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warning this can offend law abiding citizens - Which I'm not one of.

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:18 AM
Awesome thread. I don't subscribe to the Christian belief system, but yet I find it incredibly hypocritical that you cannot pray because it may offend some, even if not being able to pray offends you.

Progressive Political Correctness is a one way street, to protect the rights of the minority and destroy the rights of the majority. It is a moral apartheid.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:20 AM
Woot woot...the athiests are comin out of the woodworks. i cant help but laugh. Not at the christians...but the hypocriticle atheists.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:43 AM
I am personally glad relgion is being supressed a little, I agree with most of what she said and am all for freedom but I'm also sick of having religion. Constantly rammed down my throat.
If you wanna pray do it, but I don't need to be included.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by sirnex

Here in my country we have this document called the constitution, it's up to every citizen to abide by it to it's fullest extent. I'm not sure how you do things down there in Brazil and your opinions are duly noted, but they are meaningless to this discussion of American constitutional law.

Here in my country, every religion is constitutionally guaranteed equal opportunity and rights.

What a quaint notion. Could you, in your capacity as a Constitutional Scholar, please quote for us the relevant section(s) of the US Constitution that bans free religious exercise in public venues? Even governmental venues, if that would make it easier for you.

A failure to do so, even if accompanied by the standard excuse, simply indicates to me that you know not whereof you speak.

Go on, give it a shot.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by GummB
I am personally glad relgion is being supressed a little, I agree with most of what she said and am all for freedom but I'm also sick of having religion. Constantly rammed down my throat.
If you wanna pray do it, but I don't need to be included.

No one is holding you at gun point telling you to pray. This country was founded by Christians and many traditions are Christian. Who do you think the first Thanksgiving was given to? Allah? So sorry, but when in Rome.

Atheists in this thread are being completely illogical and dumb. And this is coming from someone who does not follow the dogma of Christian church.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by frozenspark]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:53 AM
If you really know, and I'm sure you do, all this has to happen. You fight against it but not get offended when and if you lose.

The worse it gets, the more I get excited because Christianity has not been kingdom in principle since about the third century. God alway expands his people primarily via generations. If parents were taught to teach their children correctly, and if pastors of churches stopped being religious and taught real kingdon, then a couple would find Christ, have kids who would not depart from it, and then their children would not depart from it and so on. The Jews exist because they actually obeyed their God an followed this principle as instructed.

If this principle was followed millions and millions more Christians would exist and staunch ones at that, not the namby pamby carnal type either.

Just let this carry on as the real Christians will stand, the false ones will fall and all will come to pass. It must happen that way.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by GummB
I am personally glad relgion is being supressed a little, I agree with most of what she said and am all for freedom but I'm also sick of having religion. Constantly rammed down my throat.
If you wanna pray do it, but I don't need to be included.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I am personally glad that speech is being suppressed a little as people talk too damn much anyway. I am glad that peaceably assembling is being suppressed a little as there is just too much peaceful protesting going on, I mean come on! Didn't every one get their fill of that when they marched with Dr. King? I am glad that the right to keep and bear arms is being suppressed a little as only the Beverly Hillbilly types actually own guns anyway, and lets face it Granny's a little scary, and Jethro? Please.

I am glad that due process of law is being suppressed a little because its just not enough that The U.S. imprisons more people than any other industrialized nation in the world, personally, I won't be happy until we imprison more than all the world nations combined. I am glad that our right to contract is being suppressed a little because let's face it, I can barely write a sentence let alone a contract, and what would I do without a nanny state? I am glad that we have the DMV to tell us what our rights and privileges are in regards to driving and only wish they were around suppressing rights when the horse and buggy was all the fashion.

I just wish there was a whole lot more of a little suppression, so we can be proud of being the "freest country in the world". God Bless America...ooops! Sorry, didn't mean to shove down your throat.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by intrepid

I'll clear it up.
what you resist will become.

Sorry, but you won't find any sympathy here.

It's the LAW!!!

[edit on 26-5-2010 by kbriggss]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by henriquefd

" He showed them how one person´s voice can reach many and get them together to one purpose ..."

Yea , just like David Koresh , Jim Jones and Adolph Hitler did ., just to name a few .

[edit on 25-5-2010 by okbmd]

You left out a few - just like Thomas Paine, Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Ghandi, and Martin Luther King did... just to name a few more, so that your post isn't so one - sided.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

translation: christianity is good, gays are bad, blah blah blah

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
I live in West Texas. I have been to a few (dozen) Odessa Permian games. Our local high school plays them in pre-district games annually. Out here, high school football is a religion. If you are going to be successful in your business, you have to be seen at the games on Friday nights with your family. It is just that way.

Before each and every game a prayer is said, and we stand for the national anthem. When i see a kid wearing a hat, i dress him down (as does anyone else...that is the way it is out here).

Every Friday before we commence our Rotary event, we say a prayer and the pledge.

It is a cultural thing. No, I am not Christian. It doesn't mean that I cannot allow other people to commune with their deity, if they have one.

For this to be such an issue in our country is stupid. You don't have to believe in God to stand there and listen to someone pray. And there is nothing difficult about it.

Good for this school official. I am glad he stood up for himself. But down here in West Texas, he would just be another one of us. We wouldn't have it any other way.

THIS is the spirit dammit.

This is the SPIRIT.

Maybe a POSSESSED SPIRIT. You see the cultural thing he talks about is being forced upon business people. That they need to attend and to follow the communities unwritten laws of attendence and prayer at games in order to be successful. "It is just that way". He paints a word picture of a "Stepford Wives" type community. That's shocking!

Again, as was said earlier in the thread, the principal was expressing his own intolerence of seperation of church and states, his intolerence and insensitivity to other religious concerns, his intolerence of educated and responsible sexual practices and family planning, and so on.

That's the kind of BAD SPIRIT I'd exorcise if I were you.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:07 AM
I have never attended church in my life and was born in a "multicultural" country not by free will but due to the fact this is where my parents lived. It's Canada btw.

And I'm all for you having your own opinions but why is my opinion wrong if it's not religious. Or your religion to be specific.

I don't go to your house and hand out papers to try an convince you to join my faith, all I ask is I get the same treatment in return.

And yes I have had that happen many times, to the point the family would turn of the lights and hide like we are not home

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by GummB

I don't go to your house and hand out papers to try an convince you to join my faith, all I ask is I get the same treatment in return.

You are certainly getting the same treatment you give in this site. Like attracts like, my brother...oops! That was probably a little too religious for you. Peace...oooops! Did it again.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:12 AM
All I hear is "religious zealot this, and neocon that, and bible thumper here"

All because someone was pointing out the blatant HYPOCRISY of every single handed down piece of crap law that restricts the majority of people just so the minority can "not be offended"?

Give me a break, have you people lost your minds? If you cant look past your own nose stuck in the air, and your own self righteous behavior, long enough to see that what this person is saying is truth, then you are more intolerant than what you are accusing this "christian" of being.

Tell me how tolerant you want people to be of your "right" to not have anything religious spoken around you, so it doesnt hurt your ears or "corrupt" your children....

Then ill watch as you take people to court, sue school districts, have people fired over saying "god" in a public domain.........THATS NOT TOLERANT! ITS THE EXACT SAME THING YOU ARE ACCUSING EVERYONE ELSE OF BEING BECAUSE THEY HAVE A RELIGION!.


Look, I have friends from many many religions.....buhdists, muslims, mormans, catholics.....

Ive gone to dinner at ever single one of these peoples houses , and what do you know, every single one of them prayed to their god of choice.....

Do you think for one second I got offended because im not of that particular religion? Do you think for one second I said "Stop, dont mention Allah , i might turn muslim" or "Mentioning Joseph Smith is against my belief system I would appreciate you not talking about it infront of me"

No......I bowed my head a long with them, and i held the hands of my FRIENDS and THEIR friends and took part in a HUMAN experience.....that brought us all closer together, DESPITE our religions.......

I practiced humility, respect, and REAL tolerance.........

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it "an alternate life style," and if someone is offended, that's OK.

I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity, by dispensing condoms and calling it, "safe sex." If someone is offended, that's OK.

I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a "viable! means of birth control." If someone is offended, no problem..

I can designate a school day as "Earth Day" and involve students in activities to worship religiously and praise the goddess "Mother Earth" and call it "ecology.."

I can use literature, videos and presentations in the classroom that depicts people with strong, traditional Christian convictions as "simple minded" and "ignorant" and call it "enlightenment."

However, if anyone uses this facility to honor GOD and to ask HIM to Bless this event with safety and good sportsmanship, then Federal Case Law is violated.

And in conclusion:

Being gay is to be sexually perverted.
Safe sex apparently isn't safe.
God doesn't like "Mother Earth" getting all the praise.
Fundamental Christians are extremely deep and complex thinkers.
Public schools must apparently now listen to prayers if the principle happens to be Christian.

If you want to teach kids lies, try a catholic school.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

I am an atheist. I am not and would not be offended in the least hearing this announcement. I am offended at all the new age malarkey the principal cited as being introduced through the public schools. I experienced this first hand with my own children's public school educations. I consider twelve grades of "tree hugging happy talk and lame excuses for poor personal decisions" more of a societal threat than a few moments of communal thought and reflection at a ball game or the start of the school day. Stop choking on gnats while swallowing elephants people. Just my opinion.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Hemisphere]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:38 AM
The guy sounds simple minded.

can designate a school day as "Earth Day" and involve students in activities to worship religiously and praise the goddess "Mother Earth" and call it "ecology..

I don't know what Earth Day was in his day. However not it is just a day where people go clean up parks and recycle.

He doesn't have the right to spread anything religious in school. Nobody does. If someone wanted to blast a muslim call to prayer in the middle of the day, five times a day, I bet he'd do everything he could to stop it.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

A post script to that conclusion:

Being gay means being a part of a very small portion of the population and is just not the norm.

Sex was never safe, and a delusional attitude developed with the advent of penicillin, and that delusion found a rude awakening with the advent of AIDS, which was first labeled GRIDS, which stood for Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

God loves everyone, even Mother Earth.

Fundamental Christians are no less religious than the modern day "scientist" who thinks the scientific method is similar to the Catholic's use of the rhythm method, and they just pull out whenever their theory looks as if it might be falsified.

Public schools are a drain on public funds and should be scrapped altogether, that way no one has to be offended.

If I wanted to teach lies, I have several choices, among them, Catholic schools, or public schools. The difference is, the Catholic schools pay their own way.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by stonergeek
If this prayer before the game was a tradition, then the community had been part of it for many years. If no one was offended in their town, I see no problem with the prayer. Keep these issues state and local and let the People decide how they want to live their lives. The Federal government has no business here if no one's rights were violated.

If every one just prayed their own way and let others pray their own way, there would be peace.

So far, you're the ONLY one who appears to have a grasp on what the Constitution actually says, in spite of all the folks throwing it around THINKING they know what it says. My hat's off to you, and I only wish I'd been able to completely stud this post with stars!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by GummB

I don't go to your house and hand out papers to try an convince you to join my faith, all I ask is I get the same treatment in return.

You are certainly getting the same treatment you give in this site. Like attracts like, my brother...oops! That was probably a little too religious for you. Peace...oooops! Did it again.

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