Originally posted by smallpeeps
Well, I've been meditating probably an hour a day for the last few weeks and I have not yet been able to astrally project but here's what I can
describe and maybe someone can assist me in understanding:
That's great! Keep it up!
Curiously, when I felt this recently, I also sensed a man and a woman about fifteen feet to my left who were smiling and seemed to want to encourage
me to project. I have no idea who that couple was, but that image popped into my head very clearly before I lost them.
I have had this happen too. Except I did not get a clear view of them. My astral sight is beginning to kick in now when I am well-relaxed, or
preparing to try to project. But it is not very strong yet, and all I can do see faint traces or outlines of things. Its happened a couple of times
that I have seen/sensed entities nearby while trying to project. I can't see clearly enough to see who or what they are, but the vibe I get from
them is that they are interested in what I am doing.
I felt a distinct pulling sensation, but it seems to break down in my shoulders. My hands grip the ball and my arms follow, by my torso does
not want to release. Weird, eh?
I think this is a very common experience, and as far as I know, the parts of your body that seem to snag when you attempt an exit are parts which
still hold too much tension.
When I was first told this, it immediately made sense to me because what is physical tension, after all, but the mind clenching to a part of the body?
Any knots of tension or stress are like focal points from which the mind cannot release itself, and they represent an expenditure of energy that
could otherwise be used differently (in this case to increase the power and versatility of your projection body.
The shoulders and torso are THE most common store houses for stress in our day and age. I share this problem with you! I think you will find it
greatly beneficial if you seek out some stretches or yoga poses that release tension in the shoulders and back, and open the torso. You will feel
benefits after only a few days of such stretches.
Is it 'cheating' if I am using my memory to visualize myself? For example, I am sitting there in my chair, and my mind says, "Well heck, if you
want to be on the other side of the room and looking at yourself, then just imagine it by building up a picture in your mind of you sitting in this
chair." I will then do so, remembering the color of my clothes, the look of the room, etc. I can build up a very clear picture of me sitting in the
chair and as if I am standing across the room, but I feel like I am cheating by using my memory. I'm not 'seeing' it so much as I am 'building'
it. Does this make sense? Is there anything to be gained from this action?
This certainly is not cheating, and yes, I believe it to be beneficial. Part of learning to project is the process of loosening your lifelong habit
of feeling locked inside your body. These exercises in imagination are perfect for this loosening.
Here is a fun suggestion for you, and it is one that you can do at any time during the day...
Why not imagine yourself to be soaring around, or squeazing behind pieces of furniture, or shrinking to the size of insect, down into the jubgle of a
lawn, or growing so that you can see the shores of another continent across the ocean... and why not do this A LOT during the course of a day,
whenever you are bored, or waiting for something, for instance.
I have found that not only is this very fun, but it becomes far easier with practice to simultaneously experience being in your body, and being at
another vantage point. Developing the ability to sustain this duality will certainly help you find that 'zone' again when you consciously attempt a
I have a meditation practice which you are probably familiar with: one to develop focus. One sits in front of an object at eye level, and focuses on
that object and nothing else, without thinking about the object or anything else: just trying to hold the sensory input of that object alone in one's
mind. Very good for developing stability of the mind.
Well in relation to what we are discussing, I have added something to this meditation which feels very powerful when I can do it succesfully. While
holding the object firmly before my eyes, I simultaneously IMAGINE the object. It is the strangest sensation to be staring at an object and to be
imagining it at the very same time, and when you try it, I think you will sense intuitively that it is beneficial for projection.
For one, I think you will find that although the object is right in front of you and the sole focus of your eyes, the imagined version of it will be
slightly different in subtle ways, and it will have a different feel to it: like a different energy signature. What's more, the surroundings of your
imaginary object may very well be quite different to the surroundings of your room in which you are sitting with the real object. This happens
spontaneously, with no effort to imagine a different set of surroundings, and there is often the feeling that the object you are focusing on, and the
one you are imagining, overlap each other where two worlds overlap, and can be a gateway to this astral version of your location. I often get the
feeling that if I were to gently shift my focus in the right way, I might start looking around the room that surrounds the imaginary object, and
perhaps even stand up in it and go for a stroll. This would, of course, defeat the purpose of the meditation, which is to maintain the focus on the
object, however...
Give it a try and tell me what you think.