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I spent 3 hours in the ER on the 15th. I just got my $11,000.00 bill in the mail.

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posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11
Bottom line...

Health issues do not correlate to willingness to work, financial success, intelligence or any other remote factor that can make it a variable in the capitalistic scheme.

"Get a job"...has no logical support in the discussion.

Cancer doesn't care if you are 3 years old or 80, if you are a rocket scientist or janitor, a rich man or poor.

Disease could care less about capitalism....we need to stop pretending it does.

People who work hard and succeed do not get a free pass guaranteeing that they and their loved ones will not get sick, be in a car accident, contract an incurable disease.

There is absolutely no reason or virtue within the capitalistic equation that we should bankrupt people at random.

Disease doesn't care about capitalism and we need to stop treating it as if it does.

Well said. It is just so that some people are really so brainwashed that they can´t see these simple facts.

Taking $100 000 for taking care of someone in a hospital is simply...I can´t think of a good enough word here

Isn´t USA supposed to be a civilised democratic country? Capitalism and greed has pretty much taken over everything...

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

People also have the right to crap all over every "little person" they can on their way to the top. If its within the "law" it nust be ok huh?

Does that make it right?


posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:37 PM

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

If so, what gives you the right to steal money from me just because you are sick? Do you also have the right to steal my money because you are hungry? Homeless?

I would say yes. Right to life is more important than right to property.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:39 PM
I think that one big problem with our health care in the USA, is that there is no set price for anything, and providers of medical services (doctors, clinics, etc) do not have to tell you what your bill will be up front. Can you think of any other service in the USA, when we go to get a service done, and can't get a quote up front before work is done? I mean, in an emergency, there may not be much choice, but not all medical services are an emergency.

Here is a personal example: Last year I went in for an eye exam. I have health insurance through my husband's work, it covers vision. I went to their specific vision center where my mother-in-law also has her eye care done. We have the same provider, different plans. Up front they told me that I only had to pay $30.

I got my eye exam, they fitted me for contacts. I paid the $30 on the spot and they ordered my contacts. I paid for the contacts in the office. I went home thinking I was in the clear, because the billing people at the office assured me that was all I would have to pay. Then a week or so later, I got a bill for an additional $300+ dollars.

I thought it had to be a mistake. I called client services repeatedly, trying to get a hold of anyone who could tell me what the bill was for, and to make sure they knew I had already paid. I called everyday and was very polite. Almost every person I talked to assured me that it must be a mistake, since we all could agree that an eye exam should not usually cost over $300 with insurance coverage.

I ended up having to prove to a very rude woman in records that I had already paid X amount. Then she pushed me off onto the clinic where I'd had the eye exam. I had already gone back there in person to enquire about the bill, and had been told to call client services. So, I began calling the clinic everyday and leaving messages trying to get someone on the line who could figure it out. Finally, the manager of the clinic returned my call and in a very polite tone, told me that I had received services and been billed correctly. He told me to file a formal complaint, which I did, and was returned to me. My insurance company basically screwed me and had the nerve to tell me there was nothing I could do about it.

Just for kicks, I called up the vision clinic and pretended to be a new customer. I asked very explicitly how much an eye exam costs. I asked if there was any reason, short of a major health problem, that an eye exam might possible cost more than the quote they were giving me. They were still giving me the $30 quote.

I paid the bill, because I had the money and I wanted to be done with this infuriating experience, but I am never ever going back to that vision clinic. Can you imagine if I had taken my car in to get worked on, had $30 quoted, they did the work and then tried to charge me $330? Because that is basically what happened. And it happens every stinking day in this country.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by bismos

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
reply to post by endtimer

Health care should be free PERIOD.


um no. you should take care of yourself and if you cant your only option is to pay for someones SERVICE TO YOU. they didnt make you go to the hospital and have anything done to you. you did it of your own free will.

Your right
If you cant afford it you might as well go die in the corner.


posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
Health care should be free PERIOD.
Really? So if health care is free, who pays the doctors, nurses etc..? Who pays for their schooling and training?

I predict your answer will be "The Government". If so, what gives you the right to steal money from me just because you are sick? Do you also have the right to steal my money because you are hungry? Homeless? Because your Audi is in the shop? or you can't buy another carton of cigarettes? GET OFF YOUR LAZY A$$ AND GET A JOB!

Hmmm...Well it falls underr the whole "civilization" thing.

Money is regulary "stolen" from you to pay for other people's ills...Police, Fire Protection, Military etc..

The idea that it is money "stolen from you" only holds water until it is your house that catches fire or your car that is stolen etc. Then when those fire-fighters or cops show up you can straighten it out by asking that all expenses associated with event be billed directly to wouldn't want to steal money from nieghbors? right?

And psst..having a job has nothing to do with it. I wondered for a moment if you were ignorant of the issue or just a foul person...but of course you are both.


posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:43 PM
I feel for you. I have been through the same scheme only 3 years ago.
I had a 10lbs tumor removed as well as 14in of intestine. One week in the hospital. I was grateful for what they did.
Total cost was $76,000 and some change. This was a grand total from all doctors and medicines.
I was told I could have Medical pay for every cent ... IF I took my kids off Healthy Families and moved them to Medical with me. This would remove them from great coverage (and cheap) and move them over to insurance with high co-pays and less coverage. There was no way I was doing that.

So I got my bill and called them to tell them sorry. I could not pay it and was not willing to obstruct my kids current insurance. I was willing to go on Medical myself, but not bring my kids along with me.

I was then told I had to pay the bill on my own. But get this. The bill went from $76K+ down to an even $13,000 !
They removed $63K just for me ! The cost was lowered if I could pay right now in 3 installments.
I don't know about you but I don't have $13,000 sitting in my bank account.

Hold the phone here ... how is it that they can just forget about $63K like it's nothing ? Did they truly want to help me out here ? What are the REAL costs of medical procedures ?
edit on 12/29/2010 by SMR because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

And allegedly it was good enough for Osama bin Laden too.

Are you going out of your way to be rude and arrogant in this thread? I am guessing you don't buy the OP's story or at least have serious misgivings about its validity.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

That's typical for an ER visit. Sucks!

In LA, California, they closed about 11 ERs. How come? Illegals were coming in, running up bills and not paying them. They just got too expensive to run, so they were closed down.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:46 PM

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
Health care should be free PERIOD.
Really? So if health care is free, who pays the doctors, nurses etc..? Who pays for their schooling and training?

I predict your answer will be "The Government". If so, what gives you the right to steal money from me just because you are sick? Do you also have the right to steal my money because you are hungry? Homeless? Because your Audi is in the shop? or you can't buy another carton of cigarettes? GET OFF YOUR LAZY A$$ AND GET A JOB!

I would assume a tax would be in order. Or is that too far for you to see? "stealing" your money?
Hunger and housing should also be paid for. My "Audi"? Dont have one bro. I do got a job though. A rather decient one in fact. Im living better now than I have ever before. I also get free insurance from my employer. That still doesent change the fact that charging someone such outrageous prices is WRONG, does it? I would gladly pay a little extra so people wouldn't have to go bankrupt because of some unfortunate event. Maybe you are the one who needs to quit being lazy. I know its a hard job to open your eyes to see past your nose, but try will you.


posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:47 PM
I am sorry to hear about what u went through OP, I truly hope u get through this troubling time. But, back on topic, there is plenty of good reason USA medicine should never be socialized. Now before u go accusing me of being some rich schmuck, I am a blue collar guy with ok insurance.
If USA medicine was completely free, we wouldn't have nearly as many medical breakthroughs in this country as we do, its the billions of dollars paid into the system that allow for funding to develop new medical treatments and procedures. It may not be right with how they go about harassing someone who can't afford it, medicine should be a right, not a privilage, with that I agree. But if a person can afford it, they should have to pay, and if they can't afford it, medicaid should be easily available to them, that is the real problem I see. yeah insurance is a scam, yeah doctors have become greedy corporate goons, and yeah legislation favors insurance and drs over the individual, but I believe with all the taxes we pay in to bailout the banks, some should go toward paying hospitals for people like OP that just can't afford it. But guess that's Obamacare for u, if u can't afford to pay the mob "insurance" for your life, your life means nothing to them :
: funny I'm sitting in ER waiting room now for a bad sinus infection. I'm just lucky my job procvides insurance for every worker free of charge, gotta love a union job.

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posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by LarryLove

Totally, is economics a required course anymore? What is the thinking? Has quantitative easing thrown you off? I would hazard a guess that the naysayers on government option medical care are for quantitative easing and believe we can do that and still have a sovereign currency.

What is more troubling is how we can talk about groingrinder like chattel, judging and deciding that groingrinder should have known this or that and is or is not worthy of this or that or how groingrinder may or may not be effecting the economy..really and you are sure you know enough about the subject to put this forth. Doesn't sound like it...but since the naysayers require so much evidence from those who are not...please bring forth from qualified economic sources exactly how our dear groingrinder has become such a burden on society?

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by endtimer
reply to post by groingrinder

I'm not sure what the point is. You had all of these procedures done,
knowing you only have $50.00 a month, you knew this going to the
Medical Center. Now what? Are you mad at society or the Hospital
in general because they didn't wipe out the entire debt? You stated
that they took off $8,000 and have $3,000 left to pay off. I would say
that is a pretty darn good arrangement. What are you complaining
about? Suck it up and get a part time job. Do something besides
complaining to ATS.

edit on 28-12-2010 by endtimer because: (no reason given)

Doctors in the US and the Medical industry as a whole are totally out of control...

Good for you if you happen to be fortunate enough to be able to pay your bills. Not everyone is that lucky. Ever stop to think that it might be a little harder for un-eployed ppl to find a job in the 1st place, or maybe instead of jumping to conclusions, think that the OP might not be able to work at the moment due to health?

Down here in AU we have Medicare, so thankfully, all my recent chest xrays, blood tests, and the eventual operation to remove a leasion from my left lung will be bulk billed. I too am un-employed right now and have bee napplying to every job I hear/read about, I hae no car as my llast job was a 320kn round trip a day, spen most of my $$ on fuel and could never get the car serviced, finally she gave

On top of all those troubles, I do not have to worry about my medi-bills as much as someone in the US... Your country sux to the balls when it comes to health!!!

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by LarryLove

Shouldn't people be treated equally as opposed to their level of income?

You could apply this question to many things.

Shouldn't rich people drive cheaper cars to cut down on excessive engineering and design costs associated with designing a top tier vehicle?

Let's just replace all ambulances with some used chevy vans with 750K miles on them, pick 20 people up off the street at once, throw 'em all in the back seat and race 'em to the hospital, like they do in most 3rd world countries.
edit on 29-12-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:50 PM
I hear yeah! My wife, who has non-Hodgkin lymphoma went in to the ER one night b/c she was feeling very ill. They kept her overnight (basicaly against her will) in one room in a mostly empty clinic and didn't even really do anything. Guess how much the bill was? $6,000!!! Just to stay overnight! Thats the most expensive hotel in the world! And all they did was give her some over the counter paid meds and "observed" her, the didn't even check on her more than once! Guess they have to pay for this new clinic somehow! Thats one bill that will NEVER be paid, lol.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

That's different. You're not going to die if you don't have a beemer. You might if you can't afford medical care.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:52 PM

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by MurrayTORONTO

Not everyone in the US has a job right now in case you haven't noticed, you're also Canadian so I'm not sure you have much room to condemn him because he's unemployed and needs medical attention. If you were unemployed would you not still be elegible for medical help? No offense to the canucks but you are not in our shoes. Our system is broke no doubt but that doesn't mean he should suffer because of his current job situation. Illegals are bankrupting our system, hospitals are closing, doctors are having to leave because we are allowing people that do not and have not payed into the system to continue to bankrupt the system. Go into a state funded clinic and see how many speak english. You may have a different view of his situation until then you have no right to judge him.

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