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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by porky1981


All of Canada fares well during the coming pole shift, and depending upon its altitude will fare better after the pole shift than before, due to the climate changes. Canada in the main is not criss-crossed with earthquake faults of active volcanoes, and thus suffers less from the direct effects of earthquakes and exploding volcanoes during the pole shift. Due to the shifting crust, most surviving Canadians will also find themselves in a warmer climate too. Canada will be positioned above the equator in a temperate zone after the pole shift, in a wamer strata than at present. Where Canada is an ally of the US government, it is not all that comfortable with the giant to the south, and will rebel against any attempts to control Canadian lands after the pole shift. However, within Canada there are many factions that will battle with each other for resources. Where the Canadian people are resourceful and used to living in a harsh land deeply frozen during the long winters, in the cities as in all industrialized countries, the populace is soft and will be unprepared for Aftertime living when food stuffs are not imported. Religious factions, racial unease, and class differences will create tensions in tight times beyond what is already experienced, and should be anticipated.

The worry Canadians should be concerned about is one that will sneak up on them, in the days leading into the pole shift and in the two years following. Much of Canada has a low altitude, and where land lies lower than 650 to 700 feet, this will be inundated within two years due to the melting ice caps of the old poles, now under the equatorial sun. Much of Canada is low lying land, as is much of Russia. When the Earth stops rotation, water slung toward the equator will drift toward the poles, creating some inland flooding in land near the poles. After the shift, when the poles rapidly melt under the equatorial sun, melted water will move toward the point of least resistance, which may often be inland if blockages occur. In any case, if one examines the sea level of land in eastern or northern Canada, one can see that the land will not be above water when the poles have completely melted. If situated in an area due to be inundated, survivors will have to repeatedly move ahead of the encroaching water, and take care they are not trapped on an island in the process!

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by kix
Thanks a lot ET man !

Now excuse some more questions.

From what I have read the earth will rotate diferently after the "event" so...

How far the new poles be? I mean if MExico will have a south and north oceans, it means that the earth will rootate differently.

If so the day will still be 24 hours?

Those of us who will remain here and do not perish, and experience the very hard conditions afterwards, do we get extra points "with the guys upstairs" or we had bad luck?

Best regards

Hi Kix,

I can't tell you exactly the aftermath rotation patterns/position of earth because I do not know this but I can tell you it will change and so will the rising of the Sun.

Best Wishes!

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by sumgai
Hello ET_Man,

I've decided to ask THIS question on ATS as the answer may benefit everyone else.

It's apparent that compasses and GPS would be obsolete, but what about "celestial navigation"?

I believe you mentioned that the Sun and the Moon will appear red/bloody, but would we still be able to use it to navigate?

What about Polaris?
Will there be sunlight? If so, will the Earth's position relative to the Sun change? This also affects navigation when we try to use shadows to find north.

As if these questions aren't enough, what would YOU suggest for navigation?

P.S. Welcome back to the forum.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by sumgai]

Hi Sumgai,

Celestial navigation would work if someone was knowledgeable enough to figure out what they are looking at, the problem lies in figuring out the stars since earths oceans/lands will find a new position. If you can imagine the earth turning/changing while gazing up at the stars only to view other stars in their place that is about how it will be.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

11010011 01001101 00110100 11010011 01001101 00110101 11010111 01011101 01110101 11010111.

I can only equate to eternal (0) rounds and infinite/equal 1's.

Best Wishes!

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by AliensExist
This stuff is interesting but you made the claim that you travel into the future, correct? What I'm saying is why can't you provide any proof for that? Why can't you just travel one day into the future and tell us something that is going to happen? So can you travel into the future or not? Why can't you provide any proof to that claim? And what is the source of all your information? If you want to "help" me than you have to provide some proof for your claim of time-traveling which seems absolutely outrageous.

Traveling into the future would and does sound outrageous without having a full understanding of what time really is.

Even though I have answered many off topic questions having to do with God, ET's, The Universe etc this thread really is only about one thing.

A cyclic event that is coming in the near future. The event has nothing to do with religion, ET's, or anything else for that matter. So I hope people can take from this thread what they want and the most important thing to take would be the evidence presented of this incoming object and the many signs/evidence it has left us in the past.

Evidence that this in fact has happened in the past many times, has been spoken of by many ancient civilizations, archeological evidence supporting that these ancient texts were real/actual events that took place coming from multiple ancient civilizations all around the world.

Underground cities constructed by many ancient civilizations, high elevated hide outs and a great concern/fear among the ancients that continually kept their eyes on the stars watching. These ancient civilizations all had similar stories of a celestial event occurring that would cause great destruction passing earth as an object/comet/planet red fiery in color (Brown Dwarf).

It can be found within religion, spoken of in many ancient biblical texts even prophecied of by many who were inspired to write such things both in the bible and elsewhere.

I really wish I had the time to write all things pertaining to this event within this thread but I can't. I will however provide all this information on the web in the near future and am in the process of constructing an informational video that might hold more people's attention on the subject.

I realize there is a lot of doom N gloom topics out there but what I present you with is not some fictional story but in fact there is overwhelming evidence of this occurring in cyclic events in the past that you can verify for yourselves. It can be supported astronomically, scientifically, archeologically, historically, biblically and in many other ways.

Best Wishes!

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN


Wow, you are just full of info.

Atlantis and the Egyptions. I always thought it was Altantis and Plato that had a relationship. I don't remember if Platio was Greek or Roman - I think he was Greek.

I didn't know the Egyptians had some knowledge of Atalantis or it's greatness. If they did have knowledge of Alantis, why didn't the Egyptians write about it? Especially if they already knew that the remnants (survivors) of Atlantis did not write anything or were not capable of writing anything about their home land.

Also, do you know who built the pyramids in Egypt? How? Why? What purpose do the Pyramids serve?

How is it that the rocks/bricks are all perfectly cut and situated? This also occured at other locations throughout the planet - Mexico, Machu Pichu, and many other places I can't recall right now. It's hard to believe that each civilization created its own methodology for creating huge, perfect structures - and never documented the methodogy. We can't even re-create the perfection that is evident in these past built structures.

What are the Easter Island statues about? Why are they all facing in the same direction? Who built them? What are they watching out for or looking at?

Is there something in the Antartic (South Pole) region that we should be concerned about (Hitler or Army Bases or Alien Bases?) Not so much the ice melting, but other concerns besides that? Or something that the Ice Melt will reveal that was ot evident before?

What happens to our Souls after we die? Are they captured in some kind of space soul collector & recycled as John Lear and Sleeper have alluded to? Who operates the soul collector?

Last question for the day:

Was Edgar Casey accurate about what is under the Sphinks paw in Egypt?

Sorry, if some of my questions have been previously asked and answered.

Thanks in advance for your anticipated response.


[Edited for revised clarity in my questions]

[edit on 4-9-2009 by EyesII]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by EyesII


I have no intention of side-tracking your thread, but.....

Interestingly there is another thread that talks about the new WISE IR telepscope that was launched to originally look for brown dwarfs.

It's located at:

Sorry if the link didn't come out as planned - I don't know how to properly link in ATS.

The 1st page tells it all. The fact that Nasa was originally looking for brown dwarfs made me think about your thread. Nasa may be in the know about this other-dimensional brown dwarf that you are talking about. Since there isn't much support for brown dwarfs in our area of space, Nasa is saying that they are looking for killer asteroids. I think that is just a cover so they can continue looking for brown dwarfs. Especially the ones that are invisible to the human eye.

I just thought that I would bring that to the table here in your thread. Interesting connection there.


posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 11:55 AM
Greetings ET_MAN,

Does the large increase in multiple orb sightings around the world herald the events of 2011? Or are the orbs part of some other event?

How will the United Kingdom fare? Will the Scottish Highlands be a safe location?

Do I have a significant purpose in my life on this Earth that has yet to be realised? In other words, is my destiny of any significance historically or am I known to you?

Many thanks and best wishes to you.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

This is a great answer for a guy who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

211 77 52 211 77 53 215 93 117 215

d3 4d 34 d3 4d 35 d7 5d 75 d7

11010011 01001101 00110100 11010011 01001101 00110101 11010111 01011101 01110101 11010111

Is this:


Which was your little signature in HEX, Binary, and DEC / CHAR.

Even a guy with a crappy java script translator would have figured it out within minutes.

Stop buying what this huckster is selling people.

[edit on 4-9-2009 by projectvxn]


posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 03:44 PM
Thanks for the answer.

Now pardon me but I need to ask you.

In the aftermath of the wormwood event will we as a human race "better" or a new age begin or this event will erase the slate and we will need to begin again from scratch.


posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 05:54 PM
"Even a guy with a crappy java script translator would have figured it out within minutes." ........ ALL makes so much perfect sense now - so by your logic, that MUST mean that absolutely everything ET_MAN wrote in the last 65 pages of this thread are ALL false and made up for the sake of his own entertainment in misleading us all to believe something that won't actually happen in October of 2011. Thanks for clearing that all up and proving him wrong on all fronts, I truly feel much better now.

So, let me get this perfectly straight then - the ''challenge'' you presented to ET_MAN was actually so simple, that even a guy with a _javascript translator would have figured it out in minutes? If ET_MAN had fully understood the challenge and got it right, then my bet is that you would have still mocked and ridiculed him anyway, regardless of if he got it right or

So what we have here is a road that leads to nowhere on your behalf, and one more person that would rather disregard his sincerity and pure intentions in giving this information than actually thinking about the strong possibility of such an event that he is warning us of (October 2011). Dude, believe in whatever you want to, but please don't go trying to completely discredit somebody over some number challenge that you came up with, ok? I can understand that much of what is written in this thread is extremely difficult to comprehend, but it doesn't mean that you can go and attempt to disprove someone in such a way as you are trying to. I'm sorry, but no.

I don't think you took the time to read even a small fraction of the many things ET_MAN has written in this thread, a thread in which I value to be one of, if not the most important thread on ATS, simply because of the warning he gives that I also personally believe will unfold over the next 2 years. No disrespect to you or anything, but what would give you the idea to formulate such a specific numerical challenge just to verify whether or not you believe any of what he has to say? Seems rather...odd

ET_MAN has said on more than one occasion that he is HUMAN, like you and me, therefore, he makes mistakes just as we all do (who woulda thunk it?). This means that he is not an all-knowing supreme higher being that can answer any and every question you throw his way in an instant. However, it DOES mean that he has wisdom and knowledge that has been given to him, beyond what the average human being currently perceives as anything close to such, for the most part. Well, that's how I see it anyways

Throwing a number scheme at him to attempt to disprove everything he has written in this thread is nothing short of ridiculous. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you take your business elsewhere, and not on a website that actually encourages and promotes these specific topics.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by truthbringsfreedom777

There was only one correct answer.
And he failed.

Claiming to be from the future and not being able to identify his own binary string is ridiculous and enough for me.

And of course, what doesn't require explanation is the fact that we've had hundreds of these people come to ATS proclaiming that they have such and such information, or that they're from the future, and somehow ALWAYS having an answer to all questions...Answers based on things discussed in nearly all forums covering these sorts of "conspiracies", knowing full well that there would be people here who would believe everything he says because they've already been exposed to the information before. Regardless of how ridiculous it is, it is only playing on the need for gullible people to validate their own suspicions.

Did you ever stop to think that people who do this kind of thing are doing it to discredit what goes on here? Did it ever occur to you that maybe we're being deceived in order to paint ATS members as a bunch of gullible idiots who'll believe anything they're told? I've read this ENTIRE thread from beginning to end, and what I see is the same pattern, over and over again, reminiscent of the Blossom Goodchild-GFL fiasco.

The idea is to Deny Ignorance, not feed it.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by barontorz

Hi Barontorz,

Thanks for sharing your views and appreciate all the nice kind comments.
The mountains and hills of Derbyshire will make it if one finds a place to anchor down.Here is the information I have on England without adding/subtracting.


England has traditionally fared well during pole shifts, due to its underlying rock structures. Stonehenge attests to this, sustaining a few sharp jolts but avoiding extended jiggling that is often more destructive of heavy structures. However, the Atlantic is anticipated to widen greatly during the coming pole shift, and this will affect England as well as the islands lying to the west of her. During the week of rotation stoppage, lands bordering the Atlantic, due to the stretch that will occur as the Earth continues to pull East, attempting to continue turning and resisting the stoppage, will drop. In England this will results in a permanent drop of 75 feet. England, however, will not go completely under the waves, but in addition to the stretch, wave action during the shift must be taken into account. At first, during the Earth's rotation stoppage, the waters surrounding England may move north toward the pole. Then, during the shift, the waters will dramatically drop as the Atlantic widens. Here is where the danger lies, as within hours there will be a return of the water, with uncontrolled sloshing and the overall drop in sea level will be apparent! Stay on high ground for at least a day.

Best Wishes!

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by EyesII

Hi EyesII,

I didn't know the Egyptians had some knowledge of Atlantis or it's greatness. If they did have knowledge of Atlantis, why didn't the Egyptians write about it?

They did!

Especially if they already knew that the remnants (survivors) of Atlantis did not write anything or were not capable of writing anything about their home land.

It has been estimated today that less than 5% ancient Egyptian ruins have actually been uncovered, while 95% of them lie mysteriously hidden beneath the sands of the shifting Sahara desert . Most cities, monuments, tombs, artifacts are said to be buried under the Sahara and many other already discovered cities have been found off the coast of Egypt with Pyramids and many other incredible structures that I cannot go into further details about here and now. (Forbidden archeology/Forbidden knowledge to the world.)
If you would like further details I have piles of documents on this subject but not enough time to input it all here now. I could scan you some information but for the most part some of this will be revealed in the upcoming informational video.

The Ancient Egyptians clearly believed that earth undergoes “Periodic Pole Shifts” brought about by the passage of a large terrible comet that has a bloody red appearance and caused plagues, pestilence, and destruction across the land while it passes. The modern/revealed archeological evidence available to the world so far, clearly indicates that the Ancient Egyptians were recording events that actually took place during their three kingdoms!

Archeologists have determined that the entire region was hit by some type of massive cataclysm involving enormous earthquakes, and extreme climate change thousands of years ago obliterating this ancient civilization from the annals of history. Today as a result of this cataclysm the area of the Sahara is so inhospitable it can’t support any life forms whatsoever.

In 1933 a French soldier accidentally discovered a series of rock paintings in the middle of the Sahara desert due west of Egypt near what is today, Algiers. These rock paintings depicted a now vanished culture living in a lush environment surrounded by elephants, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, ostriches, giraffes, antelopes, cows, and sheep along with humans working, hunting and worshiping in this pristine paradise type environment. This is just a glimpse of what Egypt truly once looked like. This is one of many stories,I will leave it that for now.

Also, do you know who built the pyramids in Egypt?

Extraterrestrial intervention/assistance.


Feel free to use your imagination on this one, what I can tell you is laser technology was used to precisely cut the stones and fit them together so tight that a razor blade could not fit in between the cracks (precise/clean). The alignment of these structures were so precise that they could not be re-produced with what technology is available to the public eye’s/knowledge today. The pyramids of Giza among others throughout the world match the stars in Orion’s belt and created in similar/interventions.

Why? What purpose do the Pyramids serve?

For communications with the so called (Gods) (Creators)!
They were used as beacons, transmitters and energy receivers among other things.

How is it that the rocks/bricks are all perfectly cut and situated?

Precision cut laser technology was used.

This also occured at other locations throughout the planet - Mexico, Machu Pichu, and many other places I can't recall right now. It's hard to believe that each civilization created its own methodology for creating huge, perfect structures - and never documented the methodogy. We can't even re-create the perfection that is evident in these past built structures.

Forbidden archeology/knowledge for the meantime!

What are the Easter Island statues about? Why are they all facing in the same direction? Who built them? What are they watching out for or looking at?

Is there something in the Antartic (South Pole) region that we should be concerned about (Hitler or Army Bases or Alien Bases?) Not so much the ice melting, but other concerns besides that? Or something that the Ice Melt will reveal that was ot evident before?

What happens to our Souls after we die? Are they captured in some kind of space soul collector & recycled as John Lear and Sleeper have alluded to? Who operates the soul collector?

Last question for the day:

Was Edgar Casey accurate about what is under the Sphinks paw in Egypt?

I cannot answer these questions right now sorry.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by EyesII

Thanks for adding that, they are definitely not looking for the object but tracking it.

More information to be provided on underground bases, tunnels, cities at a later date.

[edit on 4-9-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by thelights

Hi Thelights,

Does the large increase in multiple orb sightings around the world herald the events of 2011? Or are the orbs part of some other event?

There is more noticed activity happening on earth at this time for a number of reasons, mostly due/revolving around this event, I couldn’t really tell you yes or no on the question but probably, maybe, possibly.

How will the United Kingdom fare? Will the Scottish Highlands be a safe location?

Please check my previous posts and there is also a map that can be found.

Do I have a significant purpose in my life on this Earth that has yet to be realised?

If you haven’t realized it yet then yes.

In other words, is my destiny of any significance historically or am I known to you?

I couldn’t tell you that.-)

[edit on 4-9-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by EyesII

Also, do you know who built the pyramids in Egypt?

Extraterrestrial intervention/assistance.


Feel free to use your imagination on this one, what I can tell you is laser technology was used to precisely cut the stones and fit them together so tight that a razor blade could not fit in between the cracks (precise/clean). The alignment of these structures were so precise that they could not be re-produced with what technology is available to the public eye’s/knowledge today. The pyramids of Giza among others throughout the world match the stars in Orion’s belt and created in similar/interventions.

I have read and re read the Law of One and other sources pertaining to the pyramids. The uses you are on target with, but the creation of them you mention, is not the way Ra describes it.

These beings reside in higher dimensions where thought creates. Ra mentions specifically that this is exactly how they created the Great Pyramid.

Questioner: How were the blocks moved?
Ra: I am Ra. You must picture the activity within all that is created. The energy is, though finite, quite large compared to the understanding/distortion by your peoples. This is an obvious point well known to your people, but little considered.

This energy is intelligent. It is hierarchical. Much as your mind/body/spirit complex dwells within a hierarchy of vehicles and retains, therefore, the shell or shape or field, and the intelligence of each ascendingly intelligent or balanced body, so does each atom of such a material as rock. When one can speak to that intelligence, the finite energy of the physical, or chemical rock/body is put into contact with that infinite power which is resident in the more well-tuned bodies, be they human or rock.

With this connection made, a request may be given. The intelligence of infinite rock-ness communicates to its physical vehicle and that splitting and moving which is desired is then carried out through the displacement of the energy field of rock-ness from finity to a dimension which we may conveniently call, simply, infinity.

In this way, that which is required is accomplished due to a cooperation of the infinite understanding of the Creator indwelling in the living rock. This is, of course, the mechanism by which many things are accomplished, which are not subject to your present means of physical analysis of action at a distance.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

Hi Projectvxn,

This is a great answer for a guy who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

Everyone has freedom of opinion and I can respect everyone’s opinion/freedom of speech.

211 77 52 211 77 53 215 93 117 215

d3 4d 34 d3 4d 35 d7 5d 75 d7

11010011 01001101 00110100 11010011 01001101 00110101 11010111 01011101 01110101 11010111

Is this:


For you perhaps it is.
(Your missing a 1 by the way.)

Which was your little signature in HEX, Binary, and DEC / CHAR.

00000001111111 was never intended to be mathematical, Hex, or Binary but representations of something much greater.

Even a guy with a crappy java script translator would have figured it out within minutes. Stop buying what this huckster is selling people.

I sincerely hope nobody believes anything I have to say for my words alone, I would hope people have the common sense to do their own verifying/research/investigation on all things/evidence/facts presented. I understand people need to see evidence/facts and even proof to a certain level/degree in the form of things they can personally verify such as historical accounts, scientific reports, astronomical findings, archeological accounts, and so on in order to even consider/believe. I hope people realize that high level governments know what is coming and will not give this information out to the public, it cannot be found on the news or in the media but I can show you what is out there enough to verify for yourselves. There are those among you who have long been preparing for such an event. Please look at the evidence alone and feel free to disregard all I say personally. This is not a fictional story I am dishing out but a real cyclic event that can be verified in many ways if you diligently take the time to look. The evidence that supports this celestial object/brown dwarf coming is truly overwhelming for one who diligently looks at all the evidence.

So the sources can be found historically, scientifically, astronomically, archeologically, biblically and in many other ways. You are not required to believe me but why not consider and do some research for yourself. Whatever it is you choose I can respect everyone’s personal choice. As Morpheus put it to Neo in the Matrix “I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.”

I wish you all the best!

[edit on 4-9-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by kix

In the aftermath of the wormwood event will we as a human race "better" or a new age begin or this event will erase the slate and we will need to begin again from scratch.

Hi Kix,

Depends on how you look at it, partly erased slate, new beginning with new understanding/appreciation for nature and all life on the planet. As usual change will always take place and especially after all the hardships pass, it will usher to a greater human understanding/higher consciousness of Man. I won’t tell you things will be perfect in the aftermath because they won’t, things will be VERY hard on earth in the aftermath, famine on the lands for many years even some wars after but it will only get better. Eventually things will be better on earth then they are today. One world government will take place just not in the way people imagine it to be. It will be a positive one world equal type government/structure with greater understanding, love and equality for all people. There will be no poor or money in the future.

[edit on 4-9-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by blujay

Hi Blujay,

I'm sorry but I respectfully do not fully subscribe to the Law of One!

Best Wishes!

[edit on 4-9-2009 by ET_MAN]

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