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Time To Tell The Truth About Israel …Without Fear Of The Mind Police , by David Icke

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posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by poet1b

A Prophet of flesh and blood was needed

To unite the arabs wasn't an easy task ,scatterd troughout the tribes and space there was no way that they would accept a roman church with its headquarters in vatikan.

The arabs saw in the romans regardless and violent opressors with whom they would never share a faith.SO many tribes remained pagan which were impossible to control-they fought each other often.

This problem was solved for the romans by a man born in Algir in the year 354
,born from a catholic mother he was named Augustine.Who later became the bishop of roman africa and was proclaimed as a saint.His task was to convert as many arabs in to the christian faith.He was very succesfull with that-his teachings were based upon the belief that god will only be merciful to those that their love is stronger for the heavenly kingdom rather then the earth kingdom .So while the romans were having their orgies and enyojing the fruits of the earth kingdom-the people were paitently thougt that they are sinfull and that they must paitently dispose of those sins in order to enjoy the heavenly kingdom.It is these arabs that came to the conclusion that the people(arab) need a messiah of flesh and blood and who will be of arab descent and become their prophet.

Therefore an ideology needed to be invented which would be acceptible to them and which would bind them all together,only to be put up against the jewish people (for the princip divide et impera needed to be put forth)
The writing of this religion took about 200 years to be completed-just as much as it took to find a new prophet.

Who was Muhamed?

Muhamed was born around the year 570 i mekka.The notes that had been noted by the islamic sources and what was said to Albert Rivera in the Jesuite school by kardinal Bea ,give us a shocking picture how powerfull "Idolatrija" is by which milions of people can be manipulated and controled for the purpose of a higher power.

this is just the beginning of the story ,u have to put quarters in to get more

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

char lang.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 05:25 AM
people who profit from wars start wars not the people stuck fighting wars...
divide and profit...

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by moniker
Here's another conspiracy theory: perhaps Hamas is paid for, or even managed by, either Israel, The Rotschilds or even the USA to give Israel a valid reason to terrorise the Palestinians out of existence?

I'd say that this is pretty much a given as NONE of the conflicts around this globe are random. They are conceived at the highest NWO elite level to bring about their agenda, planned, and then executed under the many guises depending on what government and or global political requirements have been requested down through the NWO elites system of command. The first the sheeple hear of it is from the controlled media as they push out the carefully scripted global language and tone from the mutterings of such organisations as the UN, IMF, WTO, EU etc Then they will roll out the economic, political, military etc 'analysts' to spread doom and gloom and prepare the sheeple for the plan to be put into action with inevitable misery and hardship for the sheeple, never the masters. So this little part of the plan that we see before us is ALL scripted and the outcome has been decided already, deals have been brokered and loss already accounted for.

However, I've read enough ignorant posts on this site to know that there are still those that really truly believe that the US president, UK Priminster, the military junta, the EU leader, just need to be replaced with a different flavour, coloured leader for their world to feel ordered once again. Oh, yes these are the same sheeple that would become cannon fodder or support those that sign up for cannon fodder duty in the ignorant belief that they are serving a 'cause' like the ignorant ones of ALL past 'never' justified wars!

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by YeshuaWarrior

Israel is God's ? nation .... if there is a god then the whole cosmos is His/her nation and no one religion is privy to it. Seek the truth and it will set you free.
Religion is the biggest lie ever perpetrated on mankind - a tool used to divide peoples and nations. In fact judeo/christian religions are based on the pagan worship of the sun. Stick that up your (peace) pipe and smoke it.
Recommend y'all watch ZEITGEIST the movie and especially ADDENDUM - should give you some cause for critical thinking about the reality and nature of the world we are currently living in. You will find that all the 'historical' elements/conditions - financial & political manipulations etc.- are there for the 'next' WW. If you like being a 'sucker' the choice is yours.
PEACE TO Y'ALL - we are 1 and we need a new consciousness if we are to survive as a species and as a planet. Let's get it together NOW. It is TIME to be FREE from the slavery which has been imposed on us for millennia. Let's BREAK THE CHAINS THAT WOULD ENSLAVE US FOREVER. Love one another - put down the guns your masters will use against YOU .....SOONER THAN YOU KNOW.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by gravitational

so let me get this straight? you are actually trying to tell us that because there have been conflicts in the past / present - and people have been killed then it is OK to kill civilians in gaza?

Just clarifying...

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by heyo

The population of Gaza is only one and a half million people, none of whom is allowed to escape the ghetto and for each one murdered there will be plenty left maimed and/or brain damaged. As 40% of the population is under 15 years of age many more, probably most, will be left with permanent and serious psychological damage. The whole situation is not that dissimilar to what was done against the Jews in Europe and I find it stunning that they would do such a thing to others themselves.

War is not acceptable other than in defending ones own nation when it is invaded. This is what happened to the Palestinian Christians, Jews and Muslims by the European Jews given residency there through the Balfour Declaration. The only terrorists there are the Israeli Zionists.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by nocty

Excellent perspective on history.

It makes sense that while the Roman Empire had stopped expanding by 350, that while adopting Christianity they chose to conduct missionaries to spread the faith. At this time Constanople was taking over as the capitol of the empire. The Roman empire was about to begin its long grind to a halt.

While the Christians who were taking over the empire taught that everything desirable was a sin, certainly the pagans did not.

I have to wonder if the main reasons the Arabs were not conquered has far more to do with the lack of desire to rule the harsh desert where they lived. Mohammad's drive was probably more due to the effort to escape that desert. I suspect Mohammads military success is the main reason he is held so highly.

If Mohammad was chosen as the prophet by the people who wrote the religion over 200 years, then who were the people who wrote this religion? If it was the Christians in Constanople, then their plans certainly backfired on them. Certainly Islam has succeeded as a rival to Christianity. Funny that the Europeans' escape from Catholicism, at least in part triggered by the crusades which were started to fight against Islam, are what lead to the age of reason, the Renaisance, which created an explosion in technological development that allowed the Europeans to conquer the world. Don't tell that this was all planned as well. If so, you are going to have to lay this story down very effectively.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Nineteen

Islamic terrorist kill far more children around the globe than the Israelis do in defending themselves. It is Hamas who insists on keeping up hostilities, not Isreal. Just as it is another Muslim group in India, and so on and so forth.

The constant repeated accusatoins against Israel are proven wrong over and over again, yet you people insist on repeating the lies. That only makes us non-jews choose to support Israel. Muslims spread death, hatred, violence, and war where ever they go, and that has been shown over and over again on these boards.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:11 AM

It's hard to fathom now--with the images of Russian children in body bags scorched into our memories--but when the history of the war on terror is written, last week may go down as a turning point.

The official death toll at School No. 1 in Beslan stood yesterday at 335, more than one-tenth the number who died in the terrorist attacks on America three years ago this week. One hundred fifty-six were children--boys and girls taken hostage when they arrived for their first day of the new school year. Before their slaughter, by rigged explosives or sniper fire, their captors denied them so much as a sip of water.

The depravity of this is hard to believe, but believe it we must. For it is the new reality of this current age in which innocents are specifically targeted by Muslim terrorists in the name of some Islamic cause. In Russia, the murderers were Chechens, aided by Arabs believed to be allied with al Qaeda. And so the children of Beslan join the ranks of other victims of Islamic terror--in a Moscow theater, a Bali nightclub, a Karachi church, and the Twin Towers of New York.

Islamic Leaders Urge Children To Be Bombers

"Young Israelis dream of being inventors, and their role models are the Israeli innovators who made it to the Nasdaq. Hezbollah youth dream of being martyrs, and their role models are Islamic militants who made it to the Next World."

Since Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has led Hezbollah, the terrorist organization has put the death of Lebanese children on a pedestal. His Ashura speech of May 1997 praised parents who beseeched Allah to "bless" their children with the honor of martyrdom.

Four months later, Sheik Nasrallah's 18 year-old son became a "martyr" after battling Israeli forces. The Hezbollah leader appeared on Al-Manar TV and thanked Allah for his son's "martyrdom," saying it brought him "the greatest feeling of joy that a father can know."

Many Lebanese Shiites were inspired by his words and to this day they want the same for their children. Sanaa Younes told the San Jose Mercury News on August 3, "He gave his son to Islam. ? It's what every parent would want."

Over 12,000 acts of terrorism since 9-11.

And you wonder why we support Israel?

How could anyone believe in a religion such as this?

How could anyone support a cause that does these things?

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by poet1b

This is not about islam as a religion - this is about the israeli policy of bombing innocents, the history of the area itself and the various conspiracies which cover this subject.

If the western world were not so intent on controlling the region and taking their resources for their own, there would be a lot less trouble in the world.

Conspiracy by davis Icke aside, it is in western interests to keep the region unstable so that they can take what they want.

I suggest reading some of the history of the region, particularly the 20th century, and find out just how badly the whole region has been treated by the westernpowers, starting in the 20's when they met and carved up the region between themselves.

Also try this on for size, and this.

Israels response is ALWAYS disproportionate, and always will be as long as they are backed by the west.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by SkepticalSpectacle
reply to post by budski

David Icke. Yeah right. What's next, the Jews are Reptilians?

Not only he is a total nutjob, he is anti-semitic as well.

Jew-hater! If he so hate the jews, he should join the jew0hating Palestinians. That way we can wipe him off the map with the rest of them.

[edit on 8-1-2009 by SkepticalSpectacle]

Yeah nice one, if we all think like that there will be no people left in the world including yourself.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by YeshuaWarrior
reply to post by breakingdradles

BREAKINGDRADLES, how do you call yourself a Christian and hate Israel? Its directly opposed to God's word. Actually read the entire Bible and you will see how much God loves Israel. Grow up as a Christian! No I am not forcing my beliefs on anyone but presenting Gods Truth. Opening your mind to Gods Truth is an Open mind. Dont close yours.

Do you know that killing/murdering is also against the word of your god ?
Have you ever heard of the "Ten Commandments" your god sended to you to follow?

Ten Commandments


- You shall not kill

- You shall not steal

- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

I find it a bit confusing these conflicting words of your god, how do i know what to part i have to follow to get into his "heaven"?

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by budski

There is no excuse for terrorism. Blaming it on Western aggression does not excuse the murder of children, or the turning of children into bombs. There is nothing that has been done to Islam to justify this.

In addition, the West has hardly done such terrible things to the Middle East, this another constantly repeated lie. The wealth of the Middle Eastern oil nations is all due to the West's development of Middle Eastern resources. The lifestyles of the people of Islam are far, far better due to the technological developments primarily by the West, electricity, automobiles, indoor plumbing, and all that. The people of Asia don't carry out these horrible terrorist attrocities, except in those areas where Islam has gained a foot hold.

It is obvious that you will use any excuse you can to try and justify what can never be justified. Terrorism is the central theme of the Muslim world, and it can not be tolerated.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by breakingdradles

Originally posted by crmanager

Originally posted by breakingdradles

Originally posted by crmanager

Are you really that uniformed?

In 1919 The League of Nations were debating weather to give the jews the area knows as Uganda, an Islan in the South Pacific or the area know as Palestine.

I am sure you would have no problem with UN madated land theft.

If a Muslim came to my door with a book...yadda yadda... I would shoot or sue, which ever got him away quicker.

Every nation on Earth has said the God intended them to live there. Why is this one bad? Is it the smell of Matzoh?

And as for the "Native Americans" which everyone else calls indians, they were screwed royally. I am all for helping them. I just won't give Denver back to them.

As I have stated time and time again, I'm fine with the portions of land they were given by the united nations AND the Arabs who lived there. What I and the UN are not fine with, is the land that has been taken since then, by force.

If you would "shoot or sue" a muslim who tried to take your home, why would an Arab do anything differently if a Jew came and wanted their home?

And the Denver comment just shows that you are the type to use humor to get out of a situation in which you are over your head. I'm going to give you an out on this one and just agree to disagree, lets see if you can save face and do the same

I love when a person says "I am winning the argument so I will take it easy on you.

READ. Israel took the West Bank because Syria was lobbing shells at them. Oh wait, just like NOW!!

They gave back the Sinai. They gave back Gaza. SO what is your problem?

I will tell you. You don't like JEWS!

This is theoretical as I now have to get on my knees, down to his level, and talk to him...

AND YOU DON'T LIKE MUSLIMS. What's the difference??

Why can you hate someone and I can't??

Why can you choose a side and I can't??

Why is it ok to say you'd shoot a muslim who came to your door, but Arabs should lay down and take it in the @**?

Why is it ok to battle for your homeland but not ok for them to battle for their HOMES??

Now to get out of little kid mode answer his questions.

Japan bombed us... BAD, did that give us the right to take their land and not give it back? Did we even have the gall to try? If we had, would they have fought back? If I remember right, they used suicide bombers as well.

With your logic, it is ok for the USA to occupy Japan and not give it back, and act surprised when they fought for it back.

Shoulda taken the out big guy.

(And just to make sure, read my previous posts, I DO NOT hate Jews, I dislike the state of israel as by creating and supporting it, Americans have got NOTHING in return except an ever growing red target on our backs.)

[edit on 8-1-2009 by breakingdradles]

Holy cow. I will talk slow. Your name is BREAKING DRADLES. No anti-semetism there.

If a nation is attacked such as with Pearl Harbor you think that does not give you the right to occupy. Nothing else needs to be said.
You are a pacifist. In my world we do not see rainbows and butterflys.

NO ONE said the Palestinians can't fight for their homes.

How does blowing up an Israeli nursing home solve that problem?

This is Iranian intervention to keep this fight stewing. All Hammas has to do is stop launching and recognize the right of Israel to exist. If that is bad to you then YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY ANTI-JEWISH.

98% of the power to Gaza comes from Israel. 70% of the food in Gaza comes from Israel. 38% of the jobs in Gaza come from Israel.

Where are the Arab nations? Where is Egypt and Saudi Arabia? Where is Jordan? Is Israel keeping them out? Is Israel keeping the food out;shutting of power?

Israel built a wall and limited access to 2 points in order to limit SUICIDE BOMBERS. They can still leave Gaza it just takes a while. SORRY 'bout that but tell your buds to stop blowing up pizza shops.

Now stay quiet while the adults talk.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by poet1b

Nice post. You did your studying.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by poet1b

Sorry, but I think you are barking up the wrong tree there.

The western MSM has promulgated this propaganda for many years - if you do a little research you'll find that the west has committed many crimes in the mideast, including the overthrowing of governments which had been democratically elected to be replaced by puppet governments, the training of secret police in torture techniques, the supply of WMD's and the theft of resources.

All it takes to find out is a little research - try it: you will be surprised at just how much we in the west are to blame.

Without our interference and manipulation, there would be no terrorists.

Instead of espousing western MSM propaganda, try having a REAL look at what has gone on, and what continues to go on.

As for your people of asia not being terrorists except where muslims are concerned, I suggest you take a look at india, sri lanka and many other asian countries.
That really was a ridiculous assertion.

[edit on 9/1/2009 by budski]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by budski

I will repeat myself, as you continue to do.

Nothing that the west has done justifies terrorism, especially the murder of children.

All these things you refer to are hardly cut and dried to be as you claim. Anyway you slice it, the Muslim world is far better off due to their involvement with the west, than they would be without it. Most of the problems of the Middle East come from their own doing, their own religious fanatacism, their own hatred.

Israel is a slice of decency in a sea of horrendous activity that exists in the Middle East.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by crmanager

Thanks,, never know if I should make a post to say this.

honestly, not a one liner.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by poet1b

What you are saying is like saying that all catholics are terrorists because the IRA were.

In other words, not a grain of truth - merely knee jerk, reactionary rubbish, with no understanding of the issues involved.

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