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Wait a second?... How is it that I'm the one that's crazy, insane, delusional, and brainwashed?

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posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
So we're all to believe that this massive scale conspiracy successfully brought down the twin towers etc. but the same clowns couldn't pull off faking a couple of weapons of mass destruction?

A small, privately contracted demolitions team placing explosives in the Twin Towers in your own country is more massive and difficult to pull off than manufacturing weapons of mass destruction with Iraqi materials and to Iraqi standards, aging said weapons as to not resemble newly manufactured weapons, and smuggling them in to a hostile country for planting?

9-11, despite it's massive repercusions and far-reaching scale, was a very simple operation. Hiring private contractors to rig the Twin Towers and Building 7, and allowing Al Qaeda to hijack the aircraft and go according to plan eliminates accountability and is extremely non-time consuming in the grand scheme of things.

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Can we all just step back and use a little common sense sometimes.....please?

By all means.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
People who think Osama pulled off 9/11 fall into one of two categories: gullible or lazy.

How obnoxious. :shk:

Third category - just plain ol' smart.
And that's what we are.

Originally posted by Jezus
It's just the matter what the evidence says.
Who are you trying to convince us or yourself?

The evidence does NOT support anything other then the 9/11 attack being radical islamics. I already know thats true so I'm not trying to convince myself and I don't bother trying to convince anyone here who believes differently - they don't listen to the facts.

Ask any cabbie on duty in DC on that day. many of them saw the plane come in and hit the pentagon.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and in this case a radical islamic terrorist is just an islamic radical terrorist.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

That is not truth but a prejudged conclusion on your part. There is a pure pursuit of intellectualism but that takes work. What you are prescribing is an appearance of intellectualism which is an easier solution to line yourself up with a group you would consider more intelligent without doing the work yourself.
I suggest losing the flyersfan this would help in gaining some credibility

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundiA small, privately contracted demolitions team placing explosives in the Twin Towers in your own country is more massive and difficult to pull off than manufacturing weapons of mass destruction with Iraqi materials and to Iraqi standards, aging said weapons as to not resemble newly manufactured weapons, and smuggling them in to a hostile country for planting?

9-11, despite it's massive repercusions and far-reaching scale, was a very simple operation. Hiring private contractors to rig the Twin Towers and Building 7, and allowing Al Qaeda to hijack the aircraft and go according to plan eliminates accountability and is extremely non-time consuming in the grand scheme of things.

If a privately contracted demo team placed explosives in the towers, then why didn't a privately contracted team plant false weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Oh, and just so you know, as I've said because, that would require miles and miles and miles...and miles of wire...

I think we actually agree, but just so others can think...if the government has this much power then why can't they do hardly anything correctly? 9/11 was caused by bureaucracy, bad foreign policy and a bunch of crazy radical Muslims.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by yellowcard]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by yellowcard
then why didn't a privately contracted team plant false weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

Didn't I just explain why?

Since Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, these weapons would have to be manufactured. This manufacturing process would have to occur outside of Iraq.

In order to start this manufacturing process, they would need to seize Iraqi uranium supplies in order to properly forge an Iraqi nuclear weapon, or Iraqi chemical and biological product caches. These weapons would also have to be manufactured with Iraqi technology and equipment.

After a lengthy manufacturing process, the weapons could not simply be buried. They cannot bury newly manufactured weapons, as they would not hold up under scrutiny when compared to when the invasion began.

Then, after they have aged, they must be smuggled in to a hostile country. If the insurgency is so strong, what if the transport was ambushed? What if the weapons fell in to the "wrong hands"? Now what do you do?

Now, can anyone sit there and honestly tell me that that is more simple than wiring a building for demolition?

Originally posted by yellowcard
if the government has this much power then why can't they do hardly anything correctly?

They do do it correctly in accord with their agenda. Their interests are counter to we the people's interest, so when it appears they have screwed something up, and thus have hurt we the people's interests, they actually have accomplished what they wanted to accomplish.

9-11 and Iraq cannot be compared, anyway. 9-11 was perpetrated by a shadow entity possibly working with Al Qaeda. Iraq was perpetrated directly by our public government.

Our government is the scapegoat for the ones really controlling these events and actions.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
i have said it before and will say this again.. anyone that continues to spill the propaganda garbage knowingly will be liable for aiding and abeting war criminals in the future.. just keep that in mind..

LOL, such a totalitarian view you have there.

Lucky enough for troofers, "YOU" won't be held liable for the war crime of spreading propaganda with the enthusiasm of a modern-day Goebbels and apologizing for the Islamic terrorists. To the contrary, we recognize troofers as harmless kooks that we should just feel pity for.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Seymour Butz]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Dear 9-11 Conspiracy theorist,

So far, in the years that this whole thing has been going around, I haven't seen much in the way of real, verifiable or even plausible evidence from you, your researchers or the rest of their ilk.

You can believe what you want, read what you want, and watch whatever you want, especially if it comes only from sources you agree with, but here's some facts. Planes hit some buildings, those buildings fell as a result, and people died.

While you can and often will go on wild and awesome sprees of name calling and innuendo when someone says different or disagrees with you, all you seem to accomplish is to reinforce our beliefs in what happened.

Was it Osama, George Bush, Aliens, the Flying Spaghetti monster, or Elvis; we don't really care, as just know that some groups have claimed credit for it and after licking our wounds and burying our dead as best we can, we will go and destroy these people and anyone who supports them.

A lot of us have grown weary of war, but in all, we have gotten past what happened on 9-11, and maybe you should as well. Its long done and in the past and nothing you do will bring those people back. Maybe you should let it go like most of the rest of us here have done, and if not, maybe you should seek some counseling.

The rest of us.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:15 PM

posted by enigmania
reply to post by HunkaHunka

A live witness! Can you state what direction you were travelling in, the exact location you were when you saw it and the direction the plane was comming from, did it fly in a straight line, was it turning etc.?

Thanks in advance.

An anonymous person with absolutely no evidence to prove his/her relation to reality. HunkaHunka is totally worthless as a reliable eyewitness; about as valuable as the Mainstream News Media alleged eywitnesses without a last name or without any names at all, or alleged eyewitnesses who were actually miles away relating 2nd or 3rd hand accounts, or alleged eyewitnesses standing on the Reagan National passenger platform with tall buildings in Crystal City blocking the view, or the many MSM reporter alleged eyewitnesses who would quickly lie when ordered to by their masters, and did. (Reporters Mike Walters and Jamie McIntyre - proven liars)

HunkaHunka is not an eyewitness who can be verified just like all the other alleged eyewitnesses for the 9-11 Pentagon OFFICIAL STORY. Just a bunch of untraceable people who allegedly gave a few lines of gibberish, with few details, none of which can be verified with actual evidence. Wild tales of passengers in seats at the Pentagon with not one single photo of a passenger in a seat. Wild tales of a light pole through a windshield with not one single photo of a light pole through a windshield. Wild tales of a cone of energy from exploding jet fuel blowing the Exit Hole through the C-Ring wall, with no evidence of jet fuel nor fire out in the A-E Drive.

Wild tales of jet fuel burning people up inside the Pentagon with a real live witness 35-45 feet from the alleged impact not getting burned up and reporting NO JET FUEL at all. NO JET FUEL = = = NO JET AIRPLANE.

And a photo showing a deceased Pentagon worker who was not burned up by jet fuel in an area where there was supposed to be burning jet fuel. NO JET FUEL = = = NO JET AIRPLANE.

Pentagon person whose jacket and blue/white shirt has not been burned by jet fuel

[edit on 12/30/08 by SPreston]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:22 PM
I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and I definitely know where the OP is coming from. Whenever I mention anything related to conspiracy theories to my friends or family or to my therapist, they immediately refuse to take me seriously and go like "oh oh, here comes the paranoia again". It's #ing frustraring. Anyway, they're all a bunch of sheep and I don't really care about their opinions anymore. Just follow your own path and don't give a # about what the world thinks of you.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi

Now, can anyone sit there and honestly tell me that that is more simple than wiring a building for demolition?

Actually, it would.

You'd take your own sweet time, on your own secure property, where no one could possibly find out what you're doing.

Vs the towers, where you'd have to do everything quickly, with the risk of being found out.

Of course your rambling nonsense misses the whole premise of the NWO, etc. That they could pull off the plane things, and control enough of the military to cover it up...... but then on the other hand, NOT control enough of the military to fake the weapons findings, which would mean that they wouldn't have to manufacture realistic looking, working nuclear weapons in the first place.

But your delusional ramblings are certainly entertaining.... what else do you have in your schtick?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:26 PM


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Alienmojo
Yes, I'm the accidental ironic. Forget Bush for the moment, I'm speaking of the complexity of the plot. It makes JFK look like something high school students did.

Regardless of how complex the plot might have appeared, *I* could come up with it. And if I was unethical and had the resources and media control, I could pull it off.

I'm just saying, it really wasn't as complex as it appears when sorting through stacks of "evidence" which could be truth or lies.

I bet the whole thing could be done with as few as 50 insiders. And making people feel as if they are a "part of" the scheme, and will personally benefit, reduces a lot of people's ethics. And the Lizard Hearted in this world are not known for their ethics to begin with.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:35 PM

posted by HunkaHunka
I was heading North on Washington Blvd. And it flew over me as I mentioned. I didn't notice it until it was right on top of me

posted by enigmania

So, it was right on top of you.

If you really were below the plane at the point it crossed Washington BLVD, it must've flew just a few meters above your head, making it hard to see any logo with that speed.

The best part is, you would've never been able to see the impact in your passenger side mirror, if you were travelling north, because if it flew over you head, it would've impacted on your right side, not behind you.

I'm sorry, but I find your story hard to believe.

Of course HunkaHunka's story is hard to believe because it is an outright lie. Assuming Hunk's car is American with the driver's seat on the left side, the alleged aircraft would have been approaching from his left back quarter at an official 535 mph with the sound just slightly ahead of it. (speed of sound at sea level about 761 mph) At 784.6 feet per second, Hunk had about one second and a half to jerk his head around and see the alleged 757 impact the wall, after it passed over his car. Enough of our star anonymous eyewitness and his BS.

[edit on 12/30/08 by SPreston]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Alienmojo

I don't think your any more delusional than I am. I don't know what to believe anymore. I know WTC 7 was brought down on purpose to hide evidence, I know that flight 93 didn't happen the way they said it did, and I don't know what hit the pentagon, but I don't think it was an airplane. BUT, I find it so hard to believe that George Bush could have made something like this... even to have said yes to it. I want to be polite...but let's face it... the man's an idiot. This thing is so complicated I just don't know what to believe anymore... I don't know what that makes me.

why do you think george bush HAD to have something to do with 9/11 and planning it, hes a puppet for the NWO he probably didn't even know it was going to happen the way it did, but he definitely knew SOMETHING about it just from the things he has said afterwards, like the freudian slip saying there were explosives in the building, rumsfield said the "plane shot down over pennsylvnia, and said the "explosives in the towers", a freudian slip occurs when you say something that your thinking subconsciously but you didn't really mean to say it. It is usually the bush and rummy have basically admitted to the alternate 911 theory .......

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Seymour Butz

You know, it is posts like this that are the reason this forum is under close scrutiny. I'm not sure what it is about 9-11 that brings the immaturity out of people, but you could have very easily said what you said with some level of decency.

As for everything else you said:

Why would rigging the building have to be done quickly? Are you forgetting that whole floors of the building were closed off for "construction" and "remodeling"? How about the drills that evacuated the buildings weeks ahead of the attacks?

A majority of the military would not need to be controlled in order to cover up 9-11. All they need, in the case of the ones truly running the show, is to control the head man, the Secretary of Defense. Which they do.

Iraq, however, is different. The "findings" would be forced to be presented to the IAEA and the United Nations. They would be under scrutiny by people who know what they're talking about. As opposed to not finding anything, and merely lying to the American people, who do not know what they're talking about.

It is much more simple to do what they did on 9-11 than it is to fake weapons of mass destruction findings in Iraq.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The evidence does NOT support anything other then the 9/11 attack being radical islamics.

9/11 hijackers alive

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Seymour Butz

But your delusional ramblings are certainly entertaining.... what else do you have in your schtick?

As cashlink, always say to you, when your ship is sinking you have nothing left but your little snide, sick, twisted rude remarks, how pathetic.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:24 PM

posted by FlyersFan
The evidence does NOT support anything other then the 9/11 attack being radical islamics.

posted by Jezus
9/11 hijackers alive

But but but ...... That can't be true. Our government god would never lie to us. There must be a simple explanation. You must have rigged the Google search somehow. It's your fault. You terrorist you.

But I promised my wife, my kids, my dear old Mom. They trust me. They know I would never lie to them. They trust me to keep them safe with our rolls of anti-anthrax duct tape.

I have to be right. Where's my boob tube. Faux News, Russ LimpBalls, Bill O'Liely ......... Help me. Waaaaaaaa.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by SPreston

An anonymous person with absolutely no evidence to prove his/her relation to reality. HunkaHunka is totally worthless as a reliable eyewitness; about as valuable as the Mainstream News Media

No sh.

I don't know if you read any of my other posts, but if you do, you'd understand my approach.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Muundoggie
Ever notice when someone starts to hit a nerve the thread becomes UNDER CLOSE SCRUTINY?
There must be some truth to what you say or why would this happen.

indeed,there are various no nos in the world of future ai,whenever you strike upon them you are met with discreditation,defaming,info managment tactics and so on,many people are noticing such tactics here and elsewhere hence the rumours as to how ats is run by the cia,its not of course its run by the ais,like alienearth which was recently shutdown and sold on as to many people were complaining of being mind controlled not long after visiting it.....similiarites to here.

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