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The Walls are Closing in. What are we going to do people?

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posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 05:04 AM
Nothing, we do nothing as the walls are not closing in on us but the dominance of TPTB. There time is coming to a close soon. They know this and are trying to do whatever in their power to retain their tight grip on the populous but they are losing and losing fast.

The collapse of TPTB is imminent.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 06:08 AM
Abandon ship... The Titanic is sinking, and you are about to get sucked down with it and /or freeze to death in the water if you don't get on that last life boat.

Although I must say, that analogy is faulty, because drowning and freezing to death is a lot better alternative to living here when this place goes ape ####.

Imagine 1984, but with much better surveillance. For example, the technology now exists where we can read thoughts. "Everyone, report 4:00 am sharply to the government hamburger helper lines for your 16 hour and shift and thought monitoring helmet distributions. Anyone who is late will be dealt with swiftly. Today's wages have been suspended for high levels of negative thoughts and feelings towards your government during the past week. Wages will resume in one month, if thought patterns have changed significantly. #'s 13342, 99294, 911348, 24694, 27193, please report to the cremation department for violation of thought crime law 022 Section 1. Remember thought crime violators, if you do not report immediately, you will be executed via the 24 hour electric chair forcefully by the peace corps!"
edit on 26-12-2010 by sliceNodice because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 06:40 AM
What are we going to do? The better question is...what can we do? Going off grid sounds great but is very impractical in todays world unless you are independently wealthy and have the resources to buy remote and inaccessible land in large quanities which I would if I could, trust me. Instead of all of us on here talking about the imminent 'government' totalitarian regeme, we need to stand together as one. No bull#, no excuses. United we stand, divided we fall.

While this is my first reply on a thread and the first time on this or any for that matter, conspiracy website. I have believed for years that the 'man' is not all knowing but is always watching. If anyone believes that the government is controlled by us, they are damn fools. They tell us how to drive our cars, how many guns we can own, what we can and can't do with laws 'they' say, is to protect us. Hahhh! Tell me another one...

While some people might say that I am paranoid, I am a realist. I tend to see things for the way they are and I never look at anything through rose colored glasses. Neither should any of you my friends!

Until the time comes and people stop living in their materialistic world of gadgets and cell phones, then the only thing I know to do is to live off grid as much as possible. Turn your gps locator off on your cell phone, pay cash, stay debt free, educate yourself on survival techniques, keep a low profile and trust only those that you love and cherish in your life. Learn to protect yourself with a weapon, learn to provide your own food(even if you go to the grocery every week to buy those oreos), and last but not least......NEVER let your guard down. Your life and the life of your family may depend on it.

And when all of those that get some gohonas' and decide to stand together, then I will be ready to bust a cap on any of those that oppose us. Life, Liberty, or give me Death!! Are you ready?

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Well, you WANTED a godless country, youuuuuuuuuuuuu got it! Now deal with it. Still think you don't need 'God'?

The majority of YOU PEOPLE sit there and talk about the founding fathers, liberty, 'freedom', your 'rights', blah-blah-blah yet, the majority of you don't even know what the ufck you're talking about; especially when it comes to the 'founding fathers'. Maybe you should start there. Do some research on the country you 'love' so much, and then, when you get the REVELATION of it, why don't you get back to what made the good ole USofA 'great'.

The reason why the country is falling by the wayside is easy to're a GOD-LESS country, being ruled by GOD-LESS people. Although, i think i should call them what they are: Luciferian, devil-worshipping, pedophile, sodomites...who hate the God of the founding fathers.

Oh, and someone mentioned about Ron Paul.....hahahahahahahah.....You better elect JESUS! He's the ONLY ONE able to keep them devils and demons off of you, your family, and the land that you 'love' so much. Get back to the basics Americans..."One Nation Under God...INDIVISIBLE!"


posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by everestgirl88
This madness needs to stop before we are hearing alarms in the street " its time to go inside, police will be monitering the streets, if you are still out past curfew you will be arrested repeat you will be arrested."

When I was at school we did story's about this and how crazy it would be to have cops telling us to stay indoors to be forced to watch TV.

I was watching a YT video that in the olden times going to the Amphitheatre was compulsory, even for slaves.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Randy if i was you i would do exactly what i did, seek out a small town in the northwest that has a university and go back to college. the money that they give you is barely enough to make it, but it beets the streets, yes i have seen the walls closing in since 2006 but there seems to always be a way to make it, anyhoot until most of my family and the rest of the States gets tired we just wait, wait until lambs become tigers if you know what i mean. best luck and wishes randy

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Randy Here are my suggestions:

First you must define the problem:

"The few who could understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests." John Sherman about Rothschild

Protests are absolutely useless. As one ATS commenter who works in DC said, there are protests ever day of the week in DC The media and the politicians ignore protests, phone calls, faxes, and e-mails. Politicians and the Media use protests to justify their agendas so actually they are worse than useless. Just look at how the Tea Party Movement has been "defined" by the media and then used to further divide the Nation.

The biggest thing to remember is that TPTB has set up a very successful "Lets You and He Fight" scenario between the left and the right. That means first and foremost stay away from religion. Stay away from race and immigration and any other hot points. Our focus is to get rid of the root problem the Bankers who are bankrupting this country and the red tape that is strangling small business.

The key is to remember we have been given the weapons to fight TPTB, and no I am not talking about guns.

The biggest Achilles Heel of TPTB is the local and state governments. TPTB has tried to control it by using controlled "grassroots" organizations called NGOs who lure young "Activists" into the likes of the World Wildlife Federation. SEE:

For a couple years now I have pass out information on index cards at farmers markets, flea markets and auctions. I ask people to get educated about the FED and Fractional Reserve Banking and pass the information on to ten others. Stay away from big shopping malls that do not allow "solicitating" 501c Churches are not allowed to be active in politics, however since you are not campaigning but educating you may be able to hand out the index cards at churches. My list is at the bottom of this post.

Second: Take a leaf out of The fully informed jury movement

Inform the public and THEN pass state laws.

We have a RIGHT to a trial by jury in criminal matters or in civil matters over $20. Jurors have the RIGHT to NULLIFY laws. That is what "case law" is all about.

The fully informed jury movement:

FIJA seeks to require that juries be informed of their nullification rights. Informed jury amendments have been filed as an initiative in seven states and legislation has been introduced in the Alaska state legislature.

...the right of juries to judge both the law and the facts -- to nullify the law if it chose -- became part of British constitutional law.

It ultimately became part of American constitutional law as well, but you'd never know it listening to jury instructions today almost anywhere in the country....

Now a remarkable coalition has sprung up to challenge this secrecy as undemocratic, unconstitutional and dangerous. Though organized by libertarian activists, the Fully Informed Jury Amendment movement includes liberals and conservatives...

...many groups in this country feel the government has overstepped its power in some way and that there must be protection for the natural rights of American citizens. They are defending not only the right to protest or carry a gun or not wear seatbelts but challenging the right of the government to decide such matters without the mediating effect of a jury's judgement of fairness in a particular case.

State Nullification - Tenth Amendment
State nullification is the idea that the states can and must refuse to enforce unconstitutional federal laws.

In the many discussions across several states, questions have arisen concerning exactly how the "Tenth Amendment Resolution" will help....

The principal motivation came from the myriad of federal mandates which have been placed and are planned to be placed on the states. State legislatures feel they have little choice but to implement these mostly-unfunded mandates and pass the cost for implementation to the state taxpayers. For most state legislators, this is a very frustrating dilemma.

The Tenth Amendment assures that we, the people of the United States of America and each sovereign state in the Union of States, now have, and have always had, rights the federal government may not usurp. Article IV, Section 4 says, "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a republican form of government.....", and the Ninth Amendment states that..."The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people".

We have, through apathy and lack of will, allowed federal legislators and bureaucrats to assert their will over us and commandeer our funds for their own use.... most of it today outside the authority granted to them by the Constitution.

When a state passes this resolution proclaiming its sovereignty, that state may then claim exemption to most federal mandates under the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution....
by Colorado State Senator Charles Duke

Another weapon, one every single one of us should be pushing for, is state law allowing voters to recall federal Senators and Representatives as well as state officials.
Recall Congress Now Org

However this will be a bitterly fought battle. The last thing TPTB wants is their pet legislators worried about what the voters want instead of what they have been bribed to do.

While 18 of the 50 United States offer their citizens an opportunity to recall their elected officials, it is a fact that in our nation’s history, no federal legislator has yet been recalled.

It has not been for lack of interest. Rather, the process has languished in part due to debates on whether or not legal authority exists for recall of U.S. Senators and Congressmen; and, in the case of Idaho, interference by a state court prevented recall of a federal legislator....

After reviewing the body of law and opinion concerning recall, it is apparent that if recall of federal legislators is to succeed, it will likely only be after an intense battle in the federal court system as to the degree to which the courts will go to allow the literal meaning of the Tenth Amendment to be in force and effect.

As this author reads this language, it appears clear that " the States ‘ and " the people " living with in them, should be recognized to have the right of recall.

But in order to implement a strategy that will enable recall petitions to result in actual removal of errant Senators and Congressmen, considerable legal and political obstacles will present themselves and can only be overcome by understanding the lengths to which those opposed to recall can be expected to go...

Eighteen states have recall provisions. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin all have recall of some kind available to their voters. Only seven of these states require any grounds.

Judges: Appointed vs elected? That is another question we as voters need to think very very carefully about.

Fight at the Federal level if we can but we must ATTACK at the state level NOW.

Web of Debt: How Banks Secretly Create Money:


The Creature from Jekyll Island: Federal Reserve,A talk by G. Edward Griffin:

More scholarly Reads:


Mises on Money

(the takeover of the media)
U.S. Congressional Record February 9, 1917: J.P. Morgan interests bought 25 of America's leading newspapers, and inserted their own editors, in order to control the media.

JP Morgan: Our next big media player? (April 13, 2010) JP Morgan controls 54 U.S. daily newspapers,and owns 31 television stations.

Media Conglomerates, Mergers, Concentration of Ownership:

Deliberate dumbing down

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by sliceNodice

I agree with you my friend but being who I am I would never lose my nobility. That is what ever nobility I ever had.
Women and children first always my man I would rather go down to the icy cold depths of Davy Jones crushing locker, than live as a smuck the rest of my life.

Wow my fellow members so many huge and valuble responses to this thread. I hope they keep coming Thank you guys and gals. :

The immaculate d1

I forget that sometimes immaculate. Getting caught up in all the goings on I do become rather ignorant of that fact . I say fact cause I believe where you are coming from is the most correct. Thank you for the reminder. Survival takes precedence just don't do anything rash. Good post

edit on 26-12-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by jamiejames
Well, you WANTED a godless country, youuuuuuuuuuuuu got it! Now deal with it. Still think you don't need 'God'?

The majority of YOU PEOPLE sit there and talk about the founding fathers, liberty, 'freedom', your 'rights', blah-blah-blah yet, the majority of you don't even know what the ufck you're talking about; especially when it comes to the 'founding fathers'. Maybe you should start there. Do some research on the country you 'love' so much, and then, when you get the REVELATION of it, why don't you get back to what made the good ole USofA 'great'.

The reason why the country is falling by the wayside is easy to're a GOD-LESS country, being ruled by GOD-LESS people. Although, i think i should call them what they are: Luciferian, devil-worshipping, pedophile, sodomites...who hate the God of the founding fathers.

Oh, and someone mentioned about Ron Paul.....hahahahahahahah.....You better elect JESUS! He's the ONLY ONE able to keep them devils and demons off of you, your family, and the land that you 'love' so much. Get back to the basics Americans..."One Nation Under God...INDIVISIBLE!"


The United States is not a God-less nation as you put it. Just because The US is not in lock step with Christianity means nothing so to try and use this oppourtunity to continually cut the nation down means the problem does not lie with the nation but with you. Get some psychological help please.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by sliceNodice

I agree with you my friend but being who I am I would never lose my nobility. That is what ever nobility I ever had.
Women and children first always my man I would rather go down to the icy cold depths of Davy Jones crushing locker, than live as a smuck the rest of my life.

Wow my fellow members so many huge and valuble responses to this thread. I hope they keep coming Thank you guys and gals. :

The immaculate d1

I forget that sometimes immaculate. Getting caught up in all the goings on I do become rather ignorant of that fact . I say fact cause I believe where you are coming from is the most correct. Thank you for the reminder. Survival takes precedence just don't do anything rash. Good post

edit on 26-12-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

Star for you for continually being grounded in reality.

Intelligent thought and action absolutely and unequivocally must be the way forward.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by leira7
reply to post by boondock-saint

so, with that said, what could possibly be the next step for people that are AWAKE to take? Should the non-sheeple leave the country? Leave the system entirely? Go off the grid? Is time really running out for the ones who still have a mind?

It's not just in the US. We've lived in NZ a few year now and just before we left the UK (North) A town there had cameras that suddenly made an anouncment asking a guy to please pick up the litter he'd just dropped. It was on TV and the guy who it happened to was with a friend and both looked up high with the expression of shock on their faces.
Boy was I glad we were leaving.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 03:17 AM
It 's no different to the KGB in Russia years back - the walls will be built soon. Trouble is - it's not Berlin we're talking about.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by randyvs

problem is the real terrorists are wearing clown shoes and putting on three-ring performances in Washington DC. drunk on power & wealth and doing as they please is status quo.

my advice I learned back in the Scouts: Be prepared.

get ready for come what may. meanwhile put out feelers amongst friends & family, hopefully some of them are open-minded about the subjects that concern you. people that are awake have to wake up others. talk to them. start planning, start talking.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by randyvs

What walls? I don't see any walls. The only walls I see are the ones built by the contractors of our home --- the same walls that keep me sheltered from the elements of nature. Ah! But do you see? Actually, old doors are closing and new ones are opening.

These alleged "authorities" you speak of are just ordinary citizens assigned to process the problems of society. The real authority is given by the "deciders" --- the citizens who will have ultimately chosen how to live - with or without illegal immigrants, outsourced jobs, unemployment extensions, social security, pensions, taxation, etc.

There you go, folks: These walls were built by none other than us. That's right! We "voted" to protect us from issues which we don't want to deal with in the first place. It's up to us to continue to modify, amend, change, whatever doesn't suit the wishes of the mass.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 03:52 AM
One thing you can do is seek the light and peace within. Seek the inner voice that brings the peace the surpasses all understanding that you may stand strong and at peace though the storms rage all around you. Know this that this is but a fleeting moment in a larger eternity. It is not the end but a new beginning.

It is always darkest before the dawn, humanity is like the gangly teenager who everyone thinks is going to hell in a hand basket. But eventually he grows up and becomes a decent human being. These times are part of the cycle of growing up, humanity is transitioning into adult hood so to speak. This will not be the end of the world or freedom.

Stand in the holy place within and seek the bigger picture. This life is not the be all end all it is but one of many, this knowledge alone can give a measure of peace. We have some rough seas to navigate but on the other side a land of peace and new hope the dawn of a new golden age is our destiny. Don't let your fears rule you seek within and peace be unto you!

edit on 8-1-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Very well said .

I agree with every word.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 02:04 PM
I think the majority are unaware of how bad things are going to get. They have everyone so worked up over making their next dollar, so they can buy their next meal, next gallon of gas, next pair of shoes for their kids, etc that no one is really paying attention.

The lucky few that aren't completely flat freaking broke are more concerned with how nice their house, car(s), clothes, what restaurant they will eat at, etc... that they won't even see it until its too late.

Then there are the people who are too concerned over what will happen this week on their favorite tv show, who will get kicked off, who will get picked, etc that they haven't a clue.

Point is, if tptb can keep our attention elsewhere, they can continue to control every aspect of our lives.

Its very sad. I feel horrible for the things my children will experience in their life time.

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