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Sinister Revelation about Jared Lee Loughner's Currency Video? You Decide.

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posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:38 AM
Jared Lee Loughner's "How To: Your New Currency!" video is strange enough as it is. I have been watching his videos trying to discern some sense of what he was trying to communicate. I've made some headway, but in the end I think that one thing stands out more than anything else thus far.

To use his own wordplay:

If the datestamp on the video "How To: Your New Currency!" is 2010, but the video cites the year as 2011, it is fraudulent. The datestamp on the video "How To: Your New Currency!" is 2010, but the video cites the year as 2011, it is fraudulent. Therefore, it is fraudulent.

For clarity, I am pointing out that while the video was made and posted in 2010, the video cites the year as 2011.

What do you think? I think that it could have been placed as a lifeline in order to show that he planned to do something this year, and maybe even asked for help.

See for yourself :

edit on 2011/1/10 by sbctinfantry because: Clarity and Youtube Link

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:50 AM
This is one of the dumbest video ever .. i prefer by far a rick rolled youtube prank then this useless #%@? ...

new curency .. what the hell is he talking about ........

that confirms me .. the guy have serious mental problem

is video is like saying .. if you have 1 apple and you add one .. therefore you have 2 apple in you bucket

edit on 1/10/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:12 AM
What I see and intuit is that he grasped that the money system was controlled by someone and that currency COULD BE created. He grasped that everyone used language and that language was important as a type of mental framework we all had to use, but that someone controlled the laws of grammar and it wasn't him, so that meant that someone else had access to the grammar and the currency that he was stuck with.
He had the AHA but was too psychotic to express the sublime inspiration that he was filled with- that he was born into and dependant on very basic things that control the framework of reality.
He had, IMO, a clear view down the left hand path.
That said, he knew there was a logic and he was trying to come to terms with it. He was crazy as hades but trying to deal logically with the ahas that were flooding in his brain.

He was tripping basketballs.

He had the realization that he made his own reality and that he was in control. I think that is why he killed, because he was psychotic and believed that it was ALL his reality and that all he had to do was change it. That was his coin- change- currency- control- grammar- thought control.
IE I will change things. I will make my own currency(change) I will control the grammar. I will control the logic. I will control my own mind. I will control my destiny. Oh heck I am so out of control, I must make my own currency, then I can change.
edit on 10-1-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:22 AM
Want to add: that's just what I get from what I see, and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what schizophrenics were getting at and it can drive you crazy to try, but I was always pretty good at it.

Once a young man kept going on and on about caterpillars trying to throw him out of bed and he couldn't sleep and he was a mess. I went in his room during the day and saw a bulldozer out side and it struck me that caterpillar was a name for a bulldozer. We changed his room and he was fine.

Schizophrenics make really strange associations and little things can really overwhelm and frustrate him. The logic that he was trying to use doesn't make me think he was dumb- in fact it would make me think that he was a bit smarter than usual because he was trying to cope with strange thoughts in a logical manner. He was trying to rely on logic. Some schizophrenics really seize on words and it can be very peculiar.

It really breaks my heart to try to look to closely at him and how he was struggling. I am supposed to hate him but I pity him so. I really wish I could have helped him.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:28 AM
The videos, they are suspicious. It is because of this event a lot of people will watch jared's video since the account is still up.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
What I see and intuit is that he grasped that the money system was controlled by someone and that currency COULD BE created. He grasped that everyone used language and that language was important as a type of mental framework we all had to use, but that someone controlled the laws of grammar and it wasn't him, so that meant that someone else had access to the grammar and the currency that he was stuck with.
He had the AHA but was too psychotic to express the sublime inspiration that he was filled with- that he was born into and dependant on very basic things that control the framework of reality.
He had, IMO, a clear view down the left hand path.
That said, he knew there was a logic and he was trying to come to terms with it. He was crazy as hades but trying to deal logically with the ahas that were flooding in his brain.

The majority of your post leans to the idea that he was trying to make logical sense of his surroundings. Why then would the date in the video be 2011, when the datestamp of when the video was published was 2010? That doesn't seem very logical to me.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:41 AM
Reply to post by hadriana

When you can feel sorry for the "tormentors" of society it just means you have reached a higher level of thinking, you`ve reached inside yourself and found what it is to be human. We should all feel sorry for anyone who can`t live in peace or have the peace and order in their minds that we enjoy everyday. I get to go through my day without having an urge to kill anyone... and just like I`m thankful that I`m not bed-ridden and I have all my senses and I can walk and talk, I`m thankful to have control over my mental faculties. Not everyone has this luxery... And to add something to the actual topic of the op, I think he could`ve been giving a warning the only way he knew how... it deserves some attention imo. I have a friend who "goes crazy" usually once a year... a family member was a high ranking mason but that`s another thread and besides we all know (some version of) "that story" anyway
... anywho, there were usually warning signs... I`d love to talk with his friends who said he "changed" before the incident.

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posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by hadriana

One of the most realistic theories so far. Good work. Funny how everything is a conspiracy these days.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 03:17 AM
The 2011 could have been as simple as 2 from none but then I add 1+1
It could have been anything.
Chances are though- IMO about 99.9% that he was just disoriented to time when he made it.
There's 3 things you always assess for right off the bat with someone with an apparent mental problem- orientation to time, place,and person. Time is the first to go. Even us 'normal' folks lose track of it and don't know what day it is sometimes.

I don't think he was trying to use logic to cope with surroundings, but to cope with his delusions.

When I say he had a clear view down the left hand path, what I mean is that he had an epiphany in his delusion of his own personal power and potential- a view to the possibilities of personal anarchy, if you will. Some of that might have really concerning the failure he experienced in college. Thought I'd clarify that before someone misunderstood what I meant by that.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 03:22 AM
Nice catch OP - it is a bit ironic that a person who was so concerned with logic and deductive reasoning got the year wrong in November. Don't know what to conclude from it other than the guy was obviously not grounded in reality.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 03:36 AM

Hope that helps people who don't want to watch the video.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 03:41 AM
I'm saying that a man so grounded in logic misinterpreting the year is a little odd, don't you think? He is speaking about current events (in his frame of mind) in his videos, and it seems that he believes it is actually 2011, going on 2012. I'm torn at this point, because I've seen a lot of crazy things involving mentally ill persons believing they are from the past or future, but generally that means decades ahead or behind.

I want to emphasize, that when he makes a statement, the impression I am getting is that he believes it.

If he believes that he is in the year 2011, going on 2012, and less than three months later assassinates a judge and nearly a member of Congress, could this be significant? I want the readers to understand, and reference any of my previous posts in any topic, I am pretty well grounded and do not normally believe conspiracy is at hand. This just stinks.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by hadriana

I was also thinking along those lines. I mean, what happens to people when they wake up and realize that yes, indeed, at some point in time, humans created this particular reality based upon a monetary construct. Meaning that:

-Somebody creates money.
-Somebody says that money has value.
-Somebody makes rules making it so that without said money you cannot survive.
-That somebody is not you.
-You are also human, and somebody.
-You can create your own reality.

And you know what? Why not? Why not create a new reality? What is it that keeps us humans enslaved to this system of money=survival? Why can't we change this?

Who makes these rules?

Your body cannot survive by eating gold, or diamonds, and therefore they are completely worthless when you really begin to look at the big picture.

Many people face these questions, I know I have, and yet I still conform to this set of rules in order to survive because there is no alternative at this point in time that I can see. I wish that someday all of this will change, and that people will finally begin to see that they do have the power to change the rules. To do away with these systems that have enslaved mankind since they were invented.

Why can't we create our own reality without currency?

I mean, as finite beings, meaning that one day we will die, and nobody I know has come back from the dead to say "hey this is what it's like after you die" what is the point of being a slave your entire life? To multiply (have children) and bring them into this existence so that they too must become enslaved to this system?

Maybe those are things we should be trying to change, figure out, instead of fighting over money, land, religion, and other things which in the end mean absolutely nothing.
edit on 10-1-2011 by AutOmatIc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 03:58 AM
I want to cite a two other topics that I've been researching independently :

Only Ten Members of Congress Known to Have Been Killed
Exclusive: Jared Loughner Radically Changed Before Alleged Shooting, Friend Says

I would also like to cite another topic from another poster :

Is Gabrielle Giffords shooting the latest 9/11?

I'm really starting to lean toward MKUltra. The fact his grip on reality disintegrated so rapidly, he made philosophical arguments that (in his realm of reality) were logical in nature, stated the wrong year as fact, identified his guilt in writing then didn't respond after he was wrestled to the ground and used his right to remain silent, is hard enough to wrap your head around.

What really started to make pieces fall into place for me was the post cited that discusses how all of this is happening, literally days, after the new congress was sworn in. In that frame of thought, this whole business stinks of MKUltra or other programs. It is also extremely rare for a Congressman/Congresswoman to be killed by anyone, as less than ten have died at the hand of another human... and most of those were deuls long ago. This fact only adds to the apparent select targetting of a specific group for political gain by TPTB.

I am very interested to see what Jared has to say about what happened and why, if he talks at all. I am more interested to see what happens to our freedoms as a result, because that will be the ultimate test of conspiract.
edit on 2011/1/10 by sbctinfantry because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by AutOmatIc
-Somebody creates money.
-Somebody says that money has value.
-Somebody makes rules making it so that without said money you cannot survive.
-That somebody is not you.
-You are also human, and somebody.
-You can create your own reality.

And you know what? Why not? Why not create a new reality? What is it that keeps us humans enslaved to this system of money=survival? Why can't we change this?

Who makes these rules?

In the introduction video, so far I have been able to discern this much :

...“This video is my introduction to you! My favorite activity is conscience dreaming; the greatest inspiration for my political business information. Some of you don’t dream -- sadly."

I really want to read it conscious dreaming, but I don't want to discard anything important. So I'm still trying to work this one out. There's the obviously drawn conclusion that we are all sleepwalking without dreaming, or don't truely dream. For now, I'll move on.

“Firstly, the current government officials are in power for their currency, but I’m informing you of a new currency! If you’re treasurer of a new money system, then you’re responsible for the distributing of a new currency. We now know -- the treasurer for a new money system, is the distributor of the new currency. As a result, the people approve a new money system which is promising new information that’s accurate, and we truly believe in a new currency. Above all, you have your new currency, listener?"

Government officials are in power for for their currency, not because of. They are in power to protect, serve and promote their own money system. We can pretty much read this as the Government is in power to support the Federal Reserve, who brings their currency into existence. We normally don't assosciate the Treasurer with distribution of money in this system, merely printing it. A new currency can circumvent the Federal Reserve in order to print and distribute the money supply. Transparency will be demanded if this ever occurs, to prevent the destruction of our currency that has occurred under a secretive organization like the Federal Reserve.

“Secondly, my hope -- is for you to be literate! If you’re literate in English grammar, then you comprehend English. The majority of people, who reside in District-8, are illiterate -- hilarious. I don’t control your English grammar structure, but you control your English grammar structure."

I just keep thinking about my wife, bless her heart. She doesn't understand how the world works, how to speak eloquently in any fashion or form, how to read very well, and therefore is blind to many crimes that occur right in front of her. I have tried to teach her time and time again, even showing her cartoon videos about how things really work, but she just isn't interested and usually falls asleep, laughs uncomfortably, acts interested but obviously isnt, and other defense mechanisms. I've offered her reading and such, to no avail. In the end, I can't change her or even educate her until she starts educating herself.

“Thirdly, I know who’s listening: Government Officials, and the People. Nearly all the people, who don’t know this accurate information of a new currency, aren’t aware of mind control and brainwash methods. If I have my civil rights, then this message wouldn’t have happen."

Obviously he is under the impression that he is being watched, and probably was. There is plenty of evidence that red flags were raised, even by one of his professors, who asked that he be mentally evaluated and prevented from purchasing a firearm. Secondly, if you are not literare, as he says, you can not see or comprehend the brainwashing mechanics of television, radio, music, news and internet. Finally, he feels his hand is forced, because his civil rights are being infringed upon.

“In conclusion, my ambition -- is for informing literate dreamers about a new currency; in a few days, you know I’m conscience dreaming! Thank you!”

At least from this we can discern two things. First, that he intended for conscience dreaming to be read as such. Second, his mission statement is not to enlighten anyone that wouldn't already understand what he is writing, but rather to inform those in the know what is about to happen. He then proceeds to post more videos.

That's my best crack at the first video, this is not easy stuff to break down.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:36 AM
'What is government if words have no meaning?'" He asked Gifford that question years ago and was not happy with her answer. Here's a great piece on what he was like from a good friend who he called before he did it.

My guess is she should have said if there are no words there is no constitution so th government where words have no meaning is an illegal government.

Just my guess.

On a related topic, has anyone else noticed how the media is pounding this idea that he has some issue with the GOLD standard? I don't know where that is coming from. The only thing I see is that he has a realization that money is made by someone. I haven't seen ANY actual break down of his beliefs about the gold standard vrs fiat currency. I think that is an opportunistic potshot at the right personally. Maybe I am wrong and he did and I missed it.
edit on 10-1-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
What I see and intuit is that he grasped that the money system was controlled by someone and that currency COULD BE created. He grasped that everyone used language and that language was important as a type of mental framework we all had to use, but that someone controlled the laws of grammar and it wasn't him, so that meant that someone else had access to the grammar and the currency that he was stuck with.
He had the AHA but was too psychotic to express the sublime inspiration that he was filled with- that he was born into and dependant on very basic things that control the framework of reality.
He had, IMO, a clear view down the left hand path.
That said, he knew there was a logic and he was trying to come to terms with it. He was crazy as hades but trying to deal logically with the ahas that were flooding in his brain.

He was tripping basketballs.

He had the realization that he made his own reality and that he was in control. I think that is why he killed, because he was psychotic and believed that it was ALL his reality and that all he had to do was change it. That was his coin- change- currency- control- grammar- thought control.
IE I will change things. I will make my own currency(change) I will control the grammar. I will control the logic. I will control my own mind. I will control my destiny. Oh heck I am so out of control, I must make my own currency, then I can change.
edit on 10-1-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

I tend to agree and the fact that he talks about Conscious dreams also points to him trying to control his hallucinations and his altered reality , trying to 'roll with it' and manage it. Not all schizophrenics have frightening hallucinations or delusions, I've known a few that were actually very fond of their 'voices' and took comfort from them and others that enjoyed their visual hallucinations.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:27 AM
I've watched a few of his videos now and the word play was always creepy. It is easy to see what the topic is he is trying to discuss but it is creepy, "listener?" Maybe that is what gave me such a vibe about this video; it had all the same word play and still attempted a message like all the others but it didn't include that eerie word "listener?"

The word play was important to him and someone "tripping basketballs" ('___' reference I assume) would not be capable of coming up with this style of word play. Could see this as a meth-head poem, people can do real 180s and loop-da-loops on that stuff personality wise. Really the only two questions I have at this point is, were these messages directed at some one/group specific or was he talking, expecting us to know what the hell he meant?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:18 PM
I have definitely seen people in very florid psychosis use words in what seemed like almost a supernatural way. IE Once I heard a schizophrenic give a probably 5 minutes speech nonstop that almost made since using every acronym you ever heard of with definitions thrown in every 5-6. (IE like "The law enforcement agencies and the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, and the LAPD from Los Angeles had their sites out the DOT, DHS.... I mean for like 5 minutes nonstop!)
I could not have done that in the best state of my own mind with a teleprompter listing of acronyms in front of me.

I see a LOT of tangentiality in his videos and writings. It's not at all uncommon in psychosis.
edit on 10-1-2011 by hadriana because: changed speech to videos

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by hadriana

That's interesting. It seems as though this individual was merely echoing the conscious and subconscious thoughts of a lot of individuals. Such as the concept that yes, there is something very wrong with society. And would you not agree that the construct of a reality based upon a monetary system of currency is just plain wrong, and leads the human into only darker paths which can cause us to act in immoral ways, and incites in us certain emotions and actions we may not have performed had it not been for this catalyst, this concept called "money" or "currency"? We humans would be better off without it. Which is my interpretation of this individuals point he is trying to make when he discusses "currency".
edit on 10-1-2011 by AutOmatIc because: punctuation

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