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Social workers remove new-born baby from obese mother

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posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by gandhi

did you see the pic? she doesn't look fat, she looks big, as in big framed.

i remember when the military use to base their weight charts on physical weight and neck measurements. guys like arnold schwartzneggar were told to lose weight because their necks were too big, or they weighed too much from big bones and body weight disturbution. none of those people in that photo of the family look obese. i think the standards for obesity have been set unrealistically for most of the people on the planet.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Ulala

They are overweight (not even as big as some I've seen with kids), but since when is that a crime? What about smoking? Should we remove children from the homes of parents that smoke? What about drinking wine with dinner? Some kids may grow up to be alcoholics just by watching their parents? Or how about the overly religious? Should we take their kids away? Or parents who have low IQs and smart kids?

And why, when we look at all the governmental FUBARS like the Iraq War, the global economic meltdown, the environmental destruction, etc do we feel the government knows what its doing and would be a better caretaker for the child?

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:08 PM
im 25 and weigh 200 lbs. but i dont have a functioning thyroid. This family just seems to be unhealthy. i have 3 kids and can barley keep up with them. icouldnt imagine being 133lbs and having 6 kids. The state made a sound judgement call. My children are actually all very healthy and normal weight. I think the state saw dangerous patterns of behaviors forming in the kids that are reinforced the parents eating habits.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by celticdragon23
im 25 and weigh 200 lbs. but i dont have a functioning thyroid. This family just seems to be unhealthy. i have 3 kids and can barley keep up with them. icouldnt imagine being 133lbs and having 6 kids. The state made a sound judgement call. My children are actually all very healthy and normal weight. I think the state saw dangerous patterns of behaviors forming in the kids that are reinforced the parents eating habits.

Yes, but where does it stop? How about too much television? Too much playstation? Or even what about the kids that are skinny but not eating the right foods because their metabolism's are high? What about kids with asthma in homes with smokers? Or kids with sinus conditions in homes with smokers? What about the kids whose parents are away on business too much, or only see them between 6:30 and 8:30 each night because of their jobs? These things are not good for kids either.

This is too much power and authority for the state to have, and it is using it selectively.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by celticdragon23

Egads, he's "fat"! let's take his kids away and his grandkids too.

i'm ashamed that people are this freaked out about fat. many people carry extra weight naturally, as a part of the genetic make up. there's literally nothing wrong with them.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
Whose wellbeing are we considering in this question?

the mothers?

The children?

Personally, i think the children will be better off in a foster home where they can be taken care of and cared for.

It's very apparent that this woman has no regard for health or well being...or contraceptives.

It's a simple fact: Some people should not breed.

Should the state control that? No. Because if you allow them to weed out the's only a matter of time before they're allowed to define what "idiot" is and come after everyone.

So it's a double edged sword for me...i think they did the right thing in this case...but i certainly don't want it to happen to me. (not that i have to worry...i don't match any of the traits of this "obese" woman)

Not only is this statement something that alludes to powers I have not given any government official but is completely ignorant. I'd rather have her weight and compassion for others than be a model citizen in appearance and have your insight. Just so you know.

Women don't get to choose conceptional issues short of sterizlization, and that should not be their only sure bet. The pill is 50%, for the ones who can continue to take it safely, it causes so many health problems and pre stroke symptoms in the others they have to go off, including unbearable migraines. I had to go off the pill and tried numerous times to go back on the newere latest variety the doctors thought would work, only to have the migraines hit again and have to get my mother over and go to sleep on all my chidren for 6-8 hours because only sleep took it away.

You know nothing and have closed the doors on listening to others, learning from them and meeting their needs. That is what life is about, helping others, respecting them, meeting their needs and concerns and listening. Not dictating. Some ppl do this on their own, while others just naturally dont have nice hearts.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:44 PM
*insert mega sarcasm* Another example of the nanny state, we can't handle our own lives, so we need bureaucrats to run them for us. Pretty soon, we'll all be plugged into machines that do everything for us from breathing to eating, ahhhh, that will be the day, where we can be so lazy we don't have to live anymore. Eat your heart out Homer Simpson!

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by undo
a few "fat" people -- let's see ya take their kids away...

Aretha Franklin
Luciano Pavarotti
Orson Welles
James Earl Jones
Pope John XXIII
President Ulysses S. Grant
Winston Churchill
Santa Claus
Marlon Brando
Michael Moore
All the King Henrys

what happened was, the family in that article were fat AND poor.
that's what happens when you're both, apparently.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by undo]

You forgot Moocowman in your list , by the way I'm pretty poor so I'm well qualified for the bastards to knock on my door.

James Earl Jones ???? Come on mate no one messes with Darth Vader however much lard he's carrying.

You hit the nail on the head "Fat and poor" and no doubt of equally poor education.

If your a celebrity and obese, then your cuddly or jolly, if your poor and obese then your a greedy fat bastard that shouldn't take up 2 seats on the bus or have kids.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:50 PM
oh look, she has a double chin. call the police.

poor kid, his parents should be ashamed he's chubby. :/

wtfreak people?

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:07 PM
If the kids had developed actual health problems due to their weight or had behaviour problems to their nurture, fair enough remove the kids to fix the problem.

However, in this country we can see an increasing trend, by the state, to remove primary socialisation from the parents. This is big brother Britain (I can't say great) and it can only get worse. We have not been paying any attention to the orwellian state creeping up on us.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:10 PM
Originally posted by crimvelvet

At least here in the USA the GOVERNMENT is the CAUSE of obesity.


What - you're kidding right?

The US is responsible for everyone here being over-weight, that happens to be?

That's an ignorant - blanket statement with zero validity.

NO ONE is responsible for how many times an American bends that elbow to shove something in their mouths. Nor does the government make your food choices for you.

This is all about free will on the part of the obese individual. Americans have both the will and the RIGHT to be just as big as they choose. However, the government doesnt have ANY control in this issue. And I can't let your post slide leaving others thinking the US controls our intake or what we intake. NOT true. To state that is simply an untruth I cant let slide.

The government doesn't control your food choices or your portions. We as individuals choose what we eat and how much. Period.

Stop bending those elbows and amazing things will happen! But rest assured, the US doesnt give two shakes what I, or you eat today... or how much. In fact, if I were hungry and needed food - it would be a great process to make that happen and it probably wouldnt come into fruition in a day.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:17 PM
What about obese social workers who smoke? They steal babies under the speculation that there 'might be abuse'. these folks committed the ultimate crime... contempt of a social worker. SS workers are narcissistic, self righteous, condescendending excuses for human beings. They only listen to what they want to hear & make up the rest for their own benefit. In a certain small town in Colorado, they get BIG bonuses for pimping out NON ABUSED kids to child collectors (foster homes). Anyways, corrupt judges, attorneys (the cps lawyer in my case is a card carrying NAMBLA member!), guardian ad litems, caseworkers, colluding actors, such as quack psychologists paid by cps, substance counselors, and a whole buncha other @$$holes who profit off of other peoples misery!
God bless this family. CPS are a very real danger & we are moving closer to a nanny state throughout the western world.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by moocowman

Originally posted by undo
a few "fat" people -- let's see ya take their kids away...

Aretha Franklin
Luciano Pavarotti
Orson Welles
James Earl Jones
Pope John XXIII
President Ulysses S. Grant
Winston Churchill
Santa Claus
Marlon Brando
Michael Moore
All the King Henrys

what happened was, the family in that article were fat AND poor.
that's what happens when you're both, apparently.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by undo]

You forgot Moocowman in your list , by the way I'm pretty poor so I'm well qualified for the bastards to knock on my door.

James Earl Jones ???? Come on mate no one messes with Darth Vader however much lard he's carrying.

You hit the nail on the head "Fat and poor" and no doubt of equally poor education.

If your a celebrity and obese, then your cuddly or jolly, if your poor and obese then your a greedy fat bastard that shouldn't take up 2 seats on the bus or have kids.

Exactmundo! Things are different if you have money or are famous. Bill Clinton was a lardass for a while, and he got to be president. This is completely ridiculous. Yes, parents set examples for kids, and yes, most parents fall short of perfect, but the real question on my mind is: does everyone love each other? The picture of them all holding hands from the back showed me a family, not a disjointed group of individuals.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by moocowman


hey vader was human. sheesh. everybody hates a hybrid

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by spellbound
I don't think a woman of that size could possibly be a good mother, purely from a physical point of view. She probably can hardly heave herself around the house, let alone chase toddlers.

And is there just one father? I cannot believe there is even one man who would want to mate with a woman that size, unless he is pretty weird. OK, that is a sexist and fattist remark - sorry, I am trying to cope with reality here.

A lot of fat people get around a lot better than you think.I put a leash on
my grandson because I can't run.
About mating with a fat woman...Haven't you heard that the more cushion,
the less pushin?

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 04:11 PM
With an obsession for being slim,a lot of people develope eatting
disorders and self image issues.I would rather be fat and healthy,
then skinny and sickly.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by berenike

You're welcome berenike. It seems there is always more to the story.
I was also going to mention in that post but forgot, was that it seems these parents are very caring. They were having problems and reached out to these people for help for a child with behavioural problems.

It seems to me they just have incredibly low self-esteem and are being persecuted because they are an easy target that won't fight back.

Sad story all around. Hate to think what kind of eating disorders those kids are going to develop when they get older and remember what happened when they were kids. I can see a fear of eating at all, anorexia nervosa, in a few of them. Time will tell I guess.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
Sad story all around. Hate to think what kind of eating disorders those kids are going to develop when they get older and remember what happened when they were kids. I can see a fear of eating at all, anorexia nervosa, in a few of them. Time will tell I guess.

You could well be right. I keep imagining what those poor kids must be thinking, probably taking the blame on themselves as kids tend to do. Wishing they hadn't asked for that ice-cream or extra packet of biscuits.

And the parents, thinking back to all those shopping trips or outings where they might have decided to treat the kids to a bar of chocolate or bag of chips. How they must be regretting it now.

Even if the weight issue turns out to be thyroid-related, they'll probably still think back to every last mouthful they've ever eaten and wish it had been a stick of celery instead.

I don't know why this story has affected me so much. I read a lot of awful things in the newspapers. I think it is the injustice as much as the sadness of the situation that is so upsetting.

Plus, the helplessness of someone like me to make a difference for them. Unless the social services can be swayed by the weight of the press or a politician gets involved the family's lives will stay ruined.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by berenike

I don't know why this story has affected me so much. I read a lot of awful things in the newspapers. I think it is the injustice as much as the sadness of the situation that is so upsetting.

I feel the same way about this poor family.

I worked as a Nurse (I've been out of the profession for nearly 10 years as the stress really got to me). I have many friends still from those days and as you've probably noticed in your neck of the woods, there are quite a few Nurses who are big ladies.
But they are the most caring, nurturing, wonderful people you'd ever want to meet.
They also have children and there is no way I can correlate this story to them.
I could just not ever imagine their children would ever be taken away because of their size. The whole situation is absurd.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
reply to post by berenike

I don't know why this story has affected me so much. I read a lot of awful things in the newspapers. I think it is the injustice as much as the sadness of the situation that is so upsetting.

I feel the same way about this poor family.

I worked as a Nurse (I've been out of the profession for nearly 10 years as the stress really got to me). I have many friends still from those days and as you've probably noticed in your neck of the woods, there are quite a few Nurses who are big ladies.
But they are the most caring, nurturing, wonderful people you'd ever want to meet.
They also have children and there is no way I can correlate this story to them.
I could just not ever imagine their children would ever be taken away because of their size. The whole situation is absurd.

It is not absurd.

It is cold and heartless.

My daughter was abducted before, and I remember the fear of not ever seeing her again. To have your child taken away from you, no matter by whom, is sheer agony.

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