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Oil Spill has made it's way to Texas coast

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posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
If these folks don't get serious about clean up efforts, they are going to be having claims from Mexico, Belize, and Central America, too.

And the rest, if this spill keeps going it'll hit the gulf stream. Of course the toxins will be diluted a great deal so it probably won't be a big issue, unless of course the spill just goes on longer. Let's hope the relief wells that are being drilled will be ready soon and work correctly without complications.

Some people are playing down this oil spill, even on ATS. While i agree that i don't think this will cause any mass die off of the planet, it will have long term effects on the oceans. Globally maybe not massive but along that coastline and slightly inshore it's going to cause havoc.

I hope BP are milked dry from all the claims. Of course it doesn't matter, someone else will buy the company and carry on polluting the environment with some really bad practices. I'm not against oil because there really is no good alternative to produce all of the things we rely on at this point but it could be drilled more safely and the toxic products that are produced could be disposed of more carefully.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:06 AM
I feel for all you Texans and residents around the gulf. This spill is a catastrophe and the country has yet to realize the full impact this one event will have. It doesn't help that they're fighting the spill with chemicals that are only going to make it worse; sinking the oil is nonsensical, as it would cause a longer duration in the time it takes to get filtered out naturally and by man.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:09 AM

While i agree that i don't think this will cause any mass die off of the planet, it will have long term effects on the oceans. Globally maybe not massive but along that coastline and slightly inshore it's going to cause havoc.

What sort of specific 'havoc' will it cause to the shore-line, beyond wetland and marsh areas?

Seems like sitting on the sand decomposing might be a great place for it, all things considered.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...tar has been washing up on galveston, high island, san luis pass, surfside, quintana etc for as long as i can remember (over five decades)... i'd like to know what criteria was used to determine that these particular tar balls are from the horizon disaster...


This adds more credit to this one:

Interesting read.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by justadood

While i agree that i don't think this will cause any mass die off of the planet, it will have long term effects on the oceans. Globally maybe not massive but along that coastline and slightly inshore it's going to cause havoc.

What sort of specific 'havoc' will it cause to the shore-line, beyond wetland and marsh areas?

Seems like sitting on the sand decomposing might be a great place for it, all things considered.

Have you considered the businesses, destroyed that are inshore that rely on a viable beach community to survive as "havoc"?

Does the jobs lost and economic devastation even deserve any consideration?

Should the health effects as a result of the Leak, count as inshore "havoc?"

[edit on 6-7-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 10:28 AM
Tom Cruise to campaign for Gulf Clean up:

I feel for you guys.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Nivcharah
I came across this video today. I found a thread for it posted today under the title of the video on ATS, however, the thread appears to be inaccessible to comment or post:

"Man Defies BP "Laws" by Flying His Plane Over the Gulf and Shooting Video"

[edit on 7/5/2010 by Nivcharah]

Soon there will be no living creatures there, and the suffering will have ended. There is no turning back after viewing that video, absolute horror - the only thing we can hope for is for it to be quick.

I ... just hate humans...

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:03 PM
Ummmmm okay, so what part of the whole 'crude oil spreading all over the lower states shorelines' do those of you downplaying this NOT GET?

There are very specific components to this oil, it has been stated over and over it's chemical make-up is unique and it IS possible to test the oil to see where it comes from. Let's just get that out of the way. The tar balls just found in Texas IS from the DEEPWATER DISASTER. Okay? Okay.

Secondly, how can ANYONE try and make this out as no big deal? Oh, Texas gets tar balls all the time, so the fact that oil from this gusher how many hundreds of miles away is now hitting thier off-shore waters is just no big deal? I don't get it. That is like me (washington state) saying that if oil from the Exxon Valdez came up on our shores, it would be no big deal. I don't think so.

What this tell us is that this oil is traveling VAST distances (the vast majority of it under water) and who the hell knows where it is eventually going to impact? Those tar balls are probably just the begining. Those of you in Texas should get to look forward to crude oil staining your shores here in the near future.

I am well past the point of believing that our government is conspiring to make this seem worse than it is for some evil goal. We are so well past what I could have imagined as bad, that the only thought I am left with is that this is so much bigger than we are being allowed to see that by the time the whole picture is revealed, we will be standing around with our mouths hanging open wondering how the hell it all happened.

This oil disaster is being revealed to us is bits and peices so it is easier to swallow. And by the nature of some of these posts IT IS WORKING!!!

How? HOW can you think that this is no big deal? I don't even live there and I am dumbfounded. Open you eyes people. If you do nothing else, at least admit to yourself that our ecosystem is being altered beyond our ability to fix and we have NO IDEA where it will end.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by westcoast
Secondly, how can ANYONE try and make this out as no big deal? Oh, Texas gets tar balls all the time, so the fact that oil from this gusher how many hundreds of miles away is now hitting thier off-shore waters is just no big deal? I don't get it. That is like me (washington state) saying that if oil from the Exxon Valdez came up on our shores, it would be no big deal. I don't think so.

.....(cut to shorten quote)....

This oil disaster is being revealed to us is bits and peices so it is easier to swallow. And by the nature of some of these posts IT IS WORKING!!!

How? HOW can you think that this is no big deal? I don't even live there and I am dumbfounded. Open you eyes people. If you do nothing else, at least admit to yourself that our ecosystem is being altered beyond our ability to fix and we have NO IDEA where it will end.

I presume you are speaking to me with the Texas gets hit all the time comments, hmm? Kindly go back and reread the posts in this thread by myself and others who have echoed similar thoughts and you will see that no one is saying this is not bad. You will also see that no one is saying that they do not care about it.

There is no conspiracy in this disaster. The only conspiring that occurred was BP executives choosing the cheaper alternative of not installing necessary hardware to better prevent a situation like the current oil spill from reaching the massive scale it has.

No one has said the ecosystem is not being affected in the short term but please, take a chill pill. The Ixtoc I oil spill in 1979 dumped anywhere between 139,818,000–147,840,000 gallons of oil. After 6 years it was difficult to find traces of oil, and today the effects are unseen. Looking at the estimates of the current spill, we are looking at 108,000,000–185,000,000 gallons (and granted this spill is continuing, I understand that) but the ecosystem will recover.

Please, do some research into the matter away from MSM reporting and the countless fear-mongering threads found here. BP is guilty of taking short cuts. Short cuts that all of us have to pay for. I'm mad, you're mad, I get it. But it isn't a US or NWO global conspiracy to warp some twisted plot of some even more twisted silliness.

Welcome to the world of corporate greed.


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 02:59 PM
Interesting! You get a star! But I have to disagree with a very very very big mistake people are making with this. It's it not an Oil Spill, it is a rupture. Take your cup of coffee and tip it over for me, you just spilled your coffee. now take a straw to another cup of coffee, insert the straw to the bottom of that cup and blow in it, see the bubbles? I hope my explanation as to what a spill is will help people recognize that this rupture of oil is not a "spill".

[edit on 6-7-2010 by InformationAgent]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Romans 10:9

love your signature man.....

not tryin to derail here...but isnt one of the hallmarks of our human psyche the desire to shore up support for what we want to believe notwithstanding any evidence to the contrary....especially when its paradigm changing as this oil disaster is? there are millions of lives that are changed forever as a result of this....and still the american people take it lying down.....i am truly amazed. Though, i should be clear...i do not advocate violence at all....for as it has been said by many astute observers, that will only provide the perfect pretext for greater draconian control. We must seek out every opportunity to hit these suckers where it their collection of money/resources and our blind submission to their myriad control mechanisms......

waking up and standing against them is the greatest affront that can be made....much as Ghandi stood in giantness of character against the small pathetic power mongers who sought control over his homeland in his time. When you have the moral highground, even when you lose you cite a perfect example of this......when Rome tried desperately to stamp out the cult of christianity, by blood, torture, loss of all only grew until finally Rome was forced to not only accomodate it...but adopt it as its own.

there are lessons to be learned in all the histories of conflict and how they were managed....

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by badgerprints
reply to post by Nivcharah

I like this attitude.
Which non petroleum, non plastic, non rubber, non asphalt, non synthetic portion of aboriginal Earth do you come from? And what kind of wood was your computer carved out of?

'Evil Texans with their oil deposits." muttered the hypocrite as he lived his petroleum based lifestyle.

Where, from my reply, do you even get this idea from? How did I call Texans 'evil' by questioning the person stating "all illlegal aliens should be shipped to clean BP's mess" as to whether or not said illegal aliens should then be rewarded with citizenship?

Where, from my link to the video, do you get the idea that I think ALL use of oil is bad? I am stating the GREED behind the method and means that caused this collosal tragedy is the issue.

And my previous reply was questioning whether the executives of BP would think they have an allie in Texas (oil tycoons sticking together) or better reason to fear retribution. Afterall, so close to oil tycoons in Texas, WHY would a BRITISH company even BE drilling off our shores? They can drill off their OWN shore. Oh wait! That's a right, they would need to take precaution to do things right so they don't have another revolt from the peasants for poisoning the waters. Not to mention what the oil giants in their part of the world would do to them.

Your reply to my reply makes absolutely NO LOGIC.

And NOW the news is stating the relief wells are a mere 300 feet from hitting the oil supply, which is 'way ahead of schedule'. The August date "They" fed us was just rouse to tick us off only to be the heroes by beating the deadline.

In customer service this tactic is referred to "Under promise, over deliver" - which means they promise it will be done much later than it will really take, only to please the customer by getting things done really quickly and satisfying the customer's needs. Hero saves the day, this way we forgive them for the mess up that results and they can say, "But just think how much worse the outcome would be if we didn't do such a great job fixing it so quickly!"

The problem is, no matter how you slice this one, it is a collosal FAIL on the part of BP and our govt.

[edit on 7/6/2010 by Nivcharah]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:41 PM


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by mothershipzeta

Originally posted by FearNoEvil
reply to post by iceblue20-12

Originally posted by iceblue20-12
At least the oil giants based in Houston dont have to look for oil anymore,the oil has come to them!

Yah, along with all the INNOCENT folks in between.

Considering it's Texas (where I live), how many of those "innocent" folks voted for (and continue to support) "DRILL BABY DRILL?"

You voted to DRILL BABY DRILL. Pres. Obama was for it before he was against it.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
Video posted above states testing was done on the tar balls, and they are found to be from Deepwater Horizon.

...that video didnt state the criteria used to determine that the galveston tar balls came from the bp mess... for all we know, there was NO scientific criteria used... where is the lab's report?... is it available online?... it should be...

...also - flight 800 and jfkjr's plane crash prove that the coast guard lies when they're instructed to do so...

Originally posted by M0bstar
the fact that it "matches the oil from the Deep Water Horizon"...seeing as how its oil coming from under the PROBABLY WOULD be a close match to the oil from the rig...

...exactly, why wouldnt it be "a close match"?... is oil from one reserve different from oil in another reserve?... are there markers that are specific to each reserve?...

Originally posted by maria_stardust
The thing is that officials have analyzed the tar balls and it has been confirmed that these things are from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Houston Chronicle

...the article says they're expecting the results from the lab LATER... if the lab wasnt finished with testing yet, no one could state what the lab's findings were going to be UNLESS it was already a government approved conclusion...

Originally posted by westcoast
There are very specific components to this oil, it has been stated over and over it's chemical make-up is unique and it IS possible to test the oil to see where it comes from. Let's just get that out of the way. The tar balls just found in Texas IS from the DEEPWATER DISASTER. Okay? Okay.

...unique oil?... fascinating... could you share FACTS (with sources) about that?... thx in advance...

Originally posted by westcoast
Those of you in Texas should get to look forward to crude oil staining your shores here in the near future.

...we're already used to it, as many have already stated in this particular thread... not only has there been oil in the water for decades - and - tar washing up on the beaches for decades - but - the water is polluted with all kinds of toxins (thx mostly to the petro-chemical and shipping industries) - and - people still swim in it - and - eat the critters that live in it - and - for the most part, nobody dies (unless they catch a bone the wrong way) or gets horribly sick (unless they eat shrimp harvested at the wrong time of the year or eat from a nasty kitchen)...

...could things get worse?... sure, thats a given no matter where you live - including where you live (washington state), which has a HUGE potential for disaster (volcanos right out your backdoor - talk about being caught between a rock and hard place)...

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

exactly could you imagine Yellowstone popping off it would'nt matter where unless you know exactly all the after effects and all the preparations needed and who could know that? so...

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by TruthMagnet

is that the same Clarke in your signature who saw the grb080319 ray burst and died the same day? there is a video caught I think by Pi of the Sky and if you look closely it appears to drop down and heads directly towards earth, probably just video lines but I could'nt help but think of silver surfer

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by whaaa

So, you are one of those who thinks it is better if its shoved in a plastic bag and buried in landfill?

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by westcoast

WHO are you referring to? I dont see very many people 'downplaying' this. Unless by 'downplay' you mean 'not 100% hyperbole'.

Just because someone mentions that maybe this isnt the end of all humanity, doesnt mean they are saying everything will be fine.


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:27 PM
Texas has got VERY rich off oil for years.. The same rch idiots who you voted for re now in congress and even 40% shares that they have is kept from you..
BP is NOT British but half owned by you americans... And a HUGE employer there... Also these same assholes run you and deny you clean power.. dont let yourselvrs be fooled by media spin.

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