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The Luciferian Endgame and the Coming Great Deception

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posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
Now the real part of the UFO hoax is that the "Aliens" are not from outer space, but they are from the dimension called Hell.
reply to post by chromatico

Wow, that is keen introspection to this UFO phenomena that's rarely considered. How long did it take to research all of that?

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 07:19 PM
It has taken a long long time, dancing around the political implications of the NWO starting in 1999 - 2004 when I was in Kosovo, and starting seeing
the lies that our media was telling, given I was there first hand. Long story short, I researched but still did not accept fully the "conspiracy theory" concept. Only until I spent a year in the Congo under a State Dept contract did things start coming together. The Religious side was personal, but not connected necessarily totally. Until later I could not deny the links any longer. The NWO conspiracy is not a theory I found out. I have actual testimony links from congressman and others that is easy to download testifying to the conspriacy. A few of them are dead now. Then, the link between the UFO, NWO and the Demonic factor came together given the actual verses in the Bible talking about what Jesus said about the Synagogue of Satan, the "sons of God" in Genesis Six and in other books that support the existence of the Nephilim....the lights went on despite my resistence.

reply to post by Kinesis

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by nuclear_terrorism

I like how you have the American Flag backwards *not*, anyway - all I see is you saying aliens is the great illusion of mankiind. You are not the future, we know nothing about aliens let alone to talk about them, or what they look like , you have to remember it's just experiances of "alien abductions" that people have, their own personal experiances, not yours. You can't take them for real, except a probability it could occur.

Do you even know what my avatar means? From your ignorant response, i would assume not. An upside down flag means distress. This country is currently in distress in case you haven't looked out your window lately.
When did I say that aliens are a great illusion of mankind? That is from the book. Since you say we know nothing about aliens, how do we know aliens even exist? You say we know nothing about them, but then you turn around and offer up what they could be. You make no sense. Very hypocritical. That doesn't surprise me though.
So what if I think God doesn't exist? Isn't is my right to believe that?
Boy, religious folks sure know how to get worked up when someone else offers up an opinion that isn't in line with their's. How annoying is that?

[edit on 3/22/2008 by palehorse23]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by tgambill

Have you ever read Torn Sky and Torn Sky Project Jerusalem by Kathleen Keating? If not you should. I read them in two days that how good they are and they show you everything that you are talking about. I could not put the books down they are that detailed if you can pick out the characters, Who they are in real life. She is a true warrior for God and has been trying to get the message out so people wont be so easily fooled.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 07:41 PM
thanks on my way to the book store or Amazon dot com....I suspect that interesting times are ahead in the next 2-5 years if not sooner.

reply to post by Sky watcher

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

no, thats no true. angels are related to humans, to human evolution.
history is full of encounters with those spiritual beeings.

absolutely no aliens.

but the ´big deception´idea makes sense.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:12 PM
The best book ever on this subject!!!!

He will even email you the first chapter.

The Facade

The author Dr Mike Heiser is a genius!

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:44 PM
I have read L.A. Marzulli Nephilim trilogy and he makes some good points. i will give him that.

But you should try reading Cosmic Voyage by Courtney Brown PH.d and how he used SRV techniques gather data on various subjects
In his book he rv'd Greys, martians as well as Budda, Jesus and God.

It may open up your eyes that we are all God creation.

Free to read and download from the author.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by enrage]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by anti72
reply to post by Incarnated

no, thats no true. angels are related to humans, to human evolution.
history is full of encounters with those spiritual beeings.

absolutely no aliens.

but the ´big deception´idea makes sense.

This is just my own experience and opinion, but beings from Zeta Reticulum have visited earth. There are other civilizations beyond our Oort Cloud (which is a protective layer surrounding the farthest reaches of our solar system which protects our orbiting planets and sun from stray radiation bursts and gravitational fluctuations)

It's only a guess, but these creatures of a collective conscience who visit haven't made themselves known to the public because they're well aware of our attitudes toward each other. There can never be world peace, and so divisions among our societies will continue to exist. If they were ever to hand over any of their technology and fuel (Element 115 Ununpentium), then they'd insist on ground rules for its use.

This subject can splinter off in so many different directions, but if this was allowed to happen, then we'd be faced with the arrival of competing civilizations with possibly more powerfully advanced technologies. Adolf Hilter's SS would seem like a group of philanthropists compared to the oppressive, invasive nature these beings would impose on every living creature on our planet subject to their indescriminate study and disection.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 04:37 PM
im not familiar with this author, however, i am familiar with whilliam bramley he wrote "The gods of EDEN"

its a very very very indepth look at our human history from eartly egyptian society all the way past the boston tea party. its a solid read every historical even mentioned just about which has to do with the building of societies throughout the world.

it starts with the notion that ET's have helped shape the world we live in. from the begining. my parents are big religious buffs as well, i always said i was to sick to go to church on sunday morning cause i felt that church has lost its way.

mostly the people involved with church i suppose

anyway, i decided to read this book anyway, even though i sort of scoff at the idea that aliens started this all. but! after reading the book and reading hundres ( no lie) of case studies about ufo abductions.. if found similar and interesting themes. i even created a thread about common themes.

personally. if you want to involve religion in your quest for the truth.. i would suggest taking a break from religion and delve into spirituality, which is the more down to earth form of a religion where you study the human body and its ability to evoke emotions like compassion and trust and love. but are totally seperate from the idea of a god or god's. also read all you can about abductions.

try going to as well. click media objects on the left hand side of the page. look into alex collier or jim sparks.

but truthfully, i wouldnt be to concerned about satan vs god right now. thats too future based.. worry about the here and now. read whats already been documented.

religious folk and skeptics alike fold over themselves one after another making statement after statement which holds no weight. distance yourself from this, learn all there is about facts and experiences of other people. one you really dedicate youself to this, youll find that theres not much in it for you to be so outspoken about all of this.. you'll develop a compossure that allows you to handle the phenomina day by day.

alex collier (renouned abductee) states that aliens themselves are on a quest for understanding god. however they call it the "isness" of the universe.. just as we would say what "is" this all about.. what is the "isness" of our existence.

familiarize yourself with near death experience and what happenes to your life energy as it leaves your body. how it shoots up your spine and out the top of your head. learn also about the 12 dimentions.. we live in the 3rd, other life forms live in 4th.5th,6th,7th,8th,and even 9th.. its rumored at the 10th,1th,and 12th are beings of pure light. and very loving.

youll come across "weird" information, but if you just allow yourself to get through it without being judgmental or even religiously defensive you'll be less vexed later on. let all the info pass before your mind like a movie playing at century theatre just let it unfold.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
The best book ever on this subject!!!!

He will even email you the first chapter.

The Facade

The author Dr Mike Heiser is a genius!

Looks like some strong reading, just skimmed so far . . . thanks for the link.

You appear to have done quite a bit of Scriptural study, yourself, judging from your posts in different threads.

Prosperity & Peace.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Kinesis

I repeat, the ´big deception´idea makes sense.
just think of the massive DisInfo and black mind control operations like
MKUltra of the gov.
and thats not sci-Fi.

dont get fooled by the payed CIA-posters here..

[edit on 24-3-2008 by anti72]

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Quazga

Actually it is a fact that the time period between humanity living in caves and scratching out crude forms with a stick to texting is really a short space. Why? Evolution? Nope. The truth is that we were genetically altered to become what we are today. Adam and Eve is a true story, though not told in it's entirety. The pyramids in Egypt and other wonders of the world attest to vast knowledge that was used in a time when humanity was not capable of performing the tasks of creating these things.
The reasons that they exist have been hidden.
The Bible that exists now is incomplete. The Lost Books had been hidden because at the time they were written, they would have been destroyed as blasphemous. The Roman Catholic society did not want the truth to be common knowledge and altered the true Bible to manipulate the faithful. Bits and pieces are in the Quran, Buddism, Jewish Orthodoxy and other religions. The truth of the matter is, we all were deceived.
Now these lost books are available to read their content. We, as the more "advanced" humanity now can appreciate the books as valuable. More so though, we have the opportunity to read the bible as it was meant to be read. In it's entirety. And yes, Angels/ Aliens are one and the same. And yes, we are at a point now where we can readily understand when they communicate to us. But the question I have is: to what end? -

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by palehorse23

imo that book was made to create fear..

i only know of two alien races that dont care about humans and they are here already and have been here a long time..

they or one of them may change their ways,but i dunno..

so in my theory any other race of beings that comes here is probably here to help..

bottom line is have no fear and trust your own judgement

edit=then again i may be wrong ,cause i have not communicated(knowingly) with any aliens.....i just know that there are good ET's out there..i wish they would come on in,but i guess our gov. has orders to shoot on sight or something like that..*shrug*

[edit on 12-6-2008 by Skipper1975]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:41 PM
End Game?

Huge increases of U.F.O sightings?
Increased earthquake activity?
Global economical disaster looming?
Current build up to war with Iran?
Sighting of 'Planet x'?
Ice/life possibility on Mars?


Gotta say it's interesting times we are currently living in.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Everyone read hundreds of books and think they can outsmart on another when they have only read a book from another human. instead of doing that and waisting time, read the English version of the Quran like i did a book from GOD, and most of your answers will be answered you have my word, and then when you come across such topics you will already have your answer.

I am not religious, though i pray regularly, and i strongly believe in God thats all, thats how simple it is for me.

And yes Satan i.e (Iblis) is behind it all, ALL meaning he is the only one breaking the laws of the universe, while other alien beings don't. this is why we all feel that aliens are evil, they are not most of them are good and others bad and majority of them could careless, but the ones we all hear about all the time greys and all is because that Iblis does control most of the earth activities, again mentioned in the Quran, in end time God will give Satan full control to do as much evil as he can. Plus greys are not real aliens they are robotic fake alien beings who are again like Jins helping Satan. But even in Jins there are some good ones who give into to God and worship God only.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:07 PM
Alien nuthuggers shall fail!

I heard this Marzulli on C2C and i just love the man! He has a near 100% stamp of approval from me, and that dont come easy!

Some responses here (firemoon) is very telling, in that it shows that many post-modern materialists SO want these material/darwinistic/Sitchean, Xerxes-like demi-gods to take the place as our objects of worship. Then hopefully telling us that it is time for a new-age empire with them as our rightful rulers, posing as our progenitors and cosmic parents. And perhaps they would give us trinkets! Perhaps they would offer us a "chip" that will give us access to their marvellous knowledge and bliss - a sort of galactic internet! Yes, that would be great, would it not! If, of course, you have not read that "weird" ending in the Bible, that is...

Why would you claim tahat ANY flippin alien race that come here must be kind and well-meaning? It's silly! Because thay have a higher state of technology? Like the Spaniards that came to America? Like the Dutch that came to Africa? Let's be a bit more sceptical, shall we?

I think I'm gonna see "independance day" again...

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:29 AM
Satan is deceiving.......however, for those that do not believe God will send a great delusion that you would believe a lie.

The Great Delusion (The Lie)

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by ARC22

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by ARC22

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