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CAIR: Tea partiers to ‘harass’ Muslims with dogs at anti-mosque protest

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posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Yes, but the problem is, this is not a religion of "live and let live". There are 2 distinctly opposite books of islam, one prior to the radicalization, and one post radicalization. See, the non-radical ideaology didn't gain many followers, so there was a 180 degree turnaround. The islam of today hates anyone who isn't muslim, and promotes killing all "infidels". I think you have to look at what is happening in great britain right now. (By the way, i refuse to capitalize certain titles or words...I know what is supposed to be capitalized) The muslims there are demanding to be able to implement sharia law in their communities (of which there are many). Now, I don't know how many of you females out there want to be clitorally circumcised, wear garments over your entire body showing just your eyes, not be able to send your daughters to school, walk 3 steps behind your "husband", be stoned for speaking to any male other than a family member, and be stuck in the home all day....but this is what you are looking at if you support freedom of "religion" when it comes to islam. This is not a religion...this is oppression and slavery. Is this what you really want?
This is the antithesis of being free and living in the 21st century. The next thing they will demand is the end of electricity, running water, inside toilets, and make you to live in a mud hut. And because of political correctness, we are giving them a foothold that, if we don't put and end to it, will take over our western way of life. Let them do whatever they want in their country. But not in my country. I don't believe that the TPM will turn up with dogs at their rally for one minute. But don't be fooled. If we don't stop this onslaught on our way of life, we are destined to go back to the stone age.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by nunya13

It shouldnt have gotten that far in the first place.

The mosque shoudnt have been built in the first place.

Where you have ant hills, you have ants.

Considering the US is "the great satan", the muzzies should pack their crap, get the hell out and go somewhere "more hospitable".

Islam is a cancer on the butt of the West and should be excised post haste.

Could have been worse.

A few years back in India, there was a bunch of muslims causing hell there. The govt tried to get them to cool their jets.

They didnt.


They waited till they were in prayers, nailed the doors, AND THEN BURNED IT DOWN.

I'd say the arsonists we're somewhat more "lenient".

Oh, but we're just some backwards, ignorant, redneck hicks down here. We lack the "enlightenment" of the liberal left.....good!

If we have a branch of the Communist Party of America open up, I'd like to see it toasty as well. Give they guys that did it a pat on the back, a shiny new Zippo, and few tankers full of high test jet fuel.

[edit on 29/7/10 by felonius]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by felonius


I was just about to reply after reading your post, then I saw the two links, then I was like ohhhh, this ohhhh has the same amount of "h"s as the other two ohhhh, which adds up to 4 "ohhhh"s. Ops now it is 5 "ohhhh"s.

What is the solution?

Ohhhh, let's gather all the "ohhhh"s in a mosque and nail the doors, then burn it.

Nice to meet you.

By the way, I'm a muzzie.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 12:12 AM
damn TPTB is finding ways to dismantle the tea party. Now this new one. The tea party must be doing some damage to them if they are resorting to this kind of trickery. I guess they don't want to lose their votes in november.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by IrishCream

Anyway, I'm getting off topic, but the point is, in order to change who we are, we need to revisit who we were and reconnect with why the constitution was so; well revolutionary!

Very well put, and very good conclusion.

I agree wholly that we should learn from the past, or from the actions of our forefathers, etc. But should never copy.

What do I mean by copy?

When you stop thinking, and just follow what your forefathers did, you become culturally frozen. That is copying, you haven't done your own thinking at all. That is called plagiarizing, there is a reason why no one likes such individual, who just copies, without any thought process at all.

Are you suggesting that history was somehow static up until the day you were born? I don't mean to offend, but the founders had quite an extensive historical foundation upon which to build their ideas. A lot of people might even say they got it right, at least more so than any other group in history. As far as the history of the world is concerned, 234 years is a drop in the bucket. Their ideas are still quite relevant and sound, now more than ever.

They copy everything, and since they don't think for themselves, and let others do all the thinking for them, their brain becomes weak. Once our brains become weak, we become easy to manipulate. Once that happens, ofcurse, my conclusion is, that we become tools.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were describing the current horde of sleeping sheep that inhabit this country and feed off the evening news and believe everything they see and hear. Including many on this very site.

Thanks for your thoughts and explanation.


posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by AwakeinNM

Are you suggesting that history was somehow static up until the day you were born? I don't mean to offend, but the founders had quite an extensive historical foundation upon which to build their ideas. A lot of people might even say they got it right, at least more so than any other group in history. As far as the history of the world is concerned, 234 years is a drop in the bucket. Their ideas are still quite relevant and sound, now more than ever.

Remember the Golden Age of Islam?

Many believe those forefathers were right also.

I'm not saying your constitution is wrong, I'm saying not thinking is wrong.

When you don't think, and just follow, you end up just like Muslims today.

Don't forget, Muslims were very successful in the past, you could even compare their success to current US success. I suspect that this is the peak for the US civilization, and it will decline, because people are more and more talking about what their forefathers would do.

Muslims are talking more and more about what their forefathers would do. Not even thinking that their forefathers, didn't follow their forefathers, that is why their forefathers were successful, because they used their head.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:36 AM
Pure insanity. More proof the Tea Party movement is filled with ignorance and idiocy.

I for one think its in poor taste if a Mosque was to be built at the site of the WTC but, I would support their right to, if they owned/leased the real estate. Its what makes (made) our country great! Only problem is, it isn't being constructed at ground zero like teabaggers are making it seem like it is. The location is two damned blocks away! Jesus Christ what madness! Nothing but fear-mongering and hate.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by oozyism
Don't forget, Muslims were very successful in the past,

Yep. They were the guideposts for tolerance, as in when Muhammahd himself massacred the crowd at the Ka'aba.

You will convert and follow the Quraan, or else.

'Else' being: " Sim Salah-bim! We chop your head off!"

Salaam Aleikum, Oozy.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 06:54 AM
Well if you look at history, the belief in one God united the different people in the region and allowed them to create an empire. The Koran was a tool in a way for that expansion. It was propaganda in a certain sense.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:25 AM
I was expecting someone to lash out at the mention of a massacre at the Ka'aba.

But then Christians don't like to hear about how Jesus killed other children when he was a child. That would be the reason that those pesky books were removed from the Bible.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by felonius
reply to post by Mak Manto

In the last 200 years:

Since when did christians strap bombs on their butts?

Since when did christians blow up planes because "their demands weren't met"?

Show me some REAL terrorism sponsored DIRECTLY from the religion?

If anyone has done it in the "name of God", the average christian is calling for the head of the a-hole that did it! Christians are not much for murder.

Defense is another.

"Oh, what about the war's being waged around the world".

I dont remember hearing preachers saying " go kill X and you'll get a free trip to see God". Those preachers would be in jail for incitement.

Face it, you cant find a reason to call me a racist. You had your option to put up or shut up. Your a muslim apologist at worst and anti-christian at best.

If you were to start talking trash about Jesus, you would get some dirty looks, a few cross words, (if it were REEEEALY bad you might have an ass kicking coming).

In islam, they put a fatwah on you and you end up like Theo Van Gogh.

You didnt put up.....

Here is a website listing events in the last decade of Christian terrorists and their actions. Have fun with this...

Christian Terrorist Cells In The USA

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by stone7959

It is so nice to see that at least someone commenting here bases their comments and analysis on facts and history and not partisan intentional disinformation and spin that is the muzlum concept of taquii. What a dissappointment to read the multitude of comments based on ignorance, jingoism, fraud and misrepresentation and defacto capitulation based on laziness.
islumic imperialism is a perfect example of the maxim 'evil flourishes when good men do nothing',

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Golden age of islum? Show of hands, who remembers it, i mean personally?
You mean like with the armenians?
What a myth, brutal opressors write the history because the goal as expressly written in the queeran is world domination and extinguishing all other beliefs and culture. Yes, it's expressly in there.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by nunya13

A religion is a personal belief, it becomes a government when the followers of the belief force nonbeleivers to follow its rules.
A muzzie can be religious but islum is a political organization/established govenment, and their buildings are not simple houses of worship they are de facto military bases/embassies and function as such world wide and as such they should be viewed and managed as such by their host country. If you studies and knew the muzzie culture and mindset, you'd know this to be true and unmodifyable. PC propaganda forces the weakminded to accept lies and reality.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by mordant1
reply to post by nunya13

A religion is a personal belief, it becomes a government when the followers of the belief force nonbeleivers to follow its rules.
A muzzie can be religious but islum is a political organization/established govenment, and their buildings are not simple houses of worship they are de facto military bases/embassies and function as such world wide and as such they should be viewed and managed as such by their host country. If you studies and knew the muzzie culture and mindset, you'd know this to be true and unmodifyable. PC propaganda forces the weakminded to accept lies and reality.

What are you going on about Islam governments for? You were talking about racist dogs as if I was saying the Tea Partiers were bringing dogs to attack only Muslims, which I was not. I was saying they were bringing them to offend them since they apparently have an aversion to dogs.

[edit: I mixed up mordant1's words with another poster's words about the "racist dogs". I apologize for that. Kind of odd that it wasn't pointed out when mordant1 responded to this post though.]

In regards to your "are dogs racist" comment, I was pointing out the Muslims are not from a particular race. If you are trying to imply that people that follow Islam are from a particular race given that it is supposedly a system of government to rule a particular race, you would be wrong on that also.

Islamic countries can be Persian or Arab. There is also such a thing as an Arab Jew and a Persian Jew. Race has nothing to do with this. Neither does Islam. There is not one instance of Muslims trying to force any kind of Sharia law on us.

Also Islam is not a political system it is a religion. People who follow Islam are Muslims. Difference between Islam and Muslim

People who go to Mosques go there to worship Allah

Furthermore, not even Muslims can agree on what all Sharia Law entails. It's like Christians who all interpret the bible differently. There are no instances of Muslims trying to get laws passed that are derived from Sharia law. And just like with Christianity, the only Muslims we have to worry about are the ones who are extreme fundamentalists who DO believe they should force us to follow their rule of law based on their interpretation of their Holy Books. And they aren't much of a threat, they are just louder than their moderate counterparts who want them to shut up and quit giving them a bad name. This goes for Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

I think you are confused not only about Islam/Muslim, but also about a Mosque vs a madrasah. As I said before, a Mosque is a place of worship. A madrasah is a school were they indoctrinate children and even adults into Islam. Some madrasah's have been associated with extremist Islamic teachings were they may be professing the militancy you are talking about. Some of the madrasahs have been guilty of this, but not all. Definition of Madrasah.

Do not imply that I am misinformed and weak minded when you yourself clearly are confused.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by nunya13]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by nunya13

All the provisions of setting up government and judgment are in the queeran and just as the US or any constitution is a work written to describe imperitive, laws, punishments and tribal territorial goals in order to establish a GOVERNMENT so is the queeran such a document intending in exactly the same way to legitimize politically the domination over others against their will or consent or shared tradition.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by mordant1]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by felonius

There is a freedom of religion in this country and for people like you to even infer we should kick out an entire faction of people who practice a particular religion IS ass backwards when you assert it as necessary in order to preserve American values. It is completely contradictory.

Muslims have been in this country for several decades. The Muslim population in this country is a small fraction. It is anywhere from 1-2% depending on who you ask (Muslim groups tend to report much higher numbers). We know that a lot of these Muslims don't give a crap about trying to overthrow America and turn it into a theocratic dictatorship. So even if a smaller fraction of the entire Muslim population wished for this. It would NEVER HAPPEN. There has been not one iota of evidence they are trying to subjugate us. Just the idea that people like you actually see this as a viable threat is preposterous and even ludicrous.

You know who I fear when it comes to my rights being taken away? Our government. Whether it be democrats or republicans. The ONLY people who have taken our rights away and crapped on the constitution is the people we supposedly put into power. And it's all in the name of fighting Muslims. Maybe you should start focusing all that anger on them instead of the RED HERRING that is being thrown in your face.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Yep freedom of religion in america, it says that somewhere, so if the religions basic tenent is also specifically intent on creating a new govt also called a caliphate, forced upon everyone regardless their own faith, you got to let them do that..
Uh huh,
Is there a single muzzie country where an non muzzie can feel safe and wants to go to to live because it's a great place?.
Thought so

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by nunya13

No you are the one attempting to assume the meaning of the Constitution and ALL you are doing is trying to pass your ASSUMPTIONS off as a fact. You appear to be one who can not grasp logic so you are doing nothing more than wasting my time. You can believe anything you want but it still does not change the fact that you are 100% wrong. Go waste someone else s time.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Actually I have to apologize on this one, I was responding to a different person. But to be clear someone needs to do something more than once to be a habit. So since that is the only time I wrote something that would be "twisting words" it would not be defined as a habit. Go buy a dictionary.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by cjdny]

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