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Americans support the killing of innocent people even if they say they dont!

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posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 10:57 AM
I am frankly sick and tired of all the excuses that it is someone else' fault and that poor Americans have no control over their government. BS!

You probably have more control than the Egyptians or Tunisians did. You certainly have more control than the Libyans. None of them are sitting on their asses whining.

Solving the problem of your government being out of your control isn't going to happen without some effort and risk on your part. You just might have to risk some part of your relative comfort. You just might have to challenge your ignorant neighbours or co-workers who don't care and risk their animosity or scorn, over and over again. You have to do something besides sit on your collective fat asses and whine about the big, bad government! Do something; anything! You have to get the ball rolling and keep it going. YOU! Not the government, or the newspaper, or tv. Forget about Charlie Sheen for a minute. Forget about fun and entertainment. Get serious about this. It really needs doing.
edit on 3/9/2011 by wayno because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 10:57 AM
By the way... if "ALL" Americans supported the killing of innocent people, it would be the United World of America already.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by wayno

Americans weren't even the ones that started this thread clown. And we weren't bitching about the government in an uprising sort of way either, non-Americans were. But that's typical, I know your bitterness stems from envy...

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Legitimacy
reply to post by wayno

Americans weren't even the ones that started this thread clown. And we weren't bitching about the government in an uprising sort of way either, non-Americans were. But that's typical, I know your bitterness stems from envy...

Dude, its the Americans on here who have been complaining from page 1 that they disagree with what the government is doing but are powerless to do anything about it in response to the Brit boy's challenge.

And as for the "envy" part. That is just more evidence of your brainwashing. They want you to think the rest of the world envies you; where in fact Americans seem to be in need of pity more than anything these days. Please open your eyes. It may be painful, but many of your fellow ex-military have.
edit on 3/9/2011 by wayno because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by wayno

Lead the way, hero.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by wayno

Yeah, they're saying that they can't do anything, but when you say it may take some risk on our part, sounds an awful lot like revolution. And then you go throwing out Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia? They revolted because of humanitarian violations, not because their taxes were too high...

I fail to see where I am brainwashed on this... I'm not amongst the group that feels that my country is going down the toilet, I do however believe that changes need to be made. I will voice my feelings by voting, as I expect everybody else to do, and those that are able to and yet don't vote shouldn't say anything. I see that as the responsible way to deal with things in a democratic society that I love in and defend. So... brainwashed? HARDLY.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:23 AM
How about... if you can wrap your heads around this. YOU make a change? All of this bickering is senseless. Im happy with my life as are most of my friends and relatives. If its such a big deal to you why dont you come on over here and do something about it?

By the way. YOU refers to any foreigner or american who continuously bitches about how evil and bad the american government is. Do something or get over yourself. But moreover, STFU cause this bs is getting old.


posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by mattifikation

Ha! Are you being facetious? I am doing all of the things I spoke of myself.

I endure the eye rolling, the polite ignoring of intrusions into FB of scandalous videos like the OP linked to. I've started to put my name and address onto petitions. I've started to write letters to politicians regarding upcoming issues to be voted on. I've been the bore who dares to talk about something other than celebrity gossip, for what that is worth; even though people interested in that are probably too far from redemption to bother with.

I haven't actually been a part of a demonstration since I was at U, but I am looking forward to it.

I am at the point where I feel obligated to express my view more than I ever did in my life. I am sure retirement has something to do with that, but anyway I am doing my bit. I am no leader, or hero, but I surely will do what I can to support those who are, and am not afraid to experience some inconvenience along the way should that be necessary.

edit on 3/9/2011 by wayno because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by RizeorDie

I live in the greatest country on Earth. I really couldn't care less if you like it or not.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:43 AM
911 Was a inside job, a false flag operation to manipulate the American People into war.

And it worked, like good little sheeple, most fell for it.

The enemy isn't over there so much as our "representatives"here in Washington DC, the Federal Reserve and the banksters on Wall Street.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Legitimacy

I do not think "revolution" is required at this time. I am opposed to violence as a general rule. Violence begets violence.

At the same time I do not accept that we are powerless. "Voting" is for the most part a useless tool. It might be good if there were real, legitimate choices to be made, but we all know that is not the case.

I believe in evolution -- regaining control in small steps much like control was lost to begin with. Solutions almost always involve chipping away at problems. That means not relying on some one big event to change the whole thing. While that may seem to be what is happening in Northern Africa, they actually have many, many small things to attend to having gotten rid of the despotic leader.

See this thread: ATS

We all have to start chipping away; doing whatever it is that we can do; whether its changing minds of people we interact with, joining movements that exert pressure on politicians, or simply changing our spending habits so that the bad guys aren't the ones reaping the profits. All of us, ordinary citizens all over the world; not just in the US have a responsibility to start acting differently, consciously, intentionally in a myriad different ways that serve to foster a change. The time is long past to sit back and whine.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:54 AM
The OP is right. we do need to do something about this so called government we allow to ruin the world.

I feel like vigilante justice is needed right now. Citizens need to take back the government. start making our own arrests. these politicians are playing Monopoly with our lives and the world around us.
Ive always wanted to leave this country but i realized im no better than the people who rape and pillage yet call themselves hero's and leaders. Something has to be done before we get too deep in this grave.

These asshole politicians are running this country into the ground, i feel a collapse coming very soon.
Our money is worthless, we've waged illegitimate wars for years.

The UN Needs to try these politicians for crimes against humanity.
They are basically turning this country back into a land of kings.
And we are the poor, unfortunate serfs.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by EternalChef

First off, Our government is not ruining the world as you put it.
How many countries has our government given aid to. How many, HOW MANY TIMES have we given aid to North Korea, Pakistan, Palestine. For gods sake these are people that HATE US! Yet we give it to help the citizens. Then the countless dollars we the average citizen donate to these countries.Doctors with out borders, Engineers without borders all going on their own money to help the impoverished in other countries to help the needy. RIGHT we are ruining the world. Has it ever occured to you that maybe the ones ruining the world are actually the ones controlling the way money runs around this globe! The Banker Barons maybe? Guess where they are from? That's right Europe! Honestly.

edit on 3/9/2011 by CaptGizmo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:10 PM

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:28 PM
In spite of your tasteless and totally off topic post.

California's Medical Cannabis System uses only indoor medication.

The Cartel's product is not used in legal collectives.

In your attempt to pile on the anti-American drivel.

Can you guess what pile you landed in.

PS. Mexican's killed the people in that picture.

Originally posted by Alxandro
Support the killing of innocent people?
Don't just blame it on the government, people are just as much to blame.

Case in point, the same can be said about your typical pot smoking California hippie Liberal.
Am I wrong? I doubt it.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:48 PM
hi all ive been a lurker here for a year or so. this thread made me have to make an account and say something

im a proud american an the reaon the world hates us is simple JEALOUSY you are jealous of our freedoms every 1 of them.ou are all jealos of the fact that i know where my next meal is coming from what the ------ has th op done besides start a sterotype thread here. because he is jealous of what i have and what i expect to have in my life FREEDOM once the rest of you get yours you will know

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Legitimacy

I have to agree with the other poster about you being brainwashed.

I fail to see where I am brainwashed on this... I'm not amongst the group that feels that my country is going down the toilet, I do however believe that changes need to be made. I will voice my feelings by voting, as I expect everybody else to do, and those that are able to and yet don't vote shouldn't say anything.

How much change did going from Bush to Obama make? None? So you will sound your voice again and get another crappy leader in which you have to wait another 4 years to sound your voice again, rinse and repeat. You are led to believe that this is the government you want but really it is just strategic marketing.

I hope everyone gets off their buts and goes to demand a real change. You display a superb lack of empathy for other nations. So you wait another year and a half to voice your opinion, meanwhile there are people dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. But I guess it is better over there than over here, but I think it would be better over here than over there because it will show you what the family's felt when your military broke down their doors and harassed the innocent.

America is too corrupt to be the police of the world. You need to deal with Wall st., the military industrial complex, the Pharmaceutical companies, and the government. But I guess you can wait another 1 and a half years to voice your opinion about these non-issues.
edit on 9-3-2011 by Equinox99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by superballs
hi all ive been a lurker here for a year or so. this thread made me have to make an account and say something

im a proud american an the reaon the world hates us is simple JEALOUSY you are jealous of our freedoms every 1 of them.ou are all jealos of the fact that i know where my next meal is coming from what the ------ has th op done besides start a sterotype thread here. because he is jealous of what i have and what i expect to have in my life FREEDOM once the rest of you get yours you will know

Are you kidding me?! Let me guess you bought that line from Bush when he said those terrorists are jealous of our freedoms? Lol.

Dude, I live in Canada and I have the same freedoms that you have and enjoy the same things. Listen you arrogant human being, this is not about jealousy but about your country getting itself into other nations businesses. I don't mean only politically but I mean businesses as well. In example, when Europe didn't want your fake seeds that Monsato had, the US wanted to teach Europe a lesson. Another, protecting poppy fields in Afghanistan. Another, protecting the vast metal fields in Afghanistan.

Your freedom is being taken by the government that you are so much in love with. 51% of your federal tax goes to military spending...How much goes to education? And health-care? But some of that money even goes to the bankers pockets. But I am jealous of your system because mine is less corrupt? Because I have free health-care? Because I get to enjoy the same freedoms as you while paying less of my money to military?

Yes I am so jealous of your system that will be in the toilet within 5-10 years. Than we will have a new leader, China. I am just wondering about how jealous we are because you are over 13 trillion dollars in debt and the spending doesn't seem to be stopping.
edit on 9-3-2011 by Equinox99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Equinox99

lmao listen to you this thread is no different then me starting one saying all muslims are terrorists or all canadians are sissys

listen america is the most diverse country on earth i see blacks, whites , mexicans, puerto ricans .russians, chinese, japanese, vietnamese,italian, french, british,etc...etc... people on a weekley basis and id venture a guess saying alot more canadians here then americans in canada. so when you say all americans you mean the whole dang world.

so you must be jealous if you say such an ignorant thing

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 02:15 PM
What I'm getting sick of is people from other countries coming onto these message boards, where half of us wish something would/could be done and bash US for it. You know, you're preaching to the choir on this one right? You think all Americans want to be involved in war, extortion, murder, bailouts and all the other things that occur? Sure, some lunatic, fire-my-guns-into-the-sky-because-I-feel-like-it do, but don't sit there and tell me there aren't those exact people in every country all over the world.

Okay, we got it, people don't like Americans. Hell, half of America doesn't like it either, but stop telling us how to confront our government and stop them. Don't you think we would if we could? It's like, for some reason, you think I like watching my friends join the army and get deployed and put in harms way.

And of all the forums to post this, you put it on ATS. Well congratulations, sir. You can now add your name to every other "Americans are stupid / support killing / are ignorant / are arrogant" threads. We're here because we know and believe it too. I like ATS because it's one of the few websites where INTELLIGENT people can come to discuss things; not your average, run-of-the-mill, Joe Schmo American who loves McDonald's and thinks Obama is a great president. However, here's another post that makes our community look just as dumb as the rest of the sheeple.
edit on 9-3-2011 by Rockstar02 because: grammar

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