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ghost encounters;post your stories

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:43 AM
hi all the ppl th@t read and respond i have had so many encounters with ghosts and other expierences and i know a good deal about the paranormal i culd help u if u have problems with ghosts. sorry if it sounds korny and dumb but this is my first thread so i dont know wat 2 say but im really interested in listening to stories ill give a few 2 grab ur intrest:
several months ago my parents went out and i stood @ home. i was goin 2 turn off my phone bcuz it was dying and i left my charger @ me friends house; so i went 2 get the house phone and my fav book to read. i sat down in my room and put my cell phone on my dresser and put the house phone next to me.. about 15min later the house phone starts to ring i check the # and it said my cell was calling it.... freaked out i turn around and my phone was open,on and calling the house phone.
the next one is wen i was about 5 yrs old: i was in kindergarden and it was summer and my teacher had given us a small packet to do and i even remember wat the page was about it had a snowman on it and we were supposed to write a couple sentences about it. my mom was goin 2 get me a diary @the 99cents store(i collected them) and she said i didnt have 2 do the page if i didnt want 2 and i thought AWSOME!! she left and i watched pokemon on tv. wen she came back she checked to see if i did my work and she said"good u did your work!!!" i thought she was kidding and went 2 check myself while she went into the kitchen it was done,and the handwriting wasnt mine after th@t i ran to my mom and clug 2 her 4 the rest of the day...
i hope you found this interesting and post your own stories.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:48 AM
A couple of days after my grandma passed away, she came to me in my room where I was sleeping to say goodbye. We were very, very close my whole life. I was not frightned in the least. She had been ill for about 6 months prior to her passing and had severe head trauma, so she was unable to talk to us. I took her death very hard and this encounter made a world of difference.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by bellla198

i dont know if i can call this a ghost story or not ,but my ex-girlfriend kept shaking me saying what is that, what is that? i woke and saw a golf ball sized very bright light with what looked like small tenticles all over. it was in front of the tv and we stared at it for about 5 min. i then said im going to touch it, and when i started to get out of bed it moved towards the wall and started fading thru the wall. when it did this i could see the outside. when it faded away the wall looked normal and the room went to normal again. the only light that was on, was the fish tank. all the shades were drawn
oh i forgot, my girlfriend said that was lowels ghost and we told the neighbor about it. the nieghbor was lowels wife.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by estrip]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:40 AM
I have "ghost encounters" on a daily basis. I'm extremely empathic and apparently I shine a light that they can see. Ghosts exist because they fear death, they don't know they are dead and/or they are still too attached to their mortality that they cannot accept their death. There are probably more reasons but a comprehensive list is unimportant atm.

There is nothing to fear from ghosts. See the reasons listed above.

Following PammyK's lead, I will tell you the story of when my grandmother died. It was Boxing Day more than a decade ago. I was at the stove. It was about 2 pm. Quite suddenly, I felt as though I had received such a blow to the chest that my breath was literally knocked out of me. I stood there, clutching the counter and hoping the food wouldn't burn and that I wouldn't pass out. Those thoughts were there but the over-arching thought was simply "Grandmother".

Now, my grandmother and I were very close. I loved her as one normally loves their mother. She was the most important person to me. She had lived a very hard life. I won't go into more detail but she had been senile for several years prior to that point and I hadn't visited her because she didn't recognize me (I live in Northern Europe, she in the States).

After what seemed like two full minutes - it is possible! - I finally caught my breath and "saw" a large yellow light fly at that same moment out the kitchen window next to me.

At that point, I walked into the bedroom and said to my husband "I think my grandmother may have died". He replied that if she had, the phone would ring and I shouldn't worry about it.

Well, I don't have a "normal" family in any sense of the word. The phone never rang so I tried not to think about it.

On 23 March the following year, a letter dropped through the mail slot. It was from an aunt - not blood relative though, she married my uncle. In it, she told me that she had been very ill so it had taken some time for her to send me photos of my grandmother's funeral. She had died the day after Christmas the previous year. Oh yes, I didn't mention that 23 March was also my grandmother's birthday.

I called my aunt immediately to find out what time my grandmother had died. She didn't know so I called the nursing home. They didn't know the precise time of death but it was sometime around 4 am. There is nine hours difference in our time zones. It took her a little time to get to me, but I'm sure she was so elated to finally be released from the struggles of her life that she must have spent some time just reveling in her freedom.

I will post more as we go along. As I said before, I have "encounters" regularly and frequently "feel" their stories. Let me just say again that there is nothing to fear. These are not demons and they cannot hurt you, nor do they want to as a rule. They may be exceedingly frustrated or feel ownership of a home or piece of furniture, etc., but they cannot *hurt* you. You are just at that moment aware of what is around you all the time! There are ghosts literally everywhere and literally all the time.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:23 AM
There is this wierd story that happened to one of my freinds.

He was resting in his grandparent's house one afternoon. That house was famous as being haunted. Suddenly the entire room turned bright with light. Then a figure of a tall, fair lady appeared in the door and started moving towards him. There was immense glow on her face and her hair was let down. There was blood trickling down her face from just above the lip. The figure was about 7 feet tall. It did not touch my freind or do anything. After about 60 seconds the figure vanished and the lights went out of the room.

I believe my freind as he has confided many other things in me.

The neighbours later told him that the ghost was that of a woman who was killed in the house 100 years ago.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:40 AM
I remember when I was much younger, the incident which got me interested in the paranormal to begin with. I was up around 10 PM sitting in my bed reading a book, when I heard what sounded like my mom with a head cold say my name, very clearly. I looked to my immediate right, where I heard the sound come from and standing in the middle of my room, was a large black "figure". I just stared at it for a few seconds before screaming my way down the stairs to find both of my parents down there >_<

I still remember the fear that I felt...

I know I wasn't dreaming because both my parents remember the state of panic I was in, and to this day have never seen the "thing" again.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:53 AM
this was my first thread as u prabably read in the thread but i never expected ppl 2 post replies ill tell you something that happend last night:
i had just finished taking a shower and i sat down in the living room and after i think 4 min i see something black move out of the corner of my eye and then the coat hanger that is on the side of the couch fell and wuld have hit me if i hadnt jummped off the couch. now i was pretty freaked and i ran to my room.... and b4 i fell asleep something kept calling my name(it was more like a whisper)
i hope more ppl post stories on here and u were intrested by me story

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:58 AM
oh yeah and ,cosmicegg, sorry if i misspelled it, i have read a lot of ur posts and i hope u post more expierences.(everyone else 2)

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:59 AM
When I was just a child. Oneday I kept on saying, 'I belive in ghosts'. That night I wokeup in the middle of the night, and I was in bed as I turned around to the middle of the bedroom. What I saw scared the living poo out of me, because I cried myself to sleep. I saw a ghost family stareing at me, as they were in the centre of the bedroom.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:15 PM
Hey Bellla. Happy to.

gordonwest, it's honestly just that simple. If you want to see them, they will go out of their way to oblige. Ask and it will be given. Ask and ye shall receive. That goes for everything that is included in your path for this lifetime. The most amazing things can be changed simply by knowing it is so.

How about another experience then? We moved to another flat in a building that was built in the 50s. We heard, bit by bit, about how incredibly haunted the building was but only after we had started having experiences of our own. Coincidentally, this was the same timing as my awakening and a couple of UFO sightings with some very odd attributes.

The place had solid electrical wiring and all the modern comforts despite its age and our landlady was a diplomat who was abroad for an extended period. It was a really nice place, full of charm. It was on the top floor and there was no elevator. We had only one neighbor on our floor and the next floor up was the attic.

After a short time there, mere weeks, we started to hear what sounded like furniture being moved around anytime after midnight on into the wee hours of the morning. Naturally none of us wanted to go up there to investigate. That was an event that occurred randomly but regularly. All the top floor residents heard it and really just decided to live with it. It really was creepy though. We knew no one was moving furniture there because it was only our storage areas which weren't big and a really large space for hanging laundry to dry. There just wasn't furniture to move.

Another thing in the attic was - and tell me this isn't bizarre - an energy that was described as a hare. A large rabbit-like creature. What would a hare be doing living up there for decades?! We were told by our neighbors after about a year there that the long-time residents there knew it to be a live hare. I found out otherwise when I went up there once to our storage area. They were just essentially chicken wire partitions as people here are really honest. I opened the door of ours and felt a rush of wind below my knees. There was nowhere for a living thing to go that quickly that it couldn't be clearly seen. This was just clearly felt. My older daughter is extremely clairvoyant and got really frightened by its size. (We actually keep dwarf rabbits).

There was a spell of time there where a new designer lamp would turn itself on in the middle of the night. I would frequently feel a cold presence over one shoulder while I was cooking. We had spots of extreme cold there, one of which was in the middle of a desk in a bedroom. We could hear scraping sounds inside the solid element and concrete walls. That was seriously disturbing. There was no way anything could be there.

Then we really started to have some problems. My daughter and I experienced extreme pressure on our chests some time after we had gone to sleep. It was suffocating and brought with it a sense of intense dread and a heavy sadness or futility.

As I was still completely green about these things back then, I had a friend who was a sort of witch. She came over and "cleaned" the place. It took about five hours and all her strength. She told us that there were many, many ghosts there. They all came there for some reason from all over - to us. We didn't know then about my "beacon" but it became pretty obvious because the ghosts just kept coming so I had to learn to deal with it myself. The funniest thing was when the energy drain (cold spot) on the desk disappeared. I fell asleep after a particularly heavy meditation session, woke up two hours later, asked for a cup of tea and promptly fell back to sleep. When I woke up and hour later, the tea was still too hot to drink! I thought my kids had made me a new cup. Not so. Very strange indeed.

We lived there for three years and there were constantly strange events. Sometimes our cellphones wouldn't make or receive calls despite there being a full signal available. There was frequently severe disturbance during calls. The building was situated on top of a hill so we looked over all the other buildings and all the treetops in the area. We could literally see for miles. We have excellent coverage here so there was simply no reason why our phones would do this. And it happened only at home.

I really want to reiterate that there is nothing to be afraid of. Our belief system makes us fear death. I feel certain that if we saw death as the release that it is, we would embrace it and ghosts wouldn't exist.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:20 PM
There are too many ghost experiences to tell you about.
They are everywhere. They are around us all the time.

I'll tell you this though - there is a big difference between ghosts and demons. The evil spirits are very different when they are around. They HATE. They ooze hate. And it feels like it is all directed at you.

I worked in a building in japan that had demons. This one demon hated americans. If you were in the building this thing would come - unseen - and stand next to you .. hating and hating and hating you.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:54 PM
They only have power over you if you give it to them.

I had a demon *attack* me at one point only recently. It was very strange, I must admit. I'm sure they exist but have never been plagued by them until then. My daughter saw it on my left jaw and neck. She could see its eyes. I had absolutely horrible pain there.

I thought it was some sort of test by *whoever up there decides such things * and tried to figure out how to get rid of it. I wasn't afraid though because fear feeds fear. I chose to love it instead. I asked my (clairvoyant) daughter to watch while I meditated so that she could call someone should something unfortunate happen.

I started to meditate and fell quickly into a very deep trance. My only awareness was of trying to focus as much compassion, love and understanding on this demon as I possibly could. I didn't have much awareness of pain at that point. I only focussed on the love. I willed it to grow. At some point I started talking to it. I was completely unaware of what I said though. Apparently at some point I said something to the effect of "You can't be here, I am a holy person..." or some such.

HUH?! I said WHAT?! Well, there was no demon anymore when I finally came out of the trance. I had some pain there for a while but it went within a few days and I've had no trouble since.

I don't know if it's that easy for real because I simply don't know if it was a test or ... whatever. I have no idea. But I really don't think I'm holy in any way either. I just know what some love can do for a soul. There's no stronger power to be had.

Give it a try next time you meet any sort of "demon" or other "evil" entity.

It's always good to practice on less powerful critters too. Try it on the next angry person to come across. Try smiling at them instead of showing them fear or anger or insecurity.

In fact, show love to people you love and who love you and are happy! There's more than enough for everyone.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:43 PM
just a couple of min. ago i was laying down on my bed listening 2 my fav song and i feel a pressure in my chest and my eyelids get SUPER heavy and i cant open them and i can feel a pressure in my chest and i dont know wats goin on and after probably 30 sec i feel the hardest push and i can open my eyes but i felt unwelcome in there and i came into the living room.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by bellla198]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:14 PM
Exactly those times are when you try gently either thinking, whispering or speaking to them. Ask them what they want. Ask what you can do to help. Create a feeling of love inside you, right where they are taking contact with you so that they know you can sense them. Fear is not what they are looking for. They want contact. Sometimes you can feel them lean over you. Just give them a hug. I'm serious! Open your mind and your heart.

Think, whisper or speak to them that they have passed out of this life and can go home now. They are free. Tell them they are loved and that there is no judgment, only love waiting for them. Then create a sort of stairway or other passage for them, just in your mind. Thought is a powerful thing. Fill it with a gentle white light and ask the ghost's family to come to receive them. Encourage them to go - do it with all the love you can muster.

They will go. No matter how "evil" the thing might be, it will go when you lay their fears to rest.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 02:44 AM
Sometime around 5 years ago when i was midway through high school I had a frightening experience. It was about 2:30am and i had just finished a paper due the next day (procrastinator). I got on my myspace page real fast to check and see if I had any messages before i went to sleep.
My laptop was in my lap, and i was sitting upright with my back against the wall. The laptop was running off of the battery and I had the ethernet cable plugged into the port with a 3 foot cable directly behind my head-board. There were two doors in my room, both closed. One in the middle of the wall east of me about 10 feet away and another directly behind me about2 feet to the right. Both doors were closed and i would have known if someone opened either and came in because they both creaked horribly lol.
As the myspace website loaded i began looking around the room to try and regain some night vision as I had been staring at a computer screen for so long. Out of nowhere the laptop was literally jerked from my lap across the room into the wall near the door to the east of me. It was pulled so sudden and with such force it ripped the ethernet cord out as it flew. I jumped up after it happened vecause i thought my brother or sister had snuck in and done it, but both doors were closed and i was the only person in the room. I still remember the sheer force of the laptop flying off of my laptop. Just to give you an idea it was an OLD compaq laptop with a curb weight of about 8 pounds.

Sorry for all the nitpicky details : )

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

thank u 4 explainin th@t 2 me cosmicegg

[edit on 27-11-2008 by bellla198]

[edit on 27-11-2008 by bellla198]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:51 PM
Other than the obvious "corner of my eye" stories, I have two truly unexplained experiences that happened during my teenage years. I don't remember anything before, and nothing has happened since.

The first experience, I was about 13 or 14 years old. It was the middle of the night, and I was awakened by a sound in my room. At first, being in the cloudy state of just being woke up, I couldn't figure out what it was. Then, as my mind began to clear I could make out what sounded like Bible pages turning. I knew it was Bible pages, because they make a sound that no other book makes. The pages are thin. I heard "flip.... flip.... flip...." This went on for approximately five minutes. I knew this, because the only source of light in my room was the red numbers from my alarm clock. It was 1:23 when I first looked at the clock, and 1:28 when the sound stopped. That wasn't the end of it though - as the sound stopped, and I was looking at the clock, something passed in front of it, blocking my view of the clock.

Of course, I was scared to death and covered my face with my blankets and finally falling asleep.

The next morning, I saw my Bible out on my dresser laid open. I don't remember what it was opened to, but I did glance over the text to see if I could figure out if there was a message being given to me. Nothing really jumped out, so I disregarded the text it was opened to.

My second experience isn't quite as "scary", but unexplained none the less. Once again, I was awakened by a sound in my room (different house), but saw or heard nothing when I became lucid. However, a stool had been moved to the center of the empty floor space, in front of my TV. The TV had that ominous glow that the old tube-type TV's did when you first turn them off in the dark. My first thought was that maybe one of my sisters came in and played the Nintendo or something, but it was close to 3:00 AM, and they were sleeping soundly in their rooms. I never did figure it out, and just figured Casper wanted to watch a little late night TV.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by bellla198

help me please. Here is my problem and story. if you need anything else let me know.. My Thread

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:03 PM
There are already responses to your thread. You don't need to fish in other threads to get replies.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by ironjello

it sounds like someone has died tragically there and might need to fufill something. often though souls can be held there by more powerful ones. locate the nearest paranormal investegators and they could help you. go to your nearest church and ask the priest to bless the house or just spray holy water. i would not suggest that you contact the ghost by yourself if there is a stronger ghost/demon there, it might not be a good idea by the chance you can get harmed. do more research on the area and house to check for any murders. now there is a high chance that it will get violent so i would suggest getting help fast before that can happen. now in the case thats a demon all the reason to get help faster, moving wont be optional it will only follow you and your family. until help comes a way to tell if its a demon or ghost is that a demon has hot spots and a ghost has cold spots. put kosher salt around your house that will put up a barrrier. control your fear;if you show fear that will(i belive) only strengthen it.

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