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NEW! Starchild Skull DNA Result..

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posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by hippomchippo

Originally posted by Son of Will
reply to post by hippomchippo

I think the strength of the skull, the symmetry of the skull, the strange fibers found in it, the different elemental composition, the lack of mutation signatures, and the strange DNA results, when looked at as a whole, make it very difficult to dismiss as a simple case of Progeria or Hydrocephaly.

I hate calling the thing an "alien", I just don't think the above explanations are satisfactory.

You keep throwing out things I've never heard of.
Strange fibers?
Different elemental composition?
Can I please see some links? It sounds rather interesting if true.

It's in the video in the opening post! It's all there! Seriously, do none of the skeptics actually watch the video before posting?

A couple of pages in, one (very vocal) poster attempted to derail the discussion by linking to another thread where his (multiple) posts and fellow skeptic supporters were pushing the Progeria theory. Almost like "please end this thread, here's my final word on it - case closed". Heck, why not throw it into the Gray Area and some hoax tags for good measure!

Instead of actually discussing the video in question, the same old arguments and debunking is trotted out - where we come out not learning anything from it - just a bad taste in the mouth. Copernicus started a thread on this behaviour, lamenting how this Aliens & UFO forum has become. - He has recently been banned, along with all my fellow frustrated UFO forum friends over the last couple of years. It's really sad. All the good people in the forum have been squeezed out. There's almost no point in discussing UFO topics here anymore.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by RiotComing]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Its not necessiraly DNA, its the materials within the skull. Some of the stuff being found within the skull which arent found in bone on earth or may not even be an earthily object.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by Wademus

Dear Wademus

“ummm, einstein never worked on the manhattan project and "general relativity" has nothing to do with the atom bomb just an fyi”

Sorry you are well wrong there. It was Einstein’s formula E=MC² that proved the theory for the Manhattan project to even be conceived. No E=MC² No BOOBM


Einstein's focus was space and time

You ought to do a bit of reading before you go off. All Einstein did was send an educated letter the Roosevelt that he thought the nazis were making great progress towards a nuclear weapon, seeing as how Einstein was in the U.S. because he could not return to germany without being herded up like the rest of the jews.

Oppenheimer and Serber did all the math my friend as well as a host of oppenheimers former students.

E=mc2 does absolutely nothing to help discover or create the energy needed in the fission process. it simply states the relationship and provides a means to measure it. And even then Einstein was not the first person to propose this relationship. It's a fallacy that it is used that way.


but neeeeway, starchild skull is a big sham, shammy shammy sham sham SHAM.

We should instead focus our collective intellect on:

"Titan" the moon of saturn that exhibits the mysterious consumption of hydrogen and acetylene at the surface (a proposed life form)

"Europa" the moon of Jupiter that quite seemingly is home to a vast ocean underneath miles of ice

And the emerging ability to discover 100's of new planets right here in our own neighborhood.

I dont know our total capabilities with the large radio arrays beaming/scanning signals into space, but it seems to me that now we have a good list of specific targets to aim for.

Frequency is universal, it is a constant of the physical universe existing in sonic, light, and radio forms. So if something intelligent is out there, they should be able to pick it up, and it might sound like babble to them, but if they are inquisitive like we are, they would investigate the "anomalie" or source of the rhythym.


posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by smokn442
reply to post by Blue Shift

Its not necessiraly DNA, its the materials within the skull. Some of the stuff being found within the skull which arent found in bone on earth or may not even be an earthily object.


As per my extensive posts about the "Starchild Skull" in the Aliens & UFOs Forum & the Medical Forum, the fibrous material material is easily explained in the context of human morphology.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:49 AM
I agree with the people people saying how can we prove it's alien dna when we apparently don't know what alien dna looks like. I hope in the final test he will explain this. For now im not getting my hopes up.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not

Originally posted by smokn442
reply to post by Blue Shift

Its not necessiraly DNA, its the materials within the skull. Some of the stuff being found within the skull which arent found in bone on earth or may not even be an earthily object.


As per my extensive posts about the "Starchild Skull" in the Aliens & UFOs Forum & the Medical Forum, the fibrous material material is easily explained in the context of human morphology.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

I believe you concluded that somehow a human artery or something like it could, upon aging and drying, turn into a material so dense that Dremel blades were damaged cutting through them? I was always a bit dubious about the conclusions in that thread.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 02:26 AM
This could very well be the true `we are not alone` smoking gun if its not allowed to be delegated to the Indiana Jones forbidden archeology vault like so many other artifacts .

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Son of Will
I believe the originator of the progeria explanation is a member of Skepticblog. In recollection, I feel sure the progeria idea was posted on a forum in 2006, but this is the earliest reference I can find for now. It's a bloody good one!

Regarding the red fibrous material...

9. There is strange red residue and fibers in the bone of the skull and the fibers resisted cutting by the dremmel tool used to cut the skull – This can probably be explained away if the proper experts got their hands on the skull for testing but here are some theories: There is something called cysteine “residue” that can appear in the skull (again this residue can be more common in Progeria, I believe). There are also different types of fibers like Sharpey’s Fibers which can appear as hair-like fibers in the bone of the skull….However, I am leaning towards collagen fibers because it links more with point 8 and the excess collagen that might be found in the skull of someone with Progeria – plus collagen fibres apparently have great tensile strength which might explain not being cut by the dremmel (?).

Another possibility: world scientists have recently found noodle or knot-work shaped fibres left by microbes that exist in iron or copper mines. The microbes apparently live off the ore and produce strong polymar fibers as waste. The skull was found in an abandoned mine shaft in Chihuahua’s “Copper Valley” making it is likely it was resting in an abandoned copper mine so these fibres could easily have been left by these newly discovered microbes (or similar bacteria) as well.

The guy's got his idea from the originator of the progeria theory, but he explains all the points clearly and adds a couple of links. As mid-blog posts's really cool. To my mind it's pretty definitive.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by Son of Will

Son of Will.....

I believe you concluded that somehow a human artery or something like it could, upon aging and drying, turn into a material so dense that Dremel blades were damaged cutting through them? I was always a bit dubious about the conclusions in that thread.


I did not say that.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 03:15 AM
Elongated skulls were a common practice between southafrican tribes.They were trying to immitate the alien gods.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by AlienScientist
Elongated skulls were a common practice between southafrican tribes.They were trying to immitate the alien gods.


I looked at that idea.

I concluded the shape & other features of the skull were not consistent with that practice.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by OldDragger

Seems credible enough.
After all, when PROOF of an alien skull, complete with DNA is announced, the most logical place is, of course, You tube.
That's because conventional science wouldn't be at all interested.

You probably hit the nail on the head here, it might be the biggest question yet to be answered (we think), but i do believe that news this huge will not be heard on MSM first and will seep in slowly trough social networks only to be picked up by the MSM as it goes viral on the net.

But we'll see, interesting subject, and yet another step towards disclosure if it turns out to be true.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 03:32 AM
Hey thanks for the interesting info. I`m sorry there seems to be some people who get their feelings hurt when they see other people speculate on the possibility of the unknown. I`ve never quite understood that, but hmm... Anyway, isn`t it funny when people think they understand how DNA works? The best part is the people who say it COULD be possible are almost all leaving it open to any possibility and admitting that they don`t know everything there is to know. And the people who lean more towards it NOT being possible are mostly people who are assuming it`s a "case closed" situation and even go as far as flinging insults at anyone who would even consider the chance of it being real. Hello! This is still an ongoing case! It has not been debunked, not even close! All I`m saying is, let`s conduct ourselves as adults. And if you are not one, then I know about some other sites where you could actually make friends and they might actually buy into your brand of rhetoric. But here, we like to keep an open mind about things. There`s no such thing as a stupid question. But I want us all to keep in mind that all perspectives can be benificial(sp) to us and can teach us much. Even perspectives which may seem to be mean spirited or intentionally misleading. Remember that the negative emotions which bring out the insults and such are only a mask hiding fear and pain. And we all experience these at times, so let`s please try to be as understanding as possible whenever we encounter another person who is having trouble expressing their pain and/or fear. There are so many reasons, and I kno this does not apply to everyone but subjects like the starchild represent the unknown, and for some people this can be a source of anxiety since it is something beyond their control. I find the Starchild to be one of the most fascinating finds of our time. I could personally care less if it`s "alien" or human or "other". It has these fibers in the skull that make it stronger even though its incredibly thin compared to a normal skull of a human. It`s like the rebar that goes into concrete structures. Incredibly simple in concept, but it makes a tremendous difference in "structural integrity". Whatever it turns out to be, I hope we get a chance to find out. Knowin our luck, ww3 or 9/11 part2 will happen, or the guy will have a heart attack and the starchild will disappear. X

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:17 AM
Me thinks there's WAY too many people posting ideas in this thread that didn't watch the video in the OP.

If you did, you'd know that more than HALF of the starchilds DNA is not human, or any other DNA known to any species on earth.

-Progeria; Would yeild 100% Human DNA.Well perhaps maybe less than 1 percentile not in the databases because of so many different mutations, but NOT MORE THAN half (that's if this Doctor who did these tests is credible) THAT'S A BIG IF.

-It's not a crossbreed. (ie male chimp had intercourse with human female).

The fibers- people are asking about fibers, and red residues left on a 900 year old skull...If you'd watched the video, you'd know what is being spoken about.

-The Skull is of an adult, yet there were 5 more teeth found via X-ray (Again shown in the video, ready to take place of the one they extracted.)

I don't think the video is saying aliens are visiting us now (well it might be), but what I got This was a genome project done 900 years ago. On primitive Humans (I say primitive in the sense that most all of the technology we have now, was not around back then)

Add to that all the anomolies in Ancient Human History that cannot be replicated today, and it makes for a semi - decent argument we may have been visited 900 years ago and for hundreds of years before that as well.

It's possible many hybrids (i.e Alien Father and Mother, Useing a good Human Females egg to create a child) got away, and this was the only one found.

So the story would go that the Aliens left and haven't returned, well made themselves known since.

It is also VERY possible, the Doctor isn't giving us the whole facts, and when I heard him say they were short of money in the OP'ers Video, alot of Red Flags went up. This whole thing could be bunk.

But PLEASE Watch The Video in the Original Post, if your gonna reply in this thread. It will save alot of time and headaches, and confusion.

BTW I've never been a huge believer in the Star Child skull being alien, and I won't be until a "Reputable Doctor/Doctors" runs these "New DNA" tests. Better yet, Do like the piece of the shroud of Turin and send a few pieces to the best Universities in the field around the world, and see what they find out individually.

Because the guy in the video (iirc) never even named the Dr. that did this so called latest test which found over half the DNA to be "not of earth". That also raises flags for me. HUGE RED ONES!

But please watch the video, and at least know what the Star Child teams arguments are. Before challenging them.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Nola213]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Nola213


But please watch the video, and at least know what the Star Child teams arguments are. Before challenging them.

I agree it is always the best course of action to consider both sides of the argument in detail.

With a view to that, I have reviewed Pye's "Star Child" material in detail, over a number of years.

My conclusion is the skull is the result of Progeria Syndrome, as per my post as linked to below:

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:59 AM
I hear alot of bull from folks assuming that all anomolous DNA is broken or mutated. Well heres the thing folks. If it was broken code, then it wouldnt be uniform, or have any function save to hinder the subject .
DNA which blatantly is useful, functional and can be extrapolated to explain its function should not be assumed to be junk or broken just because we dont often see it.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 05:03 AM
Can any one of you please inform us, whether or not the skull of the 'normal' human had those same red fibres?

Particularly you Kandinsky, seen as you constantly berate those of¨us with certain interests in the unusual. You state your opinions as indisputable, yet we are here to challenge those opinions, seen as such.

Need I remind you of this past year and the AGW scandal? I really hope not fella, as you should rightly be aware of, by now, that science has bee shown to be corrupted by those with agendas not quite in the poor mans interests.
You and others, I witness on this forum, have really failed to impress upon me, a sense of community and friendship promoted by ATS. No more does this seem like a unified forum, searching the unknown with an open mindedness. It is, in my opinion, now a clash of egos and ideologies, separation and silent war.
Some people may be right to ask the question, is this a free and open debate, where even the most outlandish theories are recognised and most of all Respected?

Good luck with the constant promotion of the doctrine in disguise, after all, this is only my opinion and one may be wrong and would welcome proof of it, unlike others.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by DomhainGràdh]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 05:16 AM
Nice find.
The entire integrity of this report is based on the findings of a scientist who is not named.

The host of the lecture alludes to how the scientist made contact made with him , the techniques used and the results found but he specifically does not mention who this person or group were.

Call me naive but if you want to add scientific gravitas to a statement based on scientific evidence, you would surely provide the name and the details of the scientist involved.

If I missed those details then please provide them...otherwise you have a disfigured homnid skull and that is all.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Jukiodone]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by DomhainGràdh
Can any one of you please inform us, whether or not the skull of the 'normal' human had those same red fibres?



Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by RiotComing

Want a hug or something? Jeez!

Lemme play you a song.

It's called "This thread isn't evidence of anything and exemplifies the desperate need of some to believe anything that is presented to them" Presented in G-flat.

[edit on 11/8/10 by Chadwickus]

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