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Flying 'cloud craft' ?

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:18 AM
Malevolent, you again show your ignorance...... and lack of respect for other posters on this board.

I plead to any moderator that Malevolent's last post be removed and him warned for repeated lack of respect and abuse of T&C violations. We don't need people chastising others on this board.

That being said......

Dan, a common view with cloaked aircraft, is that some sort of mind control is used, to dissuade the viewer of what they saw... sort of telepathy saying "its only a cloud". Is it possible that you are not affected by these signals, leaving you to question the cloud, where as others would have been convinced its only a cloud?

I ask this because you were not affected by the dolphin illusion put on by the fish man.

How close is this lake to the forest where you saw the craft and had the encounter previously? If this cloud is more than just a cloud, do you think this is a related incident? Meaning, do you feel as they are watching you, or observing you for any reason?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

Lighten Up ThreeDeuce,
Get a sense of humor!

Is it possible that you are not affected by these signals, leaving you to question the cloud, where as others would have been convinced its only a cloud?

I ask this because you were not affected by the dolphin illusion put on by the fish man.

How close is this lake to the forest where you saw the craft and had the encounter previously? If this cloud is more than just a cloud, do you think this is a related incident? Meaning, do you feel as they are watching you, or observing you for any reason?

So you really believe Dans story about the fish man?
What if someone had proof it was a hoax?

I understand you and Mr. Agent T are Dan Tanna hardcore Devotees actively involved in his survival lessons but:(You Need to Lighten up Threedeuce.)

Shall We Play The Game?

Ok let's play the game, yes it's possible that aliens are manipulating Dans mind his wife could have been taken over by some entity and his surroundings are not really what they seem. Clouds are spaceships, trees are aliens, insects are monitoring him. It is possible Dan is not even Dan at times and is being controlled by something else. (I mean anythings possible) I'm genuinely concerned about all of this as much as anybody else is so let's talk more about it.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:46 AM
Very nice picture. Made me think of a picture from the fifties or sixties that showed a flying ring they formed a cloud around it as it passed over. Here is a link to those pictures.

I have always felt that these perticular photos where real and makes you wonder how many other formations we see may be U.F.O's hiding among us. Here is some more examples of some awsome cloud

One thing i would like to ask dan. You said the other pics didnt take because of the sun. But you also stated the sun was behind you. Just trying to clarify what you said. Seems to me if the cloud was on the water and you seen it rising up, There would have been more pictures. Just my observation, May be totally wrong.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

I like Mal's post, and thought it was funny. Nice pics.

It's a touch sarcastic but it is 'illustrative' of a certain type of person who sees aliens in everything, every picture, OR, it's indicative of an attention seeking person who looks for 'odd photos' and then concocts a story behind these photos to get attention, or some other transparent motive.

If an ATS poster is an example of this 'type of person' that Mal is illustrating, well, that's up to you to decide.

I do NOT find Mal's post to be disrespective of anyone, nor was it rude or anything of the kind.

You, however, seem to want to stir up drama. I'm not sure.

Thanks for your post and I hope the above is not the case. You seem like a nice person.


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:28 AM
Thanks Dan for posting this beautiful pic. I live in the california desert and when i see a lone cloud like that in the sky I joke with my daughter, "Oh look sweetie, there is a UFO cloud." she a complete skeptic but we get a nice laugh together.

To the rude people who feel like they have to cause trouble on every post here anymore, there are some of us here who appreciate this thread because thanks to Ozweatherman and others, i saw some beautiful photography tonight, that in itself was worth my time to come here and visit this post. So keep your close this thread crap to yourselves.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:01 AM
@ Everyone

This thread has been moved to Skunk Works and should be treated with Skunk Works rules in mind:

This forum is dedicated to the all-important highly speculative topics that may not be substantiated by many, if any facts and span the spectrum of topics discussed on ATS. Readers and users should be aware that extreme theories without corroboration are embraced in this forum. Discussion topics and follow-up responses in this forum will likely tend to lean in favor of conspiracies, scandals, and cover-ups. Members who would seek to refute such theories should be mindful of's tradition of focusing on conspiracy theory, cover-ups, and scandals.

That means NO more personal insults. NO more pictures as posts - i.e. if you're going to post a picture it should be constructive to the discussion and not just something random like donkeys humping.
Attack the POSTS not the poster. And do so scientifically - not with sarcasm or insults.

Your cooperation is appreciated.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

This is a chemical cloud, can you not see the rest of the sky, it is covered in chemicals, the whole Planet is being sprayed every day now with chemtrails and the whole atmosphere is turning white with this artificial filth. I have noticed in this last week this spraying program has been stepped up exponentially. As I look outside my window in Britain I cannot even see the sky because they have sprayed so much of the crap. Type in chemtrails into Google.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by Badge01

I like Mal's post, and thought it was funny. Nice pics.

I have to disagree..
I think the point could have been made in a FAR less time consuming fashion.
I'm pretty sure the time could have been spent a little more constructively.

How long must it have taken to find those pics,resize them,post them to an image hosting site,format the reply?
I won't give my psyche evaluation on someone prepared to go that far.

More than anything,it's inaccurate.
It's taking the pic at face value without the story' behind it.

Another stupid example..
I could post a picture of Hitler,with a brief description on how he wanted to supply the working masses with affordable transport.
If you didn't know about the real story you'd say..
"Gosh,what a lovely chap".

If you disagree with a post THAT much..State your case politely and move away from it.
I've seen plenty of pics and stories that I wanted to scream at or laugh at.

Doc..try reading the T&C..
You did make me laugh..Calling someone a NOOB considering your registration date.

Just reflect on who actually looked sillier with that.
(Talking about recording IP's is a tad too creepy too.)
And the 'it's just for points'..Well try looking up Dan's contributions in the Aircraft projects section..If it was for points then that work could have gone on something like TINWIKI for a dangslabbit stash more points..

The 'points' argument is ermm.. pointless.

These points don't convert to cash you know..You can't buy a speedboat or something.

This is skunkworks,where alternative explanations are considered regarding unusual occurences.It would be pretty dull and pointless with an OP and 1 reply saying.

It's a bush.thread closed
It's a fish,thread closed.

Yeah..great discussion mates.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by AGENT_T]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:47 AM


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by Badge01

Badge, nope .. I'm not attempting to start drama. Its just in Dan's posts (this one and his encounter in his bedroom) Malevolent has taken, what he calls a very sarcastic attitude, I call it a very insulting demeanor. He went from criticizing Dan's story to criticizing Dan himself.

There is no reason for him to bring his personal views about Dan into this post about clouds. It is understandable if he does not believe the story, and offers some logical refutation. Otherwise attacks are not needed IMHO.


Now, back to the cloud photo.
I would like to try to ascertain the direction of movement from the picture.

When I look at the two distinct edges of the clouds, I see a noticeable difference. The bottom left hand side is even and solid without protrusions, where as the top right hand side has small offshoots.

I am a complete layman when it comes to cloud movement, but wouldn't these formations show movement to the left, since the protrusions are on the right (which I surmise would be trailing the cloud slightly). I just would expect the flat side to be the side that is moving against the wind.

Am I completely wrong on this? Would moving against the wind cause the protrusions, and the cloud is actually moving to the right?

Maybe Essan or Ozweather can comment on this, and describe why they think the cloud is moving in a certain direction.


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by ThreeDeuce
but wouldn't these formations show movement to the left, since the protrusions are on the right (which I surmise would be trailing the cloud slightly). I just would expect the flat side to be the side that is moving against the wind.

I get your thinking but if it was rising due to a 'cushion' of warm humid air then the cloud would retain its 'edge' as the wisps are signs of evaporation into dry air.

My weather knowledge is strictly amateur and I don't mind pro's correcting me

As I said I've seen this kinda thing in pooey windsurfing conditions where there was nothing else to do except get drunk or stare at the weather waiting for a cold front that wasn't showing up.

Humidity and wind don't mix in the UK unless it's attached to a hurricane

Just a thought,but maybe the cloud formed due to localised 'sea fog' formed from a hot day and a hot water outlet pipe.
Were there any powerstations nearby?
Mal. Sorry I missed your reply.I'm guessing it was informative.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by AGENT_T]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

Badge, nope .. I'm not attempting to start drama. Its just in Dan's posts (this one and his encounter in his bedroom) Malevolent has taken, what he calls a very sarcastic attitude, I call it a very insulting demeanor. He went from criticizing Dan's story to criticizing Dan himself.

There is no reason for him to bring his personal views about Dans into this post about clouds. It is understandable if he does not believe the story, and offers some logical refutation. Otherwise attacks are not needed IMHO.

Hi ThreeDeuce,

Perhaps you mean She and I have never personally attacked Dans character on this thread or the other but I have given my opinion that his picture is nothing more than "A Cloud". My picture illustrations took me a quick 5min Cut N Paste no resizing or image hosting as Agent-T suggests, I was merely trying to make a point that just because a cloud is circular or strange looking doesn't mean it's "Aliens".

Even if Dan posted a picture of an actual UFO not a cloud it still doesn't make it "Aliens". But as we can see now we are discussing clouds as opposed to UFO's. I wonder if the debunkers can debunk the cloud? It's actually quite funny normally when someone posts a picture on here of a UFO 80% of the time or more it is debunked. Now were dealing with clouds!

I'm aware that ET's have the capability of cloaking and morphing in many different ways but in Dans case or his pictures I'm sorry but my honest opinion is it's only a cloud.
(Maybe not the answer your looking for.)



Mal. Sorry I missed your reply.I'm guessing it was informative.

It was a one liner I guess not informative enough.

p.s. Hows the Boots by Dan Tanna custom footwear ltd. thing going?

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 06:27 AM
Seeing that simply removing off-topic posts doesn't solve the problem it will be warnings from here on. And if that doesn't work perhaps a 3 day time-out will help?

And slipping one of these in there does not cut it either.

Please guys & girls. Let's not go down that road. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 06:40 AM
Yes, I have seen one these craftt before.
It landed and one of these came out, strangeley with a knike protuding out of its back...

So many UFO happenings cannot keep happening to 1 individual my friend.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:03 PM
Hey, If you guys haven't notice, but ALOT OF RELIGOUS PAINTINGS contains ALOT OF Clouds that resembles as UFOS or the clouds have ODD looking characteristics.

Check out this SITE!!

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:09 PM
Oh deary me.

The ridicule and snide comments are coming out to play are they? well guess what? I got thicker skin than that.

Problems you have with me and attacking me through the U2U system will do nothing to stop me posting IF I see the need to share with you all.

Note that I said I. I do not need any ones permission to post what I feel is relevant and valid material for ATS. I will not be bullied into silence by snide remarks or hurtful u2u's..

I hope that clears it up and I stick to the origional post I made. I called it a 'craft' because of its take off from the ocean. Never said 'alien craft', no, I said craft.

If it was alien in nature then it was, if it was a simple cloud then thats also fine just please provide me an explanation. if it was terrestrial craft origion well, again, I do not know.

I simply thought ATS members would like a pic of what i saw. Because the biggest gripe people have of accounts? there are no pics. You got a pic, the others are white outs / partial white outs due to the sun.


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Awarenessiskey
Hey, If you guys haven't notice, but ALOT OF RELIGOUS PAINTINGS contains ALOT OF Clouds that resembles as UFOS or the clouds have ODD looking characteristics.

Check out this SITE!!

WOW! I bookmarked that so I can read through the whole site. Thank you for that as I have never seen any of those pics before either.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:25 PM
Guess you have never ballooned Dan. Wind directions can (and usually are) be at different speeds and different directions, at different altitudes. It can be blowing twice as fast and in the opposite direction, from where you were on the boat. So it moving off in any direction is not unnatural, in any way.

It's a cloud, get over it.

Ever going to consider going back to the alien violence thread, and address the more serious and non-personal questions asked by several folks? Instead of addressing those who dare question your physical fitness, or your ability to survive, how about answering questions about the facts of the reported encounter. Just curious. Also, you seem to have recovered very quickly from what would be the most stressful, amazing, terrifying encounter ever reported on this planet with an alieng being. Yer a stud!

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
Guess you have never ballooned Dan. Wind directions can (and usually are) be at different speeds and different directions, at different altitudes. It can be blowing twice as fast and in the opposite direction, from where you were on the boat. So it moving off in any direction is not unnatural, in any way.

It's a cloud, get over it.

Ever going to consider going back to the alien violence thread, and address the more serious and non-personal questions asked by several folks? Instead of addressing those who dare question your physical fitness, or your ability to survive, how about answering questions about the facts of the reported encounter. Just curious. Also, you seem to have recovered very quickly from what would be the most stressful, amazing, terrifying encounter ever reported on this planet with an alieng being. Yer a stud!

ballooned? nope not once ever. LTA craft are not my cup of tea. As for getting over my encounter that night, well, as I am working with some professional therapists and the like thats my business not yours. Thanks for the concern though.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna

Originally posted by qwertz
reply to post by Dan Tanna

A wave effect of different layers of humid air cause a kind of lenticularis cloud. No aliens included.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by qwertz]

Dude, i put craft in the title as i explained earlier because it took to the skies like nothing I had ever seen before and rose up from the sea at that stupid angle. I used 'craft' because I was at a loss for a better explanation.

Okay, "Dude", but try to consider it's a natural phenomenom caused by the sea, waves and big sky. Check out meteorolical data and forecasts of that day (NOAA??).

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