posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 12:46 AM
Numbers, numbers, numbers...
Did anyone REALLY expected this to be different when you have a rock-
throwing mob on one side and a regular army on the other?
Did anyone REALLY expected a soldier not to shot (and shot to kill OFC,
because he is a SOLDIER not a policeman) if he beleive his life is at stake
OR just follwing an order?
Did anyone REALLY beleive that a bullet stops in first body its hits and not
go thru 2-3 more ?
Did anyone REALLY expected that israeli army will just NOT bomb a
building where are hidden terrorist only because there are civilians inside
WAKE UP people, its a WAR there ! Its not a damn protest in a western
city where cops are actually got beaten by a mob of protesters.
Numbers don't lie, i agree, and i also agree that those numbers even might
be higher on palestinian side.
17 years old palestinians killed by israeli soldiers, like those youngsters
were just passing thru and got shoted.Please.They are indoctrinated since
5 years old to KILL jews.They can throw a rock when they 12.And they
got killed before they 18 because Israel use the ARMY against them.
I beleive that for most of you its apocaliptic that Israel uses the army and
not the police.But most of you also don't grasp that Israel cannot use
the police because there is, was and will be war.
An intifada is not a mob of soccer fans that smash some windows, got
beaten by the police and go home, forgetting all deal one hour later.
Its about ''young'' palestinians throwing molotovs and blowing themselves
up in israeli buses and pubs.Its about ''HAMAS freedom fighters'' that
hide bethween women and children.
Its about israeli soldiers ARMED to the teeth, buldozers and armored
vehicles that shot live amunition.
Wake up from your dream that peace can be achieved between israelis
and palestinians without a BLOODY war with a clear winner.
Both israeli and palestininas don't want peace.In fact, both sides want
peace, but on THEIR terms.Palestininas want peace by exterminating the
israelis and israelis want peace by exterminating the palestinians.Or at
least one side just go somwhere else (israelis in Arizona, or just drown in
the sea, and palestininas in Jordan, or w/e).
In many threads about this endless Israel-Arab conflict some sugested
to arm the Palestinians as a way to achieve some kind of truce or even
peace...yeah, right.This only will fasten the inevitable.
Its either them or us.This is what leads both sides.And the fact that Israel
lost 100 times less, or 1000 times less than the palestininas doesn't mean
that Israel is the bad guy.
It only means that they are better armed, better organized and better
Swap the equation and give israelis only stones, sticks and crappy rockets
and give palestinias tanks and automatic rifles and nobody will post any
numbers because if some higher power might do this swap, Israel will
just be name in a history book in a sentence like this :
''Once upon a time here lived some peple called Israelis, but they were
nonbeleivers so we had to kill them, because the Kuran teach us to do
Don't even think about that Palestinians (if armed like Israel now) won't
do the same...they will probably would do it far far worse.