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Public Announcement by Nuclear Scientist -

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posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by kdog1982

All your post has done is highlight the need to control how nuclear power is used.

Following your logic there is no need to worry about Chernobyl there are plenty of Russians to go round or the Japanese were nuked once already whats the fuss about.

I think it is you that needs to read up on this stuff

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:46 AM
I wish I had an hour to watch this ... I need 72 hours in day ...

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Hi All,

First time poster here, long-time lurker... I'd just like to state that I do believe things in Japan are a lot worse than what is being reported, though I do take some of the things she is saying with a grain of salt (she is obviously very anti-nuclear) - did anyone read the article she refers to at the beginning of her presentation? Seems to me like she was pretty darn accurate with regards to the real and potential dangers surrounding Japan's investment in Nuclear facilities. The article was written in 2004, and I think it does lend some credence to what some of what she is saying.


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Seekeye2

Seen her on edge media channel 200 sky tv and she was saying some of the same stuff I checked her out and she TALKS SENSE. I recently after japan disaster started to lose my hair, alopicia this is auto imune disease and is related to radiation poisoning I know this is true as i researched the subject of my hair lose and found out that the area you live ie (northern hemisphere) has more impact than genes from your family the results of study on people with cancer,ms,graves and to many to even mention are infact the result of living in the northern hemisphere(POISION HEMISPHERE) they drew this conclosion because familys who moved closer to equators offspring were not effected by the so called (Hereditary disease) so genetics were not the factor. OUR GOVERMENTS POPULATION CONTROL AGENDA IS REAL

they use radiation therapy on people to cure the radiation poisoning that they gave us LOL and sheeple say they want the best for us WAKE UP AND WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO and check for yourself

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by colin42
reply to post by kdog1982

All your post has done is highlight the need to control how nuclear power is used.

Following your logic there is no need to worry about Chernobyl there are plenty of Russians to go round or the Japanese were nuked once already whats the fuss about.

I think it is you that needs to read up on this stuff

I guess I did't get my point across. There is plenty to worry about.But what do you do about it?
This cover up has been going on since the invention of the nuclear bomb.
My point is we have been exposed to high levels of radiation before,and the government has covered it up.
Same as what is going on today.
Many will die,but many years from now and their is nothing we can do about it cause it already has or is happening now.

Unless you live in a lead house with your own air/water supply and a cow for milk.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by colin42

ye sorry about the music i just wanted something in the background that was light and not loud like you hear on some.
yes al gore has been heavily involved in a lot of evil things.
one link i forgot to mention was that GE and google teamed up together to both plug into the smart grid.
you can see a patterned plan emerging of what is being put in place.

they people are warped end timer scaremongers they have maipulated every area of our lifes to create paranoia and fear so that you just shut up and hide away without questioning anything they do.

they are pure evil.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by BadBoYeed

thanks for your reply
which 2 things do you question?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by sunqueen30

they do this because they think they have every right to the earth without us on it.

theyve cleaned us out to help them get where they are now they have no use for us.

because they think they are special because they are part of a secret gang and we cant join?
i dont want to be in their gang anyway.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

I see. This way of communication is far from ideal.

I agree with most of what you say then but sit back and let it go on un opposed I dont.

Before the internet they could hide the information and now they cannot which is why they despise and hate it.

But yes there is no escaping where we are now.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:21 PM
Nuclear energy is a Pandora's box, once it's opened and get's out of control you can't do a damn thing about it. So why would anybody in their sane mind would want to play with something this extremely dangerous? The answer, those that play with it are a bit to a lot insane. Like it or not, there's a fine line to being a genius and being crazy.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Seekeye2

What I've heard is what a codified machine has produced repeatedly. This machine produces hard evidence in front of my face. It is reliable. Therefore it is not hearsay.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Interesting stuff! Subscribed for future reference...

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by colin42

If you can find the proof. The physical proof. Then show it for all the world to see. A simple gigacounter in a location can give me all the proof I need.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by explorer14
around 15 minutes in ... "600,000 spent fuel rods each weighing over 1,000 lbs in the cooloing ponds" ...
is this true?

during the early days of the event, i recall the cooling ponds being of concern, come to think of it, not much in the way of recent news with this aspect

If I remember right, critical mass for plutonium is about 16.4 kg's or about 38 lbs. If Mox spent fuel is in the cooling pool, how many rods at 1000 lbs would it take to reach critical mass? The Mox fuel contains a percentage of plutonium mixed with zirconium and other mediators, so each rod is NOT 1000lbs of plutonium (and I don't think they weigh that much either). If the rods melted and combined, the plutonium being one of the heavier elements would separate and collect at the bottom of the molten "pool." At some point critical mass would be achieved and it would be a lot worse than a China Syndrome situation, it would be a full on slightly below ground Boy George.

Btw, her name wasn't Vinny, it was Sherry that worked for the bouncing betty manufacturer. We got into a bit of an argument one Christmas while we were with our families. She accused me of being a murderer because I worked for the military dispatching terrorists (the terrorists who would kill and maim soft targets like kids, women and the aged) while her company supplied Mugabe in Zimbabwe and the DRC with bouncing betties to kill innocent people. At least my targets were armed and I can admit to what I did.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Seekeye2
Strange indeed - your own thread rejects the official reports coming out of Japan as you did the Three Mile Island reports.
Yes we are being lied to as we have been in the other two nuclear disasters like Chernobyl and TMI.

But just because we're being lied to by officials doesn't mean we should believe any nonsense at all which says officials are wrong.

So I don't believe what officials are telling me, I don't believe what TEPCO is saying.
Why? Because history repeats itself and history clearly shows that officials lied in both incidents.

But when I look at a geiger counter down the street from my house, and it's showing me a low reading, I do believe that, and not the video in the OP which is saying I should evacuate.

You should be seeking the truth. Even if you reject the official story, that doesn't mean that anything anybody tells you that disagrees with the official story must be true, especially since different people are saying different things.

Here is a good source of information that is giving alternative viewpoints to the official story:
That's Arnie Gunderson from Fairewinds associates. Unlike the lady in the OP video, he's a nuclear engineer, so he knows what he's talking about. And he has no stake in agreeing with the official story or anything TEPCO says.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

The link you give was already provided about 2 pages back and is a link I and many have followed since the beginning along with many other sources.

I think you should give people a bit more credit for being able to discern for themselves - give respect and you recieve it.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:52 PM
i think what surprises me most is even if you all watch this, almost none of you barring a select few, maybe a handful of people, will do anything with this information and take any steps to change things

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

As to Arnie Gunderson, I have been following him since March and he is warning people as well in a subtle way. With some as well as Dr. Michio Kaku, they have there way of warning everyone. These people are in a different circumstance than those that don't need to worry about being black balled in the world of science.
Unless your a paid for by the government disinformation agent, it is time to wake up and do the homework before bringing judgment down on those that are trying to bring to light what is really going on in the world around us.
It is time to see things for what they really are and not what some of deception want you to believe.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by tallymebanana
i think what surprises me most is even if you all watch this, almost none of you barring a select few, maybe a handful of people, will do anything with this information and take any steps to change things

Do you have a plan? If so, would you be so kind as to share it with us, we need all the ideas we can get.

At the moment all we can do is find every way to not contaminate our homes and as much as possible stay out of the rain, stock up on goods, get bottled water that is not contaminated, and if that's not possible learn how water can be decontaminated.
There is plenty of information that is available on the net, get it while you can.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by sunqueen30
Why are such a small group of corporate interests directing the future of this planet?

'Nail on the head' i think they say. The world needs to wake up now, but how? raizing awareness is good but unless we get more than weekend warriors and armchair activists this is never going to happen. Plenty share the ideals but there consumer driven materialistic lives do not allow it in practicality. We need fresh, positive leaders with brains who arn't scared to say what the think and are nobodys lap dogs. Nuclear energy and weapons need to be outlawed and now. Anyone with any ideas or can point me in the right direction then please do so as i want and very much would like to help. Private message me if needs be. cheerz chaz

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