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You are not an Alien sent to save me.

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Bluebelle
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

99% probability.. what evidence is that?

Go to my below. Click on "Evidence" ... have fun

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Bluebelle

Not at all. We're talking about a member of another civilization, who has apparantly no real goal and so spends their time posting on an internet forum, provides zero in the way of evidence and doesnt seem to intend to show us anything that would constitute as evidence. But still carries on posting and then gets frustrated when people dont believe him.

I missed that. Did he say he was Frustrated? Generally when one reads emotions into a post on the internet - - they are injecting there own emotions.

Evidence: short of landing a craft on the White House lawn and greeting the President. Any evidence presented - would not be believed.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Bluebelle

Nope, Gates is human... He is a good programmer.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Majiq
reply to post by Bluebelle

Nope, Gates is human... He is a good programmer.

And Queen of England is a non-human. She is a good shape-shifting Reptilian.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:08 PM
Wow, this is going to be a long one lol

Firstly, what i want to say is that i truly believe that extra dimensional beings exist. However, the language used there waters down and almost makes their manifestation PC in terms of the language, that has the function of taking away the true identity of these "stand ins" etc.

Truth is, "extra terrestrial" does not mean that they come from our reality, and i am reticent in saying this, but the prince of the power of the air has tried to stay "relevent" in these end times, going along with the law of sin that states that; "you need to change, change or die." In other words your free will to "not change" is taken away.. We are made in G-ds image, Our G-d who NEVER changes, being sidelined by a people who have been decieved by entities who reject G-d, and accept doctrines of demons, who change to conform to their world view, thus every action is permissable, because we are descended from animals, and morality therefore is a mere socialogical construct. So, we can do what we like.. Even though that through our self will comes enslavement to addictions, and our unfettedness destroys us. As is evident today...

Can you deny that our so called freedom is bringing us to ruin and death? Just because something FEELS good, does not make it right!

Enslavement, and our idea of freedom goes hand in hand. In the end of the day, the only true freedom is to love without condition or reward. To accept those made in G-ds image unconditionally, and without expectations.

Truth is, we all place expectations on our friends and family. But "expectation" is a dead word, past tense, and sets rules, hense sets limits on friends and family. E.g:

You are in starbucks "expecting" your friend to appear, they dont so you are hurt because the rule of expecting, unsaid rules, have been broken. However, if you live in "expectancy" then you wont be let down because you love that person and there is the future hope of a coffee with them!

Real freedom comes from loving without rules and expectations. That is what Messiah Yeshua taught (jesus). It is very hard to do that! lol, but mannn, aftera true encounter with the Holy Spirit, it is soooo easy lol and not not something you have to pay a pastor for, or go to tibet, or be "abducted" (which is a hostile act that takes away your will to "not be")

In the end of the day, these so called advanced races just appear, then go. TO FOOL YOU. Why would they come all of this way to disprove G=ds Word? To say stuff we already know? To lead you away from the truth!

Surely if they were soo great, mere token gestures of passing info to people that are not the main players on the planet would be given to those that are? Its yet another lie......

There is a war on, a war for your soul, and every trick is played out, and the message changes to missinform us, but the truth doesnt change, ever! The truth doesnt have to change and is even more relevant than attempts of relevancy. TRUTH IS ETERNAL....

G-d loves you.. He proved it on the cross... That message has not changed.. And wont.. It is always relevent!!!

Just do not let yourself be decieved otherwise, beacuse G-ds unchanging character is what stands between the living and the dead...

[edit on 073030p://f21Thursday by Selahobed]

[edit on 073030p://f24Thursday by Selahobed]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Annee

Yes he did say that. I stated earlier that 'prove Im not an alien' was a poor argument and he stated that that was used out of frustration.
Im the complete opposite of frustrated, this guy isnt quoting bible verses at me or typing in a illiterate manner so Im a happy camper

And maybe it wouldnt take a UFO parking up at the white house and aliens getting out and high fiving obama if the subject didnt attract so many crazies making wild claims with nothing to back them up with.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Selahobed

Interesting. While I do believe the one named Jesus (among other names) was an evolved energy being sent to earth to help human spiritually evolve - - - I do not support the man made religion/politics that hijacked his name.

I also believe evolved energy beings continue to be sent and are amongst us both in physical and non-physical energy.

Thought is energy. Thought creates. You are your thoughts. Every thought is an action.


But as I used one belief against another to make a point. It was not my intent to turn this into a religious discussion.

Since no one has yet defined Alien - - I will. That which originates from off planet or another dimension.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by Bluebelle
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

99% probability.. what evidence is that?

Go to my below. Click on "Evidence" ... have fun

Etharzi od Oma

Looked over it a bit, and still think you are full of it, but am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for a moment, and say that I would be willing to pay for DNA analysis at VCU where I live if it proves that you are not human. If though, it shows that you are of normal ol' generic human stock, you are stuck with the bill.

Also the three samples are fine as long as at least one is taken on site by the doctor, marked and tested individually. I am not a rich man by any stretch, but I do own my own home, and have a few credit cards with pretty good limits. If this proves that you are indeed not human then it will be worth the cost.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by Selahobed

Interesting. While I do believe the one named Jesus (among other names) was an evolved energy being sent to earth to help human spiritually evolve - - - I do not support the man made religion/politics that hijacked his name.

I could possibly go for this if someone could give me some sort of historical evidence that Jesus ever existed outside of man's imagination.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Annee

Sorry, i was in the middle of editing my last to reply to you...

"Energy/information, in a closed system (the universe) cannot be created or destroyed, but is transformed from one form to another" and one place to another....

The Book of Life has been written, do not allow youeself to be blotted out of it. Only that which lasts forever is eternal, new ideas are just that, and try to conform with today, however, relevency is a missnomer because only the eternal lasts forever, and infinity does not exist in our universe for there are set limits on size, time etc, so do not be decieved!

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:43 PM
Ok, i just could not stay away. Had some personal connect with the issues. Less important than good discussion. Things to share are more critical.

One thing is that most do not seem to understand what the implications of what alien species means. Most might think of them as being on other planets, traveling here by superluminal propulsion (warp drive), with varied biology's like StarTrek aliens except maybe not all speaking English. Actually there are those. But it only begins there.

Let me give everyone the context that comes with higher thinking on the subject.

First of all, we as a species are likely a combination of many visiting species. So we are most of us in some way, alien. Also hybrid and engineered. But that is all just a thin film layer in an infinitely layered cake.

Some of what you would call alien, are dimensionally separated beings. Their context so different that just to be in their presence implies a reality most humans cannot resolve. Mothman comes to mind. People whom saw this being had complete breakdowns. Killed themselves to escape the ontological pain they could not forget, that undermined their very sense of what was real. That being was from a world/reality where time was not linear, or one way. Imagine seeing something without a context of time.

To understand this concept, people whom used psychoactive, or what is incorrectly termed hallucinogens would commonly be thrust into alternate "tunings" of reality. Some would go nuts for days. Some institutionalized. Other recovered naturally when the changes to their neurochemistry re-balanced. But imagine a "bad trip" as they used to call it, that did not end. Essentially, if you are in a normal state and are presented with such, if you cannot deal with it, re-adjust your description of reality, you take damage. Welcome to the pharmacological management world of Lithium and other such primitive and damaging chemical treatments.

Some have natural fusible links that snap before the damage can become permanent. Like a fuse protecting a light bulb from too much voltage. Like a trauma that is too painful and is hidden from the experiencer. It happens constantly. Now you have a little hint to how vulnerable our organism is.

Now, imagine that everything you think you know and see, hear and experience, including your emotion and anger and memories are in a very narrow band of the real reality.

Our eyes see only a spread of spectral between infrared and ultraviolet. But the spectra go on to radio, gamma and beyond to the infinite, and ultraviolet and maybe into other dimensions like a string linking them all. So, knowing this through our primitive science, just learning about possibly infinite realities and dimensions co-existing in our own space, you get an idea of how all we see is almost insignificant. If it wasent all we loved and needed.

I'm not trying to blow your mind remember, but now you have a context of understanding to take the next step.

We are like crystal set radios, set at specific bandwidths. We can transmit and receive, but only in the narrow band we are familiar with. Some however, humans or alien, of sufficient discipline and knowledge can travel freely beyond. But that is another area, and I am sure your eyes are glazing over already. (I loose people often.)

For now I will say, that whatever you are thinking an alien is, is likely way wrong. Why?

These beings, like I stated come from completely different "spectra", where some have many times the "bandwidth" we do. In their world, telepathy is normal, but emotions are rare, or vice-versa. Some use technologies that can only operate in our universe because our universe is a smaller component of their own. Others experience time differently, in lifetimes of thousands of years, in reverse?, others have to slow down to interact with us.

Their technologies are just as varied. There is no way to understand some of these events of contact. Some are from worlds/realities where machines are self aware and advanced as a species. They come here as mechanical beings, not biological. Some are in energetic forms. Plasmas or ghostlike. I could go on. Read the reports. Especially the unbelievable ones and consider them.

Their languages, cultures, technologies, history, knowledge in most cases are beyond our imagination. Unless we make a living at understanding such. That is partly what some of us do. The challenge is to explain to others, who are still only experienced in the narrow bands. Help them out, and empower them to take the information without being damaged by it.

The concept alone of aliens is so far beyond the StarTrek reality we where programmed with, to have actually inhibited our understanding. That is why it will take so long to explain. first you need to know what it is you think reality is, to find out what it really is.


And that's just one!

By the way. You cannot prove someone is an alien here. But elsewhere it might be possible. Science does not have a way to prove anything, they have found.

Now they (scientists and researchers) are starting the studies they wanted to back in the 1920-40's that they where compelled to abandon due to wars and the atomic weapons development. What Niels Boar, Einstein and others of their day wanted to study was "Consciousness". What they found blew them away. Now that will be the most advancing study of our species. Today, finally beginning in earnest.

Keep your ears on and your mind open when talking or discovering within this subject of aliens. The more you know, the less you find you understand. Just be ready to experience wonder.

I can answer questions, but I am not an alien. I just have some insight and some experience, most of which I cannot give reference.


[edit on 11/20/2009 by ZeroGhost]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Selahobed
reply to post by Annee

Sorry, i was in the middle of editing my last to reply to you...

"Energy/information, in a closed system (the universe) cannot be created or destroyed, but is transformed from one form to another" and one place to another....

The Book of Life has been written, do not allow youeself to be blotted out of it. Only that which lasts forever is eternal, new ideas are just that, and try to conform with today, however, relevency is a missnomer because only the eternal lasts forever, and infinity does not exist in our universe for there are set limits on size, time etc, so do not be decieved!

I think we are very close in the general overall idea of our beliefs.

One with the Creator - - it is his "story".

Jesus/Bible/Christian - - - been there done that - - - evolved by choice.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Majiq

There is as much historical evidence about Yeshua as there is about julius ceaser etc, however, that evidence pales into comparison in terms of lives changed... I have seen it... Lived it.. Its real... Free... All you have to do accept it....

Just pray.. What have you got to loose? And if nothing happens, then you have your answer...

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Majiq

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by Selahobed

Interesting. While I do believe the one named Jesus (among other names) was an evolved energy being sent to earth to help human spiritually evolve - - - I do not support the man made religion/politics that hijacked his name.

I could possibly go for this if someone could give me some sort of historical evidence that Jesus ever existed outside of man's imagination.

What's in a name?

In my opinion it is a repeated scenario from the beginnings of earth - which continues today. In many forms and levels of involvement.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Selahobed
reply to post by Majiq

There is as much historical evidence about Yeshua as there is about julius ceaser etc, however, that evidence pales into comparison in terms of lives changed... I have seen it... Lived it.. Its real... Free... All you have to do accept it....

Just pray.. What have you got to loose? And if nothing happens, then you have your answer...

What historical evidence of Yeshua in his time?

I share my energy thoughts with the universe (a type of praying I suppose)

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Selahobed

Ohhh.... You're so Clever I didn't even feel like Reading that whole Thing. It looked Pretty as well. So I think You Belong Way up There. Of course, that is Only my Opinion. I leave that Decision up to Poppa SoL.

Good Fortune to YOu and Urs

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by Bluebelle
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

99% probability.. what evidence is that?

Go to my below. Click on "Evidence" ... have fun

Etharzi od Oma

Okay, well with regards to the matrixes... I know literally nothing about them, so how have you decided that the words on horizontal lines are referring to you?
I find it a little odd that there's some pretty serious 'do not escape' & a possible task... followed by your pets name. Its a bit like Jesus doing the business with the water to wine stuff, and then mentioning that earlier in the day he'd purchased a lovely pair of sandals from the market. Makes no sense to include something important followed by something so trivial.

The DNA section bothers me. Mainly because I think you know full well that your non-negotiable conditions will not all be met..

2. The process takes a decent amount of time to complete, especially if you'd be wanting a serious, in depth analysis. I dont think any reputable lab would allow you access to the areas where they do the testing purely because you're a little paranoid (probably rightly so, but still) of someone tampering with the samples.
3. You seriously will not in a million years get 3 highly respected people in these fields that will be willing to watch over this process with you. Maybe if your dna was tested and was shown not to be human you'd recieve some interest from those types of people. But you certainly wont get any before that happens.
4. These samples provided by you.. do you mean basically them taking 2 extra samples at different times.. or you collecting these samples and then providing the lab with them?
5. Its more than a little optimistic to expect someone to pay all fees for this, would you not even contribute a portion of the fee's?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Hehe.. no problems mate!

The old "You fear the truth" speech is just a strawman.. like many of the other rebuttals.

You just have to laugh at the end of the day and thank the universe you were born with all wheels on your wagon!


posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Annee

Just one site, but in the end of the day G-d knows who are His, and the wheat must grow with the chaff... Accept or reject, i wont love you any less


Why would it matter any way?

That IS the question... Another theread is needed for that!... But you tell me!

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Selahobed

As far as I know - any reference to Jesus by Flavius Josephus.

Has been discredited.

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