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The lie of the century... George Walker Bush

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posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by airspoon

All Politicians are in essence Salesmen.

The role that Bush played as the Texan was to attain commonality and support with the predominately rural Red State voters.

As far as the image of dimwittedness is concerned, it is even more of the role in which he was as a Skull and Bonesman, hired to portray.

This image also made him appear less responsible and to blame for the attacks of 9/11.

Though GW is a Bonesman, and commensurate with the secret societies of elitists that are orchestrating and implementing the NWO agenda.

Dick Cheney was really the main orchestrator and leader during the BUSH administration.

Simply look at the 9/11 investigation when Cheney mandated that both President AND Vice President were to be present, and not testifying individually.

There is no way that Bush is by any means stupid. But appearing so unfortunately only appealed to the majority of supporters.

This was merely a means of diminishing the "Holier than Thou" persona associated with his real Wall St. and Big Oil financial backers and in turn creating an image of commonality and camaraderie with the working class voters.

It is simply part of the Act. The Act that we call politics.

For more info on the Bush family and their ties to the NWO.


George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
- Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 09:58 AM
Great post, OP.

However, I have to concur with (a) the doctors in the video who say this could be due to pre dementia, and (b) the other posters who say that the real morons are the people who voted for him, especially the SIXTY MILLION who voted for him the second time (he actually got a larger vote count and percentage of the vote in the second election when people knew what they were getting).

One of the reasons that he appeared to be stupid is that this appealed to a vast majority of the Emerican Electorate, who are also stupid.

[edit on 4-7-2010 by babybunnies]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Battleline

Seems I remember a little dust-up over some gay whore in the Whitehouse during those Bush years. Jeff Gannon. Ring a bell?
NTTAWWT, glass houses, pot, kettle,etc.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:06 AM
-Okay, you are gonna fake stupidity.
-Why ?
-Because people won't vote for you if you are intelligent.
-Then why me, can't you find some other idiot ?
-An idiot could actually make the country better.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Hadrian
no one will ever stop me form believing the dude's certifiably ... a short-bus fourth grader.

form believing? How about from believing? Short bus anyone?

Since we are talking about the lie of the century, how does "Hope and Change" stand on that list? Where does the promise to close Club Gitmo stand on this list? Where does promising if we pass the porkulus bill that unemployment won't go over 8% stand. (I sure miss the 4% unemployment we enjoyed under the majority of Bush's tenure).

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:12 AM

Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere.

One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq with the war on terror.

See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda

Some of the things GWB said that make me think the OP is correct. Not dumb by any means, but groomed to appear that way. Acting dumb worked because the majority of his base are dumb, and they feel comfortable and forgiving with that sort of leader.

I do think he was coked up during the TX campaign making him appear a lot sharper, and that after 9/11 he became relaxed with a "give a s---" attitude. He probably felt by that time he'd reached a pinnacle and he didn't really need to work too hard to keep opinions of him high; a "war president" where rallying around the flag kept him popular.

Then Katrina came along ....

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Battleline

reply to post by Chance321

You two really don't get it. That this thread happens to be about GWB has no relevance to Obama or alleged political parties or ideologies or anything of that nature. That is not motive here. In fact, it implies nothing of the sort. That you even bring Obama or Clinton's names into this as some attempt to understand or defend simply reflects on where the limits of your thinking, reasoning, and logical capabilities lie.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:15 AM
Airspoon- I agree, that GHWB was NOT the stumbling moron, as portrayed by the MSM- he was a Century-series fighter pilot- with a few hundred hours. Stupid people, who tried to fly one of those jets, died, VERY quickly.
He may have been many things- liar, coke-head, alcoholic, liar, pole-cat, damnyankee-johnny-come-lately carpetbagger, in the pocket of the multinationalmegacorps, but- he WAS aware, of what he was doing, and what he said. Yes- perhaps he did kill-off a bunch of brain cells- but, I went to University with someone who stayed stoned on Mary-jane, for 4+ years- and is today, a famous surgeon, highly respected in his field. So, I don't buy THAT particular arguement.
Anywhoo- I have spare-ribs, to start steaming!!! And illegal fireworks, that need wiring!
Happy Independence Day!, America!!!

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Bush allowed himself to be a victim of the liberal MSM, which is basically nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. The liberal bias in the media is so evident - they don't even try to hide it anymore. He was made to look like a bumbling idiot and was attacked by the liberal MSM machine on a daily basis from DAY ONE in office. They attacked him relentlessly and he NEVER once faught back. He allowed them to define him as an idiot and a liar, etc. He could have used the bully pulpit to slam the media/liberals/democrats and defend himself. But he didn't, and this in my eyes was his greatest failure - to stand up and fight back. He had no spine. Not to mention, his style of "compassionate conservatism" won him no friends with true conservatives. He was a big spender and grew government: not exactly what conservatives want to see in a republican president.

The reason you see him appear to lose intelligence when speaking is because back when running for governor he studied the subject material and was WELL PREPARED for debating. Years later, while president, he was so bogged down with the job that he wasn't focused on practicing for debates or TV appearances. That's it people. He wasn't prepared to deal with the media. He was focused on the job and not the camera.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by 23refugee
I was not pointing out the sexual activities of politicians,I was makeing a point of how they are all bottomfeeders one way or the other.Bush does not have a lock on being an idiot...... as you have proven.

The idea here is how much longer do you bash Bush tell you have heard it all a dozen times and what the hell is the point?

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Oh, I get it. What ever floats your boat. It's just more of the same old and tired bash President Bush lines. But the thing is, he's been out of office for over two years now. We've got a major bumbling idiot in the White House now who is far more destructive then President Bush ever dreamed of being. I'm more interested in the now.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:38 AM
the bush crime family is a wonder to behold. georgie's CIA handler was his daddy
if you ask me, and his daddy was a nazi partner... marvin was head of security
at the towers on 911..jeb is another snake. all the bush kids are substance abusers
of some sort..when georgie was tweaked just right he was able to accomplish
his tasks..but he burnt up alot of brain cells obviously..or Cheney had him
on some new cocktail. i think he's queer as a 3 dollar bill too.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:38 AM
It's clear to see that he's dumb- like a fox. It's what allowed him to get away with so much! You're dead on.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Chance321

what we have is the continuation of policy that goes on regardless of
who happens to be installed as president. perpetual war for oil opium and resources.
"full spectrum dominance" as decreed by the war machine.
der homeland uber alles..

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by Battleline

reply to post by Chance321

You two really don't get it. That this thread happens to be about GWB has no relevance to Obama or alleged political parties or ideologies or anything of that nature. That is not motive here. In fact, it implies nothing of the sort. That you even bring Obama or Clinton's names into this as some attempt to understand or defend simply reflects on where the limits of your thinking, reasoning, and logical capabilities lie.
When you start calling people idiots for voteing for someone ,that opens the post to all opinions and ideologies and all things of that nature.

No attempt to defend,infact I agree with some of the post,I just can't imagine why another one on Bush if your not looking to deflect from the present moron or throw all thats happening today back at Bush (once again).

If this was just a calm conversation on what an idiot Bush was then ya I missed it,probably because it would be the first one I've read where they wern't bashing Bush to make Obama look innocent of being the incompetent that he is.

[edit on 4-7-2010 by Battleline]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:52 AM
When he was President I was convinced he was either a meaty puppet operated by some kind of Corporate Puppet-Master General (possibly with a slighly mangled control mechanism, hence the slurring idiocy of the man), or he was the biggest evil genius the world has ever seen.

I still can't make my mind up.

Good OP, starred 'n' flagged.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by 23refugee
I was not pointing out the sexual activities of politicians,I was makeing a point of how they are all bottomfeeders one way or the other.Bush does not have a lock on being an idiot...... as you have proven.

The idea here is how much longer do you bash Bush tell you have heard it all a dozen times and what the hell is the point?

Only including Carter, Clinton, and Obama in your original post is partisan deflection. Calling me an idiot and being affronted by the same label a few posts down is hypocrisy.
For me, this thread is about being duped.
Doesn't matter who's hero does it.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 11:10 AM
I voted for him. Twice.
Happy 4th of July!

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin

It is very likely that Barbara Bush is Aleister Crowley's daughter, and it would follow that in those circles everything must be done to protect the Beast's grandsons.

that wouldn't surpriseme at all... can ypu provide some links or other back up for this claim? it's interesting!



posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 11:15 AM
I think they must have damaged something when they put the V chip in his head.

Seriously, I don't think it's an act, GWB left his brain cells at the bottom of a bottle of whisky.

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