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Hey new around here :) doubt anyone is going to read this, promise you will be suprised what you see

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:08 PM

No one has ever been able to predict the future. No one ever will.

The future does no exist and never will.

A lot of the predcitions you have made seem to be pulled from different threads on this site?

Best of luck.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:08 PM
I swear I read things like this once a week . you know i remember coming to this site 6 years ago and most of it was legit. I don't know what happened to this site ??

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by mabus.angus

Just don't reply back to Death or anyone else that is being allowed to fling insulting comments.

I would tell you to press the ignore button, but dang I can't find it since the format has been rearranged.

Don't forget - I'm starring all your posts and hope you will ask Bob about that ride if things get nasty down here.

I can give you my long & lat if needed.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by sweet6b9

Wish I could give you more than just one star for your reply.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:42 PM
Angus Mabus, welcome! Wow, what a wonderful thread! Do you have any idea where Bob is from (Planet, galaxy, civilization)? Can you tell us what he/they look like please? Do they speak to you verbally or telepathically? Why did you choose ATS for your venue for disclosing this information? I am jealous, I have never been contacted with a physical manifestation before, it must be somewhat frightening initially but your closer to understanding the TRUTH aren't you? I would love to speak/ visit with Bob and his people, they are always welcome at my house. Thank you so much for coming forward with this information. You said there is no initial threat of invasion, are they going to intervene if things start to get really ugly down here? OK enough questions from me for now, I could go on for hours. I am so glad to hear that your medical condition is improving. I will send all the positive vibes I can your way. Peace and Love to you brother.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by mabus.angus

Welcome to ATS.

I have to say your very brave, but alas you are nowhere near the first to introduce themselves with incredible information from higher beings, maybe they like to play games with people for a good laugh, who knows.

A lot of what you said has been posted to an extent over the last couple of months both here and on other forums, like the sanctions against China.

The economy has been expected to go boom for some time now, even predictions made for October of this year, and last year, and the year before that, and all the years that came before that.

China sharing technology with Iran has been brought up several times since there was a hint there could be an invasion of that Country which looked like the invasion of Iraq over WMD's which it now seems where given to them by some of the Countries who wanted to invade them for those WMD'S, what was not expected was for those WMD's to not exist in that Country any more, they must exist somewhere, perhaps they where shipped to Iran? they couldn't use that excuse again " COULD THEY :O"

The War with Iran has been coming for almost 2 years now, many giving predicted dates which come and go.

Also reports of the price of Gold being driven downwards for this or that reason.

As for Aliens and invasion that has been predicted many times even with dates given that come and go as do the people who make the predictions after the dates pass by.

The misinterpretation of Religious scriptures again has recently been posted on here with the release of the Sumerian translations becoming available online, that again is down to how you conceive those translations, Nibiru for instance was recently supposed to have been seen to have been a misinterpretation of those translations which is supposed to point to Jupiter being Nibiru depicted with its moons in orbit.

If Organised Religion being used to control people through lies still surprises anyone on this web site, after information being posted to prove it was all just manipulation throughout the ages, then there is no point in trying to convince them, its wasted time, that could be better spent trying to figure out just how they managed to keep it an open secret that still draws in the crowds and their money.

As for the Commonwealth Games in India, I think many are expecting something to happen during the games, but that is down to expectation rather than Prophecy, and TBH, I think if nothing does happen during the Games, it will be more of a surprise if nothing does happen than if it does, with the World the way it is, that is just Human Nature and expectation, why would such a prized event go to waste for those who would like to make a statement for the World to see, but then again something was expected to happen during the World Cup in South Africa, which of course did not, unless you call Paris Hilton being caught smoking pot a World shattering event.

Some would even say you where reading between the news head-lines and making 2 + 2= 5 which most of us do each time we read something that could help an agenda which would cause us to fear a World shattering event which could effect the way we live our lives.

Nothing scares us more than something happening half way around the World that would effect our Saturday night Football so to speak, its fine as long as it only effects others, when its on our doorstep, action must be taken, thing is its always on someone's doorstep, we just don't care when it is, or at least until it becomes to close for comfort as we saw with the Gulf oil spill, it wasn't important while it was in Nigeria or in Brazil, as soon as it was a little closer to home, heads needed to roll, BTW that spill also brought doom and gloom, the World was going to end OMG!

Until someone decided to post a map of the area and people saw just how small an area on a World scale was polluted and we saw just how small we really are on a Worldly scale, people scratched their heads and wondered how such a small area was going to kill Mother Nature and the Planet, Prophecy of an ending World got to grips with a lot of People, followed by face palming on a magnificent scale.

You are in a growing group of people, some had dreams, some read it somewhere, some heard it off a wise old man living in the forest wearing only their undies, and others had a visit from Aliens with nothing better to do than share the future with the first person who would listen to their tell the World request.

As time goes on and dates come and go, if something does happen then cool maybe we have a link to something in the know, you will be revered, but if the times pass and nothing does happen, you will end up in the same pile of people who have come and said very similar predictions which where given to them, by someone or something.

But again that is fine you can always create another account, if you already haven't and life will go on as it normally does.

My guess is, if or when something profound is going to happen on a World shattering scale, the first any of us will know is the seconds leading up to it, closely followed by many o-dears, much personal profanity, and a wishing things had been different.

Whatever transpires I wish you all the luck in the World.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Welcome mabus!

Can I ask you why you picked that name?

I believe you're right about that economy collapse on 20th of October.. of my favorite things to do is to check patterns like the Timewave-Zero.

And that date you mentioned just so happens to resonate with the economy collapse of 2008.

I also agree with you on most of the other points.

May you have a good stay on Ats.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Full disclosure. Everything in your op suggests we can find proof of it on the internet. If this is the case, then we all should know what your telling us. In other words, you know nothing more then the rest of us already should know. Or atleast we can find the same story on the internet by outside news sources as true.
Every single post I ever read here by folks who makes these preditictions and forthcoming ideologies that they are being talked to by other beings, starts exactly like your's does. "I cannot tell you everything or disclose my information source etc etc.

First off I am about to write something I have been told NOT to write, but against all measures I have decided to put it out there hoping the right people will read it and not 'the tinfoil' people as I call them.

As for the Alien thing, ill leave that for the moment I am not allowed to post anything on that as of yet, from directions of my 'handler' as I might put it... He's not human and his name has been shortened to 'bob'.

if there is something that needs to be said it will be said, other than that human beings are not to know everything that is to come or it can be manipulated for their own benefit for greed and power

These are some of the words you posted. one from the beginning, middle and nearing the end of op.

What i am trying to digest is this. You claim your being visited. Now why in the world would you not want to disclose to your own race (human) what another (alien) race is disclosing to you? Do you think this "not human" entity holds a greater importance to knowledge of reality and furture predictions then what our own race can discern?
I'm not you and you are not me in terms of rational thinking. You believe what you believe. I think a whole 360 degrees differently. If I knew beyond a doubt (insanity ruled out) that I was being visited by another alien race and being told info on our own human race futures, I would be shouting it at the rooftops. Coming to ats would be only after I done dislosed it to well known authroities and have documented proof of my claims. Including but not limited to, photo's, voice recordings (if any), video recordings or professional drawings of my claims.
You say you have an eye witness who is cool with "bob". That's a start. But this is all this is. A start.

Do I respect what you have said. Yes I do. You have every right to believe as you see fit or talk about whatever you want too on what you believe to be true.
This just has no gas to run on for me. No Fire to cook with. No liquid to get wet with. You may think I am absolutely off my rocker and that's cool also.

I may one day believe unconditionally, just as you do, as to what you believe now to be reality. I'm just not there yet and it wll take more then a post on ats with the same ole same ole to convince this gal of it.

Best wishes to you.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by mabus.angus

OK, you are allegedly in contact with ETs but can't talk about, although you can tell us that you are in contact with them. That's nice. We'll see about the prophecies - but I'm not selling my stock. As for the Lake Baikal thingy, yeah, right, sure. Sumerian gods threw the Evil One in there and it's bottomless. Not hardly boyo, deep, very deep, but not bottomless. And which Evil One among many in Earth's multitudes of mythologies would that be? Have fun, Enjoy your stay. It will be interesting I'm sure.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by mabus.angus

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by mabus.angus

The various flaws in your opening post have already been pointed out, what does "turning my TV on..." and looking at the stock market have to do with aliens?

I thought you was told not to talk about what you have been "told"

Let me give you an example,

Alien's told me Microsoft have killed the kin, look it's true! : e-kin-heads-for-mobile-meltdown/

I'd stop wasting peoples time if I were you...

Is antagonizing another member against the terms and conditions by any chance? sure you are allowed to post questions but this is rather disturbing. I'm simply saying wait for the media.

Well its obvious to me he's being highly antagonizing. Problem is, when you frequent as many different forums as I do, you can pick up on who's friends with who, if you know what I mean. As far as the others? A lot of people on here tend to enjoy bending the rules as much as possible without breaking them.

I sympathize with you. Its obvious you ask that people wait until the 4 points pan out, If they don't? Fine. No harm. If they do? Well, at least you tried. I for one truly hope you are wrong.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:08 PM
Could you perhaps shed some light on why Bob has contacted you, reasons, for example.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:10 PM


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:11 PM

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:12 PM
after reading all the posts i feel you may also be "the hidden hand" that was interviewed here a short while back!
there is something in the air so to speak all around the world! i even had another dream of german shepards crashing in through my old house and then machine guns shooting up the house and me jumping all over the place to avoid getting hit, which i woke up in sweat and completely startled.i live across the river from canada and we are getting more military personel all the time so i wonder myself what is going on. i fell back to sleep and dreamed that natzi's broke into my garage and confiscated all my belongings. maybe bob is one and flys a natzi ufo! i read we are at about two and a half years from the hebrew calender year 6000(6th day of 1000 years) and it coincides with our 2012 date starting the 7th day of rest half way into 2013. anyway the present pope is one to watch and if he leaves the popery soon, then i'll start to worry a little. i am not catholic so don't jump to conclusions about anything. the antichrist should follow this pope. boy scout motto is "be prepared" and all should be prepared to handle themselves if such a prediction like yours should happen. if it doesn't happen these people here will roast you, so you might want to think up another handle if you want to post after the 10/20 2010 or th 20/10 2010 date which ever format you prefer.
edit on 6-10-2010 by bluewaterservant because: edit spelling

edit on 6-10-2010 by bluewaterservant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by mabus.angus

Have you asked 'Bob' why he chose you? I assume you cannot say, if you even know yet thought it was worth asking since you have already betrayed the trust of 'Bob' by telling us these things, contradictory of your instruction from him (which I assumed, since you did not specify who told you NOT to create this thread).

Do you think it was wise to do so rather than wait 15 days?

If this is going to happen, perhaps 'Bob' can enlighten us to solutions, not more problems?

I would ask him that...

I will be bookmarking this thread, although I will be changing the title to "VISIT ON OCT.20"

I wouldn't want to miss the inevitable thread bashing to ensue.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:13 PM
I will wait as you ask.

Then I will come back and comment after your story pans out or doesn't.

After all, I am willing to be honest and civil with you...

Now I wonder if you are able to provide the same gesture.

Time will tell...see you soon.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:14 PM
This is indeed fascinating. The predictions do not seem to far-fetched and line up nicely with the 2012 apocalyptic prophecies created over the last several years. And did anyone notice the significance of the 10-20-10 dates? They are the exact same digits used in the year ‘2012’.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Welcome to ATS,

you posted that war will start in november, is there also anything you can tell about Europe in early 2011?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by mabus.angus

Well, by that we know you are from the UK or Australia or South Africa. No Yank writes the date with the day of the month first (thoug it is most logical). Enjoyed the lack of bluster and matter-of-fact nature of your virgin post. Well see you Oct 20...which suits me since I'll be closing out my remaining 401k on the 17th for other reasons.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:22 PM
This seems like a hoax to me.

1)The crash already happened on 20th October 1987

2)Very topical at the moment. News and rumours circulating in the media re Iran.

3)ditto - news and rumours already circulating re: China


So the OP is banking on point 1 only ( Stock crash ) and it is not likely to happen. Not on a Wednesday anyway !

edit on 6-10-2010 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

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