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posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by laiguana

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by laiguana

Can you provide some details such as what:
1. are events of interest
2. is the moment

1. The events of interest are any events you see happening now.

2. The moment is happening's a moment because these events are a turning point for life on earth. And this is at every doesn't only involve humans.

I cannot provide details, I can't give you a specific date or a specific event is irrelevant, but mark my words, you will know what this means by the end of 2012.

yes, I agree. By the end of 2012, a lot of this stuff is gonna be much clearer.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

But I'm thinking you really don't get that whole 'opinion versus fact', do you?

You haven't got a clue about simple issues such as what is a fact. All you are doing here is making it clearer and clearer that your claims of higher education are a falsehood.

The NWO is a figment of someone warped imagination. It doesn't exist.

You claim that this ficticious goup is going to kill off 80% of the human population. You've made no effort to substantiate this claim.

That's no longer an opinion, but a farcical idea you tossed out.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

They are such a strong presence in our 'mythology' for a reason. They were and are very real. And they are coming back. But there have been a few High Elves here all along; they've been running under the guise of the Arch angels. The lesser Elves work as the 'angels' usually. That is why sometimes 'prayers' get answered.

Do you have any evidence that "They were and are very real."? Is this just more gibberish?

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

t isn't anti semitism to say what I see.

That's where you are wrong. These delusional comments are just part of the racist commentary that you have been spouting. You've made statements putting motivations behind people because of their heritage. By any definition you are a racist.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by stereologist

So, don't they give you the weekend off??? sheesh.

You are entirely free to believe as you want. I will continue to believe as I want, based on the things I see in the racial unconscious.

And anyone reading this will believe as THEY want, regardless of your over spun whining about 'evidence' or whatever, if they want.

I don't care if you live in a box. That is your right and choice.

And the Jue-sah are the ones behind all this crap because they were promised the ownership of humanity when the greys got thru with their 'experiment/project' and they continue to act as if they should own us, and are doing everything in their power to try to make it happen.

How is it racist to say that I see that it is this group, very specifically, doing this stuff??? They have, across history been the force always trying to gain control of us, including the creation of ALL religions; information which is very clear in the racial unconscious.

I'm sorry if it happens to be the ex-high priests of Israel who are the group in question. It doesn't make it any less real or true that they are the group though. If it were the true humans behind it, I would say that instead. But it isn't. It is the ex-high priests of Israel.

And once again, when did all this worry about 'racist' anti-semitism crap begin really? Just think for a moment. It should be pretty clear that after they sacrificed their own people (who they still use when they want) to gain the sympathy of the world thru the holocust, they began their push to whitewash their image. They needed their people in high government offices, and prior to WWII, not a government in the world would allow that. And look how successful that was. We nearly had a jewish vice president, eh? And Greenspan and a whole host of double citizenship yahoos in our high government offices. Their loyalty btw isn't to the USA in that citizenship ploy. And again look on for a lot of verifying information, references included.

So, clearly they are the ones manipulating us to dare not question them for fear of being called racist or whatever. It is all part of their plan to keep us from ganging up on them, because we can't express how negatively we feel about their abuse and decide, as a group, to do something about it. I mean, geez do you need to have your nose rubbed in the crap to prove it is crap??? No, usually you can tell just by looking at it, eh? And I see it VERY clear.

But it isn't everyman Jew. It is only those individuals who used to be their leadership. I'm not anti Jew.. I'm anti-NWO bunch.

edit on 31-10-2010 by DragonriderGal because: spelling/clarity

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

How is it racist to say that I see that it is this group

I am not surprised at your inability to figure out what is being stated in this thread. I never said it was this particular group. I pointed out that you made 2 racist statements. I believe that racists are so entrenched with their thoughts, so in the box as you say, that they do not realize the racist comments they have made. But believe me they were blatant. I suggest you reread your posts and recognize your repeated and flagrant racist attitude.

But back to the issue in this forum; you claim that the NWO is going to kill off 80% of humanity.

You've made no effort whatsoever to substantiate this claim.

After having been given so many chances to rectify the situation it stands to reason to assume that you lied about this being anyone's intention, let alone this fabricated group you call the NWO.

What you should be doing is moving your comments to the skunkworks or hoax forums where they belong.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by laiguana

In other words, you are simply on a fishing trip to see what bites. You claim there are fish in the water and that you won't get skunked, but you also have no idea what is happening.

Is your claim any different that saying nothing at all?

There's no need to make pointless analogies. What I said should be taken as literally as possible....because I guarantee that by the end of 2012 you will know exactly what it means. However, I can also provide a more meaningful analogy to what I stated in the previous post.
2012 is like the story of The Boy who cried Wolf...
Humanity has been calling out the -end times- since as far back as written history can go. People have thought the world as they knew it would end abruptly due to some foreseeable event. This may have been true to some extent (regionally affected), but it did not end the course of humanity's expansion across the globe. And since then, people have continued to cry wolf, or more literally the 'end of the world'....without an significant setbacks in the course of human knowledge and advancement. So any talk about 'end times' in this era would be no different.
Well, 2012 is the wolf. And now the wolf is closing in on a world who no longer heeds the call.
There will always be a turning point, initially this turning point will appear devastating, but the end result will be good.
edit on 31-10-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:35 PM
double post
edit on 31-10-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by DragonriderGal

How is it racist to say that I see that it is this group

I am not surprised at your inability to figure out what is being stated in this thread. I never said it was this particular group. I pointed out that you made 2 racist statements. I believe that racists are so entrenched with their thoughts, so in the box as you say, that they do not realize the racist comments they have made. But believe me they were blatant. I suggest you reread your posts and recognize your repeated and flagrant racist attitude.

But back to the issue in this forum; you claim that the NWO is going to kill off 80% of humanity.

You've made no effort whatsoever to substantiate this claim.

After having been given so many chances to rectify the situation it stands to reason to assume that you lied about this being anyone's intention, let alone this fabricated group you call the NWO.

What you should be doing is moving your comments to the skunkworks or hoax forums where they belong.

And as always, thanks for sharing your opinion, even if I think it makes you seem like a totally stuck record, and a lame one at that.

I do find it interesting that you always just take one little snippet, disregard any of the rest of my posts, and latch on to it like somehow by attacking one little phrase, it makes it look like you are so superior and that it proves of course that you win your point. *rolls eyes* It's pretty lame really. You've disregarded a LOT of my observations that I am guessing you think most of them wouldn't make me seem out of control and whacko... because that is what you are being told to do.

My experience with previous NWO stoogies is they are doggedly persistent (I'd say 6 pages of redundant 'rebuttals' would prove my point there), often quite redundant in what they say as they either try to debunk the information because of course the NWO isn't going to leave 'evidence' lying around and they know it, or they try to discredit the person who is saying whatever isn't 'approved' NWO information by picking out things they think will make them look crazy or foolish or a bigot or whatever.

You've tended towards the information debunking but you do still take your swing at me and my intelligence, sanity, and even my grammer if I get casual. My vote is you are a stoogie, because you are acting just like about 3 others I have encountered both on here and on Myspace, and 6 or 7 more over on *shakes head*

So do they give you guys checklists for what to do and say, or what?? I mean you are all soo much alike! Oh, I bet they send you to 'stoogie' school, eh?? It certainly would explain the lack of originality and the unwillingness to even consider (that unswerving rigidity is also a dead give away) anyone else's view point if it doesn't match the NWO spun approved version you're told to reinforce.

And really, if a group of Italians come to your neighborhood and start acting like the mafia (specifically only those who are of Italian descent are allowed to be a part of this group btw)' is it racist to call those Italians the mafia?? Nope, it's just stating the obvious. Sheesh. *rolls eyes*

You can find lots of stuff, references included, about the NWO agenda stating that they want to reduce the human population by at least 50% on What I see in the racial unconscious is that they really would like to reduce the human population by 80%. That is also something I said I saw them keeping under their hat. So, yah, they are going to leave evidence (with references, of course!) laying around. Sure. They know we humans wouldn't ever figure it out.

It's so wonderful that noble self serving.. er.. I mean self sacrificing you is merely doing his idiotic.. er I mean patriotic duty protecting those poor, innocent and weak minded fellow ATS readers who might be unduly influenced by what you, with only YOUR own OPINION, are trying to make everybody think are lies because that's your 'job' I mean your clear-headed, sane, uninfluenced by whacko-ness statement of the 'facts' which anyone should agree with. Your dear masters probably are giving you, their good little stoogie, lots of pats on the head, like the good lapdog you are, for being such a determined 'spot of NWO spun sanity' in such a 'crazy' place, aren't they??

edit on 2-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by laiguana

There's no need to make pointless analogies. What I said should be taken as literally as possible....because I guarantee that by the end of 2012 you will know exactly what it means. However, I can also provide a more meaningful analogy to what I stated in the previous post.
2012 is like the story of The Boy who cried Wolf...
Humanity has been calling out the -end times- since as far back as written history can go. People have thought the world as they knew it would end abruptly due to some foreseeable event. This may have been true to some extent (regionally affected), but it did not end the course of humanity's expansion across the globe. And since then, people have continued to cry wolf, or more literally the 'end of the world'....without an significant setbacks in the course of human knowledge and advancement. So any talk about 'end times' in this era would be no different.
Well, 2012 is the wolf. And now the wolf is closing in on a world who no longer heeds the call.
There will always be a turning point, initially this turning point will appear devastating, but the end result will be good

This is the time of the wolf aka a whole new paradigm shift, for sure. The energy is actually rising which makes this time different than all the rest of the times somebody cried 'wolf'. The last time the galaxy went thru this section of higher energy was long before humanity even existed. I don't think the E-l*th were on this planet yet, even.

But even many of those who are still sleeping are noticing this energy rise... I don't see the turning point as devastating though, just fairly uncomfortable as those who were sleeping have no choice but to awaken, kicking and screaming into awareness.

edit on 2-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I do find it interesting that you always just take one little snippet

It's stunning how wrong you are time and time and time again.

I just point to what is of interest instead of copying the entire post.

[qote]My experience with previous NWO stoogies is they are doggedly persistent
My experience is that those with unsubstantiated positions continue to restate their flaws.

The fact is that you have made racist comments. No surprise there. It fits in with the rest of the malarkey you espouse. You did it twice. It was conspicuous enough on a third time that someone else called you on it.

And really, if a group of Italians come to your neighborhood and start acting like the mafia (specifically only those who are of Italian descent are allowed to be a part of this group btw)' is it racist to call those Italians the mafia?? Nope, it's just stating the obvious. Sheesh. *rolls eyes*

Stop lying to us and yourself, because that is not what you stated. You did not state at all. Using your example here, you stated that because they are Italians they are mafia. So please go back and find where you made racist comments.

Still after 6 pages we have no effort made whatsoever to provide any evidence for these ridiculous claims of any group attempting to kill off 80% of humanity.

Evidence 0
Racist statements 2

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

This should go to the skunk works and has not been shown to be germane to 2012.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by DragonriderGal

This should go to the skunk works and has not been shown to be germane to 2012.

One line reply... this is definitely against ATS policy, eh? It is almost time--- so what these yahoos are up to, is all VERY relevant to this thread about the end times.
edit on 2-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: spelling

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I do find it interesting that you always just take one little snippet

It's stunning how wrong you are time and time and time again.

I just point to what is of interest instead of copying the entire post.

My experience with previous NWO stoogies is they are doggedly persistent

My experience is that those with unsubstantiated positions continue to restate their flaws.

The fact is that you have made racist comments. No surprise there. It fits in with the rest of the malarkey you espouse. You did it twice. It was conspicuous enough on a third time that someone else called you on it.

And really, if a group of Italians come to your neighborhood and start acting like the mafia (specifically only those who are of Italian descent are allowed to be a part of this group btw)' is it racist to call those Italians the mafia?? Nope, it's just stating the obvious. Sheesh. *rolls eyes*

Stop lying to us and yourself, because that is not what you stated. You did not state at all. Using your example here, you stated that because they are Italians they are mafia. So please go back and find where you made racist comments.

Still after 6 pages we have no effort made whatsoever to provide any evidence for these ridiculous claims of any group attempting to kill off 80% of humanity.

Evidence 0
Racist statements 2

*rolls eyes* The leadership of the NWO bunch aka the ex-high priests of Israel aka ex-leadership of the alien race, the Jue-sah, are the force behind the NWO agenda. The (theoretical) group of Italians are the force behind the neighborhood mafia. How are either one of those statements racist? Those are observations of a set of behaviors by a certain group of people of ethnically similar origins. But you do have to push the party line... any negative thing said about the ex-high priests of Isreal has to be 'racist'. That is what they pay you for, isn't it? Keeping all of us in line and properly cowed about speaking out against the ex-high priests of Israel hiding out amongst their ex people, the jews?

But obviously, you could substantiate that they want to kill off at least 50% of humanity, since you quit 'blah blah'-ing about that. There is plenty of supporting evidence for that on Not really a huge leap to realize they are really after a lot more than that, even if I didn't see that information in the racial unconscious. They want to enslave us, but what kind of force would it take to enslave 6 billion people? Or even 3 billion people. Actually a million or so would be far more than enough, but maybe manageable. Simple logic can verify that they want more people dead, but it just so happens that I also see that they want at least 80%, more if they can get it---which is well within that realm of simple logic and logistics.

And really, it is stunning how redundant you are. So why don't YOU quit reading my posts then, if you believe so differently and think me such a liar and whatever? That total unwillingness to quit speaks to me of your more sinister reason for your continued but redundant and totally unnecessary rhetoric; heck this is YOUR thread to 'protect' and the masters would not be happy if you just gave it a rest, would they? No 'good little stoogie' treats for bad Stereo! They might even bring out the stick... and they aren't at all nice when you don't please them, I'm pretty sure.
edit on 2-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

The leadership of the NWO bunch aka the ex-high priests of Israel aka ex-leadership of the alien race, the Jue-sah, are the force behind the NWO agenda. The (theoretical) group of Italians are the force behind the neighborhood mafia. How are either one of those statements racist?

Your failed efforts to invoke a straw man argument are as glaringly false as all of your other rubbish claims. As I pointed out before I did not state that this is why you are a racist. It was 2 other racist comments you made.

Simple logic can verify that they want more people dead[/.quote]
Again I doubt this claim. Can you provide any reasoning?

That total unwillingness to quit speaks to me of your more sinister reason for your continued but redundant and totally unnecessary rhetoric; heck this is YOUR thread to 'protect' and the masters would not be happy if you just gave it a rest, would they? No 'good little stoogie' treats for bad Stereo!

Instead of discussing me and showing that you have nothing of value to state why don't you spend your energy trying to provide evidence to support your failed claims? Is that because everything you are stating is a lie? Did you fabricate all of this and hope that no one would question these ridiculous claims?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by stereologist

Stereologist, please stop pissing her off. I want to read more about the real elves and evil alien Jews.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:18 AM
Reply to Stereologist:

Wow, that was a pretty messed up post... didn't bother to read it after you posted??

If you think what I say is all lies, so be it. Thanks for sharing your opinion, As always, again and again and again and again.....

And yah, nice try to turn the discussion away from your obvious but unadmitted alliance with the NWO bunch as their on-site 'proper NWO spun thinking' control nazi. I do notice you've not denied that you are. Hate to lie, don't you? So working for that bunch must sometimes make you more than a little hypocritical, since they are the fathers of all lies.

They are so good at it, even the devil comes and asks them how to spin something. *lol* Since 'satan' is really just an alien from another dimension and is in the employ of the NWO bunch, it is actually true. The NWO bunch is the force commanding all the christian evil beings aka 'demons'; they pay these aliens to go around and scare people and if the person 'calls on the name of Jesus', they are paid to back off, to reinforce that the 'christian' religion can actually protect you from 'demons'. What a crock. Oh well, to each his own!

If you had copied the whole section of that part of the post instead of your highly prejudicial 'snippet', the reasoning was right there. Duh. But hey, believe what you want. Or really I should say, pretend to believe as you appear to believe because that is what you are getting paid to do.
edit on 4-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: Repair of quotation problem

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I do notice you've not denied that you are.

I have stated unequivocally that the NWO is a figment of warped imaginations. How am I supposed to be a member of an organization that is ridiculous and nonexistent.

Still you have failed to provide any evidence that that the NWO, this figment of warped imaginations, is planning to kill off 80% of the human population.

About all you've managed in many posts is to show us all that you are a racist. You made 2 racial charged statements and have done nothing but defend a third comment which someone else challenged as a racial comment.

All you have done in your pretentious lies is to attack me as a member of this nonexistent organization. How sad.

Tally for dragon rider girl:
1. Many lies
2. Many ridiculous claims
3. evidence - a big fat zero
4. 2 racist statements

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I do notice you've not denied that you are.

I have stated unequivocally that the NWO is a figment of warped imaginations. How am I supposed to be a member of an organization that is ridiculous and nonexistent.

Still you have failed to provide any evidence that that the NWO, this figment of warped imaginations, is planning to kill off 80% of the human population.

About all you've managed in many posts is to show us all that you are a racist. You made 2 racial charged statements and have done nothing but defend a third comment which someone else challenged as a racial comment.

All you have done in your pretentious lies is to attack me as a member of this nonexistent organization. How sad.

Tally for dragon rider girl:
1. Many lies
2. Many ridiculous claims
3. evidence - a big fat zero
4. 2 racist statements

Whatever. What a way to manage not having to admit your affiliation... which you still have slipped out of doing; all you've said is merely a non-committal twist---how could you be affiliated with a non-existent organization. Obviously you couldn't, but it does actually exist, you can very easily be affiliated, and I think you are one of their good little stoogie go-to guys. So that statement isn't actually saying anything about the real situation; nope, just another end run for trying to get out of lying, I think. But hey, you can say what you want, after all, it is entirely your opinion to which you are entirely free.

And my, don't you have anything better to do with your life than sit around keeping score on those who you're being paid I mean...trying to protect the poor innocent weak-minded fellow ATS readers from, by insisting on them producing your opinion of what is clearly the NWO spun version of 'evidence' which you know perfectly well isn't going to exist since you're quite aware of what is and isn't available via their 'stoogie' school.. or of course it could be a correspondence course.. since this is an online format, eh?

And of course it is strictly your opinion that all of this is ridiculous lies.. say, thanks for share that opinion yet again. *rolls eyes* And as always, I am anti-NWO bunch regardless of their origins. Period. Call me whatever you like. I know what I know and your lame whining doesn't change a thing.
edit on 5-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: spelling

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain
reply to post by stereologist

Stereologist, please stop pissing her off. I want to read more about the real elves and evil alien Jews.

I've done several threads about all this stuff... about the elves in particular.. aka the E-l*th. If you wish to know more, pop by those.

And really, he isn't pissing me off. He is so very lame, it is almost laughable, really.

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