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Muslim Brotherhood text reveals scope of radical creed

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posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by mayabong

So when a people who practice Sharia Law , are really committing these acts of cruelty , and the LAW itself is facilitating and condoning it...............

All the sudden its propaganda?

Im sorry, what planet are you from?

But somehow everything that these people espouse about the US , ISNT propaganda.......ahh i see how that works....

Your avatar is fitting

Its all just fear mongering to justify these illegal wars overseas is all it is. Sharia law isn't new, why has it just popped up and talked about every single day in the last few years? To scare people thats why.

Egypt wasn't under Sharia law and it was a very very brutal regime that tortured and murdered people without trial. Funded by the west.

I'd say arab propaganda is a little more truthful than ours since they actually have a reason to be upset.

The west propaganda just shows pictures of arabs with RPG's and a Koran and Americans shake in their boots.

Totally ignorant of history, and the simple law of cause and effect.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by LazerTron

Let he that hath no sin cast the first stone.

Shalom Aleichem

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by mayabong

From what I have researched, the Muslim Brotherhood are really no different than the groups of people on the far right in the US that want to insert religion into government.

They are not Wahabists, which are very extreme, but instead the Brotherhood are more like Dominionist and Reconstructionist Christians.

I know some people are all upset about the possibility of a Caliphate, but why?

What about the Vatican?

Are Muslims not allowed to have their own Holy See?

The only issue I have with the Brotherhood is over Israel. Sure there are changes that need to be done in Israel, but Israel should be allowed to exist.

Almost all of the modern states in the Middle East, except Iran and the Arabian peninsula, are nations based on the displacement of peoples. The Byzantine, aka Eastern Roman, Empire, which controlled much of the Middle East was displaced by Arabs. This includes Egypt. The Turks displaced Arabs and Byzantines in Anatolia. The Byzantines displaced Jews in Palestine. My point is that its not reasonable for all of these people to stop having countries. The fact should be accepted and people can go from there.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:35 PM
I see little credibility in the story given the source it apperars in. The article fails to address a work that to this day is being told as fake. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Written by the very ones who are attacking the same from the muslims. I do not think this document is fake but, I would certainly want everyone to think it was. However, once read you can find all the plans completed or being implemented now. Maybe there is fear of the competion.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
reply to post by TarzanBeta

being decended from people who were wiped out by christians for our land and for a few slaves, I'd say Christians deserve a little taste of thier own medicine ...
but noe
one can hold a mirror up to Christians all day...
It just doesn't do any good.
Pointing out that christians just slaughtered a whole people is
persecution of christians.

Let me get this straight.

You're blaming christians for killing your ancestors and destroying their culture and way of life, that's perfectly understandable.
I feel the same way, christians eradicated the culture of my ancestors too.

But because of your hatred of christianity you absolve Islam of all it's sins!? WHAT?

Two wrongs doesn't make a right, that's elementary..

Why aren't you up in arms about Islam and all the cultures that have been assimilated and or destroyed by that vile creed? They all worship the same God, you know the one.. that murderous God of the Old Testament.

You just like the prospect of revenge, screw logic, justice and common sense. Your feelings on this issue are born out of hate.

So as long as you get your revenge on christianity you'll stick up for a belief system that has that same mentality that christianity had hundreds of years ago when they destroyed cultures left and right.. yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Did I get that right, I don't want to put words into your mouth but that was pretty much what I got from your post.

People, stop blaming everybody else all the freaking time, what the hell is the problem.
"But that group over there is just as bad!!!! WAAAAHH!!"

So mf'ing what!? It doesn't absolve anyone of their sins, it's just a nice way to deflect serious issues.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by TheLaughingGod

awesome awesome post, I iwsh I could do more than give you a star for it

Personal responsibility and liability seem to be dead concepts. Everything is always somebody elses fault

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by mayabong

Its all just fear mongering to justify these illegal wars overseas is all it is. Sharia law isn't new, why has it just popped up and talked about every single day in the last few years? To scare people thats why.

Egypt wasn't under Sharia law and it was a very very brutal regime that tortured and murdered people without trial. Funded by the west.

I'd say arab propaganda is a little more truthful than ours since they actually have a reason to be upset.

The west propaganda just shows pictures of arabs with RPG's and a Koran and Americans shake in their boots.

Totally ignorant of history, and the simple law of cause and effect.

Bolded mine.

Sharia Law is a continuum (incorporated with civil law) and to illustrate here is an example of how far, degrees-wise, Egypt IS currently under Sharia...

What say you?

To help with visualization:

edit on 9-2-2011 by sonjah1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by mayabong
reply to post by badw0lf

LOL. They hate the west for no reason? Lets take Iran for one.

No, lets not. You take the average muslim who hates the west, and you will find they have no reason beyond they just hate us. you can ad superfluous reasoning such as political content such as this, but at the end of the day, many many people under the umbrella of islam will say that the west is bad because that is all they know.

But it is nice to see someone acknowledge that they DO hate us also for political reasons, which give them an amount of leeway to be of said opinion... That being, Death to.. et al.

Face it - You accept the anti-west sentiment due to your opinion that the west is evil. As do they, ragardless of right or wrong, many of them just accept it. So... Not such a far stretch, really... Argue more, now...
By the way, I'm not American... So.. heh.. yeah...

Americans aren't very good at that.

There is a glaring elephant in the living room that you do not notice.
The historical fact is most muslim majority countries were colonized by Western powers - notably England, France, Belgium and Holland. Their civilization was set back for hundreds of years and they were regarded second-class citizens. Now they end up in a world where they are part of the "third world" - as opposed to which the former countries built up rich capitalism. Marx called this "the original accumulation of capital".

Yes it is about christianity, in so far as it is fundamentalist Christians that got in power in the west, according to their weird prophecies they began to ally themselves in strategy with the most extremist Israeli nationalists, to whom everything is forgiven - and now we have this Moslem-hating bias, news items cherry picked etc. See what trouble religious fundamentalism can bring with it? Milllions of dead, miscarried, phosphorus bombs etc.
After a while the same behavior is coming out on the other side.

You know, Hitler got away by a lot of stuff because he claimed that otherwise the Red terrorists - many of whom were Jewish - would take over Germany and other places. Incidentally the illegal communist parties did blow up bridges and so on, and a disproportionately high number were of Jewish origin.

The point is: our Western empire is crumbling, and we point at the Muslims whom we attacked and provoked all through history. We support Israel uncritically and appointed extremist right wing - sometimes fundamentalist-allied - Christian whites to leadership positions.

If we want a war, we will get it. We have proven it time to time.

So much for "no reason to hate us". They do have a reason and they have been most forgiving. But signs show they are starting to lose their patience.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by sonjah1

Hmm your map doesn't do me much good. I could make a map if I want and put all kinds of funny colors on it. But it doesn't prove anything.

If Egypt is under Sharia law, why can I drink there?

What say you?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

You actually believe in your own American bullcrap! The USA went in to Iraq with only ridding Iraq of Saddam Hussein in mind? LOL

Pay attention now.....Iraq and Afghanistan has NOTHING to do with 9/11.

If the American Govt had any brains at all they would had targeted IRAN. This alone would had cut off supplies of weapons to every despot worldwide. And now? The Americans fear a confrontation with Iran because they were stupid enough to leave it too late in the game. Perhaps you need to go watch IRANIUM. Many of us already knew Iran has one of the largest gas deposits in the world, probably the world's largest; they don't need nuclear power stations; like HELLO!!!

In the mean time, how many innocent civilians in both Iraq and Afghanistan have been killed (not to mention those who were intentially murdered because a soldier or two or three could'nt control his urge to rape an innocent young girl) in the line of American & British fire??? Of course that would'nt concern you because you're nice and comfortable sitting behind your keyboard in relatively safe and secure surroundings believing everything your media tells you.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by backinblack

Iran does'nt need to attack any nation.....they just supply all weapons to every despot and terrorist organisation worldwide to do their dirty work for them.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by mayabong

But how many Rabbis and Priests stone women to death? How many Rabbis and Priests hang both men, women and teenagers to death? How many Rabbis and Priests call for jihad to the West? How many Rabbis and Priests applaud suicide bombers? etc etc?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Do you really want me to go there?

I see you have posted something about Iran being the big scary boogie man. As many informed posters on here have pointed out. Those countries have been screwed with by the west for hundreds of years. Are you going to deny this? Do you just expect them to keep taking it and not try to defend themselves??? Its not an act of terrorism to overthrow a government and install a dictator? I know its hard, just try for a second to put yourself in other peoples shoes.. come on you can do it. lol

So what if they stone women, we put them in electric chairs here.. is that more sane?

Lets not forget when Israel bombed the King David Hotel. Those terrorists became members of the government later on. All about which side you're on yeah?
edit on 9-2-2011 by mayabong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by mayabong

So what if they stone women, we put them in electric chairs here.. is that more sane?

Yes, after due process of law, a trial by a jury of your peirs.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:07 PM
I don't believe that it is the responsibility of America to force the entire world to adopt our system of government or fairness. Some countries will not treat their people as well as we do...and it is none of our business. I have read the Constitution, and can't find any command in it to police the globe. If a country decides to adopt an extreme Muslim government...I'm not sure how it is our place to stop them...unless and until they bring violence to our shores.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:13 PM
I'd like to go a little further than Nodeco did in his response to Mayabong's "So what if they stone women..." comment. People executed by any means should have been found guilty of a crime worthy of death. My understanding is that the 14 year old had had sex with a 40 year old. (In many parts of the world any sex with a 14 year old is rape, the consent issue and all that). She wouldn't have received any legal penalty in the West.

It seems that the Muslim world has a code of laws that come directly from their religion without the opportunity for people to govern themselves. That opportunity is the goal, sometimes incompletely reached in the West, but completely forbidden in Islam.

Also separating the two worlds is the role that religion plays in government. Bishops, priests, pastors, etc. have little official role in the governance of the West.

But back to the beginning of the thread. Are there any passages given in that article with which Mayabong might disagree? Or are they all accepted as perfectly right and proper?
edit on 9-2-2011 by charles1952 because: Spelling error

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by LazerTron
I don't believe that it is the responsibility of America to force the entire world to adopt our system of government or fairness. Some countries will not treat their people as well as we do...and it is none of our business. I have read the Constitution, and can't find any command in it to police the globe. If a country decides to adopt an extreme Muslim government...I'm not sure how it is our place to stop them...unless and until they bring violence to our shores.

You don’t have an appreciation for what you we have. America does not need the world to adopt its style of government. Did Iraq or Afghanistan? A democratic government is an extension of the will of the people based on equal fairness. There is no “command” in the constitution to police the globe; however, it is the US government’s obligation to protect its citizens. It is our responsibility as humans to help those less fortunate and unable to help themselves. If there is a brutal regime that denies basic human rights for the majority of its citizens, the leaders should be removed from power and replaced by the will of the majority of its citizens. Who will do that for the good of the people, the good of our people?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:02 PM
Muslim Brotherhood: 'We are not seeking power'

The Muslim Brotherhood are not seeking power," Mohammed Morsi, a member of the group's media office, said at a Cairo news conference. "We want to participate, not to dominate. We will not have a presidential candidate, we want to participate and help, we are not seeking power."

The Islamist umbrella group also sought to dispel fears that it would push for an Islamic state in a post-Hosni Mubarak era.

"We reject the religious state," said Mohammed Katatny, former head of the Muslim Brotherhood's parliamentary bloc.

It looks like some are trying to keep the fear of Muslims going within the population. They are part of Egypt, they are nothing to fear.

edit on 2/9/2011 by Erasurehead because: Add link

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by nodeco13

Why didn't they take out Mubarak? 30 years not enough?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by nodeco13

Yes, the government has a responsibility to protect it's citizens. Exactly how is that done by assassinating leaders and putting in puppets in other countries? How does being responsible for millions of dead innocents in foreign countries protect us? It is NOT our responsibility to protect everyone. When we go meddling around in other countries business, we are denying them the freedom to choose their own fates. If the people choose to be an extreme Muslim state...then it does NOT protect us to go in and assassinate the leaders and put our people in. What we are doing is killing millions of people because we think that their religion may someday, possibly, lead them to want to make a lame attempt at killing us. In fact, it is our murder of their citizens that is enraging it's better to leave well enough alone.

I love America...but I don't believe that America should force it's will upon the globe.

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