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on the increase of personal awakenings

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posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 03:23 PM
Cindy - I have a question maybe you can answer.

When I was very young - I used to slide up my wall - and "fly". I don't remember a lot - I was only about 5 or 6. I do remember flying over the neighborhood and seeing my friends asleep in their beds.

But - I would go to this Gray place. I can only describe it as how it might feel to be in the womb. It was very dense & safe. The two things I remember are: 1. All encompassing unconditional Love. 2. Voices. It was like being plugged into the worlds switchboard.

What is that place?

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Annee

Well I can only speculate......
It could be anywhere.
Sounds like some precreative space.
Could be another diminsion.
Plane,planet but if it feels really safe a good place.
I have been to a all white place on numerous occassions
where I meet with people to talk.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Man... I just went outside in the forest and started meditating and then afterwards I just started hugging trees... I even kissed some... it felt good.

I also was out with my 4 dogs. Usually I would seperate myself from the herd and act as leader or something. Pretty much just walking and not paying any attention to what the dogs were doing. But today I became one of the herd. It was fun. I started to pay alot of attention to the dogs and instead of leading the dogs, I started to follow them. We climbed a big ass rock cliff and sniffed through all sorts of weird stuff. I cant believe what I was missing. That was fun. I usually would just walk the same old path and just think about stupid BS, but today I went on an adventure in the wilderness. I came across all sorts of stuff. Dogs know how to have fun.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Wisen Heimer]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Annee

Annee, sounds like a typical astral projection, for many report of flying while on the astral plane; also sounds like you found a nice secure hidey hole where you could tap into the collective unconsciousness of everyone, removed from everyone but also connected at the same time.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g
reply to post by Annee

Annee, sounds like a typical astral projection, for many report of flying while on the astral plane; also sounds like you found a nice secure hidey hole where you could tap into the collective unconsciousness of everyone, removed from everyone but also connected at the same time.

Yes - something like that.

This is the place where a very tall man in a long white robe came to me and grounded me from "flying". He said I was two young to understand living in both the physical world and the spiritual world. That I was trying to leave the physical world - - but it was important that I stay there.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Annee
Well, I'm glad you didn't escape, for we wouldn't have you here with us now,would we?

At that young of an age, you probably still felt a very strong connection to the other side and just wanted to go back home.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 06:38 PM
Yes I think so. It does get a bit more complicated though.

A Wiccan psychic told me I was supposed to be a Sid's baby or leave at a young age. That my birth soul wanted to experience the physical world - but was too sensitive to remain here. Which is why I may have needed the encounter with the tall man in an astral state.

Much later in life - about 5 years ago - a psychic told me - I had a Pleiadian walk-in when I had an accident at age 16. This was a complete stranger - - but yes I did have an accident at age 16.

The original birth soul/energy - who was never meant to stay here until completion left - and the Pleiadian walk-in took over.

Seriously - - I am not a psychic junkie. I've only talked to about 5 in my whole life.

I know - its a weird story. I can only relate my experiences as I know them.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Annee
I have had encounters with 2 that were psychic readers, and both, on different occasions, walked up to me and startd telling me things out of the blue,personal things, so they got my attention, yes, and i listened to what they had to say; and both of them smiled at the end of their little talk with me and turned and walked away.

it is your story of you experiences, Annee, and we are not here to judge, but to share.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g
I really do not have a plausible reason for the ever increasing number of people that are becoming aware that there is so much more to our world and slice of reality than is normally acknowledged;

my personal jump in awareness, the dawning realization that things were not as they seemed and perhaps there was a lot more than what the MSM and the PTB were shoveling, started after recovering from a Pulmonary embolism in 2000;

ever since then I have noticed an underlying edge to most people I encounter, the feeling that they view reality thru a glass darkly.
yet I meet more and more individuals that are not content with the staus quo, seeing for themselves that things just don't add up.

I have always had a fascination with ufo's and outer space since the days of my childhood watching Star Trek, and have read any and all materials available for the last 4 decades.

I hope that all will share their own personal moments of 'awakening' with the rest of us, and the changes in their everyday experience since then for comparison, for the urge to move away from populated areas and the electric techno-polluted cities and urban areas steadily grows for me.

An old cabin with a creek, candles, and an outhouse sounds good these days.


hey this is so true. Just recently I really have noticed a huge difference in the way i think. Alien species are truly plausible and they are out there. I truly believe this. Also, now I realize just how terrible humanity is. I mean if you think about it, WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?? Why is there war? Why?? Name one good reason. Why cant we all just get along? The government has too much power in my opinion too.

It is quite clear to me now that we are being denied the information we deserve such as astonishing new technology and the existence of extraterrestrials. All my friends think Im crazy but they havent awakened yet. They are all to concerned about "being cool" in highschool. I dont even care about that anymore. Who needs to be cool when we could be pushing extraterrestrial disclosure?

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 04:53 AM
hmmm... you know, I think I am only somewhat "awakened" because I spent most of my life in complete isolation. I mean practically. I was a huge loner for a large portion of my life and didnt really socialize with alot of people. I was sort of on the outside looking in.

I remember though, when I was with people, I would feel alot of pressure to be insensitive. Sort of like I was afraid to have or show my feelings which are my true self. I also felt that it was "gay" and looked down on. I was ashamed of myself. I remember actually wanting to have no emotions and actually wanting to be like a zombie.

But after awhile I started to realize that if I listened and displayed those emotions, they would sort of act like a guide and were truly there to help me. And also that I was way better off not trying to be like anyone other than myself, which was someone I had alwaysed wanted to be.

So there is alot of peer pressure from friends as well as the entire society to be asleep and to remain asleep. Truly, it is frightening.

But I do not want to isolate myself further from everyone. I actually really like people and when I saw myself in them, they showed me who I was. If had never opened up to people I would still be a hallow shell of a man.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Wisen Heimer]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:00 AM
A very wise - thoughtful - intelligent post Wisen Heimer. You're definitely "one of us".

That isolation feeling seems to be quite common amongst us. Have you ever seen the movie Witch Mountain? When I saw that movie it was like a weight lifted off me. I knew then that there are others like me - others who understand - I just had to find them.

I wish there was some kind of emblem - like the cross for Christians - we could wear.

I wear a Star Goddess pendant and a 7-star pendant. But - alas I am still waiting for someone to connect with me because of them.

(they are remaking Witch Mountain - hopefully whoever is doing it understands the significance of the isolation - otherwise it will be just another movie.)

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Annee]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Wisen Heimer

I had a cousin who died of aids about 14 years ago. As a child he was one of the most kind heartest people I knew. He wasn't like the other male cousins I had. I actually enjoyed being around him because I knew he wasn't going to do anything mean.

I've often wondered if the reason he was gay was because he felt he fitted in more with other guys that could show a softer side. I have a friend at work thats gay. She's female and of strong spirit. When I watch her I see how she's torn between not being able to have children of her own because she don't seem to fit into what men think a woman should be like.

I think it is best if we have the strength to walk our own path in life and not care what others think of us. At times it can be a lonely path when we're young.

I'm glad your finding people that you can be yourself with. Most people don't take the time to look within theirselves. Sounds like you have for a long time maybe not even realizing what you were doing.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Annee

Do you mind if I ask you questions about walkins. I don't really know much about walk ins. So I have questions that maybe you can help me with especially since yours occurred at an age you might be able to remember more than say someone it happened to when they were a young child.

After your accident and recovery did anyone mention you seemed changed some how?

Did you feel different inside?

Do I take it all past memories of your life had been retained and the walk in new about them?

I've often heard people after life threatening illnesses or accidents say it was a life changing thing they feel like a different person inside..did you feel anything like this?

Did your gifts you have seem more enhanced after this when you were sixteen?

Sorry if it seems I'm being nosey and asking so many questions but I learn by asking questions. I'd rather ask someone thats experienced something than go read things wrote by people that are just guessing and haven't lived the experience.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by napayshni57

After your accident and recovery did anyone mention you seemed changed some how?

Did you feel different inside?

Do I take it all past memories of your life had been retained and the walk in new about them?

I've often heard people after life threatening illnesses or accidents say it was a life changing thing they feel like a different person inside..did you feel anything like this?

Did your gifts you have seem more enhanced after this when you were sixteen?

Sorry if it seems I'm being nosey and asking so many questions but I learn by asking questions. I'd rather ask someone thats experienced something than go read things wrote by people that are just guessing and haven't lived the experience.

Oh no - - ask away - Please. Don't let my somewhat clinical blunt posting style scare you off. I use it as kind of a protective wall.

I did change.

As a child I was hyper sensitive - - really abnormal - - borderline autistic. Simply - I was from another world.

After the accident ( it was not that big of an accident) - I had a much stronger character - was less emotional - and not quite as sensitive. It wasn't a major "black & white" change - it was subtle.

Everything else was the same - memories - etc.

IMO - - my "gifts" were taken away from me or rather blocked when I was a young child - - to protect me.

I have had some experiences and premonitions - - but primarily I am an Empath. I am greatly affected by energy.

The accident happened when I was 16. I was about 55 when the psychic told me about being a Pleiadian Walk-In. It was kind of funny - cuz she was uneasy about telling me. She first asked permission and asked if I was open to something that might come off as strange. And then I just knew before she even said it.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by Annee

Oh Annee I actually like blunt. I hate the pussy footing around people want you to do so you sound enlightened. Which I do to a point but when pushed past that point if you hear me say okay let me be blunt here they get the truth with no sugar coating. Which sets people back on their heels but they finally seem to listen to what you are saying. So your style is just fine with me.

Just some people if you ask questions get all bent out of shape thinking you are attacking them or discrediting what they say when you are not.

Thank you for answering my questions. Your answers matched much with my own thinking on this.

In your researching these pleidian walkins did you ever find where they can walk in and out of people?

I guess what I'm asking is once they walk into someone do they stay in that person or can they use that person for a time and then walk out?

Being an empath you will understand this.

You know someone but sometimes what is inside of them spirit wise does not always feel the same to you. They may act the same have the same thoughts but its like two totally different spirits. The energies are totally different.

Have you ever ran into this?

If you have could that be a walk in walking in and out?

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by napayshni57

In your researching these pleidian walkins did you ever find where they can walk in and out of people?

I guess what I'm asking is once they walk into someone do they stay in that person or can they use that person for a time and then walk out?

If you have could that be a walk in walking in and out?

I don't really research.

I am guided from outside my physical body - or so it feels like. I have always sensed 3 main energy guides and more during times of confusion and/or stress.

These guides tell me to only listen to them. If I do read something - it goes through them - then back to me. They kind of filter it - saying "yes to this - no to that".

One thing that always amuses me are those who say they know their guides name (not that its wrong - we are all different). My "guys" (as I call them) - say - there is no need for names. As you use "energy thought exchange" (telepathy) - you know who you are - there is no need for names. I suppose if I felt the need for an emotional personal connection - I'd want names - but I don't feel that way. I feel it is more like a business connection.

Anyway - - as I believe ALL is energy - consciousness is energy evolved. Everything is an energy creation of thought. Physical is a creation. Anything is possible.

Physical is an experience for an energy being. Like a Toy without its battery - - a physical body can not function without a soul (energy being). So the physical body must host at least one energy being. I don't know what the process involves - but I suppose you could have more then one - - or several exchanges - - until you get one that fits the purpose of that physical creation experience.

Hope that isn't confusing. I tried to make it as simple as possible - - and detailed at the same time.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:19 AM
I think there is need for human 'blockage' when communicating with friends so to speak because if we all spoke about these types of things 24/7 we would get on each others nerves and think each other is crazy. Opening your mind is great but don't fall too deep , there is a time and a place for enlightenment and its not rushed.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by nasacarl
I think there is need for human 'blockage' when communicating with friends so to speak because if we all spoke about these types of things 24/7 we would get on each others nerves and think each other is crazy. Opening your mind is great but don't fall too deep , there is a time and a place for enlightenment and its not rushed.

no, it can't be rushed or controlled, friend, it just happens; but you will also find that as those around you go thru it as you do that there is much that can be said and conveyed with very little words;

once it is done, for the most part, it becomes such a normal part of everything that it has no need for extended or prolonged discussion.

thanks for sharing with us.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:55 AM
Psi as a method of advanced communication for advanced ets is described much as Annee says with her guides saying there is no need for names. I recall an experiencer sharing that. As well, many who experience greys think they are "cool", I found nordics "cooler" but the answer came that indeed, when psi races communicate its much faster, and multi leveled imagery. With humans they really have to slow down. But, their emotions are kept on different layers and they can share this aspect of themselves naturally when they choose to, but its not a constant factor in how they communicate with each other. With greater gifts come greater responsibilities and learning to control our wayward minds will be needed.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:02 PM
I very rarely discuss any of this in my real life. If I'm with someone who is "in the know" - we just be who we are. There's little need for actual conversation.

Probably the only time any of this comes up in my real life - is if I am in a situation that someone will ask a question.

The hardest part for me is keeping my feet planted on earth. I have to remind myself I am in a physical world. I require - food - shelter - clothes - etc. I have almost zero interest in materialism - - and rarely cook - eating what grows naturally. (does that include beer? I do love my beer

Interestingly - I just started attending my local Center for Spiritual Living. Not that I felt the need for enlightenment - - but because I was withdrawing away from the world into a hermit kind of existence. I go to keep myself connected to life.

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