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Another NASA employee comes forward - 8-9 Foot Alien Sighted

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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Seems it's time to re-register at ATS and join in... There have been a number of insightful and informative posts here, on a subject of great interest to me.

The historical importance is that many of the wildest 'space UFO' stories from the 1960's and 1970's, ones that indicated 'insider' jargon, now can all be traced back to McClelland's reports to Keyhoe and others. This is pretty important stuff regarding 'anonymous' sources.

As to the stories on his website, my impression is that they have gotten more and more imaginative as the years go by. And yes, space workers who jumped from contract to contract (often unwillingly, as a contract came to an end) and didn't fund their own IRAs, were up s--t creeek without paddles or anything when they suddenly found themselves old. I've seen it all around me here in Houston.

Jim O

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:18 PM
I'm ba-a-a-a-ack...

Clark has helped clear up a few decades of wondering where
these bizarro 'space UFO' stories are coming from... but make
them no more credible than when first encountered...

More to come.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by JimOberg


fascinating, you're back. must be a story there, based on your point count....

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

Nice to see you back Mr. Oberg

I hope this time not all of your contributions are meant to criticize everyone who dares not believe everything NASA has to say.

Clark Mcclelland has been telling the same story for ages, this thread is good just to remind some of the fellow members of what this man has been trying to make public knowledge for a long time

[edit on 11-8-2008 by Camilo1]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg
I'm ba-a-a-a-ack...

Clark has helped clear up a few decades of wondering where
these bizarro 'space UFO' stories are coming from... but make
them no more credible than when first encountered...

More to come.

Let me guess - you are the unofficial NASA appointed 'damage control' on what Mitchell and McClelland have put into the public domain?

I received your email, which for the very first time, did NOT open with a rude, snide and demeaning comment from you about something I've published in NEXUS. What's the matter - you getting polite in your old age or something? Keep that up and I might actually listen to what you have to say.


posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg
I'm ba-a-a-a-ack...

Clark has helped clear up a few decades of wondering where
these bizarro 'space UFO' stories are coming from... but make
them no more credible than when first encountered...

More to come.

how many logins do you have, anyway? i remember you posting as "JimO" back when you were hounding one of our members awhile back.

So, where is the "More to come."?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:05 PM
get a grip with reality he say he looked at the moniter for over a minute yet he could not make out he colour or the shape of the beings eyes. he shud have gone to specsavers then we wud know that it was just the end sequence to ET he was watchin the premade 1 lol.its bull# matterless

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:24 AM
Winding up pensionless in the space business is a big downer and is more widespread than folks realize, since employees of short-term contracts rarely get vested before being passed on to new projects. You have to fund your own IRAs or you wind up with practically no monthly payments aside from Social Security. It's a nasty underside to the business and for many, a major shock... Regarding the civil service pension, Duncan, do you know how many years McClelland actually had with NASA itself?

[edit on 12-8-2008 by JimOberg]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:31 AM
On another discussion board we were directed to Scott McCleland's photograph and business card as displayed at [here]
as a demonstration that he was a fully credible source on UFO information.

At that time, I had noticed that it said:

Kennedy Space Center, Florida
PO Box 690662, Orlando, FL 32869

Now, since the Kennedy Space Center is not in Orlando, I was curious
whether this was some branch office. I asked around. My associates at
the 'real' KSC now tell me they have no idea what KSC function could be
using a post office box in a city an hour's drive away from the real space port.

They suggested -- and after a few moment's thought I can't think of any argument to refute them -- that the alleged 'business card' was privately printed up by somebody wanting to falsely claim a non-existent current relationship with NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

All accessible records indicate that the genuine address and zip-code of the
Kennedy Space Center is:

Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899-0001

and that current employees giving out genuine business cards also need
to include a 'mail code', usually a capital letter or two followed by a few digits. They also would include an office phone number.

What other explanations are possible, before we rush to judgment here?

I don't doubt that McClelland was working at the Cape during the period he claims -- he's provided plenty of credible evidence for that. But I have my doubts about that supposed 'business card'. Let's discuss this, and its implications.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by JimOberg]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:31 AM
Aliens ?
What Aliens ?


posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

Jim, i am interested to hear what you have to say. But i would also like to state that i would rather see you dispute the data, not the person. It is cheap and lowbrow. Beat up the info first, at least a little, before you point to the person.

Otherwise, you seem kind of jerkish in the way you go about business as you only post to discuss people, not their story. My wife is hispanic, and she would say you are gossiping like a 'vieja".

[edit on 12-8-2008 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by nexusmagazine

Let me guess - you are the unofficial NASA appointed 'damage control' on what Mitchell and McClelland have put into the public domain?

I received your email, which for the very first time, did NOT open with a rude, snide and demeaning comment from you about something I've published in NEXUS. What's the matter - you getting polite in your old age or something? Keep that up and I might actually listen to what you have to say.

If we want to start with a clean slate, you can cram the insinuations I'm representing anybody's opinions and evaluations but my own. Attacking my motivations is a bad way to start a new exchange, and particularly hypocritical when combined with a complaint about my alleged demeaning comments. How about it?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by JimOberg

Jim, i am interested to hear what you have to say. But i would also like to state that i would rather see you dispute the data, not the person. It is cheap and lowbrow. Beat up the info first, at least a little, before you point to the person.

Otherwise, you seem kind of jerkish in the way you go about business as you only post to discuss people, not their story. My wife is hispanic, and she would say you are gossiping like a 'vieja".

[edit on 12-8-2008 by bigfatfurrytexan]

I wonder if Jim has contacted Clark directly with his questions, or whether he just prefers to cherry-pick ambiguous claims made by Clark. Clark does not tell lies - period! But he can be made to look like he is, via selective nit-picking.

Put together all the whistleblowers and witnesses like Clark, and you see an emerging picture, whereby the aerospace/hi-level military/intelligence complex have their own advanced technology, with all the toys and goodies that go along with antigravity, ftl travel and rubbing shoulders with non-humans.

I'd like to know is who is calling the shots with this action, what unites them, and what agenda they have. Considering the growing realisation that CIA directors, Presidents, and the Rockefellers are not in this loop - I'd rather be discussing what the hell is going on - rather than endless character assassination of everyone who comes forward with anything of interest.



posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Dear BigfatfurryFELLOWtexan:

Aside from stories for which he's often the sole surviving witness, what else IS there to McClelland's argument? Isn't it possible that there are clues within his text -- references to people and events, use and misuse of space jargon, etc., that can give evidence for the degree of credibility his narratives deserve? How else would you suggest ANY attempt at corroboration proceed?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by nexusmagazine

I wonder if Jim has contacted Clark directly with his questions, or whether he just prefers to cherry-pick ambiguous claims made by Clark. Clark does not tell lies - period! But he can be made to look like he is, via selective nit-picking.

Put together all the whistleblowers and witnesses like Clark, and you see an emerging picture, whereby the aerospace/hi-level military/intelligence complex have their own advanced technology, with all the toys and goodies that go along with antigravity, ftl travel and rubbing shoulders with non-humans.

I'd like to know is who is calling the shots with this action, what unites them, and what agenda they have. Considering the growing realisation that CIA directors, Presidents, and the Rockefellers are not in this loop - I'd rather be discussing what the hell is going on - rather than endless character assassination of everyone who comes forward with anything of interest.

No need to 'wonder', Duncan, you can ask me. And yes, I have exchanged emails with Clark, and some years ago I assisted in a long exchange between Clark and the office of Arthur Clarke in Sri Lanka (Sir Arthur often consulted with me on strange claims he would get in the email).

The 'cherry-pick' complaint is unfair, since whenever I concentrate on ANY specific McClelland story, I can be accused of 'cherry-picking'. And if I conclude that a story is unworthy of belief because of gross conflict with other accounts with higher crediblity -- with NO judgment offered on the motives or mindset of the story teller -- I can be accused of 'character assassination', another broad-brush no-proof-required put-down and dodge.

Your faith that Clark, or anyone, 'does not tell lies', is touching, but can hardly be considered 'evidence', especially since you then seem to suggest that we shouldn't really pay much attention to individual claims, or attempt to validate or confirm them at all. You can't be meaning to say that, are you?

You don't want to talk about his 'business card', I guess.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:05 AM
This came up earlier and I think is a marvelous thread to pursue:

From KSCPioneer: (To ATS 05-10-2008)
For many years I have been aware of a giant object in deep space that
I observed heading towards our Solar System area of our Galaxy, while at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. It was traveling at one fourth the speed of light about 15 years ago.
I believe my dismissal and loss of my retirement was due to my knowledge of this massive object!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:33 AM
This new claim, that McClelland was witness to a UFO sighting by Gordon Cooper on Mercury-9, is new to me. See where he writes:

„I heard the voice of Astronaut Gordon Cooper during his Mercury 9 mission report a ‚green colored object’ that appeared to be passing his capsule in the opposite orbital direction over the Pacific Ocean.

„I was at the Mercury Mission Control facility here at Cape Canaveral on the day of the return to earth by Cooper... I immediately heard communications between Mercury 9 and the Cap Com (Capsule Communication) officer, Astronaut Wally Schirra who was tracking Cooper and the Faith 7 across the Pacific Ocean on its final pass prior to splash down in that same area on its next pass. The commentary was on an open PA system at mission control. Following the disclosure of Cooper that he was observing a "green colored object", and other comments that were made by Astronaut Scott Carpenter who was in the Kauai, Hawaii tracking station concerning it.“

McClelland adds, "Many years later, I spoke with Gordo during a phone conversation and asked him if he would elaborate? He denied it was a fact and said he did not see an object during Mercury 9. But, I had heard him say he was tracking such an object? He quickly added, we are on a phone, Slim."

A good historical question is whether McClelland's reports to NICAP mentioned this, at that time, and then led to widespread publicity for the story. Alternately, McClelland may have read the press reports and later remembered having experienced it directly. I'd like to know, from Richard Hall or from McClelland, if there are any copies of any report he filed about this incident contemporary with it -- or has only recently remembered it??

I’ve written up my assessment of this story here:

In this 1984 report, I quote a 1978 letter to me from Cooper where he stressed "the non-occurrence of a sighting on Mercury 9. I have the original on-board tapes in my possession which also refute this."

Apparently it is Cooper's position that the Mercury-9 UFO story is bogus -- he never talked about it in the all the later years he was disclosing his own UFO experiences elsewhere. Can this be reconciled with McClelland's story of being a direct earwitness?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

If you are a Texan, you can't be ALL bad. LOL

In all seriousness, the business card is not damning evidence of much. I would need to know who "owns" the address printed on it. Then it might be a little more relevant.

Being in business, I can say that it is very reasonable that there would be some sort of satellite office located an hour or two away. I have peers in my company that manage groups of 300 while not even living in the same state.

We use things like Blackberry, VPN, Polycom/Vodaphone, and spend hours daily on conference calls.

I would be interested to know what relationship can be claimed between the address used and any possible research facilities with somewhat unique functions (i.e., university).

I think you need to do some more homework. Otherwise, as Duncan says, it is a character assassination.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

Ok I'll take a stab since I live in the Orlando area. First there is no 32869 zip code in I did a search for the state of Florida (which includes post office boxes) and there is no 32869 in the entire state (see below)

Also, there are no NASA offices in the area. Now NASA contactors such as Martin Marietta, etc., is another story. So unless this is a super secret NASA zip code then I wouldn't lend much creedence to this so aledged business card.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by GeneralLee
reply to post by JimOberg

Ok I'll take a stab since I live in the Orlando area. First there is no 32869 zip code in I did a search for the state of Florida (which includes post office boxes) and there is no 32869 in the entire state (see below)

Also, there are no NASA offices in the area. Now NASA contactors such as Martin Marietta, etc., is another story. So unless this is a super secret NASA zip code then I wouldn't lend much creedence to this so aledged business card.

That is very interesting, indeed. When i used some Google-Fu on it, here is what i get:

Perhaps your source is faulty?

In the Orlando area you have many, many possibilities. Lockheed-Martin and multiple universities and government installations.

In fact, it would seem that Mr. Oberg is incorrect in his assertion:

Orlando is close enough to Patrick Air Force Base, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and Kennedy Space Center for residents to commute to work from the city's suburbs. It also allows easy access to Port Canaveral, an important cruise ship terminal. Because of its proximity to the "Space Coast" near the Kennedy Space Center, many high-tech companies have shifted to the Orlando area.

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