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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by pazcat
Anyway, as I said I just saw my hometown mentioned and thought I'd see what I could find out.
Apologies if I have not really helped, but maybe their is something amongst that to work with.

Oh, but you HAVE helped - and thanks! I tracked down yet another, but tenuous, connection to a town in Indiana some time ago, and all but discarded it as a stolen e-mail address used by the Light folk as a throwaway just for a registation, hoping they couldn't be tracked by it. It was in connection with their assault on dcmb1490's blog.

Odd, the individual using that Indiana e-mail was posting from the UK - which is why I all but discarded it as stolen.

Yup, that piques my interest, since it was a "Light Worker" assault, and our man Bjorn is a light worker. The e-mail, however, was registered to female name. In any event, that assault was what sparked off this book,

In connection with the "trekkie" aspect, I note that Nitromaria said that Judy went by the name of "Mrs. Spock" on the website where she originally tracked Judy down.


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:43 AM
We on ATS have just had Andromedia who made half a dozen posts asking questions
ANSWERING NONE and has now vanished........... NOT BANNED.

Back in Club Conspiracy Gorgonzola came out in defense of Judy Faltskog went on to RANT
and ended up begging to get banned and still NOT ANSWERING any of the questions put to
her by Blue Angel disappears.......................NOT BANNED.

And Now RipVanWinkle pops up coming out in praise of Judy Faltskog as a benevolent
benefactor and coyly REFUSING to ANSWER basic questions (nothing which would appear
incriminating to any extent) and i suppose she too will disappear like a theif in the night and
again......................... WITHOUT BEING BARRED

NOW THERE'S AN MO or as Shakespere might say MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:51 AM
I'm an insufferable sort of lowlife, so I just HAD to do this as a response to good old RipvanWinkle.

Junior Member

Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4
Re: Controlled by CIA Disinformation Agents

BleuAngel, I was rather shocked to see that those ATS crazies are copying all our conversations on the ATS website.

Its directly copy-paste word for word everything what we write here!

Yeah, I did! You asked for it, you got it. Remember Judy or Judy clone, whichever the case may be, I've promised to make ya famous! You eat "fame" up, so why complain now? I know, I know, it's a drama thing...

Anyhow, I just HAD to do that "copy and paste" thing, per your request. Don't keel over in an apopleptic fit. Copy and paste can be such a pain in the ass, can't it? You know, like when it's used in a spam campaign to take a blog down... or when it records your own words where you can't get to them to erase your tracks, eh?

As BIAD observed, nice work-in of an early "we" to attempt "bonding" with BlueAngel. You have objections to Your claim of "Optical-Radio Telescopes" existing? If so, why did YOU put it out there to begin with, and if not, what are you complaining about? That's the ONLY part of your posts that was brought here prior to this post I'm responding to now.

Well, unless your other sock is "Gorgonzola", that is. I can understand your rant a bit better if that's the case.

It's gonna be painful when NONE of your claims or predictions of "imminent disclosure" from your videos materializes, isn't it? And we have your very own claims recorded right here for posterity...

Any how it seems they ran out of oomph and information on ATS and are using your website as a feeding ground to get information!

Meh. I already have plenty of "oomph" to work with, but damned little information - from you, that is. I've yet to get a straight answer to anything out of you. I'm mighty nigh certain at this point that you don't HAVE any straight answers! I'd be tickled pink if you would deign to provide ANY "information", but I bet that's not gonna happen - for either myself OR BlueAngel. I can't really "mine" CC for information or "feed at that trough" unless you PROVIDE some information, now can I?

We BOTH know that ain't gonna happen. That's what we call a "self-defeating" argument.

So I think lets feed the sicko pigs with any old # we can, they have shown to gulp everything down in a matter of seconds and then get the runs with their rantings and psycho speculations.

I must have scored a direct hit. Sounds like you're getting a bit hot under the collar there. What was it, the fact that I outed you and your tactics to BlueAngel - who seems quite capable of ferreting that out for herself anyhow - or the revelation that The Book exposing you and Wayne is already "out there", just waiting in the wings? Yup, you can try to make me disappear, but that book will NEVER be "disappeared" now! Life's a bitch when you suddenly realize just how short time is, and you STILL haven't accomplished your goals, isn't it?

BlueAngel judging on how everything we say here on CC are taken out of proportion over on ATS, I would rather not answer specific questions.

Yeah, I figured as much, and said so, right here:

On the positive side, BlueAngel IS asking some of the right questions of "RipVanWinkle" to debunk that story being told there. If that conversation continues, she ought to get around to the really interesting parts. I've got to tip my hat to her there. Any bets being placed on whether or not RipVanWinkle clams up and never responds?

Anyone who has been following this ought to be able to see right away that those questions are gonna get Rip's drawers ALL in a wad. Judy and Wayne don't much like the HARD questions - you know, the ones that have concrete answers that can be checked out!

In the predictive arena, as concerns this hoax, I've got a 100% success record - and that's a damn sight better than either you OR Blossom! I note, in that connection, your response to BlueAngel addressed NONE of her questions. You went off on a foam-flecked tirade, as usual, to try to cover that deficiency up.

But I am all for feeding time at the pig stigh.

That's "pig STY", not "stigh". If you're gonna call us dull, unimaginative, childish names, at least try to spell it right.

So... You're going to "release details" of this astounding new technology soon (after securing a patent, eh?), and "reveal full details" of the signal discovery soon, too, per your videos on you tube?

Yeah. I'll not hold my breath for THAT!

You've had EIGHT YEARS to get at least a patent application to the patent office, and haven't gotten ANYTHING done on it yet?

EIGHT YEARS? Really? Not even a patent application? I don't even look for a full patent, which you should have by now, but NOT EVEN AN APPLICATION? Employees of this "project" are splashing it all across the internet now, and a patent hasn't even been APPLIED for?

What if one of those "employees" steals the patent right out from under you? Don't you think you should have applied for one when you STARTED developing this magic technology, rather than waiting for it to go operational and discover your magic alien signal?

Yeah, I'm guessing that you've had a good bit of experience "feeding crap to pigs", and now you're trying to drag BlueAngel into the scam too? Good luck with that! I seriously doubt she's gonna bite. Whatever differences I may have with her, I don't think she's STUPID.

edit on 2010/11/30 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 12:11 PM
I think Blue Angel will discover that RipVanWinkle will squirm and
writhe in such a way, it will make Nick Clegg of the UK's Lib-Democrats
look like Doc Savage!

You won't get the evidence.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:32 PM

BleuAngel, I was rather shocked to see that those ATS crazies are copying all our
conversations on the ATS website.

RipVanWinkle, we're not 'ATS crazies' -as you put it and I find that offensive.
A few manners would not go amiss on the CC site.
But you are correct about cutting and pasting... except it seemed like a school
pupil reporting to a teacher.
edit on 30-11-2010 by A boy in a dress because: Left pig mask in Edit Room.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 06:49 PM
I swear this thread gets funnier every day.

Obviously RipvanWinkle is Judy just by looking at the name! Rip van Winkle... No kidding. We already knew that she had the Rip van Winkle thing done. Sounds like Judy's story. Also the VAN in there wasn't really a subtle touch.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:25 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SOME ONE IS LYING

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Portugoal
As ATS Info Agent suggested on CC, maybe Skeptic Overlord will create a debate forum so there can be a 1 v 1 debate between one of us CIA agents (neno?) and Judy.

I can't get either Wayne OR Judy to even respond directly to me ANYWHERE any more, in any sort of "informal" setting, so I doubt they'd agree to debate me in any sort of structured way. You've seen for yourself how, when the sox come marching in here, they will NEVER respond to me directly, even when I address them directly with pointed questions.

I dunno. Maybe it was the exchange I had with Wayne over at dcmb1490's blog, or maybe it was the exchange I had with "Rob". Maybe it was BOTH exchanges. They may have gotten a full course meal when they had that blog taken down in their dinky little cyber attack, but I at least got a sandwich out of their posteriors in the deal.

I'm thinking neither one is anxious to repeat that experience.

SHHH! is that knees I hear knocking together?

Judy we know by your comments as your 4765th alter ego RipVanWinkle that you are reviewing this post so post back on CC what you think.

Careful there... Rip might get all paranoid, and claim that you said they were being tracked somewhere in that comment. It's not all that far fetched - the claim has been made before, over almost the same precise statement!

We don't want to get THAT ball rolling again!

I leave you with this, given me by my CIA/NSA/MOSSAD/KGB/NKVD/NetIntelligence/MI5/MI6/INTERPOL/ETC. handlers:


This is the semi-official mascot of the Army of Darkness. The higher-ups at HQ thought this whole thing was so funny, they gave it to me and told me I HAD to post it...

...or else I might find myself sleeping with the fishes! You know how touchy those Sekrit Squirrel types can get!

edit on 2010/11/30 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by eletheia

I vote that they are BOTH lying, but that gets into a gray area. Since I believe they are both the SAME person, the same person as AnneH, Lady Sambucca, and several others that have come and gone here, and furthermore, that all of the above are none other than Judy, can it really be said that BOTH are lying, if in reality it's only ONE person?

"Yeah, you can say that, neno."
"No you CAN'T say that, neno! It makes no sense!"
"Yes you can!"
"No you can't!"
"Shaddup neno, afore I whomp you!"
"Ah neno, you take all the fun outta EVERYTHING!"

See? I can talk to myself every bit as well as Judy and iReport Wayne/john801 can!

Or is it a requirement that I agree with myself?

edit on 2010/11/30 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by Portugoal
Judy we know by your comments as your 4765th alter ego RipVanWinkle that you are reviewing this post so post back on CC what you think.

Careful there... Rip might get all paranoid, and claim that you said they were being tracked somewhere in that comment. It's not all that far fetched - the claim has been made before, over almost the same precise statement!

We don't want to get THAT ball rolling again!

I was thinking about it as I was typing and figured, well (Judy) Rip(ped her) Van Winkle has already said that we are giving a lot of attention to them over here so that kind of proves that Judy and all of Judy's personalities/alter-egos/disguises/agents review this thread. It can't have anything to do with tracking if he/she (ripvanwinkle) openly states that he's seen the thread and how much attention we give to his comments as soon as we post.

As for the debate, if Wayne and Judy always claim that we attack them, why not invite them to a 1 v 1 where all questions MUST be answered and all answers MUST be logical and respectful.
Just throw it out there... we know that they'll see this post so they are already aware of this proposal. Post the idea of a 1 v 1 debate and see what Ripper has to say (assuming he hasn't vanished like all the other Slim Shady's Judy has).
edit on 30-11-2010 by Portugoal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

I leave you with this, given me by my CIA/NSA/MOSSAD/KGB/NKVD/NetIntelligence/MI5/MI6/INTERPOL/ETC. handlers:


This is the semi-official mascot of the Army of Darkness. The higher-ups at HQ thought this whole thing was so funny, they gave it to me and told me I HAD to post it...

...or else I might find myself sleeping with the fishes! You know how touchy those Sekrit Squirrel types can get!

edit on 2010/11/30 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

I'm sure BIAD wouldn't mind creating a Logo for us incorporating this Squirrel. As I can imagine the logo, it will say Army of Darkness in an arc format, the squirrel under the arc, and under the squirrel in an anti-arc format it should read: "A division of the ATS Info Project" (playing on the ATS Info Agent

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:13 PM
sigh i wish this were real

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Portugoal
I swear this thread gets funnier every day

Obviously RipvanWinkle is Judy just by looking at the name! Rip van Winkle... No kidding. We already knew that she had the Rip van Winkle thing done. Sounds like Judy's story. Also the VAN in there wasn't really a subtle touch.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Portugoal

Oh well, okay... it's 4.15am here and I'm about to set off for work, but in my
afternoon, I will create a logo for this thread and hopefully all CIA/NSA.... blah-blah
agents will display it when respomnding on this thread.

It'll make it a little easier for the 'James Van Bond'-types to identify us and run to
tell Blue Angel.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Here is a model BIAD of our new logo:


This is what I can do in 2 minutes with Paint. Unfortunately I can't do much more in 12 hours with photoshop. Please make a nicer version so we can wear proudly (Heck I may just use the image and print t-shirts and ties with it if it gets done!)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by rabbigoldstein
sigh i wish this were real

Hi Rabbi, we all wish it was real!
But astounding claims calls for astounding evidence and in this case
there's been no evidence. Lies, innuendo and avoidance are the norm
for the claimers of this supposed UV signal discovery.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress

Originally posted by rabbigoldstein
sigh i wish this were real

Hi Rabbi, we all wish it was real!
But astounding claims calls for astounding evidence and in this case
there's been no evidence. Lies, innuendo and avoidance are the norm
for the claimers of this supposed UV signal discovery.

Actually you can look at it at a different angle: The fact that a Hoax has been exposed is VERY real!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Portugoal

That's great! May I ask where you had the pencil -when you drew it!!
Just kidding. I'll crash on with it a.s.a.p.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Portugoal
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Please make a nicer version so we can wear proudly (Heck I may just use the image and print t-shirts and ties with it if it gets done!)

Now that's the way to make money!! well done P.

Edit: Gotta go!
edit on 30-11-2010 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by rabbigoldstein
sigh i wish this were real

So did I. I had high hopes when I initially saw the thread title all those years - er, I mean months - ago. It was quite a let down, and I'm not sure what hoaxers don't understand about the ire they raise when their hoaxes are inevitably found out.

edit on 2010/11/30 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

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