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Whiny Man with Misogynistic Blog Declares, to Crickets, He Is Boycotting American Women

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posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by andy1033

You seem to feel you've been wronged and targeted by a female (or females) in the past. Do you have a post about what happened to you? I'm just curious why you're so jaded, and would be interested in understanding it better.

I've got a long history of being hurt by women (so I'm sure I can empathize), but I've now been happily married for seven years, so things can change.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 09:55 AM
Thank you for the kind words, Whiff. I appreciate them very much.reply to post by Whiffer Nippets

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 10:36 AM
And most American women can say the same about American men.
He really only wants a foreign woman because he wants to put locks on the cabinets, have her wear no underwear and clean the house and cook him dinner when he comes home.

I just feel sorry for whatever poor gal this fellow suckers in.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
And most American women can say the same about American men.
He really only wants a foreign woman because he wants to put locks on the cabinets, have her wear no underwear and clean the house and cook him dinner when he comes home.

I just feel sorry for whatever poor gal this fellow suckers in.

I can cook, clean house, even do maintenance on just about everything in my house.If I have to put locks on my cabinets..she is high maintenance and I dont need or want her or children from a relataionship like this. IF all she has is a bare backside because the best she can do for me is not wear any underwear..once again she is high maintenance. I require much more than these cheap transitory templates from a woman.

For what would I come to a woman??? Foreign or Domestic??? What commodity in the market place would a woman ..foreign or domestic need to offer me and then maintain for me to take up with her. What inducement??
What commodity would separate one woman from another in the marketplace???

Oh..and an observation here SmedleyBurlap. I notice that many of the women complaining about male and mens performance in and around the household. I notice that they are complaining the men are not doing enough around the house. What I am curious about is how many traditionally men's chores or jobs are these women relieving the men of such that they have more Idle time? Or are they expecting the men to do their traditional men's chores and tasks and also help the women with theirs?? I see this complaint often in these types of posts but I notice that the women are not attempting that much equality such that they are want to take on traditionally male chores or jobs. Some yes..but most no.
I also notice that many males today are raised by anything and everything but male influences. Most of their influences are from peer groups or females or television/ movies. I see this as contributing heavily to a male not being able to defend a male position and concept. The men today are as high maintenance as women take for granted is their entitlement. Women may like a pretty male or nicely dressed male but they are not looking to underwrite his maintenance costs.
Just an observation.

I am not interested in equality as I dont believe in it. I do however notice the inequality often passing for intelligence or the moral high ground on this kind of topic.
Sometimes you can see or hear what is not said in posts like these ones.

The commodity for which a wise and prudent man comes to a woman is Peace..not Piece. How many women in America even understand this in lieu of their entitlement and consumption levels in a heavily merchandized female oriented marketplace.
What is even many men even understand this concept.

Do any of you out here even see any of the women expressing this understanding in lieu of the "I'm sitting on the only one in town dogma??" What is even worse and more many of the males out here can see it or even understand the concept of Peace verses Piece?? So how would the average male ever get this across to a woman verses what the females out here are so bombarded by daily as the definition of a woman today??
If you men cannot comprehend this do you ever expect the women to get it???
This is why so many women are leading the men out here..not the other way around. It is also why you are being feminized...because you dont know this concept....even about your maleness.


posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 04:35 AM
Well my wife is the expert on cars not me does that make me a wuss? Hell no! My homosexual friends know I have no interest in practicing homosexuality. I have a simple rule "There is only one man in this relationship. if there are two men then this is a gay relationship, in which case byeeeee! ". Now before any gets huffy some women I have been involved with did not respect me as a person. The relationship did not last long. The reverse can be said (in buckets) for some women who were disrespected by their men.

I have a simple opinion. "Every stupid man lives in his house. Every sensible man lives in his wife's house". This means that Peace is a great idea but find the right woman. Dating and marriage is only for adults; little boys need not apply!

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

This man should be recognized as the hero he really is.

Don't you women realize, that it's you who are doing this to us guys? I know what you're going to say "Not all women are like that." Well, I retort with, "Oh yes, they are!"

Many men are starting to discover that women just aren't worth the trouble.

So see ladies, you have brought it on yourselves. When all men everywhere finally figure out that women just aren't worth the trouble, you will only have yourselves to blame.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by whatukno

But, they ARE worth the trouble.

After all, who wants to spend the rest of their life with their left hand?

If a man can aspire to find a mate, then that's a step above living in filth everyday.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by The Sword

No, women are not worth the trouble. If all women are worth is sex, then a hooker is far cheaper and easier to deal with.

Women bring nothing to a relationship.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Your brush swings with broad strokes.

It all comes down to individual compatibility.

You have to find the person that is right for YOU and you for them.

My wife is not as old school as her grandmother, but not as new school as others.

It took me a very long time to find her, but I am very glad I put the effort in to find her.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by tiger5
Well my wife is the expert on cars not me does that make me a wuss? Hell no! My homosexual friends know I have no interest in practicing homosexuality. I have a simple rule "There is only one man in this relationship. if there are two men then this is a gay relationship, in which case byeeeee! ". Now before any gets huffy some women I have been involved with did not respect me as a person. The relationship did not last long. The reverse can be said (in buckets) for some women who were disrespected by their men.

I have a simple opinion. "Every stupid man lives in his house. Every sensible man lives in his wife's house". This means that Peace is a great idea but find the right woman. Dating and marriage is only for adults; little boys need not apply!


LOL LOL..interesting manner in the way you get your point across. I cannot debate against most of what you post because I agree with most of it. is not about being a wuss per se..but being able to lead.

A man does not need to be an expert on cars. My sister knows more about cars and how they work than do most males today raised on television, sports, and video games. I salute her for this knowledge.

Nonetheless I stand by what I said..Peace is far more valuable to a knowledgeable man than Piece. Peace is "The" idea.
Peace means his home for which he works is a place of comfort and contentment. He is drawn there rather than the outside world when he is not working. He is happy go come home and not be thrust to and fro by every changing wind of the outside world. An his woman has a great hand in making these conditions so. Not by Piece...but by bringing him Peace. Not by the rush to get, acquire, and indulge in every consumer definition and product coming down the pipeline...but by protecting him with Peace.
For so many men I know ...everything and anything is running his home but Peace...and I mean anything and everything. His woman and children are defining their very existence by all the non standards of the outside world...and they expect him to take risks to maintain this system yet....he constantly comes in last place or worse while working for first place for others. And if he revolts against this system ..there is something wrong with him. He is a neanderthal..etc al.

This is why Peace is the important commodity to a discerning man. And you never hear this from the women on posts like this. It is the farthest thing from their minds and souls.
What is more that the men/males on this post don't think about it as well..and this is a real problem.
The fault is of the males/men..not the women. The average male out here has been seduced by false templates as well. How about those Redskins??? Bring on the cheerleaders and beer. What a dummy!!

The women in a consumer oriented marketplace with a 7 to 1 disparity in goods marketed to them without risk..don't dare speak out so as to put light on this concept. They don't want it to be known. And neither do the merchandisers nor the body politic..because economics is politics..they are one and the same.


I don't agree with this at all.

Don't you women realize, that it's you who are doing this to us guys? I know what you're going to say "Not all women are like that." Well, I retort with, "Oh yes, they are!"

Many men are starting to discover that women just aren't worth the trouble.

A good woman is indeed worth the trouble. A good woman is as a beautiful strand of pearls...a fine wine.

The problem is that you have to go through alot of chaff to find the wheat. This is textbook of so many things out here today..not just women and men but, politicians al. This is the textbook fingerprint of this world and the things of this world. Cheap merchandising has not helped at all among a people sufficiently ignorant as to define themselves by what they consume..not by what they know of value...male and female both.

I don't think the problem is the females per se..but it is the ignorance of the males...from the womb. Not enough male figures around the home to help guide both the males and females. The television is running the home..the peer group is running the home...the education system is running the home...politicians are running the home.....anyone and everyone is running the home but those taking risk for it.

Oh..and by the way..while I am thinking about it...the women are just as much subject to this merchandising treadmill as the men..and without many of them too recognizing it for what it is. Many of them too are running like madwomen down this treadmill and expecting their men to help make up the difference but they are not making up the difference in traditional male chores/jobs/tasks. Nor do many of them get the children to help with the tasks of keeping and maintaining a home. The children now too become high maintenance and contribute heavily to the male coming in last place.

Years ago I dated a woman with children..up to 16 years olde. I was shocked at what I saw. I asked her why she was doing the dishes after fixing dinner? Why were not the children doing this and taking out the trash instead of her doing so while they watched television? Why was she doing laundry and not the children? I had to tell her that she was not getting them ready for adulthood by planting and watering them in front of a television set as their reality training. Why did these children not know how to do a simple thing like make their beds?? She was not helping them nor training them for adulthood. It took a couple of weeks for her to sort it out but she made the changes. Many women do not think they are being good mothers if they do not do everything and anything for the children. They have great difficulty with the concept that hardship builds character and decision making ability. The problem with television and movies is that it often does all our thinking for us. Not good. And this was a home in which the television was running the home as a babysitter.
Television/movies can be quite a drug to people imperceptive about the nature of programming...particularly people brought up on consumerism with someone else taking the RISKS for their consumptions levels.

This is a males fault for not recognizing this and defining it for what it is...He can no longer lead in his household. His woman, children, and anything/everything else are leading him...thus Peace.

This is also an Occult Template..because it is hidden from the view of both males and females out here and well hidden..right in front of us..daily.

But the male is responsible...if he is to be able to is his responsibility.
The charge to dress and keep the garden of Eden was to Adam..not to Eve.
Males have become so dumbed down..they have lost sight of this. How about those Redskins??? Lakers?? Et al??


edit on 17-1-2011 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
LINK to the man American Women Are Now Deprived of Ever Marrying's blog

A snippet of the man's blog, in which he declares he decision to Boycott American Women, to which I am pretty certain American Women met with crickets:

I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don't know how to cook or clean, don't want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?

American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.


The posts go on to completely trash American women, some quite disgusting in their obvious hatred of women.

As an American Woman, I can assure you, the fact the author of this blog is off the market to me, makes me laugh. As if he ever had a chance in the first place.

keep telling yourself that. One could say the blogger is over reacting, but you can't tell me with a straight face that what he is saying isn't true. But hey if you doubt me you could always look up the fact that their is a boom demand in Asian nations for shrinks for poor little American female executives working there that no one srry I just find it amusing when people can't see the writing on the wall.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

A good woman is indeed worth the trouble. A good woman is as a beautiful strand of pearls...a fine wine.

Pearls are created from a grain of dirt irritating an oyster causing it to excrete crystalline goo around the foreign object. In fact the pearl is a reaction to an irritant. So I guess your analogy is correct about women being like a pearl. An irritant covered in a pretty shell.

Wine can turn to vinegar, sour and bitter, again, just like a woman. So, I guess your analogies are correct.

Face it, women today aren't useful, aren't worthwhile to get to know, and overall just aren't worth the trouble. Men that think that women have good qualities to them are just fooling themselves.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by peck420
Please, please, please don't tell me that this blog site is actually indicative of US male female relationships in any way.

If it is that is just sad...

google marriage strike. lol

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by tiger5

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
reply to post by tiger5

I think that we are reading the same article. Boycotting American women is not the same thing as boycotting all women. I don't think it's fair to blame the blog author for his possible failed relationships and his failure to find a working one. A recurring problem mentioned by posters on that blog is that American women are increasingly unwilling to settle down and commit to a relationship.

Are you the same guy that wrote so well about the Xenophobia in the USA?? The recurring problem must be that American women are demanding a say in how the relationship is being managed. THis nitwit and his ilk want to be lord and master in the home and the woman to get back to feudal serfdom. That is entirely non-progressive in fact it is a retrograde social step. I must have been lucky when I was single I found a cross section of women some slightly masculine some very feminine and as an equal opportunity person I made sure I dated blacks whites and all shades in between (heheheh)

Personally I have lived by a simple rule. There is only one man in the house -said man will cook, clean, clean dirty nappies and look after small mamals ( even cats which are by nature vile animals). All I say to women is give me the respect that you would want for your self. OK I met a few gold diggers but I know women have to put up with lazy oafs. Also some women would test the boundaries but all was fair.

I was in the ghettos of Harlem up town Detroit, Miami and Big Island. All I saw was women and not particularly masculinised. I hope you were meeting diesel dykes as they are a special case but have a right to be.

As a parent of girls I don't want them hanging with lazy bums, wifebeaters, morons or idiots with substance abuse issues.

edit on 7-1-2011 by tiger5 because: typo

If you think foreign women are "submissive" or "slaves" you know nothing about alot of foreign cultures. Notice he didn't advocate Saudi Arabia as a great place to find a wife? Just go to Brazil, Thailand, Russia and a few other non western, non muslim nations and try to treat normal marriageable women like that. I doubt you would ever have to worry about procreation.. A lot of those women are serious, they mean business when it come to relationships and marriage. That is the allure.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by orangetom1999

A good woman is indeed worth the trouble. A good woman is as a beautiful strand of pearls...a fine wine.

Pearls are created from a grain of dirt irritating an oyster causing it to excrete crystalline goo around the foreign object. In fact the pearl is a reaction to an irritant. So I guess your analogy is correct about women being like a pearl. An irritant covered in a pretty shell.

Wine can turn to vinegar, sour and bitter, again, just like a woman. So, I guess your analogies are correct.

Face it, women today aren't useful, aren't worthwhile to get to know, and overall just aren't worth the trouble. Men that think that women have good qualities to them are just fooling themselves.

Human beings ..male and female are of the same composition and chemical make up as is dirt. Nothing new there..male and female. The pearl is not the fault of the oyster. Nor wine turning into vinegar. You drink and savor the wine long before it turns into vinegar Whatukno.

What about leading Whatukno??? It is up to us as males to help them in usefulness by leading. Otherwise they will follow every easy, convenient, and ersatz template which is foisted off on us through shallow mediums...and with someone else's RISK.

The difference Whatukno is in the outlook..who will take the RISKS...and who will operate off "ENTITLEMENTS."

If a woman can take all the RISKS then she should lead. And then turn over her production to you to spend and have discretion over how it is spent. How many of these women on posts such as this and others are trying out for such a task or responsibility?? Knowing this is the difference..not the things of which you speak.

You never see the women bringing out this aspect or view. What is worse and even more that neither do you see today's males putting this view out here or able to defend it. But the average male out here can post a point spread. What a dum ass he is. And he will remain a dumb ass as long as he spends more time worshiping the gods of sports, alcohol, and cheerleaders...that doing some thinking about the real nature of things out here.

The system of consumerism out here is designed to do exactly that. Put his woman and children over him and the household he works to keep and maintain. But about those Redskins...Lakers???
Everything and anything is running the household but the male. He comes in last place behind every cheap transient thing to come down the de evolutionary pipeline.
This is the males fault for being a dumb ass......the backside of a donkey.

A good woman can think for herself..and is not a xerox copy of every cheap, transient, and changing thing off the radio, television, movies, or peer group gossip.
This is also the template of todays high maintenance males. A good woman knows about Peace..verses Piece.

How about those Redskins???


edit on 24-1-2011 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

As an American Woman, I can assure you, the fact the author of this blog is off the market to me, makes me laugh. As if he ever had a chance in the first place.


Lol... seriously, are you just trying to make yourself feel better, or what?

As if he ever had a chance in the first place.

Judgmental without even knowing the person you are slandering....

Yeah... sounds about right, actually.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by AdAbsurdum

Originally posted by LadySkadi

At what point does someone stop becoming a victim of bad relationships? At such a point as that someone looks internally and realizes they are contributing (something) to such a relationship and honestly recognizes that contribution and then DECIDES to change.

As if it is a choice.

I'm sorry, it is not. Abuse happens to good people who do nothing to ask for it or deserve it.

I have to agree with AdAbsurdum there. Being nice in general and not wanting to hurt or upset people has led to me despising humanity as nothing but liars, cheats, backstabbers and users thanks to my experiences not just in seeking a companion to form a relationship with but also in general with so-called friends deserting in groups after a cycle of getting whatever they can out of me then when I find a new group of friends, oh look, same length of time passes and they repeat the same pattern as the previous set.

Am I to blame too for being a victim of this crappy society?

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

The man writing this blog doesn't want a woman, he wants a live-in maid. I imagine, that he's probably trying to sell his action figures on E-Bay to some other guy who lives in his parents' basement, so he can get one of those mail-order Russian brides.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:31 AM
Tiger 5,

It seems I missed this earlier in this thread so I will comment on it now.

I have a simple opinion. "Every stupid man lives in his house. Every sensible man lives in his wife's house". This means that Peace is a great idea but find the right woman. Dating and marriage is only for adults; little boys need not apply!

Peace is indeed a great idea...and indeed find the right woman. However...if I work to pay for and maintain a house it is not her house. If she pays for an maintains the house it is her house. For you see there is a principle involved here..and it is called RISK. A man works and pays for a to maintain it by a process of work and all of this involves RISK. This is a principle often overlooked and particularly by the Women in threads like this such that they can default through without debate on it.

How many women on sites like this do you know who are volunteering to pay for a it...maintain it while the man explores his "Options" at her expense and RISK.

If I take up with a woman ...purchase and maintain a house in which she and children live...I am not there to come in last behind every other cheap transient thing. I am not an "Option."

No amount of "Piece " is going to make up for the RISK required to pay for and maintain a house and all the trimmings. This is where a culturally ignorant man raised on movies, television, sports, alcohol, and cheerleaders cheats himself in ignorance. What a 24 carat dumb ass.

Little girls only know about " Piece."

Women know about "Peace." And "Peace " requires much more commitment from a woman than does "Piece."


edit on 20-6-2011 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Peace is indeed a great idea...and indeed find the right woman. However...if I work to pay for and maintain a house it is not her house. If she pays for an maintains the house it is her house. For you see there is a principle involved here..and it is called RISK. A man works and pays for a to maintain it by a process of work and all of this involves RISK. This is a principle often overlooked and particularly by the Women in threads like this such that they can default through without debate on it.

There is a certain amount of 'risk', as you call it, in giving up a wage to become dependent upon the 'good will' of another. By taking time out from a career, an individual risks lowering their earning potential, especially if all that that person is engaged in is domestic work. If we say that my labour is currently worth £9.00 per hour, and I devote three hours of my day, cleaning your house, doing your laundry, buying and preparing food, etc, seven days a week. Now that is £189 of labour that you are receiving from me, per week, in exchange for board and lodging. Now that must be a pretty fancy house for me to be required to earn that much keep, but it is a fair enough exchange, relatively speaking. But I would, of course, want 'extra' if I'm to be nice as well as doing all that...

...but I am still not seeing how you would be putting in anymore 'risk' than I would fact I am risking much more the way I see it.

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