utmost reverence, respect and trust for my Priest when I was a child. Thankfully he was not one of these animals.

I was fortunate as well growing up catholic, but one of my brothers wasn't.

I honestly think that if I found out a priest had molested my child,that I would line up in his line up during communion, and literally deck him ,when it was my turn. Then I would turn around and tell the congregation why,and walk out.

It wouldn't solve the problem,and probably make a lot more problems for me...but that would be where I would start. Then it would be a visit to the lawyer. lol

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:21 PM
In Canada, the residential schools that our prime misiiter apologized for were two thirds Cathoilc and one third
protestant...and all paid for with tax dollars too

It is considered a pedophile and rape scenario that was so huge as to be labeled one of the top 5 all time genocides

they would just murder the victims and bury then in unmarked graves
as DNA is now proving out.

the RCMP and the police and the children's aid services were all complicit

pedos are a club of useful Idiots
they can't tell on each other and are blackmailable by the power brokers

thats the way the word goes round

we had a jesuit reformatory for young men here in my home town...
those boys got wopping settlements for their abuse

the local altered boy, I knew as I grew up, from the anglican church, did not get a settlement
suicide ya know

edit on 27-5-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-5-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:42 PM
Satanism is the only religion with the human face these days. Deep, kind, peaceful.
Nobody kills anybody in the name of satan.nobody goes around trying to make you a satanist.nobody scares you with hell or anything.

Black became white

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:44 PM
oh the irony...THE IRONY

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

I really enjoyed being raised Catholic as well though I strayed from religion in general. If a Priest molested one of my children, I would get in the communion line and when it was my turn I would throw a cup of gasoline in his face and light him on fire. I would be nice enough to put the fire out with a hammer though, after all, I am not THAT mean.

NOTE: Before anyone jumps on my back, I am not being serious.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

Originally posted by Vitchilo
BREAKING NEWS EVERYONE... there's pedophiles at the Vatican!
Who would have known?

Priest Sex-Abuse Case Hits Church of Pope's Adviser

The latest sex-abuse case to rock the Catholic Church is unfolding in the archdiocese of an influential Italian Cardinal who has been working with Pope Benedict XVI on reforms to respond to prior scandals of pedophile priests.

Father Riccardo Seppia, a 51-year-old parish priest in the village of Sastri Ponente, near Genoa, was arrested last Friday, May 13, on pedophilia and drug charges.

End or at least reduce pedophilia in priesthood... LET THEM GET MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I know it's crazy to ask an organization based on a fantasy to do something sane in the real world...

Hi there. I'm an unmarried man. I have never had sex with a child. I have no desire to do so, and I think it's safe to say that, even though I am not planning to marry in the forseeable future, pedophilia will never be a feature in my life.

Marriage has nothing to do with these sick thugs. They do this because they can. Like any variety of rape, it's about the power trip more than the physical gratification. These men feel they are some of the most powerful people on the planet, and that they can get what they want from people too scared and vulnerable to say no - and then they're confident that their organization will cover them up while the rest of the world pretends that being "religious" makes them untouchable.

plenty of 'normal' married men do this. It has nothing to do with religion, status nor education. child sex is historically an anglo saxon desire, usually indulged in by adults who were abused as children. little to do with sex, usually a male who does not have the ability to form a long lasting functional relationship. Now you have your connection to priesthood.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by BLKMJK

If people can bear with me a sec and allow a passage of the bible of Christs own words,which this topic would fall under that these so called priests know off by heart..

14.Matthew 18:6
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in and acknowledge and cleave to Me to stumble and sin [that is, who entices him or hinders him in right conduct or thought], it would be better ( more expedient and profitable or advantageous) for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be sunk in the depth of the sea.

The difference between what you posted BLKMJK and back then as far as I can see is a lack of gasoline and an abundence of millstones.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by eccentriclady

An Anglo Saxon desire? That is absurd. Do you have proof for that statement? In the Middle East I read that it is rampant and has been for thousands of years. Race is not a factor, that just does not make sense.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by gps777
reply to post by BLKMJK

If people can bear with me a sec and allow a passage of the bible of Christs own words,which this topic would fall under that these so called priests know off by heart..

14.Matthew 18:6
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in and acknowledge and cleave to Me to stumble and sin [that is, who entices him or hinders him in right conduct or thought], it would be better ( more expedient and profitable or advantageous) for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be sunk in the depth of the sea.

The difference between what you posted BLKMJK and back then as far as I can see is a lack of gasoline and an abundence of millstones.

Does anyone care if the bible says something like that? The Pope doesn't. His bishops don't. His advisors apparently don't. Catholic priests from Seattle to Sarajevo, and every where inbetween have been accused of child abuse and pedophellia.

The bible is a fake, forged, piece of crap, made to control the masses, and the preists know that. If it was true, and you would burn in hell for the transgressions they so freely commit, we wouldn't be talking about this problem.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by MysticPearl

Does anyone care if the bible says something like that?

Yes there are millions of people who care,didn`t you know?

The bible is a fake, forged, piece of crap, made to control the masses, and the preists know that. If it was true, and you would burn in hell for the transgressions they so freely commit, we wouldn't be talking about this problem.

Which is your opinion and your welcome to it.

I can only gather from your quote though that you also believe these types of things wouldn`t happen or any other types of atrocities or crimes in the world for that matter,its all the bibles fault and those that believe in it.

Look outside your door once in a while,your in for a shock if thats the case.

As I said if people could bear with me for a sec,as it was relevant imo to what these so called priest know,but some can`t even bear a sec.
edit on 27-5-2011 by gps777 because: added last sentence

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:44 PM
Just been going through your posts on this thread MysticPearl and I`d like to address a few things that you`ve said.

Originally posted by MysticPearl
It's one big, disgusting cult.

The most holy people in society appear to be the sickest, most twisted individuals as well.

Religion is one big, sick, cult. My problem isn't only with the catholic church, but with anyone who aligns themselves with it. Any sane person who hasn't been brainwashed wouldn't allow themselves to be affiliated with this religion, unless they share the same sick desires as the leaders.

You got it right when you said your problem "isn`t only" yet you also believe you are the only one who difines you own personal problems and those of others,how sweet your life must be.

To even allude that all Christians would do likewise as these so called leaders as you put it is beyond insulting.

This is pure ignorant hate speech toward millions of people of a certain belief, be they Catholic or other,which by the way is against the T&Cs of this site.
edit on 27-5-2011 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by gps777
Just been going through your posts on this thread MysticPearl and I`d like to address a few things that you`ve said.

Originally posted by MysticPearl
It's one big, disgusting cult.

The most holy people in society appear to be the sickest, most twisted individuals as well.

Religion is one big, sick, cult. My problem isn't only with the catholic church, but with anyone who aligns themselves with it. Any sane person who hasn't been brainwashed wouldn't allow themselves to be affiliated with this religion, unless they share the same sick desires as the leaders.

You got it right when you said your problem "isn`t only" yet you also believe you are the only one who difines you own personal problems and those of others,how sweet your life must be.

To even allude that all Christians would do likewise as these so called leaders as you put it is beyond insulting.

This is pure ignorant hate speech toward millions of people of a certain belief, be they Catholic or other,which by the way is against the T&Cs of this site.
edit on 27-5-2011 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

Ignorant hate speech? Yes, millions blindly follow a religion which condones and covers-up the molestation of children and pedophellia. You think I'm the one with the problem? If I were you, I'd concentrate my energy on the Pope,and work my way down the chain, and not people who speak up against the attrocities of religion. How many times does the vatican have to sweep this type of thing under the rug until you get angry? Obviously a few more times for you than for me.

And no, pointing out what is wrong with high ranking people in catholocism covering up sexual abuse, does not mean my life is sweet.
Yes, I think molesting a child is a problem. Yes, I think subscribing to a religion which surrounds itself with that culture, and tolerates it, is also a problem. I never said all Christians molest little boys. Don't put words in my mouth. My guess is you're religious, and take what one person says, and put a completely different meaning behind it, to suit your agenda. Sound familiar? I'm not surprised though, that you're moe concerned about the perception of your religion than the well-being of the abused.

I couldn't care less of you're offended, and can't handle reality.
edit on 27-5-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:16 PM

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by MysticPearl

Ignorant hate speech?

Oh please yes its ignorant hate speech,so if a hand full of people who aren`t Christian in the world commits atrocities or crimes then I should like you think I have the right to bash anyone and everyone who isn`t Christian?

How many times does the vatican have to sweep this type of thing under the rug until you get angry? Obviously a few more times for you than for me.

I`m not of the Catholic faith and I`d suggest you read what I`ve written through this thread to understand how I feel on the matter,you have clearly not read it or refuse to understand it.

I never said all Christians molest little boys. Don't put words in my mouth. My guess is you're religious, and take what one person says, and put a completely different meaning behind it, to suit your agenda. Sound familiar?

I said you alluded,its the way sneaky people say things like this....

Religion is one big, sick, cult. My problem isn't only with the catholic church, but with anyone who aligns themselves with it. Any sane person who hasn't been brainwashed wouldn't allow themselves to be affiliated with this religion, unless they share the same sick desires as the leaders.

.....because of what Catholic priests have done.So that people like you can jump up on your soap box and brandish all of a Christian belief and call them all deluded brainwashed who have sick desires etc.

Just FYI the pope dosen`t speak for the whole of Christianity,he is only the head of that church.

I'm not surprised though, that you're moe concerned about the perception of your religion than the well-being of the abused.

I`m not more concerned,though it also concerns me that people such as those priests grow people like you.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by StaceyWilson
The only holy book that would endorse this type of Excrement is the Talmud , No other holy book would condone these actions apart from the Talmud , and why do catholics where lil hats on their heads like the Jews ?

BTW , The Talmud is one nasty piece of Holy Book, It Should be BANNED !!

Indeed. There are people like this in all groups and walks of life -- including Jews. And yet the media insists on making this a "Catholic" thing, completely refusing to acknowledge the fact that Jews do this type of thing as well. Hmm.....I wonder why that is.


posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:00 AM
Ahhh come on now!

The Vatican as well as any thinking human KNOWS this is a crime.
It's all about the money, Victims have lawyers and the Vatican has money
so what better way to save a couple nickels than to say this:

In his traditional Christmas address yesterday to cardinals and officials working in Rome,
Pope Benedict XVI also claimed that child pornography was increasingly considered “normal” by society.

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