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The Final Contact

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by commander ly-on

The turtle is faster than the rabbit.

Well, again contradicting yourself without you realizing it, how sad.

We love tolerance and humbleness, but we cannot accept that simple humans cannot take advantages of messages from the White Brotherhood.

"Simple humans", so you think too low of humans, you consider them low life, not worth saving? so much for that humbleness and all that talk about being pure and light..

Funnily enough, your behavior all along has been, "simple"

You only ask for proofs, without thinking.

Nope, we think, then realize what you said is wrong, then ask, why? please explain? then you run like a teenager complaining nobody believes blindly in you and yelling at us that you won't play anymore.

We gave you information of the position of Atlantis as part of Galapagos and Rapa Nui, and you chose to fight back our information instead of verifying.

Well, since we are not omnipotent as you are, we can't just 'verify' that, unless of course we ask, show us, but we know you won't since you also can't because you are ly-ing.
, that's why you get so angry when we ask for proof, 'cause you wish you could have it but since you're a mere simple human, you can't.

We said there’s another door behind the second door in the Spoek Pyramid, with 3 golden keys waiting for the retrograde Egyptians archeologists to be found.

Yeah what about it, so go open it yourself with your ships of light, we can't go there and open it by hand, we can't ask, nobody will tell us, thank you so much for your 'help'.. so go and complain with the "retrograde Egyptians archeologists" instead of complaining here.

You even argued that a planet 30.000 times bigger than earth could not exist.

Can't read?, nobody said it doesn't exist, i said, how can animals from earth survive there, if they were born on earth, and their bodies are made to live on earth, they can't just be placed on a planet that big and expect them to live without any problems, gravity would kill them as soon as they step on that planet, and what about the food chain they need to survive? that's what was asked, but as always you ignored and instead run away again.

Running away, you always do that when things are starting to get fun, why do you always run away?

We said Mentor from planet XZA3 is the name of the Pleyadan Alien built as crop circle in Great Britain.

How? Why? Could you explain it?

Well maybe you could, but you will not because you always ignore the difficult questions
, also, you don't know, you made that up.

It was the top of your illusions’ iceberg.

Sure, we know nothing is real and we are just ignorant of the truth meanings of life, etc, but so do you, and your words always direct us to that line of thinking, simple put, you are not enlightened in anyway, you fail to explain, fail to answer, to listen, to 'love', you always want people to admire you and follow you blindly, you are not enlightened, you came here expecting people to serve your ego.

You had many chances to discuss this information without attacking our Commander ly-on.

Stop talking as if you weren't the same as ly-on.

You had many chances to answer valid questions without the need to lie and ignore, but you didn't, don't you wish you had taken other road?

Bruce Lee, as many chosen humans, still lives and happily learns, in Ganymede’s subterranean city called Crystal City.

Do you want the proof ?

Go and find Bruce Lee’s grave, and see if he’s still there.

Oh but well of course!, let's all go and break into Bruce Lee's grave just because good ly-on says so, if he's alive, go and ask him to make a video saying hi to ATS, that will be proof enough, can't do?, don't worry, we know why.

We have already chosen the right persons around the World, not only through this forum, but with many methods you could not even imagine.

Great for you, and i hope you "serve" them well.

I guess your freezers can only take so many bodies right? Bon Appetit on the way back home!

You asked about who the 144.000 chosen ones are

Only the chosen ones have and will have access to the information of your World.

DUH!, of course only they would know, they are the 144,000 after all, not the 143,999 nor the 144001.

Why tell the others? lame, although with the kind of immature mentality you have shown here, you probably would go running around yelling: See! i told you, you didn't wanted to believe in me so i will let you here and take all of them, "hahahahahahahahahahaha you are doomed!, L of loser to you! hahahahahahaha" or something like that...

We don’t have to prove anything more than your inconsistence

Don't worry, we also didn't have anything to prove, you took care of all that yourself, including showing proof of your inconsistence.

This post finished as well as our infinite patience.

LOL, fail! so much for "infinite"

General Amon
Confederation Chief
Crystal City

So you are changing your name now, i wonder why....

We know is you! you tried to write on a different style but is of no use, your writing style gives you away

Good bye ly-on, we'll be around waiting for you to come back in your next 'reincarnation'.


[edit on 15-6-2009 by Kaifan]

[edit on 15-6-2009 by Kaifan]

[edit on 15-6-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 08:42 PM
While looking at all the threads where 'aliens' come and say stuff like ly-on, CmdALeon etc, a though came to me

What is it with them that all have such a bad English? why do they all talk like in a 'mysterious' way? do they all go the same same English school? who they learn English from?

Also, why do they all have poor communication skills? no wonder they use crop circles as a way of communication, they can't even produce meaningful sentences on written language. And the ones they manage to somehow make, are full of something smelly.

I guess they are not trying to send us a message through crop circles, is just that they see a few things like a yelly fish and go and draw it on some crop field, just like humans did thousands of years ago, only thing is, humans were smarter, they knew where to draw so that the message could survive through the centuries..

Maybe we should host on ATS a tournament just to see who can perform better the 'i am an alien, come with me if you want to live' show..

Just joking...


[edit on 15-6-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:27 AM
Please, answer me this question.

Can you write an equation which allows space travel and fits with physics law? If so, post it here, please.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Spinotoror]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by commander ly-on

There is perhaps little left to say after Kaifan’s eloquent demolition of your last post, commander ly-on. However, that will not stop me posting my tuppence worth…

The turtle is faster than the rabbit.

No it’s not. In zoology, it is slower.

The fable you have borrowed that from recounted a tale of patience and steady perseverance. If you are inferring that tolerance is of the essence in the understanding of your message, and that enduring anything that is thrown at you so as to complete that understanding is what is needed, then why did you simply just say so? Speaking in riddles really only works if the riddles are intriguing, then they will engage the recipient.

Using vague metaphors only showcases a lack of language skills, and that is surprising coming from an advanced being.

We love tolerance and humbleness, but we cannot accept that simple humans cannot take advantages of messages from the White Brotherhood. You only ask for proofs, without thinking. We gave you information of the position of Atlantis as part of Galapagos and Rapa Nui, and you chose to fight back our information instead of verifying. We said there’s another door behind the second door in the Spoek Pyramid, with 3 golden keys waiting for the retrograde Egyptians archeologists to be found. You even argued that a planet 30.000 times bigger than earth could not exist..

Oh, here, let me hand back the toys you just threw out of your pram…

So, what are you going to do now then? End your guardianship of Earth just because a few people on an internet site disagreed with you and wouldn’t play along? That’s hardly the behaviour of an organization that has Jesus as one of its teachers, is it? Is this his attitude too?

And yes, humans will always ask for proof of extraordinary claims, as that is our nature. We are inherently skeptical of anything that goes against an ingrained paradigm, and you should know that.

However, when you do offer “proof” – as in Atlantis, Egyptian discoveries etc - who exactly are you aiming this “proof” at? You are posting on a conspiracy forum, not a scientific site that has as its members field research operatives who have at their disposal not only access to the necessary equipment to complete technical explorations, but also the requisite diplomatic and governmental connections needed to begin these investigations in foreign territories.

Were you expecting a bunch of ATSers to fly out to Egypt and demand of Zahi Hawass that they be allowed to crawl all over his country’s most prized archeological possessions? Once again, you are exhibiting behaviour that is most definitely not what is expected from an superior intelligence. I would expect it from a believer of – and here I’ll quote Star Wars, as you are so fond of comparing your cult to it – a hooky religion.

We said Mentor from planet XZA3 is the name of the Pleyadan Alien built as crop circle in Great Britain. How? Why? Could you explain it?

Blah blah blah. Another pulp fiction name that means absolutely nothing.

It was the top of your illusions’ iceberg.

Better at the top of an illusion iceberg, looking out over a landscape that is slowly becoming clearer because of a genuine desire to learn, then under the thrall of a delusional belief.

You had many chances to discuss this information without attacking our Commander ly-on.

That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You just want to talk about your belief, as the more it is discussed – and especially amongst a ready-made and willing audience – the more it becomes real to you. This thread is nothing more than a form of proselytizing for your Alias Union; a mission of conversion.

Bruce Lee, as many chosen humans, still lives and happily learns, in Ganymede’s subterranean city called Crystal City. Do you want the proof ? Go and find Bruce Lee’s grave, and see if he’s still there.

Once again, a completely ridiculous suggestion. Now we are to be grave-robbers? That is an idiotic proposal.

We have already chosen the right persons around the World, not only through this forum, but with many methods you could not even imagine. You asked about who the 144.000 chosen ones are Only the chosen ones have and will have access to the information of your World.

Apart from inferring that a choice has been decided upon as to who is worthy enough to be “saved” by you, you also used the word “chosen” three times in those three sentences. Now – and even an allowing for your lack of English - that is an unsettling example of not only verbal indoctrination (my emphasis):

Indoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology. It is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned.

but specifically religious indoctrination:

Religious indoctrination is a pejorative term referring to a process of imparting doctrine in a non-critical way, that is, forcibly or coercively causing people to people to act and think on the basis of a certain religion.

And what happens if you do question? Then there is the distinct possibility that you won’t be “chosen”. Fear tactics, commander ly-on?

We don’t have to prove anything more than your inconsistence

No, that is wrong. We are not asking for proof, as to do so would be to acknowledge that there may be some truth to your story.

Which there patently isn’t.

How can I “prove” that, as in how supposed superior entities can do something as basic as contradict themselves? Here:

This post finished as well as our infinite patience.

If your patience was infinite, then – by your own admission - you would not have lost it, would you?

commander ly-on, in this thread you are simply spouting your own beliefs, and insisting they are the truth.

They are not.

Does that make this thread a hoax, or you a hoaxer? No, but it does make it an attempt - under the guise of conviction - to pass off fiction as fact.

General Amon
Confederation Chief
Crystal City

ATS Member
Beautiful Planet Earth

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

My take is it is someone who is being fed 'information'.

Spot on, DragonriderGal.

This is commander ly-on’s Spanish language blog page:

If you trawl through it, you will quickly see that it is full of Catholic iconography. There’s even a message from Jesus…

If this is not Christian-centric “channeled” information them I’m a Dutchman. And I’m not.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:08 AM
Yeah Ly on. That was an awful attempt to vaguely answer erryones questions in terrible English and grammar. Please stop trying to deceive people. It's immature and takes away from the seriousness of this site. Not that all things here are serious, but the less ppl inventing tales, the less tales there are. Please brush up on your English. Yes, it's more feasible that you don't understand English well because you either speak Portuguese or Spanish, not because you're an alien spirit.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:05 AM
I don't understand the responses to his last post. There's quite a bit he's saying in it, and that part is very interesting, as it alludes to this thread:
(The Underground Empire) by jkrog08. I keep being drawn to something more than what is being said on this thread, there's something I can't really explain here. Though I also understand the skeptical investigation that has been done, these things don't fit into the normal parameters and theres far more underneath if you just look under the surface. I didn't like the world faith, as it shouldn't be equated to ufology, one shouldn't need faith to experience this, I don't believe I had anything like that. Of course we don't need a new religion, but a new way of advancing, of standing by each other, of seeing through corruption so that no one could lead us, of walking away from this entire game and truly chosing to live, grow, learn, and caretake this planet and develop our psi, and spiritual growth through multidimensional abilities. In other words a natural spirituality that comes out of psi development and metaphysics rather than religion. You do know that there is an entire presence around us, its just below the surface of life, and we just need to scratch the surface, to pay attention, to look.

In any case, there was an energy in his posts I found interesting.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
I don't understand the responses to his last post. There's quite a bit he's saying in it, and that part is very interesting, as it alludes to this thread:
(The Underground Empire) by jkrog08.

Because he uses other's people work to his benefit, but if you go and ask him questions about that, he will answer vaguely so as to not give away he actually doesn't understand the concepts, he has shown this a lot of times on this thread.

I keep being drawn to something more than what is being said on this thread, there's something I can't really explain here.

That's the nature of the game, he will keep people like this, with doubt, by using vague statements that can be applied to whatever the people reading them is going through at that time, then those people will identify with those words and feel there's something more to it, he never answers directly, he never gives facts, only vague statements, that way, he can cover most of the people, someone has to fall for it, that's his game.

Of course we don't need a new religion, but a new way of advancing, of standing by each other, of seeing through corruption so that no one could lead us, of walking away from this entire game and truly chosing to live, grow, learn, and caretake this planet and develop our psi, and spiritual growth through multidimensional abilities. In other words a natural spirituality that comes out of psi development and metaphysics rather than religion. You do know that there is an entire presence around us, its just below the surface of life, and we just need to scratch the surface, to pay attention, to look.

By reading his last posts, you can see clearly he doesn't believe in any of these things, he insults humans several times, looking at them as low life not worth fighting for, he feels elevated over the human race, pure and full of light, while we are dirty and in darkness, he clearly shows he is doing us a favor and we should be thankful and do as he says without questioning, how can then he truly be enlightened when he hides this intentions inside him?

If you read the entire thread carefully, you can see how he is changing from one being to another, adapting his ideas, his principles, updating the theory to fit what people need to hear, what people need,he is trying several thing and then seeing what works and what doesn't work, then he removes that from the story, so he basically is filling up the holes and we, by pointing out those holes, are helping, there are a few who fall for the story, and then those who don't but he doesn't care, he came here just as a test for a future advance, once the cult's base has been fully defined, then 'alias union' will probably go mainstream, for now, he will go away, to prepare from what he has learned here.

There is a lot more to it, as Beamish has pointed out in his latest posts, for someone who can understand how religion works on the minds of people, this thread is clearly an attempt at forming a new religion, well, a cult at least.

In any case, there was an energy in his posts I found interesting.

Because he has taken a lot of time to understand what to say to move certain things inside people, so that they feel different when being around him, that's the same thing most cult creators use to gather they 'sheeps'

Ly-on said he was going to go away at least one time before, but he came back, then when the lies were found out, he disappeared for a while, then he came back again, ignoring everything as if it never happened, why do you think he did that?

One thing you should notice here is, he 'goes away' to some place we can't go, this magical travel will be to be 'reborn', we are left behind, we will never see marvelous things, will never see the 'ships of light', then he will return, as savior of mankind, from faraway, filled with knowledge and light, he just goes away to prepare for this, that's how he likes to be seen.

Look up Buddha's life, what he did before becoming the Buddha? a trip, to learn, to meditate and understand, then he 'came to be Buddha', there are a lot of examples like this, and since he can see how enlightened humans on the past have gone through this path before becoming enlightened, then he will do the same, it doesn't matter if he really learns anything, he will return 'enlightened' and to save all of those who believe and have faith.


[edit on 17-6-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Spinotoror

Kaifan, Beamish and all the “skeptics”

You don’t believe and, surprisingly, you get back to the post, desperately trying to convince we are not who we are. You post long messages, very peculiar, very complete, like a lawyer’s resume, like a medical response, answering the posts cutting them in small parts in to have the answers of each point.

We repeat: we do not force anyone to enter this post, as many opened around the World.
But, you still enter, without a clue who you are writing to.

Are we better than humans? Never said that, as we learn from you.

My question to you now: if you are sure Commander ly-on is a fake, and very intelligently you answered to all posts like you have the last words, have you ever thought why:

1) you still come back to this “ridiculous” post
2) you don’t succeed to make this post to be closed or, generally speaking, make this post to have less and less interest
3) you still don’t have ANY gift the Confederation Guides give to the chosen human beings
4) why you look to the skies at night, and we know you do, searching for spaceships thinking “when?” without knowing that before seeing us you should look for the humbleness inside of you.

We are above all skies, visible and invisible. But we serve only pure and genuine human beings.


We know your question comes in order to proof.

Please remind an important thing: you would hardly receive technical and secret information about the forthcoming X44 USAF plane if you ask the USAF headquarter, would you?

Here’s your formula Guides use to travel

g = S x v²

where S is the Sun Constant, which gives spaceships its “fuel” as the energy any planet receives for every cm² each second from the nearest star, depending on the planet angle from the Sun and, consequently, its AU

You have all your life time to discuss this formula with scientists.

Remember also that terrestrial scientists still don’t know how to get to Mars.


posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by commander ly-on

Are you suggesting that gravitation is a function of solar radiation?

g = ? gravity?

v = ? velocity?

This is an incomplete equation at best without the values of the variables.

Would you consider this a scalar equation?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by commander ly-on

I know a lot of people dismiss what you are saying, but I really believe you.

We need to speak urgently. Please U2U me a way to contact you outside of ATS...

Forget that, I'll send you a way to contact me.

Speak soon Commander.

Your servant,

Disim, ERT

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by commander ly-on

But, you still enter, without a clue who you are writing to.

You think too high of yourself

Are we better than humans? Never said that, as we learn from you.

Oh but you did, several times, should i quote those or just leave it for anyone to look up on their own?

My question to you now: if you are sure Commander ly-on is a fake, and very intelligently you answered to all posts like you have the last words, have you ever thought why:

Why do you talk in third person? you are the same or aren't you?

1) you still come back to this “ridiculous” post

I've been here all the time, i didn't 'come back'.

2) you don’t succeed to make this post to be closed or, generally speaking,make this post to have less and less interest

The content of your story is boring, nobody has really asked for the thread to be closed, and nobody cares about you, or have you seen how thousand of posts are being made daily on your thread, i just like to make fun of your delusions, sorry but that's true, when i get bored i tend to do useless stuff like this.

3) you still don’t have ANY gift the Confederation Guides give to the chosen human beings

I have a lot, i can feel what others feel, i can heal them, i can take away their pain, make them feel better, whatever they're going through, i can see beyond faces and words, can you? i can be somewhere else but here too.

4) why you look to the skies at night, and we know you do, searching for spaceships thinking “when?” without knowing that before seeing us you should look for the humbleness inside of you.

I don't look at the skies at night, i have seen plenty of UFOs in my life, i have experienced more than you can imagine, i believe in something greater than what we can see, i am not blinded by simple explanations, i am not skeptic, i believe, but not in you, and it bothers you that you are not the center of attention.

We are above all skies, visible and invisible. But we serve only pure and genuine human beings.

You are weak, spiritually weak, you serve only yourself and those who help you in your wrong ways, you have proven to be weak too many times, you don't believe in anything higher, but you want to be seen as someone pure and high, your hidden wishes are visible to me, i can see what's inside you.


We know your question comes in order to proof.

Please remind an important thing: you would hardly receive technical and secret information about the forthcoming X44 USAF plane if you ask the USAF headquarter, would you?

And you would? care to share all that secret info you have?

We know what the X44 MANTA project is, do you think we're dumb? you keep trying to make believe here, we know about it, you will say it is not what we think it is, of course, we don't know everything about it, we are not working for them, as always, you just say project xyz, but lets see, gives something we can't know that will be discovered soon, not just names you can find on the net, once again the usual worthless claims with nothing beyond names found on some web site.

Here’s your formula Guides use to travel

g = S x v²

where S is the Sun Constant, which gives spaceships its “fuel” as the energy any planet receives for every cm² each second from the nearest star, depending on the planet angle from the Sun and, consequently, its AU

You have all your life time to discuss this formula with scientists.

Remember also that terrestrial scientists still don’t know how to get to Mars.


Why don't you give a little more info, or you don't know? i don't, i am not a scientist, but since you know everything, perhaps an explanation would be in order here.

This formula, in itself, gives nothing at all, yeah, we are not ready, we are not worth of the knowledge, everything on its time, etc etc.

Listen, you have really taken bad steps in your life, you are going way out of the road here, calm down, think twice what your are doing, nobody believes in you because you act wrong, don't you get it?


posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:25 AM
You have gone away at least twice now, you say this is it and we are moving on and you won't be coming along or something on that line, and you always come back.


Just keep your word and go away, show us you really are for real, and take with you those who believe and have faith.

Are you so desperate for attention that you can't let go?

It doesn't matter if your alien or not, if your were reincarnated here, if you talk to Jesus or some other God, it really doesn't matter, what matters is that your behavior and the way you talk to us shows someone with a lot of internal problems, seek help!

I am not insulting you, i am being honest, you need to think about what you are doing and realize you are doing it wrong, again, as i asked you before, come out clean, become a better person, you have lost your way so much in the last days, that you don't even remember why you came here in the first place.

What happened to "The Final Contact" ?

Are we on a rerun? this is the third time you are supposed to leave and yet here you are, next time, go through with it, really leave if you must, but really do it, for once, be true to yourself.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by commander ly-on

How do people develop their hearts and minds, to be pure and geniune? I've been attempting to do the wave one of the monroe institute mediations, and the affirmation spoken asks for the help of those (well I reword it a bit) with greater love, wisdom, understanding. Due to a religious upbringing that I've been trying to shake about not being misled by entities, its actually quite a difficult thing, yet there was a connection immediately, and a great balanced mind, hard to explain the holistic health and feeling of balance. I felt like that was such a gift, but felt I in turn wasnt such a gift back. It made me feel sad, and then was wondering about the connections some of us are having, to non-terrans, some of the experiences and contacts. Are the non-terrans that some of us experiencing connected to those sharing this planet?

What gifts are the most important to develop? And how do we do this when we should find ways to wake people up to protest the internet censorship thats planned and the codex?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by argentus


g of course is gravity
v is speed

It's a complete formula.

Some skeptic did not understand the "X44" example, and of course he hurried to explain to all members that he knows about the "secret" project named Manta, easily discovered in the Internet pages.

Again he did not understand the example just as the “alone flower” answer, I repeat ALONE FLOWER.

The explanation of the X44 example is: it is very risky for us to give technical information, for, as you probably know, Grays are on Earth (in this case: the famous and infamous MIB working with USAF) and we cannot give tech specification in the Internet.

They asked me the propulsion system of the spaceships. Same problem.
When I enter a ship for the very first time, I was surprised to find it very simple, nearly empty, but with a great quartz stone in the centre.
So, apart from round engine, the spaceships use the power of mind control.

To all skeptics: it's a new formula sent to you, please check it out and come back with the results.
I repeat: a complete formula.
And yes, we gave information about things you can verify: just wait for the things to happen, we love patience.

The message from General Amon was sent to me in the same way the spaceship works: with telepathy. And of course, I put His message in the Forum, as most of you still don’t have telepathic gifts.

Kaifan; I explain to you which the Confederation gifts are, as you don’t have any clue but still want to answer back:
Telepathy, Intuition, Premonition, Remote View, Inside View


posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Kaifan

dear Kaifan

when someone says: "I leave" a post, it does not mean he stops reading it.

I leave the Final Contact when I create what should be the purpose of a post: discussion, analysis and more questions, not only by me but by all members of all Forums of all web pages of the Internet.

I’ve already told you. that Internet is the door of the 4th dimension

Don't be radical, literal and obsolete

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:49 AM
PSi development, or upgrades that seem to be taking place? The pinging and telepathy? Remote viewing and even mental projection? But, even with some degree of some of these gifts, which seems to be what they were doing with that group of children when I was a child, its not an advancement in that we're not getting abilities within ourselves, as a race yet. The telepathy is more of how they contact us, not we each other. Its one of the biggest advancements humans need, are the psi abilities. The remote viewing? Oobes, mental projection? And then just, patience. We're supposed to be patient when trying to find out which way to go, where to spend the time, be it spiritual advancement, or political change, in such a critical time. Patience? I'm already a mushroom and I don't have patience.
Also, when these abductions and experiences are happening, most people are in the dark, like a said, a mushroom. Its work thats going on that only a few get to remember, most only get leaks. Is that the part that has to do with our state of mind and heart and purity? So we're less than worthy of remembering whats being done?

[edit on 17-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Mystiq, i know your question is addressed to ly-on, but i think this might help a little to define how that can happen, i wrote this for someone else when asked about how to purify our feelings, it is not a complete answer but i think the message can be understood.

"For instance, lets say you have a really beatiful girlfriend that you don't want to ever let go, but she has a dream and for that dream to come true she has to go away, possibly forever, what do you do? the pain will be certain, but she will be really happy, if you help here make her dream come true, even when you know you will pay the price, this is a terrible situation most people would not wan't to live through, but for someone who is able to come out of it and be happy because the person he loves is happy, he has cleared his soul a lot more than the rest of the people, in my example, he has become more like water, the self sacrifice was bigger than most of our daily problems, inside, he has changed to be stronger than most, and pure in feelings, i hope this makes sense, it is kind of hard but sometimes life goes on like this, unfair and filled with pain, it depends on what we do with that pain"


posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:56 AM
Its so completely absolutely unfair to be messed with, then told your unworthy to even recall more than a bit. This whole thing completely annoys me. We need to wake people up, change a political system, and though we've pretty much been downgraded and have some crippled dna going on here, we're also supposed to become pure and innocent and perhaps even trusting. This world does not lend to trust. How do I know who is trustworthy?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by mystiq

“The telepathy is more of how they contact us, not we each other”

Mystiq you are wrong

Guides contact you with mental gifts, but you could use terrestrial telepathy to make synchronicities. I say "terrestrial telepathy" which is different from TOTAL telepathy:

Terrestrial telepathy can give you the skill to discover other person's wish (you could buy a chocolate cake to your wife waiting for you at home, just because you were able to connect her thoughts, or you can call a friend you were thinking to all day, and discover he needs help)

It’s a level above from “sixth sense” skill

In a short resume: you hardly could "listen" other person's conversations, but his feelings of his entire life.

This is one Confederation gift, explained to you just us the Guides explained to me


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