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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by Maban

The information that is about to be presented to you requires a great deal of relinquishment of assumptions. The information to follow is 95% accurate according to all I have seen and learned through my years as an Illuminon. Therefore, I ask that all who continue further, to set aside any assumptions they may have. Or for that matter of fact the countless slanderous remarks made about the organization; some are indeed true, many are not. So please proceed with as much open mindedness and inquisitiveness that one can muster. As a forewarning which no doubt will be seen as a sort of chink in the armor; I cannot answer all questions asked. Specifically about: our “true” origins, current/past members, locations of several specific operational locations, and a very small handful of which I will not entertain. In entertaining these types of questions I not only risk the successfulness of our cause, but the very survival of the organization’s members. Why? Please read on.

Note: To those who have read through my previous posting it will be inherently familiar. I have taken previous posts and done some splicing to make them into one long description of our organization. I have also taken the liberty to make a few corrections in terminology given the opportunity, a few where simply outdated.

Who are the Nazi's?
Unfortunately this question has reverberated through and across time itself; with not only the question but the answer itself being lost to the tides of time. The ______ nazi's were a group of intellectually gifted individuals seeking a better way of life in all. After gathering a great deal of members it suffered both external and internal threats, shredding it to pieces from within. It is fully known that several traitors fed information to the authorities thus ushering in the Bavarian Siege. And in turn ending the Bavarian Illuminati, but it would most certainly not be the last time the name “Illuminati” met the lips of any man.

True Form
The "Nazi movement" as most people see it is an archaic and in most cases dark, devious entity, whose ultimate goal is ubiquitous control of commerce and the populous in whole. This notion is derived from two sources; "historical" evidence, and that of slanted/jaded testimonies. One must come to understand the "true nature" of the "definition" of Illuminati before reasonable conclusions can be drawn, any preconceived notions assumed about the entity in whole would as a result, be in its most entirety; inaccurate. The Illuminati does not exist as many think it to, it is not one all powerful "secret society," and is in no way "unified." To aptly state the Illuminati exist in many pieces, with many doctrines, many opinions, many points of view, and many good and ill intentioned people. Once one identifies the great deal of diversity between these multiple “Illuminati” organizations, does the "whole picture" become more clear, and apparent. The “Illuminati” exist today in two entities (this is at least how we identify them) ‘Shards,” and “Remnants.”

Those whom have descended from the Icelandic Shard are considered “Illuminons” (self-proclaimed) whom belong to a particular global “Shard.” The eternal “duty” (the duty itself self-proclaimed) of the Shards is to maintain “global stability” at any personal cost. All in an effort to help usher in an era of global peace and unity. We have come to learn that in due time humanity will find enlightenment and in it, a new era will emerge. We are the stewards of this movement, nothing more, nothing less.

A great way to win an argument is to (right off the bat) "sell" your viewpoint. This viewpoint is usually disguised as a redundant/commonly accepted piece of information. Basically, you sell a viewpoint that is out of reach, when in fact your only goal is the sale of the compromise. The problem is that people keep believing they have anything to sell at all.

edit:changes made to the op's quote.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by heyo]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by heyo

Originally posted by Maban

Who are the Nazi's?
Unfortunately this question has reverberated through and across time itself; with not only the question but the answer itself being lost to the tides of time. The ______ nazi's were a group of intellectually gifted individuals seeking a better way of life in all. After gathering a great deal of members it suffered both external and internal threats, shredding it to pieces from within. It is fully known that several traitors fed information to the authorities thus ushering in the Bavarian Siege. And in turn ending the Bavarian Illuminati, but it would most certainly not be the last time the name “Illuminati” met the lips of any man.

edit:changes made to the op's quote.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by heyo]

Why have you changed his words to make it look as if he was talking about Nazis, Sir? If you've got information to present against Maban then present it, but don't start being a prick.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by Cadbury]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Maban
Well if you have read all of this and still fail to see my "message," then I fear there is little else I can do nor show you to prove otherwise.

How did you draw this conclusion? I never said I rejected your message and in fact said much of it "rang true". What is at question is your authenticity. When one says:

Truth is I have lied; I have deceived many of you. However I did not do it out of ego, or out of greed, or even duty. I did it out of hope, hope that the truth left veiled would preserve my message. ...

it leads one to believe you used a old sales tactic called bait and switch.

If you came here wanting to speak about spirituality and current events I doubt you would face these questions.

I am indeed doing both, or is that still unclear?

The only thing one has to go on is your word and you've displayed reasons for that to be in question.

I, good sir; am not Christ, nor do I claim to be. I am a simple messenger, if you feel so inclined, then drop the name/title "Illuminati" "Shards" or "Illuminons" and you may find a more comfortable environment.

Again I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion. I was using it as a example.

Yes, being here was of my own will, however I did have to gain authorization to do so. Authorization granted by my citation of our most recent losses.

Can you give some sort of verifiable proof to this claim? Give me a news story or anything you can divulge, thanks.

Is Iceland in Seattle? This war has been on a global front, the bodies have been created over three years, across the world, more than easy to "hide," as you so speak. Also consider sheer "disappearance" rates.

Again we have to take your word for it as of now and your word especially how you "lied" to us in all makes that difficult.

That's the thing you fail to realize, I don't fear for my life. I have chosen to stay behind at the Shard as a target for them. A shield for those whom I am protecting. You may not have "read" it yet, but I am first and foremost a military leader. I understand business, I understand technology, but first and foremost my expertise lies in tactical operations. My "knowledge" about advanced technologies and companies is detailed, but not expansive. To say, I know a little about a lot, and allot about a little.

Ok lets just say for argument sake this may be true, if this message is so important why not just ignore me and continue on with your message? If time is of the essence why not just ignore my post? If it so very important why are you wasting time arguing with me? Could it be because there is a possibility everything you have said could be at jeopardy if your credibility is ask risk and the whole structure will come tumbling down?

Lets also consider if so many have been lost, why sit around and wait for something to happen? I mean if I was fighting a war and all my buddies and loved ones were lost I wouldn't be sitting in front of a computer screen wasting my time with what others think.

Firstly "studies," and "expertise" are quite dissimilar. We have not technically "hijacked" but project the IP address as another, given that they are randomly assigned each time a host server is contacted we can use utilities which allow us to assume the IP address of a specific location using DHCP host servers. It helps when you have control over, or the ability to configure / reconfigure host servers of internet provides which allow you to "pick" the IP address you wish to assume. Granted it will be in the same region unless modifications are made, which as you would know make it more complicated, especially when tryign to avoid detection. However, in this instance we are not attempting to avoid detection. The IP address we are using does not correlate with our actual location, just our virtual one. As you know advanced resources can usually work past this and determine the physical location of even an IP address from another country being used in this one. Most individuals would not be able to discern our real location, but those with the proper hardware, software, and know how can; which is in a way what we are counting on.

You see now you are just changing your story when I challenged it.(Hijack and projection of an IP are two different things) Tools that you seem to be describing such as DynDNS won't provide sufficient protection. Again this is in conflict with the stories you've told, how an organization such as the "NIA" are after you and what not. Either you are a liar, leaving something out, or not qualified to provide security for your self. For the sake of argument isn't typing on a public form compromising your location and have most likely caused some of the deaths you speak of?

I do not. I will not so readily "run" as you may wish, I will stay as long as I am physically able.

I thought as you stated earlier you had to help the remaining few into hiding?

This entire post is in contradiction of my purpose here, yet I see it as a necessity for many to "see" my message. These secrets are needless to say, powerful. They can unite humanity, or divide humanity, uplift it, or destroy it. As with any power it is only used as wisely as its wielders. Humanity is not ready to wield this power, so we do what we have always done and protect this power until humanity is ready. There may come a point on the brink of annihilation where there is little to lose, and such an unveiling has the potential to give humanity the power to rise up and claim its destiny, the power to unify and create a better world. Or, at which point the advent of such power will doom the human race forever.

What destiny is that? Oh I know, its a secret ...right? I personally I believe we have all the potential in the world and we don't need some secret wannabe Illuminati group to get there. Thanks but no thanks.

I'm glad you are so entertained. Next time you see life long friends and comrades die before your very eyes, you won't be laughing quite as hard. It is one thing to judge a cause, it is quite another to fight and die for one.

Actually I have lost friends, many. Lets just say in my past I was in the military and I have fought and had some of my best friends die around me. You don't know me, I'm sorry.

Continued >>>

[edit on 7-2-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:15 AM
>>> Continued

Originally posted by Maban
Well then I am so sorry you wasted your time learning something you already knew; but inevitably this is what learning involves, reinforcement.

It was not a waste of time but again I'm not questioning the entire bulk of your posts, what I am putting into question is that you are who you claim to be.

Because we do (or rather did until recently) possess the original teaching materials of Illuminism, therefore we possess the original "words" from the teachings of Illuminism.

Were these carbon dated for verification? Were other techniques used to verify it's age? Again this is the under lieing problem I have, so often we have to take your word for it.

You just made my point for me, you can't see past the messenger. You are so fixated on it you lose sight of the whole purpose of my being here.

I'm so fixated on it because in some cases you make extraordinary claims. For example if the authenticity of anyone claiming anything was in question wouldn't that call for suspicion? Say for example I claimed I was abducted from aliens, many people now days would just take my word for it but there would be those who would ask questions. Like were there any types of physical verifiable evidence to the event. Do you see the point I'm trying to make here because you just seem to want to jump right back the message and again I'll will state I have no problem with the message for the most part. What I do have a problem with is when you say woe is me the NIA is chasing after me and so and so just got taken out. As sad as these things may be (if they are true) isn't there a very important message to get out. So important as you claim thousands have died for it.


[edit on 7-2-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by heyo

Why derail the thread?

There are a lot of us here are enjoying it. I don't understand why, after a thousand posts, you would want to just drop in a random opinion that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

I am not trying to be rude but we aren't talking about Nazi's.

The people who are turned off by this thread left months ago so it serves no purpose to twist the OPs words and drop them in the end of the thread. I think if you had read the whole thing you would see that Maban is not 'selling' anything.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by oconnection

Well straight in there, reins between your teeth, both barrels blazing. A little True Grit. Admirable. However...

In the course of asking Maban, a few times or more, to verify his identity or claims, you have made one or two yourself. Can you verify thoseclaims? For the benefit of all and sundry.

Here, on ATS, we can be anything that we want to be, more than we are, less than we are, an illuminon or an IT professional with security expertise. I have read various claims, they could all be true or none of them could be. Are we really going to spend so much time asking everyone to prove who they are? Or vy for position at the front of the debunking queue?

You ask why Maban is taking the time to respond to you, perhaps it is for the simple reason that you are asking him to. It is obviously important to you. Why are you surprised that he wants to talk to you when you want to talk to him?

Operatives of many different persuasions pass in and out of countries undetected everyday. The organisation that Maban has described could superficially fit any number of groups that carry out covert operations that we only hear about when things go wrong. If we know that 'bad guys' exist at this level why not some 'good guys' too. Why not? This is not a huge leap of faith. This can be rationalised, if, you are as obsessive as me. Thousands and thousands of people die everyday, somewhere, a percentage could be good guys. We can accept it is possible or argue the toss until we’re blue in the face.

I'm not defending Maban, but I have enjoyed this thread in a strange way that cannot be entirely described, so perhaps I am defending Maban's right to exist. Either way, true or false, I certainly wouldn't be interested in calling it, I see no purpose. Besides the man has admitted one way or another, narrative or fact, that he is on his knees. You don't kick men when they're down. Wouldn’t you feel appalling pointing and laughing if 2,000 odd of his compatriots really had died. I don't think it'd be nice. Not really.

Apart from the ‘Secrets’ there isn’t really anything that unbelievable about Maban’s stories. Personally, I am not that interested in secrets per se, so it doesn’t trouble me so much. But others, less so perhaps. Yourself?

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Maban
The first being the rise of a man, a man whom will spread light to once darkened lands. A man which will come forth and spread good and light around the world, and those whom are dark and do not run from its wave, will be consumed by it. He may very well restore hope for all of humanity, in humanity's eyes.

We were doing so well and then, well, this is troubling me somewhat. Hmmm...what can I say? Do you seriously believe that one man can unite the world? Isn't this a little same old, same old? What makes your prophecy, or prophet to be, any better than all those prophecies of unifying (yawn) prophets that have come before it? Or are you saying that Jesus is still in with a shot?

I have to admit you've quite taken me aback with this one. Excuse any irreverence, implied or intended.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

In all fairness to Maban; when someone asked him the "shards" position on a Messianic saviour figure several months ago he did say that he personally believed that there would be something like that even if the "shards" held no official stance on it.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 10:50 AM

Even if I speak for myself only, I'll say this -
your posts changed my views of us - the people, as a collective
and as individuals. Your message brings hope which is a rarity
in the age of unfolding NWO hypocrisy.

I won't spend any further time, I simply have more questions...
Some readers can call them naive, I really could care less.

Can you share your info regarding Alex Jones and David Icke?
Whose interests do they serve? Any known affiliations?
I find some of their messages being close to what you have expressed
in this thread, while others appear beyond what 'normal' individual would
imagine/believe in (ex. reptilian bloodline).

Any information is welcomed.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:23 AM
What a difference a day can make. While I understand your thoughts on people paying more attention to the messenger then the message, I would ask you not to forget that every person who reads this thread takes away from it what ever it is that they need at the time. For truth goes through several stages before it is accepted.

Some will challenge you outright, some will offer to help, and some can see past it all to the true point.

I must say that I do find it odd that your group would have a prophecy so similar to most other religions. You advocate that as a whole humanity must move forward but then to say one man will help to do it seems well odd

For if nothing else you have been kind and well mannered which can be a rare thing on these boards and I commend you on that. We all have are roles to play even if others don't understand.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Amitel
I must say that I do find it odd that your group would have a prophecy so similar to most other religions. You advocate that as a whole humanity must move forward but then to say one man will help to do it seems well odd

As I understand it that was his own personal opinion not that of his "group." They don't all share the same opinion.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Cadbury

Originally posted by heyo

Originally posted by Maban

Who are the Nazi's?
Unfortunately this question has reverberated through and across time itself; with not only the question but the answer itself being lost to the tides of time. The ______ nazi's were a group of intellectually gifted individuals seeking a better way of life in all. After gathering a great deal of members it suffered both external and internal threats, shredding it to pieces from within. It is fully known that several traitors fed information to the authorities thus ushering in the Bavarian Siege. And in turn ending the Bavarian Illuminati, but it would most certainly not be the last time the name “Illuminati” met the lips of any man.

edit:changes made to the op's quote.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by heyo]

Why have you changed his words to make it look as if he was talking about Nazis, Sir? If you've got information to present against Maban then present it, but don't start being a prick.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by Cadbury]

The whole point is that the argument for nazi's and the argument for the illuminati can and are the same. Then you have to think on what that means.

edit: apologies for lack of tact. Sometimes i'm my own worst enemy. If you think my post is just a random insult thing then ignore it with my apologies.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by heyo]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by heyo

I appreciate your explanation but Maban is not here to argue FOR the Illuminati, nor to glorify them, recruit for them nor gain anything.

His initial post was to portray the background of the Shards so that it would have context for his message.

Time and again people have tried to derail the thread (not focusing on you, just giving a summary) and it bugs a lot of us.

We lost Maban once for several months. He left due to an emergency in Iceland weeks before Iceland was even a newsworthy concern.

Over the coming weeks and months we saw Iceland collapse into economic chaos, get cut off from food supplies and choked by banks in the UK.

Then there were riots and death and governmental collapse.

Maban essetionally told us how this would happen well ahead of time, which lent some credence to his claims.

Maban also gave us information related to financial transactions with Saudi Arabia many weeks before they were revealed in the press (related to the TARP bailout).

There were many times I required precise technical or tactical information and Maban provided it privately and he has always been accurate.

I know I sound like a fanboy, but every specific technical detail Maban has provided to me, anyway, has been researched and found to be true in a very precise way.

He will not reveal the secrets, nor will he reveal the source of the secrets. No amount of philosophical debate, reasoning, whining will change that.

Other than those topics I have found him to be very reliable and accurate.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 12:19 PM
It wouldn't be the first time I got the wrong impression. thx for the background info btw. I don't believe in coincidences either.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by oconnection

You "hijacked" an IP address? I work in the IT field and specialize in security. By which means from a technical stand point did you do this? I do recall you claimed your studies were that of business and technology, so I expect some sort of technical answer. It will require much more then a hijacked IP address to provide the type of security one would need if say the NSA was looking for you.

Hopefully this will make sense as I am in IT Security as well. The methods used by the Shards make things like Blowfish, Skipjack and TEMPEST look like child's play.

Think about it this way. What could you do if you had control of a TLD Root Nameserver. (Perhaps J?) I don't know that they do, but it is plausible.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by oconnection

Originally posted by oconnection
How did you draw this conclusion? I never said I rejected your message and in fact said much of it "rang true". What is at question is your authenticity.

Well then I guess it will remain a question, because I possess no evidence nor method to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt whom I am, just as any other individual here. That without major public action. There is little other ways to "prove" myself.

It leads one to believe you used a old sales tactic called bait and switch.

It may appear as such, but is not. I concealed this detail because I thought it detrimental to my message, but now I see it as a necessary detail to release which may actually place my message into better context. The reason why we are here, the reason why this seems so "easy," is because we are desperate for solutions, simple as that.

If you came here wanting to speak about spirituality and current events I doubt you would face these questions.

No doubt, someone would then ask for my spiritual and historical qualifications, if I were truly "qualified" to analyze events and details in a certain way. There are always those whom attack the heart of a message, by attacking its messenger; although I do not see you in this light.

Can you give some sort of verifiable proof to this claim? Give me a news story or anything you can divulge, thanks.

How would I? The High Council isn't like the Congressional National Assembly, there is no Illuminon C-SPAN nor public record. I am unsure what you are "asking" for?

Again we have to take your word for it as of now and your word especially how you "lied" to us in all makes that difficult.

If you see my motives, and my reason for being, you will see that I lied for a good reason. A reason which has until recently diminished, and proven to be more detrimental than supportive in nature.

Ok lets just say for argument sake this may be true, if this message is so important why not just ignore me and continue on with your message? If time is of the essence why not just ignore my post? If it so very important why are you wasting time arguing with me? Could it be because there is a possibility everything you have said could be at jeopardy if your credibility is ask risk and the whole structure will come tumbling down?

No, just any respect gain in your eyes. Lets just say I approach this thread on a "case-by-case" basis. I give every individual whom seeks understanding the benefit of the doubt, a good many came here with the same mentality as you, but now they understand. I talk to you because I care, I care for all whom seek the light, it is my nature.

Lets also consider if so many have been lost, why sit around and wait for something to happen? I mean if I was fighting a war and all my buddies and loved ones were lost I wouldn't be sitting in front of a computer screen wasting my time with what others think.

I have lost many and many still yet remain. I "sit around" because we are making ourselves targets. We are presenting a target of opportunity for the NIA.

You see now you are just changing your story when I challenged it.(Hijack and projection of an IP are two different things) Tools that you seem to be describing such as DynDNS won't provide sufficient protection. Again this is in conflict with the stories you've told, how an organization such as the "NIA" are after you and what not. Either you are a liar, leaving something out, or not qualified to provide security for your self. For the sake of argument isn't typing on a public form compromising your location and have most likely caused some of the deaths you speak of?

People with little experience would see them as the same thing, you however with your experience know the difference, so I was in error in regards to precision, when I said hijack. In essence the idea is quite similar, I am however as I mentioned an expert in "physical" combat, IT is not exactly my strong suit, but I know enough to "keep up" with our people whom do. The technology I am more of an expert in is "aerospace" technology, which doesn't fit well into IT, per se. If you think I am "changing" my story, than re=read my thread.

I thought as you stated earlier you had to help the remaining few into hiding?

That is exactly what I am doing, am I confusing you?

What destiny is that? Oh I know, its a secret ...right? I personally I believe we have all the potential in the world and we don't need some secret wannabe Illuminati group to get there. Thanks but no thanks.

No; humanity has a great destiny among the heavens, and has the potential to play a great role, a role bigger than ourselves; if only we are prepared in time for those kinds of responsibilities.

Actually I have lost friends, many. Lets just say in my past I was in the military and I have fought and had some of my best friends die around me. You don't know me, I'm sorry.

Your right, I don't know. Would you care to provide proof, evidence that you served, that you indeed are ex-military?

Were these carbon dated for verification? Were other techniques used to verify it's age? Again this is the underlying problem I have, so often we have to take your word for it.

It was, and it is older than anything known to man, to still exist.

For example if the authenticity of anyone claiming anything was in question wouldn't that call for suspicion? Say for example I claimed I was abducted from aliens, many people now days would just take my word for it but there would be those who would ask questions. Like were there any types of physical verifiable evidence to the event.

If you are looking for cold hard evidence, then you are right, there is none to be presented, but that is the nature of such things.

What I do have a problem with is when you say woe is me the NIA is chasing after me and so and so just got taken out. As sad as these things may be (if they are true) isn't there a very important message to get out. So important as you claim thousands have died for it.

They have, a message which I now think bettered by disclosing the true nature of things, you want truth, you have it.

- Maban

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by eventHorizon

Originally posted by eventHorizon
Can you share your info regarding Alex Jones and David Icke?
Whose interests do they serve? Any known affiliations?

They are both independent, thus the obvious discrepancies in data. Often (Alex Jones in particular) will go with the "juicier" version, I guess it sells DVD's and widens his fan base.

We do, or rather did leak information to him on occasion, how do you think one of Jone's contacts managed to get a list of Bilderburg attendees so frequently and not get caught.

I find some of their messages being close to what you have expressed
in this thread, while others appear beyond what 'normal' individual would
imagine/believe in (ex. reptilian bloodline).

Discrepancies of interpretation, imagination, and sometimes entertainment value.

- Maban

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Amitel

Originally posted by Amitel
I must say that I do find it odd that your group would have a prophecy so similar to most other religions. You advocate that as a whole humanity must move forward but then to say one man will help to do it seems well odd

Cadbury and the others are indeed correct, this is more of a personally held belief and not an "official" stance, forgive any confusion I may have inadvertently wrought. These are held by some whom have certain interpretations of some teachings.

- Maban

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 01:09 PM
Besides making friends of strangers (which I think is a great philosophy), what else can we do to direct/re-direct/de-rail all this NIA/NWO stuff?

Thank you - K .

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
reply to post by heyo

Why derail the thread?

Sorry emsed1 I thought you were speaking to me, I will retract my previous statement.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by oconnection]

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