posted on May, 24 2010 @ 05:09 AM
I just had my second true OOBE tonight. It lasted 5 or 6 minutes. It took a while for things to get stable as I exited backwards through the wall of
the house. I looked at the sky, it was my first frame of reference, the stars were pretty and purplish. I ran around and flew towards the stars. I
could not see the ground for a while, it was so dark I had to keep looking at the sky to keep a visual and focus. Eventually I was able to see the
ground. I went down my driveway, thought I saw two "aliens" or spirits that were glowing white at the end of it, but as I went towards them it
turned out it was nothing. So I ran down the road, wondering if people in cars would see me. No cars came during my run down the road. I went up in
someone elses yard. I ran my fingers through the grass as I ran - it felt wet like dew, and it felt great. I was running funny, like my legs werent
really moving at times.
Some things WERE out of place, like there was this place of business and a cattle farm sitting on the street I live, lol. They definetly aren't
there in real life, a house with a big yard IS there actually. I flew into this place and also ran my hands along the ground there. It was like
running my hands on the ground made me feel more comfortable. Then I MET SOMEONE! I didn't know him, but he was very human. I saw him bowed over
at first, as if he were sad or tired and thinking. I avoided him, thinking I was in trouble, trespassing you know. Then he said hello, and I asked
him what he was doing. "Just checking the place out" He said. His face was glowing and radiant, not like an angel, but like a very healthy and
alive person.
He told me his name and where he was from. I managed to tell him the same. Our two towns are 20 miles apart! It was like we were yelling at
eachother, like it was hard to hear, like the wind was blowing. We were actually flying as we spoke. I was flying backwards somewhat out of control
from my attempting to run away, and he flew to keep up with me. We shook hands! It took two tries to shake hands, I either missed his hand the first
time, or it went through. The second try we shook hands and it was just like real life. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle all this for long and I
think I communicated it to him, it was just surreal. We were just smiling at eachother and trying to talk. We kept talking at the same time, lol.
But we managed a bit of a conversation. That's when I saw his face and how radiant it was, he seemed to be in perfect health.
He definetly seemed like he had been in the Astral before. When our hand shake didn't work the first time he just gave me that look like, "Come on
now, that's not supposed to happen."
After our flight together I awoke. Not instantly, there was a pause, but things faded and I shut my eyes and I was back at my body.
Note I tried to do a few things that probably would have worked in a dream, that didn't work here. I tried to make a friend appear from around the
corner, I usually can do this easily. Especially in this case since that same friend had just been in a dream moments ago, so it should have worked
IF it was just a dream. I think it was certainly an OOBE, or a form of OOBE though not necessarily Astral. I say that because I just woke up, never
saw a silver cord, things like that. But I do think it was some form of OOBE.