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Is it time to move to Canada?

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Quit avoiding my posts like you usually do. It's like you go full retard whenever your beloved leftists get it handed to them.

You want to move to Canada, I offered to fully fund your relocation.

Now, when would you like to leave?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Heath care's on triage, cuz the right-winger's keep making cuts whenever they get into power (Mike the Knife)...but it works.

It does huh? Sounds like something one would hear from the ultra left wing tax payer funded CBC. There's another lovely little waste of money, 1 billion dollars a year worth of waste.

Do you know anyone right now receiving cancer treatment or who are waiting in line for imaging services? I sure do, and the system is a pile dog crap to put it bluntly. When was the last time you visited an emergency room here in Toronto or Montreal? It's so bad I recently said to hell with it and went to a private clinic when my girlfriend had an issue with her gall bladder. It was worth the extra 175$ and I would gladly pay it again if need be.

Basically now in parts of Canada people with extra money get better health care services, especially in Quebec. Yeah, there's a system that works great.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Well, ask them if you are going to get free health care right off the bat.

Ask them what the citizenship procedures are.

Ask them what they do if you enter illegally.

Hey, I will pitch in for your ticket. When do you want to go, tomorrow?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by whatukno

If they had hundreds of thousands of Americans racing north every year without bothering to call first they'd be a little irate after a while, I think.


To you anyone who isn't a super left liberal is a neo con.

Anyone who argues to protect borders is racist.

Anyone who says the government should exercise fiscal restraint
and be cut in size is a heartless extremist.

Anyone who disagrees with Globalist taxes is a climate change denier and wants to pollute the planet wantonly...

You just don't stop to hear yourself speak or read the words you type down. You've repeated this crap so much that you're actually believing it. You think casting people you disagree with in the worst way possible is a legitimate way to win the war of ideas, and you're simply wrong.

Good luck getting a long with anyone in life with such a fearful, divisive, and mistrusting posture like yours. It is irrational fears that send the kooks on rampages. People who irrationally react to policies by government, or to things that don't go their way with extreme fear are usually the people we see on the news blowing up abortion clinics or shooting cops over 2nd amendment fears.

Don't be one of these people.Freedom depends on it.
edit on 3-11-2010 by Lunatic Pandora because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by whatukno

I'm a left-of-Democrats liberal, and I suspect that you are trolling. It will be a long time before the United States Government can successfully imprison and torture entire political sets living in the United States. Individuals here and there would not surprise me, because, I mean, we have the CIA and Department of Homeland Security. But they arent' going to grab you for your political leanings.

They especially aren't going to start grabbing people with a slim majority in one house of one branch of government. The executive branch is still liberal, the senate is just about split down the middle and will probably turn out slightly in favor of the Dems, and the Supreme Court, while certainly also right-tending, is not going to let that kind of thing slide.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Jocko Flocko

Heath care's on triage, cuz the right-winger's keep making cuts whenever they get into power (Mike the Knife)...but it works.

It does huh? Sounds like something one would hear from the ultra left wing tax payer funded CBC. There's another lovely little waste of money, 1 billion dollars a year worth of waste.

Do you know anyone right now receiving cancer treatment or who are waiting in line for imaging services? I sure do, and the system is a pile dog crap to put it bluntly. When was the last time you visited an emergency room here in Toronto or Montreal?

Sorry about your experience. Tried complaining to somebody with any juice or just saving it for ATS? My cancer cure cost me $32 out of pocket...that's parking at Sunnybrook. Both my wife and I recently had MRI's...all done in a timely manner.

CBC is Ultra left? Really!

Meanwhile, I just got back from the States and took me a souvenir snap of something you don't see up here.


And folks, I love to visit the good ol' US of A, and I like the people...but I always breathe just a little easier when I cross back again.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

Don't you and saltheart worry, I may lean left, but I don't need a handout whenever I want to do something.

I just worry that when this conservative wave starts screwing over America as bad as they did before will the TPM be back to complain? Oh right, they didn't care when Bush and Co were doing all that "enhanced interrogation" Fact is the people that are the TPM now were happy as clams when that was going on.

And Abu Ghraib, those in the TPM, happy as clams.

I just worry that these people that are in the TPM that were so happy when we were committing war crimes might just get bloodthirsty enough to start doing it on their own.

After all they were gleefully throwing around the violent overthrow rhetoric all throughout this campaign.

edit on 11/3/2010 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Yada yada yada, when do you want to leave?

I would be happy to fund your relocation.

Start here: Renouncing your citizenship

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

Like I said before, I don't take handouts, I work and pay for myself.

Sorry to disappoint you, not all of us that lean left are on welfare or are on government handouts. Some of us that lean left just don't want to live in the fascist theocratic regime that the right wants for this country.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

Like I said before, I don't take handouts, I work and pay for myself.

Sorry to disappoint you, not all of us that lean left are on welfare or are on government handouts. Some of us that lean left just don't want to live in the fascist theocratic regime that the right wants for this country.

This isnt a handout, it is a gift.

Fine, you pay for your move, or I do, but you still avoided answering the question:

When are you leaving?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

When are you leaving?

When I damn well feel like it alright? Is that a good enough answer for you cupcake?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:44 AM

Sorry about your experience. Tried complaining to somebody with any juice or just saving it for ATS? My cancer cure cost me $32 out of pocket...that's parking at Sunnybrook. Both my wife and I recently had MRI's...all done in a timely manner.

Wow, and this was how long ago? My mom had cancer and she was in and out of hospital for tests, scans, etc and the waiting was atrocious and this is at Princess Margaret Hospital. Maybe you lucked out because I know others right now going through the same process of wait. We recently traveled to Buffalo for an MRI because the wait was so long and ended up paying for it ourselves. Luckily the government reimbursed us for our expenses.
edit on 3-11-2010 by Jocko Flocko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Well why wait?

You should get out before they start waterboarding everyone.

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, they waterboarding everybody down here!!!!!

The gestapo is coming for you. Get out now!

Admit it, you arent going anywhere, this entire thread was simply a waste of time and drama-queen antics because you are mad your party got their asses handed to them.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:48 AM
Feel the unity in this thread. This is what it now means to be American: solving problems by telling everyone to get out.

No people, no problems.

Set a good example for once in your life guys; maybe all the other idiots will one day fall in line.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Did you know that Obama and his fellow Democrats voted for and continue to support the Patriot act? Did you know Obama signed an execution order on an American citizen? Did you know Obama has been involved in torture as much as Bush has, and that there is no evidence of a decrease in torture? The concept that things will change for worse when Republicans get in power is incredibly naive.

As has been pointed out at least once on this thread, the Republicans are not in power at all and the Democrats still have the most control. You are wrong to think the Dems are working for you in any way whatsoever including protecting you from wrongful torture! I can't count on one hand how many times Obama and his gang have supported the Patriot Act which worked harder to promote torture and destruction of freedom than any other bill I know of. The Democrats did nothing to stop it and everything to move it forward.

For you to get all upset thinking its going to get worse any faster is grossly incorrect. It will get worse at the same uncomfortably rapid pace as the last few years of Democrats leading the way for tortures and rights violations.

But that isn't quite right. You should be thankful Republicans can now cause more political gridlock, which may slow the legislation down a little bit. That is the best we can hope for in an era where corporations are writing all the legislation. The less that passes, the better!
edit on 3-11-2010 by civilchallenger because: Toned down language.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by eNumbra

He's the one that wants to leave because, apparently, all the people he disagrees with are gunning for him and will kill him after working him to death in a GOP funded concentration camp.

Sorry, but people should call out these kinds of absurdities.
edit on 3-11-2010 by Lunatic Pandora because: (no reason given)

Only big government statists do this kind of crap. And even then, I don't think our statists have reached that point on either side of the aisle.
edit on 3-11-2010 by Lunatic Pandora because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Lunatic Pandora

Don't get me wrong, his mindset is wrong too, whether it "You get out" or "I'm taking my ball and going home"; it's all childish antics from people who need to grow up.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:03 AM
Perhaps, for you, the time is right to flee the country.

Personally, I think that your post sounded like you're very paranoid. I don't think that any jack booted thugs will be entering your house and violating your personal rights because you express a left wing opinion.

You could always move to California....

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Jocko Flocko
I've always wondered what our two governments would think about a citizen exchange program between our two countries. I would GLADLY exchange you my Canadian Citizenship for your U.S. Citizenship as I despise the amount of taxes that I pay each year as well as other things that are forced upon me by my government. I despise the fact that I fall into a 47.8% income tax bracket and that the government gets almost 50% of my hard earned cash each year. I despise the fact that I had to wait 3 MONTHS to see a simple (ENT) Ears Nose and Throat specialist when I had a very serious ear infection. I despise the fact that I had to wait 4 MONTHS for an MRI after having been involved in a recent car roll over crash. In Canada, if you aren't showing signs of brain damage you are not a priority for imaging services and have to wait.

I despise the fact that I have to register with the government a simple little .22 rifle that I use for shooting pop cans when I go camping. This registration is then sent to all police departments across Canada and taken into consideration any time you come into contact with the cops. Having a loud argument with you girlfriend might trigger a neighbor to call the police, police see there are weapons on the property and therefore deploy the Emergency Task Force to your house. You are then taken out of your house with MP5's pointed at your head with no warrant or reason. It happens everyday to law abiding gun owners here in Canada.

I could go on and on.

Well said! Having been raised in Canada but having spent the last 13 years in the US, I have intimate first hand knowledge of both systems. Yes Canada is clean. Canadians are polite. But as far as liberties go. Fugetaboutit! Insane taxes (which are even higher if you own a business). Provincial and Federal taxes (used to be called PST & GST) of ~16% that is added on to everything you buy. Minimum wage jobs are the standard. Healthcare is going to hell in a handbasket...When I lived there we were always living paycheck to paycheck. Here we were, two educated professionals, and we had to save up so we could go to Kelsey's for an appetiser every 2 weeks. Our parents are still there. One was on a waiting list for joint replacement for over a year. Another has to come to the US to get standard tests because Cdn docs are not allowed to order them. A good friend has cancer and the healthcare system won't give her treatment. America - this is socialized healthcare for you!
American is still the land of opportunity. If you want to work and you apply yourself, you will get ahead. If you want to buy a case of $10 beer or a $5 turkey at Thanksgiving, you can. Across the border - that same beer & turkey go for $30 and $40 respectively. "sale' is a foreign concept in the great white north. In the US you can choose where you want your kids to go to school, you can buy affordable transportation, you can get affordable ousing, you can carry a gun, and you can do pretty much whatever you want within reason. Yes, the healthcare here is outrageously overpriced, and the two tiered price system should be banned. Insurance companies should be run as non-proffits IMO. But, the governemnt hasn't runs a social program effectively yet, and they certainly won't do a service to healthcare. We need reform, not Obamacare. I'll take the US anyday... I just hope Republicans take the reigns again ;-)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:38 AM
OK SF That was a perfect description of a scenario that is possible if power is granted to a certain line up of Republicans. I am really a moderate/independant myself and think that religion plays alittle to much in their everyday lives i.e. personal and political. I really got a laugh on some of the political post today on ats. See I use a screen readerthat reads the screen for me due to my blindnessand I have to admit that hearing "Pelosi Goneeee! and "Is it time to move to Canada" spoken through my speakers by my screen reader LMFAO is the first think I could come up with.

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