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The British National Party (BNP) - What do they need to do to win your vote?

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posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by unicorn1

Quite scary when you put it like that?

But, I mean, Britain has repeatedly set up enclaves all over the world, so have others (Rome, etc..) sometimes really aggressively, but over time, it all seems to disappear?

Ultimately, ex-pat colonies, from whatever empire or group you care to mention, seem to either vanish or integrate, but you may need to hang around a few hundred years and witness some nasty disputes before it all settles down.

Just a thought.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 12:42 AM
Wow! A LOT of hatred towards the BNP who are a legitimate political party.

There is a lot of talk about how violent they are? This is normally met with the proposal of violence towards members of the BNP. I guess this is why the average person in the street wants to join but doesn't

Oh.......and as I recall... the British National Party have never carried out suicide attacks on buses and tubes trains killing innocent people, going about their business, of all colours and religious beliefs?

Nether have they rammed cars packed with gas bottles into the front of airports packed with innocent people?

I can't remember them planning to kidnap people, take them to a lock up garage in Birmingham and behead them on video?

I could go on and on, but maybe I'm just misguided about what's going on in the UK?

It would appear that the people who hate the BNP so passionately would do the things to its members which they accuse the BNP of doing to others?

All a little hypocritical don't you think?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 12:50 AM
To get my vote they would

a) have to get a new leader
b) drop the policy on capital punishment
c) drop the firearms policy
d) try and diversify the support away from knuckledraggers with tattoos
e) change their name
f) sack Mark Collet
g) pay me a lot of money

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by curioustype
reply to post by thoughtsfull

UK over-run by extremist Politically Correct, Health and Safety Anti-Risk litigation obsessed, EU shackled bureaucrats?

But I still can't take voting for BNP seriously?

I think you may be on to something there, I like the idea of locally driven cultural change, re-inventing ourselves as something entirely new, as opposed to whipping up some dodgy nationalism based on a desire for a return to a past that we will never realise and would hurt many more in the process of pursuing.

I agree with your sentiments, I think the extremes miss that each part of the UK have there own unique culture, traditions, and set of circumstances that drives local communities..

If anything we need to evolve our commuites, not drop into a gray corporate multi-culti pc world.. as the leader of the Hastings bonfire society said

"If we are not careful we will end up a nation of wonderfully preserved buildings, but with no customs and no soul.”

which I feel is a really important sentiment to bare in mind, so I do wonder what the BNP (or any other party) could bring to improve my local comunities..

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 02:17 AM
I think whatever your political leaning, NG was treated shamefully on Question Time - which was little more than a set up witch hunt.
They are a legitimate party - but with some big question marks over them. I would really like to see some proper debate. I know what people SAY makes them tick but I would like to see it for myself.
Unfortunately, since they are regarded as a racist party, some (in my view) legitimate comments can be tagged with racism.
In the meantime, the mainstream parties have to acknowledge that some of what they are saying has struck a chord with ordinary people - and that is the reason for their increasing popularity.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 02:32 AM
Whilst I fully respect the views of others in this thread, may I suggest that a few take off their rose coloured spectales, and take a real look at whats going on out there in GB. You ( no one in particular) may have it all rosey in your neck of the woods, but try living in other areas of the country, I believe you would change your mind very quickly. All I will suggest, is that you take a careful look at what is really happening.

Incidentally, I am not a member of BNP. Yet!

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by unicorn1

I to would like to see an open debate, but all such debates are controlled and contrived.. so in my personaly opinion it doesn't matter what party they are from, they are all scumbags (broad generalisation there, but one I feel holds some water)

NG was stitched up on QT, no question about it.. they want to marginalise the party and ignore the concerns of the people who vote BNP, they would do exactly the same to any party that rocks the status quo..

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:38 AM
i fully understand your argument and although i have to agree
there is a pretext to allow the needy in from suffering from which britiain in the past and the present has help create and sometime drive, of which i think is our duty but to allow immigration for the sake of it is disgusting and destroying the brit way of life
but i like you feel an anger; i was a military man for several years and sufferd a horrendous knee injury ending my service i was then beaten to near death by those against my service leading to a mental breakdown age 21 and for 5 years i could not work nor could i claim and state help now im back on my feet i can not claim help once again as i had not been working during my breakdown, for the last 5 years ive been looking for work thats a ten year gap, having applied for over 2000 jobs im yet to be successful, but i stand in line for jobs and state help and get refused whilst a man who has been here for a little time from irag or afgan gets all he needs and i think its time this country is fixed and if people want to call it extremism then they shall but i was willing to giv my life for this country even tho 4 family member where lost in irag and agan i can still receive nothing of help from the government, i cant affored my rent or bills nor can i eat dialy,
but yet im the racist due to my opinion that i should receive help above those who have only just arrived on my shores.
prisoners get better treatment then i and its seems i must break the law to receive some meals daily and healthcare, as i cant afford my prescription's in prison i would

i just hope this country gets its act together moves away from the eu and relace what was once the mighty great Britain

[edit on 3-12-2009 by Pleiadian-dan]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:45 AM
Come on people - see sense.

The BNP is a FASCIST party. We all remember what happened the last time fascists gained a modicum of power in Europe? The Holocaust happened, and life generally became difficult for everyone on earth. Fascism does not work - period.

I have actually MET BNP party members (MP's) and their supporters. I have not met anyone more ignorant and stupid than them in the political spectrum - not to mention that they are all dangerously fundamentalist in their religious beliefs.

A close second, right behind them is UKIP.

The BNP will never win in parliament, because people like me will die before letting fascists get into power. Unlike you lot, I have learned the lessons of the world wars.

I will admit however, that the way the BNP is being treated in terms of free speech and debate is unacceptable. They and their supporters have a right to speak up and make themselves look extremely stupid - we should not deny them that right as it sets a dangerous precedent.

I will also admit, that there are no useful choices in terms of voting options for the next election.

The Para.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:03 AM
Our last but one local election I DID vote BNP, but only to waste my vote.

Anyhoo back to the real crux, the BNP are nothing but a gang of racist thugs, their history proved it, their actions ARE proving it, they prey on uncertainty and disallusionment with current political systems.
I have read their manifesto , and actually agree with some of it as a lot of British people do, but they fall down in the retoric they spew on how they are going to achieve their goals.
You can't make Britain great again by kicking out all non whites, there are a lot of intelligent and useful non whites helping the country, if they really wanted to make a difference they need to get totally rid of the thugs and neanderthals in the party which includes its current leaders.
They need to be seen to appreciate the non white comunity , sorry not need to be seen, actually they have to SHOW they appreciate the non white community.
But with the current membership they have its an uphill struggle, one they will never achieve, the current membership is still stuck in the dark ages, god fearing Christians , hatemongering xenophobes.

In my opinion the other parties are no better.
Labour - once dependant on the working classes , now being abandoned in droves. now a spineless ,wimpering ,selfpitying group of self indulgent weiners.
Conservative - old has beens, self indulgent and want to return to a 2 tier class system , the rich and the poor no matter what they say.
Lib-Dem's - to focused on bending over and letting the PC brigade roger them senseless, to the detriment of the indigenous British population no matter the colour of their skin,"You can come over here and spew hate and try to make this country an Islamic country but thats ok we won't try to stop , after all , 'ITS YOUR RIGHT' "nonsense.
Green party - want to stop all forms of private transport by taxing the max out of it, introducing congestion charges , it would be a start to a dictatorship if the greens ever got in.
There are numerous others , even one being advertised here on ATS ( thenewparty) whilst ALL politicans will tell you what you want to hear they NEVER deliver, always flipflopping , " Oh we said that but legislation says we can't" , why didn't you say that in the first place then? " Oh we just wanted to make you believe we are here to help you".

ALL the parties will tell you something that you agree with, no matter how obscure, or confrontational , or even if YOU DO agree with somethings they say but in the end you never get what your promised.
ALL the parties have something you agree with, but theres no point voting for any of them, none are worth your time I suggest though reading ALL the manifestos they put up but IMO do not vote for any of the big 3 Labour, Cons , or LibDems, they only lie to sell themselves to you. IF a used car salesman offered you a ferrari for pennies you'd think something was wrong, politics is the same. All piss and wind but nothing of substance.
Waste your vote , deface or tear up your papers to show your displeasure.

The BNP only got their seat by people wasting their votes, but look at them , they are derided and scoffed at by the parliaments, they are not taken seriously, they may be taken more seriously if more people waste their votes at them, but I doubt it, they could win by a landslide but the old 3 L,C,LD would argue the case and demand a recount, the newspapers would go ballistic calling the country a racist bigotted country but look at the bright side, the illegal spongers would leave the UK like rats leaving the sinking ship and TBH ? it WOULD be a sinking ship.
Hitlers rise to power springs to mind kind of sinking ship.

Thats why I hate politics and politicians of all denominations

[edit on 3/12/09 by DataWraith]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
I personally would not be surprised if people in mi6 or something like that had organised this.

MI6 have better things to worry about and more significant responsibilities than creating violence at a football match

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:13 AM
The BNP would not get my vote due to many reasons. The main one being that they are based on being "Anti". Be that anti-muslim, anti-coloured or anti-immigrant. They are also ripe for being infiltrated by TPTB who will use their cause to incite violence.

I personally know some people who are "football casuals" and have joined and added the BNP marches and gatherings to their calendar of street violence.

We survive only if we stick together, alas the BNP are a tool to divide.


[edit on 3-12-2009 by captiva]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by BillyTheCat

- What would the British National Party have to do or change to get YOUR vote?
Drink poison on live TV. Something that would definitely prove fatal shortly after taking their parliamentary seat. Yeah, I'd vote for them then... & only then.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:02 AM
So where do we go from here? Is there anyone worth voting for?
The British public has been sold down the river. Just take Europe as an example. No referendum and even now you have to dig to get details of what the Lisbon treaty actually entails.
As for those poor underpaid politicians who need to get a second home because they live a whole mile or so away from work. Perhaps they would like to live on unemployment and have to consider jobs 30 miles away?
I would be interested to see what the true average wage is - in terms of what percentage of the population is on what.
Sorry going off topic. I would just like to know if there is any party which gives a damn about the average person.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:26 AM
The British National Party (BNP) - What do they need to do to win your vote?

To answer the original question, Not that i would vote for this party's mandate..
To honour the "Military covenant" that was promised to all serving and past serving Military personnel, In the covenant it states that all HM forces are entitled to be moved higher up the housing, NHS, employment lists,
Under the "duty of care" From the raining government of the time.. For their unselfish sacrifice in defending this country's interests....

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:27 AM
The Party system has failed us and is no more a democratic representation of British will than any other political system.

The parties are all a slightly different shade of each other.
Politicians are solely concerned with personal advancement and toeing the party line.
The cares and concerns of the constituents they are supposed to represent are irrelevant.

We need to abolish the party system and make MP's more accountable to their constituents.

We also need electoral and parliamentary reform aimed at devolving power to every seperate country in the UK whilst retaining a common foreign policy etc and giving more power and influence to the electorate.

As I have stated numerous times here on ATS, we need a modern day Cromwell, (free from religious bigotry), to rid us of these smug, self centred, corrupt bunch of politicians who currently believe they have a divine right to do completely as they please.

Apologies for going off topic.

Labour has openly admitted that their open door policy on immigration was/is aimed at xhanging the face British society.
For this alone Jack Straw in addition to Blair and Brown should be tried with treason.

Open door immigration is a genuine concern of the vast majority of Britsish people I know.
The dilution of British culture is a genuine concern.
The domination of Britain by the EU is a genuine concern.
The serial under funding of our forces is a genuine concern.
The withdrawal of our civil liberties and increased surveillance is a genuine concern.
The activities of the PC brigade are a genuine concern.
The perceived threat of Islamification of Britain is a genuine concern.

The list is endless and until a politician has the balls to stand up and start to try to address these issues then support for parties like the BNP will continue to grow.

Currently open and honest debate on most of these issues is strictly forbidden.

The UK is going down the pan rapidly and it breaks my heart!

[edit on 3/12/09 by Freeborn]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Freeborn your 6 points absolutely nailed it.
So is maybe voting Independent a way to go?
Or maybe set up a brand new Party?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Parallex
Come on people - see sense.

The BNP is a FASCIST party. We all remember what happened the last time fascists gained a modicum of power in Europe? The Holocaust happened, and life generally became difficult for everyone on earth. Fascism does not work - period.

I have actually MET BNP party members (MP's) and their supporters. I have not met anyone more ignorant and stupid than them in the political spectrum - not to mention that they are all dangerously fundamentalist in their religious beliefs.

A close second, right behind them is UKIP.

The BNP will never win in parliament, because people like me will die before letting fascists get into power. Unlike you lot, I have learned the lessons of the world wars.

I will admit however, that the way the BNP is being treated in terms of free speech and debate is unacceptable. They and their supporters have a right to speak up and make themselves look extremely stupid - we should not deny them that right as it sets a dangerous precedent.

I will also admit, that there are no useful choices in terms of voting options for the next election.

The Para.

Interesting when you say "people like me will die before letting fascists get into power"

Would this be the same situation in a political party that was predominantly Muslim gained power, or would they be OK in your books?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 06:05 AM
It never ceases to amaze me that some people are so vocal in their opposition to alleged 'fascist' parties etc yet remain so quiet and at times support far left wing groups.

Communism has been responsible for at least as many deaths as fascism.

Anyone like to question that?

So why the difference in attitude?

Hypocrisy and double standards!

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:07 AM
BNP have members that are nothing more than racist tw*ts

HOWEVER I do agree with the OP.

Now picture this I’m half Indian half Irish, not exactly what the BNP would like in England but I don’t care what they think.
Though they have valid points.

What i care about is my family on both sides have come to Britain and WORKED, PAID TAXES and have always tried to give back to the community whenever they could.

Whats happening here is a lot of immagrants coming in, not working and claiming benefits for children overseas, just in the news recently some somalian family was given a £1.3 million mansion because they had 8 kids. Now all be it they are from a war torn country or whatever but they thought that country was ok to bring 8 new lives into this world, if thats the case then they can live there too IMO!!!

But on the other hand, can you blame them? We are a soft touch, if i was them and knew i could come here and take the mickey, i would!!! And I know a lot of you would too its human nature.

Its the governments fault, it's like they are doing all this to eventually start a civil war between those who call themselves British (me) and the rest who want to take over.

No we should not introduce Sharia law, if Muslims come here they live by our countries laws or go back home!! If i was to ask for a Christian church to be built in Pakistan or afghan I would be shot there and then. But here we are too damn soft. (Not saying we should shoot anyone though)

If i was white i would be considered racist for saying what i think, another thing that really gets on my t*ts. A white man cannot comment on his own damn country without these fools shouting FASCIST. But when you see thing like the EDL march, who caused the trouble?? Was it these ex football hooligans? No it was the idiots on the other side of the arguments who kickoff at every march then have the stupidity to call BNP and EDL animals. They are just as bad.!!

I love MY country and i would DIE for MY QUEEN, i hate to see it in the state its in!!

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