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Election Day in Canada 2008

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

And you see how well that's working out down south.

You mean the 3% GDP growth per year? How about the fact that I can buy the same vehicle in the states for $10,000 - $15,000 less than in Canada? And how bout them lower taxes? Do you mean the country with the world's most successful companies? Do you mean the richest country in the world?

If you are referring to the mortgage crisis in the states, please enlighten us as to how you think that happened. And if you think that this current slump will last more than 6 months to a year, think again.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

When did I say I favored an American system of government? The only thing that I ask of our representatives is that they give their best efforts when they are in session - that would include all parties --> Liberals that is...

In fairness, I believe in more study of proportional representation, it bears thinking about. Other than that, we get along well up here.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Cynic
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Johnny, a Liberal NDP coalition would bankrupt this great nation. An you lefties think that Bush was bad. Don't you remember Bob Rae and his [non]finance minister Floyd Laughren?? We're still paying for that public sector sponsored protest vote.

That's provincial, not federal. Federally...Do You remember Mulroney and the debt he left Chretien. Harper inherits a HUGE surplus and blows it away without putting any extra money in my pocket, cuts many programs and offers a couple thousand $ childcare benefit to families. Do you know how much childcare costs per week? At the same time changes OUR international image from peacekeeper to heading along war monger. We would be in Iraq if Harper had been in power during the start of the war. No thanks!

Originally posted by Cool Hand Luke

Originally posted by intrepid

And you see how well that's working out down south.

You mean the 3% GDP growth per year? How about the fact that I can buy the same vehicle in the states for $10,000 - $15,000 less than in Canada? And how bout them lower taxes? Do you mean the country with the world's most successful companies? Do you mean the richest country in the world?

If you are referring to the mortgage crisis in the states, please enlighten us as to how you think that happened. And if you think that this current slump will last more than 6 months to a year, think again.

Come on....your joking right? You did read that after the G7 summit Canada had the best rating?
And as for the lower price for a vehicle......that 's why the states is in such much trouble “ We'll make it up in financing”. The same reason as the housing market.....spend spend spend, consume and consume.
The WORLD's most successful US companies such as GM, Ford to use your vehicle example, are losing money.... hence laying off people and hence people can't afford their variable mortgages, that the US sold all over the world as good investments. Guess what, it was a bait and switch. The US style of unregulated capitalism is what caused this huge WORLD wide crisis. As for the riches country in the world, I'm sorry my friend, your wrong.....the US HAD the best credit rate( I can print money all day to lol) in the world and it's since fallen apart. I would guess China, India, and maybe some smart European countries are actually richer/ capita. Infact, I'll bet Canada is as well.

As for my picks......

Again, a PC minority
Libs...gain a few seats as people votes for ABC.
NDP pick up a few would be nice if they got a couple

The left has to unite and get the neocon/theocons out of there. The neocon thing that has happened in the US spread to Canada under the Reform/PC alliance as others have mentioned. It would be so sweet if May took Mckay's seat.

I voted Lib because Dion scares me less then Harper and if I voted NDP,Green it may mean a PC winning a seat here. I'm in the east coast, so almost all our votes have been cast, and I'm guessing Libs win in most maritime provinces. of the weirdest things, maritimer's and westerners such as Albertans seem so much alike.....down home, honest, salt of the earth, hardworking, keep things simple peolpe. But when it comes to politics, complete opposite.

As an American posted above, and I paraphrase " at least no matter who you vote for, you'll still have universal health care". If the PC's get in too long, you can bet that will change.

~edit to add~
At least we only have to go through this for a month or so and not 4 years like the states. Any good Canadian citizen, follows the news and politics everyday. That's the next election race
I believe that is what is ruining their country.......4 years of slamming and hating each other. Division!

[edit on 14-10-2008 by Connector]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:31 PM

BY cynic
In fairness, I believe in more study of proportional representation, it bears thinking about. Other than that, we get along well up here.

Agreed my if you wanted to argue over whomever had the better local beer or pot.....then things would get heated
! Enjoy election day.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Connector

Originally posted by Cynic
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Johnny, a Liberal NDP coalition would bankrupt this great nation. An you lefties think that Bush was bad. Don't you remember Bob Rae and his [non]finance minister Floyd Laughren?? We're still paying for that public sector sponsored protest vote.

That's provincial, not federal. Federally...Do You remember Mulroney and the debt he left Chretien.

Originally posted by Cool Hand Luke

Originally posted by intrepid

Agreed it's provincial, but Rae is now working in the Federal Liberal Party. Libtards and Dippers don't change their spots. As to Toad-eau's massive debt bomb he tossed to Mulroney, he suffered through the highest rate terms in history so of course the debt grew. If it's one thing Lberals do know how to do, it's spend the taxpayers' money. It 's out of their grasp when entrusted to properly administer it though. They do understand brown envelopes however....

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:38 PM
I just voted liberal a fews ago, not because I like Dion (I don't), but because it's a safe vote.

Harper is too much like Bush, Layton is a panzy and Elizabeth May (Green) looks like a chipmunk....

Here's hoping the conservatives don't win a majority!

btw, don't waste your vote on green, put it towards the liberals or NDP...

[edit on 10/14/2008 by porky1981]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:41 PM

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:42 PM
link forgot to quote the rest of my paragraph...

"Harper inherits a HUGE surplus and blows it away without putting any extra money in my pocket, cuts many programs and offers a couple thousand $ childcare benefit to families. Do you know how much childcare costs per week? At the same time changes OUR international image from peacekeeper to heading along war monger. We would be in Iraq if Harper had been in power during the start of the war. No thanks!"

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by Cynic
So who's your pick Intrepid? I got a Harper minority with a weakened Liberal and NDP opposition. Lizzie May will be nowhere in sight.

Pretty much how I see it but the NDP will gain seats imo.

A one line post. I thought those weren't allowed?

Just bugging you man.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:19 PM
Conservative minority with a liberal / ndp / bloc opposition.

The democrats gain 7 new seats, conservative gain 2, bloc lose 7, liberal lose the rest.

One question, the "New" democrat party is NOT new.
I remember the early 80's when Ed Brodbent was a very well known figure even south of the border. I think it might be time to drop the NEW from the party name already. Then and only then will they have a real shot at a government.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:21 PM
Just finished voting. Thanks to those in this thread. I was undecided until this. Another big day. My son got to vote for the first time. He's been looking forward to this for a couple of years.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:22 PM
I'm going to give you all a little different take.

I think it will be a narrow Liberal Minority.

Reason's why?

Harper killed any chance of big gains in Quebec by his announcing cutting funding to the Arts. he reneged on that later but, in my opinion anyway, much too late.

CTV showing that interview by Steve Murphy that was basically the outtakes is going to backfire. That showed absolutely no journalistic integrity by the the CTV. If that had have been a Quebec TV station airing that against Harper, they wouyld have had there license revoked.

Along with NFLD and NS, Harper broke promises to Sask to hold up a legally binding contract. I think they'll still get some seats but it won't be a blue wave in Sask.

Releasing his platform after the debate and only a week before the election was a mistake. People are already uninformed about Conservative policies and didn't have the time to really get a grip on what they are proposing.

5.RCMP misuse in BC
Misuse of the RCMP to block the media from talking to a running candidate for the CPC, Dona Cadman.

6.Green/NDP voters voting Red.
Last election, the Conservatives lost a Majority flirtiing lead on the final weekend to take end up forminga Minority Government. They lost that lead with almost two weeks to go this time. The last poll I saw was the Cons at 30, the Libs at 28 percent. The other left leaning party supporters will change their mind, voting to keep Harper away from a Majority, in turn handing the Government to Dion.

There are other reasons that I see the Liberals taking this election by the back door but those are the big ones. I very well could be wrong, we`ll all see in a few hours.

I think we would be better off with Harper as the Minority Government leader, as he at least can lead. If Harper wasn`t so dominating with his party, I think he could have walked away with this election.Dion is a good politician but I think he doesn't have what it takes to lead Canada.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Atlantican

Broadbent was the best PM we never had. Like Clark, just too honest.

As for the "new" part, that might have something to do with the past leader, Alexa McDoughnut. You'd want to distance yourself her that train wreck.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:38 PM
I voted for Harper.

He's the only one that is financially responsible enough to have paid the debt down. Canada is in the best shape of the G-8. I think despite his aloofness and the fact that he is unlikeable, he should get a little credit.

I'm not thrilled about it but lets be honest, that party is only a fiscal conservative and most of his policies are pretty centrist.

I don't want the government taking care of me or telling me what I can do or can't do so I will never vote NDP or Green. They've been high-jacked by wacko environmentalists that want to murder our economy and tell us how to live.

We're already taxed to death, come on, what's the point of trying to get a good job and succeed when the government is going to take your success from you and give to someone else anyway?

I can tell you that China and India don't care about the environment, maybe they should all run down there.

And Dion is an incompetent boob so anyone who can vote for him is much braver than I.

[edit on 14-10-2008 by whiskeyswiller]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Isthisthingon
I'm going to give you all a little different take.

I think it will be a narrow Liberal Minority.

Reason's why?

Harper killed any chance of big gains in Quebec by his announcing cutting funding to the Arts. he reneged on that later but, in my opinion anyway, much too late.

CTV showing that interview by Steve Murphy that was basically the outtakes is going to backfire. That showed absolutely no journalistic integrity by the the CTV. If that had have been a Quebec TV station airing that against Harper, they wouyld have had there license revoked.

Along with NFLD and NS, Harper broke promises to Sask to hold up a legally binding contract. I think they'll still get some seats but it won't be a blue wave in Sask.

Releasing his platform after the debate and only a week before the election was a mistake. People are already uninformed about Conservative policies and didn't have the time to really get a grip on what they are proposing.

5.RCMP misuse in BC
Misuse of the RCMP to block the media from talking to a running candidate for the CPC, Dona Cadman.

6.Green/NDP voters voting Red.
Last election, the Conservatives lost a Majority flirtiing lead on the final weekend to take end up forminga Minority Government. They lost that lead with almost two weeks to go this time. The last poll I saw was the Cons at 30, the Libs at 28 percent. The other left leaning party supporters will change their mind, voting to keep Harper away from a Majority, in turn handing the Government to Dion.

There are other reasons that I see the Liberals taking this election by the back door but those are the big ones. I very well could be wrong, we`ll all see in a few hours.

I think we would be better off with Harper as the Minority Government leader, as he at least can lead. If Harper wasn`t so dominating with his party, I think he could have walked away with this election.Dion is a good politician but I think he doesn't have what it takes to lead Canada.

Great analysis. This is what I believe as will happen as well.. And at the same time, if this happened, the NDP and Green must kick the # outta the Libs to keep them honest.

Nite nite from the east, will wake up tomorrow to find out how the rest/west voted.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by whiskeyswiller
And Dion is an incompetent boob so anyone who can vote for him is much braver than I.

May I ask how you came to that conclusion?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:43 PM
Unfortunately, I won't be voting today at all. For the very first time since I could. I've moved into an area that predominantly votes, by thousands lead, conservative. Until such a day as we finally have proportional democracy, I will vote ndp. So my father and I didn't waste our time casting a vote in this riding. Can't wait to get back home.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:45 PM

By whiskeyswiller
He's the only one that is financially responsible enough to have paid the debt down

Huh??? He took a SURPLUS and turned it in to a debt? Whatsa talkin about Willis?

[edit on 14-10-2008 by Connector]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by intrepid


1. His image is as a bumbling and indecisive, whether fair or not that's his responsibility. It's not like the media is out to get him.
2. He is a life long student, he's never done anything outside of politics or academia. He is out of touch from those of us who work for a living. He has no common sense
3. His success as Environment Minister is arguable, I don't think he accomplished anything but rhetoric. The Kyoto Accord was unreasonable and a lot of countries didn't honor it because of that.
4. Bob Rae, who was the NDP leader is the real leader of the Liberal Party, lets be honest, Dion can barely communicate with most of Canada which is what a great leader does - communicate.
5. Cut a backroom deal with Elizabeth May to save his own ass. That's not brave leadership, that's dishonest and cowardly.
6. The Carbon Tax at one of the worst economic times is a bad idea. Not very smart for a book nerd.

I could go on all day but to be honest, why anyone would vote for a scholar who's never had to punch a clock, who's more worried about tree hugging carbon taxes than trying to support the few manufacturing jobs we have left is beyond me.

Bascially Dion has never done anything in his entire life, or political career to merit voting for him as Prime Minister. He can't even honestly come up with his own ideas.

Honestly, most people in Canada when it comes to voting go on autopilot and vote for the Liberals and the sad fact is that almost anyone running under the Liberal brand could have won this election.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Connector

I said he paid the debt down.

I didn't say he eradicated it.

He spent 40 Billion on the debt so he paid it down by 40 Billion.

All you guys going on about how he is like Bush don't really notice that his party has moved to the centre and are not truly a Conservative party, so that stuff is basically NDP/LIB talking points that you are parroting.

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