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Stock Up, This is Not a Test, Ominous Signals

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posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

to me the simplest explanation is usually the truth.

alex is a businesman. advertisers pay him based on the traffic his website grabs. more visitors, more ad revenue.

if this wasnt about money, alex wouldnt have hype - announced the biggest story to come tomorrow.. if he really was trying to inform the public of some impending event he would have told us right away.

instead he hucked the story like a true PT Barnum slick salesman. "Tune in tomorrow for the biggest story in my 14 years"

who wasnt going to tune in after that sales pitch ?

And to ensure maximum coverage and viral marketing, he "mistakenly" left out the disclaimer at the bottom of that fake interview. Oops sorry folks its there now. Of course the damage is done, the story went all over the internet and got a massive spike in traffic to visit

these theories that attempt to tie in the president's speech, swine flu, martial law, a nuke attack, iran, etc are just ridiculous.

this was about money, nothing more and nothing else. conspiracy buffs have short-term memories. in 3 weeks time another conspiracy story will rear its head and this will all be forgotten

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Could someone please explain to me where the supposed "hoax" in Alex Jone's radio show was?

In his address, he clearly states that Sheen had not met with the president. Therefore, it seems that people have made a determination on something that they truly wanted to believe, but somehow got let down. I watched it thoroughly to find out where this supposed hoax was. I think the word hoax gets used far to much on these ATS forums and it seems like a word that gets used to explain away something that someone else does not believe.

Regardless, I still make it a point to not entertain too much of this information because it decays clarity of thought.

Believe what you want, but, don't call someone else a hoax just because you fell for something hook, line, and sinker that clearly came with a disclaimer.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Youll need holy water
And a little bit of knowledge
Invocation to your holy guardian angel
The great evil around

God gave man dominion
Over fowls of the air and fish of the see
Justification of desecration
Who wrote this madness?

Get up, wake up!
Someones taking you for a ride
Get up, wake up!
Dark Forces

Theyre printing up money
That doesnt exist
Then watch the wealthy
As they cash their chips

Economys failed, start a war machine
Devoid of moral cause
As we witness the end
Of international laws

Get up, wake up!
Someones taking you for a ride
Get up, wake up!
Dark Forces

Im a inside man of the serpent clan
33 degrees Ill do as I please
Power for powers sake
A personal treasure trove
And two weeks off in Bohemian Grove

You wanna come?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by admriker444
reply to post by mopusvindictus

to me the simplest explanation is usually the truth.

alex is a businesman. advertisers pay him based on the traffic his website grabs. more visitors, more ad revenue.

if this wasnt about money, alex wouldnt have hype - announced the biggest story to come tomorrow.. if he really was trying to inform the public of some impending event he would have told us right away.

instead he hucked the story like a true PT Barnum slick salesman. "Tune in tomorrow for the biggest story in my 14 years"

who wasnt going to tune in after that sales pitch ?

And to ensure maximum coverage and viral marketing, he "mistakenly" left out the disclaimer at the bottom of that fake interview. Oops sorry folks its there now. Of course the damage is done, the story went all over the internet and got a massive spike in traffic to visit

these theories that attempt to tie in the president's speech, swine flu, martial law, a nuke attack, iran, etc are just ridiculous.

this was about money, nothing more and nothing else. conspiracy buffs have short-term memories. in 3 weeks time another conspiracy story will rear its head and this will all be forgotten

I'm sorry, but the 911 report was not the simplest explanation. I have no idea how far the rabbit hole goes down and don't pretend to, but, the poor attempt to explain why building 7 went down wasn't even addressed in the 911 report. If that qualifies to you as the simplest explanation, then I have beach front property in Hawaii that I want to sell to you sight unseen. Just send me about 1.8 million dollars and we'll take the rest from there.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by admriker444


money makes the world go around and anybody that is on a national radio show knows how to make it. simple as that. this is prolly the third thread ive seen today on this same subject. get off of it. at best, he was out to make some more money, at the least, he really did forget to put the disclaimer in (im goin for the former).

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry

Originally posted by admriker444
reply to post by mopusvindictus

to me the simplest explanation is usually the truth.

alex is a businesman. advertisers pay him based on the traffic his website grabs. more visitors, more ad revenue.

if this wasnt about money, alex wouldnt have hype - announced the biggest story to come tomorrow.. if he really was trying to inform the public of some impending event he would have told us right away.

instead he hucked the story like a true PT Barnum slick salesman. "Tune in tomorrow for the biggest story in my 14 years"

who wasnt going to tune in after that sales pitch ?

And to ensure maximum coverage and viral marketing, he "mistakenly" left out the disclaimer at the bottom of that fake interview. Oops sorry folks its there now. Of course the damage is done, the story went all over the internet and got a massive spike in traffic to visit

these theories that attempt to tie in the president's speech, swine flu, martial law, a nuke attack, iran, etc are just ridiculous.

this was about money, nothing more and nothing else. conspiracy buffs have short-term memories. in 3 weeks time another conspiracy story will rear its head and this will all be forgotten

I'm sorry, but the 911 report was not the simplest explanation. I have no idea how far the rabbit hole goes down and don't pretend to, but, the poor attempt to explain why building 7 went down wasn't even addressed in the 911 report. If that qualifies to you as the simplest explanation, then I have beach front property in Hawaii that I want to sell to you sight unseen. Just send me about 1.8 million dollars and we'll take the rest from there.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by EvolvedMinistry]

umm no idea why youre bringing up the 9-11 report or building 7. i was clearly referring to the charlie sheen / obama story.

of course that 9-11 report was garbage. you missunderstood what i was referring too. I was replying to the op original post on page 1. trying to tie in obama's speech to kids and everything else is no offense rather paranoid and dellusional.

alex hyped a story to sell ad space.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus
Regarding the current administration and Obama:......

How many times have you heard politicians make promises to get elected?.

How many of them actually do what they promise after they are elected?.

>And regarding the current fear-mongering:

-How many more times do we have to be duped before we learn our lesson,and start thinking for ourselves ?.

-Most of the issues being covered by the mainstream media are exaggerating meaningless details,and vague on real usable information.

IMHO,there are very few "good men or women",who are involved in politics,politics is a game which is played for profit,we are not the ones who benefit,they are.

We Just Pay.

Open your eyes,realise this,turn off your TV,nevermind what anyone else is doing or saying.........

None of it means anything until your life is being threatened directly,and then you only do what you have to in order to avoid being killed.

Why are people so stupid?,if you are worried stock up?,how about just common sense preparation?.

Common sense states you would already have reserves in place to deal with difficult times,yes?.

As far as school closing to keep kids from seeing his address,it is probably more racially motivated than anything else,Amerikka is one of the most bigoted countries on earth.

You probably disagree with the above statement,and you still have a right to at this time,but please look around yourself more closely,there is prejudice everywhere you look.

People look down on those who drive beater cars,homeless people,people on bicycles,people who are not expensively clothed,people who are walking down the road,people who appear poor,poor people,colored people,people who practice a different religion,people who talk different than themselves......on and on and on.......

All of the above are considered to be suspicious behaviour by the frightened little sheep also..

We are our own worst enemy,and that is why we find ourselves where we are.

We are our own worst enemy,and that is why we find ourselves where we are.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by chiponbothshoulders]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by whitewave

Some of us have nowhere to go.

Those words break my heart.

Those are not the words America was built on.

People are so scared to even talk to their neighbors now when neighbors used to ban together for anything and everything, the good times and the bad.

The Nation isn’t even a shadow of the Nation the Founding Fathers envisioned but you all can change that one household at a time!

People - get together - any way you can - any how you can.

Make sure good people like this HAVE SOMEWHERE TO GO!

There's got to be a way for people to get together... NOW - not later.

Please people, do something... One day you'll be the neighbor in need (I hope not but you see what I'm saying)...

S&F Mopus... Most excellent thread.


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Mopus, this is a scary thread coming from you!

Always the optimist, and now you are concerned, so a paranoid guy like me ought to be very very concerned!

I have told all of my family, that we will be prepared in every way possible, and if we make it through December unscathed, I will start relaxing and looking to the future more!

In never hurts to be prepared, or over prepared, and the times we live in are truly historic, so I don't believe it is paranoia! It may just be a transition into the next age, but there is no doubt something is afoot! Since we didn't live during the Dark Ages, or the Enlightenment, or the Industrial Revolution, then we don't really know if this unusual Energy and Chatter is normal or not, so I am hoping for the best and preparing for the worst!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

It is my feeling that the swine flu launched too early this fall. It is already running free in Washington state, people all around me are getting sick. (I'm not at WSU, but on the other side of the state). It's not that bad of a bug but the schools are becoming aware it's here.

My point is, government is worried, the bug came on too quickly. No need for the vaccine if everyone has already been sick. They are wondering what they are going to do now.......

Just my two cents.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:04 PM
As far as people getting together to make change.....

Good luck!,too many people are too scared to get anything more than superficially involved with strangers for the most part.

afraid to breathe others air,now that this swine flu stuff is out there everywhere you look.

Swine flu?,When Pigs Fly.....get it?,this may just be the biggest joke the MSM has ever played on us to further an agenda for the PTB.

We are divided and conquered.

That is the true creator of the fear you feel now.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:08 PM
A lot of people are getting sick,for no other reason than they are convinced that they will because of all of the propaganda telling them that they are going to.

I would bet they would feel much better if they just stopped reading and listening to the propaganda.

If enough people think the same thing,it usually tends to manifest itself.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:12 PM
My opinion, it's never a bad time to stock up.

So now is a good time.

We buy by the case, date the items and then use the oldest first.

It's just the way we live.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:23 PM
The fear of contracting a dread disease from being in close proximity to other people would be the perfect way of keeping people apart.

Keeping people apart is the perfect way of making sure they don't combine forces to get anything done.

...And making public gathering illegal due to national health emergency,gee,how much easier could it be?....

With an economy being gang raped by governments and corporations and banks,this flu propaganda would be beneficial to those doing the raping.

Piontless wars being waged for profit.

Your kids coming home in shiny metal boxes.....

Your 401K evaporating.

Your home being foreclosed upon...

Your job going away....

I know it's twisted,but think about it.

Control through fear.

It's classic.




How one reacts to fear,depends upon what they fear the most.

Thinking outside the box is scary,but not very.

Disregard priorities and think outside the box.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by chiponbothshoulders]

[edit on 9-9-2009 by chiponbothshoulders]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:03 PM
It is interesting how many "sky is falling" threads we see here. They pile on daily and yet we are still here with new threads of doom on their way for tomorrow. It is a crazy world!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:08 PM
Great thread!!

I agree about the timing. My guess is 2010 or sooner and I'm not talking about the flu.

I am somewhat torn. My new home was built in november 2008, I live rural, I also have 5 huge bug out bags ready and all survival gear. I know there will be a day I will leave my new home and head to a cave for survival.

I think most ATSers feel there is something in the air. The more prepared we can get the better off we'll be and less dependent on any government help or relcocation services!

The revolution hasnt even began yet. Crime will be rampant. Those who dont own guns should get some wrist rockets, baseball bats or anything to protect your family.

I have my own survival thread and lists most things to buy and have handy. It's here How to keep your butt alive

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:10 PM
TPTB are the ones who have turned a relatively mild swine flu into a major crisis. Now with all the words to stay at home should you have the slight case of the sniffles, businesses are getting well and truly screwed over which can only have a further negative affect on the economic crisis. At my work alone, there are 5 of us in the office and all 5 of us are off sick. One, is truly very ill with what I think is highly likely to be swine flu, given the symptoms. I, myself, have incredible mild symptoms that are likened to hers and would be fine to work but I am still off sick due to all the fear mongering, as one of my other colleagues is pregnant and I don't want to risk infecting her. I can't speak for the other three but from what I've heard, they aren't hit that hard. Even my other half is off sick with bad aches and a mild temperature.

Now would be a perfect time for us to be hit by something major because everyones panic is being swallowed up by a so-called pandemic. (Yeah, I know I'm contributing to it with my time off but I'm not going to turn down time off when it's pushed on me by my bosses.)

There's a lot of scary stuff going on at the moment, if you can pull your head out of the WHO's # to realise it, which too few people are actually doing. But then, I guess we can always find reasons to justify our sense of foreboding.

Just to add another imaginary scenerio to the paranoia, if anything were to happen to our 'leaders' whilst we are in a grip of a pandemic, it'd be the perfect excuse for the UN to take over rather than letting our vice-Presidents/Prime Minister adopt their new role.

Wow, I'm just going round in circles with this post. But yeah, it never hurts to be prepared.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Brandyfro

I agree! I also live in Washington State and the doctors are say it's peaking. My guess it will be over before the october swine flu shots get here. I'm also torn on that nasty vaccine.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:14 PM
The lead post in this thread is attempting to get a handle on a phenomenom that has been ongoing for a while. there is a collective consciousness thing going on in society right now. Everyone is sensing the same thing. yes, it is real, and what everyone is sensing is going to happen. That feeling everone is having is no coincidence.

In any era of time, the public at large always has had warnings of what is to come, in one form or another. We are getting our warnings now. Nothing the government does is by accident. You need to look at the big picture.

Obama hasn't changed really much of any previous policies of Bush. There is a reason for that. The reason for that is they both play for the same team. They are both being told what to do by a ruling elite, the proverbial PTB. It's the only sensible answer. Different techniques, different parties, same end result.

Everyone needs to get over the idea of a two party system. Why do you think nothing ever really changes?? Both parties are controlled by the same elite power structure. Why do you think we aren't out of Iraq? why do you think the patriot Act hasn't been repealed?? The policies that Bush #2 started, Obama is continuing with. Different political parties, same end result. Obama is an NWO puppet just like Clinton, Bush#1, and Bush #2. the results speak for themselves. The parties argue among themselves, but the only time something gets done, is when the PTB tell them to get it done, the way the PTB want it to get done.

Another point. The government knows a lot more than they let on about what is going to happen soon. The attempts by the government to educate people about preventing the spread of contagions is some of the same methods of preventing other biological contagions that could be used against the US in a terror attack. They aren't doing this education just for H1N1. They know what's coming.

Another point to remember. Watch what happens in the middle east. If Israel does a pre-emptive attack against Iran, it's game on all over the place. This could be the start of the BIG one, and Washington knows that.

Right now, there are a lot of smoldering embers waiting to start a big fire, more than any previous time in memory. It will start soon. The question is , what will start the ball rolling???

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by admriker444

Okay, then I agree and stand corrected. I thought everyone was referring to the 911 ordeal and Sheen supposedly interviewing the president about the details.

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