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Ron Paul keeps white supremacist donation

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posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 12:34 PM
So what he took money from a man who pushes white pride. Whats the difference here, its the same as Al Sharpton taking money from the NAACP a black pride organization. Why is it that a white man is labled a racist if he takes pride in his color. But if a black man or spanish man takes pride in thier color they are doing good in the world?????

its a double standard IMO and it makes me sick.

Im White and im proud say it out loud!!!!!! Good for you Mr. Paul if this is what went down.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by geemony
So what he took money from a man who pushes white pride. Whats the difference here, its the same as Al Sharpton taking money from the NAACP a black pride organization.

I kinda agree.

It's the same as OBAMA taking money from his black power church that blames the white man for everything and talks about being true to their real homeland - Africa.

I'm sure Obama gets money from many of those people. But of course we'd all be racists if we dared to talk about it, right? :shk:

Ron Paul can take money from who ever he wants.
Ron Paul can choose to keep the money or give it back, whatever he wants.
Ron Paul will have to live with the fall out from his freely made choices.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by dirtonwater
Ron Paul is such a nobody that it doesn't matter that some undesirables send him donations. Personally, I don't have respect for anyone that gives any politician any money. Especially to someone like Rotten Paul who has absolutely no chance at the nomination. He has consistently polled in the lower to middle single digits. Oh but the MSM controls the polls ..... yeah yeah yeah...

Wonk, Wonk , Wonk all you want. Ron Paul will get my vote becasue no other candadate has any sort of plan for the future other than the same ol crap they been feeding us for the past 30 or so years. Clinton, Bama, Rudy, Maco Caine and the rest of the shill brigade will buy thier votes just as they have done from the beginning. They will more than likely get more votes cause they can afford more votes than Paul.

PS: I was checking your avatar, isnt that the brown foam that forms on the top of the water?????
nice..... im sure you feel at home in that stuff huh.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by FredT

I can't resist this thread.


Black said he supports Paul's stance on ending the war in Iraq, securing U.S. borders and his opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants.
"We know that he's not a white nationalist. He says he isn't and we believe him, but on the issues, there's only one choice," Black said Wednesday.

"We like his stand on tight borders and opposition to a police state," Black told The Palm Beach Post earlier.

Now please enlighten everyone why his personal ideology is even in question regarding the donation?
You talk of ethics and morality concerning a neutral political contribution - in which race has no bearing - and expect people to be offended somehow?
It' amazing how far you have to dig to find dirt on Ron Paul.
Surely your ilk can do better than this.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 12:56 PM

100% agree FF , isnt it amazing how quickly people will turn on you when it suits them. I really think Paul has someone scared to death here. I live in Northern VA and the Paul signs are everywhere here. ME thinks Ron Paul is a sleeper in this election and I wouldnt count him out just yet if I was Shillery, or Don Rudi.........

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by xEphon
Now please enlighten everyone why his personal ideology is even in question regarding the donation?
You talk of ethics and morality concerning a neutral political contribution - in which race has no bearing - and expect people to be offended somehow?
It' amazing how far you have to dig to find dirt on Ron Paul.
Surely your ilk can do better than this.

I think its because Ron Paul has been pretty clean through out his political life, he has every one of those agenda mongers in DC scared to death that the American people might somehow be able to think for themselves and vote their conscience. Paul’s message and plan for America is so far above the others that all they can do is try and link Mr. Black's lame ass donation of 500 dollars, to a racist agenda. Because Mr. Black takes pride in his color, this makes him a bad person. Give me a break, this is all they focus on. I really hope that the American people will see through the smoked glass and concentrate on what Paul’s message and plan means to the future safe guarding of our country.

So many of my fellow members here at ATS claim to hate the government and cry about the lost freedoms and rights. Well get off your arses and vote in Ron Paul. You want a revolution, you want change, you call for the American people to stand up and say we have had enough. Then do something about it and vote in Ron Paul. Do you really want change in America? Then do something about it or quit yer bitchen!!!

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 01:13 PM

I live in Northern VA and the Paul signs are everywhere here.

Funny you mention that... I live in Dallas (with a George Bush Turnpike, no less) and RP bumper stickers are EVERYWHERE... in GW territory! If he doesn't win, something went terribly, terribly wrong.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn

When is the last time you saw anything positive on candidate Paul in the MSM besides the report of his record breaking internet fundraising?

Actually, I can't remember seeing ANYTHING positive about any of the OTHER candidates on MSM!

[edit on 20/12/07 by Keyhole]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 01:17 PM
By accepting money from someone for a political campaign, do you expect the politician to do what that someone wants ? Is this the normal thing ? Pay him, and he does what you want because he is in debt ?
Ron Paul said, that he will use the money for his purposes and does not care what the donor wants, the one who donated did it because he agrees with the political program of Ron Paul, that is how donations should work

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by IAF101
Apparently, people still dont get it. Its not what is illegal and what isnt. Sleeping with your neighbors wife may not be illegal. But its morally wrong to do so. Just as it was wrong for Bill Clinton to have an extra martial affair. There is something called principles and morals that in this nation people still hold dear.

Now, be it 5 cents or 5 millions dollars the fact that he choose to keep it shows that he doesnt mind accepting money from the KKK and the like to further his campaign. Something nobody with any principles would do. This tells a lot about character and the kind of President he is going to be. If its just $500 why doesnt he "just" return it ? Or better yet give it to a charity for black kids etc?

The ability for him to not see this as something wrong is disturbing.

You cant be serious, Lets check the back groud of every donation to every candidate and see where that leads us. I think its also kinda hypocritical as well to have a known Nazi used symbol under Captain America. How does that work?

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 01:50 PM
Donations are donations, white supremacists really aren't evil....

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by pai mei

We call that "democracy" here. Special interest pays politician's bills, politician returns the favor. Bribes are illegal, but contributions backed by lobbying is perfectly fine, wink wink nudge nudge.

$500 to Ron Paul from StormFront's founder? Geeze. Guess he didn't want to hamper his beer budget.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 01:55 PM
Its odd.. seems the mud slinging is working, isn't it?

For whatever reason the money was given and by whom.. who's to say or even question why on either side of this?

So, the person who gave money has views that differ from yours, does this make him evil?

I'm not a RP supporter. I don't support any of the politicians at this point, but I have to say that keeping the money is a decent move. Why? Just becuase the donator doesn't follow the same path as you, does that mean he's not allowed to be an american like you? does his voice count for less than yours? does he not have the same rights to free speech and thought that you enjoy? who are you to judge and who are you to pull a holier than thou attitude?

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by CoffinFeeder
Its odd.. seems the mud slinging is working, isn't it?

For whatever reason the money was given and by whom.. who's to say or even question why on either side of this?

So, the person who gave money has views that differ from yours, does this make him evil?

I'm not a RP supporter. I don't support any of the politicians at this point, but I have to say that keeping the money is a decent move. Why? Just becuase the donator doesn't follow the same path as you, does that mean he's not allowed to be an american like you? does his voice count for less than yours? does he not have the same rights to free speech and thought that you enjoy? who are you to judge and who are you to pull a holier than thou attitude?

Star for you CF, Good post and very well put. Who are any of us to think we can tell anyone what to do or how to do it. Its sad most people cant mind thier own house and feel it nessesary to try and burn down someone elses.

Take care

Edit to add more lines T&C and all that you know.

Take care

[edit on 20-12-2007 by geemony]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
I watched an intereview on fox with ron paul about this, and honestly the guy could hardly keep his head up while talking after Ron Paul gave his explaination.

They got 35,000 donors in 1 day, you want them to screen each and every one and send money back to people that the majority of the public finds repulsive? Thats ridiculous. This money isn't changing his morals or influencing the Ron Paul campaign, so it doesn't matter who gave the money. It is like saying if I give you something as a gift and you accept, you support all my views. That is simply ridiculous and logically doesn't have any ground to stand on.

[edit on 19-12-2007 by grimreaper797]

Very well said. Exactly my thoughts on the issue.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Let's see....6 million dollars in a day and just a few blips on the radar.

$500 from a white supremacist who was donating based on Paul's views and NOT his own.....all over the MSM and now his candidacy is DOOMED?

Whose to say that this Black fellow wasn't trying to make headlines for himself? And NCG2736, I totally agree with your commentary. Good points.

Perhaps, we should scrutinize every single donation to every campaign if we feel that it is necesary to single this one event out.

Isn't it funny that the majority amount of time the MSM reports on Paul is to either mock, downplay, belittle his campaign? And now they attempt to link his campaign to white supremacist groups via a single donation!?!?!?

Reminds me how Druge left the "fascism will come carrying a cross, wrapped in a flag" on his front page longer than his 6 million dollars in one day. And all of us Paul supporters are wackos and conspiracists?

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by FredT
reply to post by NGC2736

I think it goes beyond a persons rights.

Yes that man no matter how twisted his beliefs are is entitled to "Try" to make a donation. However it is also the right AND responsability of the Paul campaign to look at where his money is comming from.

If he takes money from white supremists, what about NAMBLA? Hizbollah? or any of the other groups most here find repugnant.

He and his campaign can make up whatever reason they want as to why they are going to keep it, but this will cost him in the long run far more than the $500 he got from this guy. It speaks to charecter, ....

I TOTALLY agree with you on this one FredT. At the present time, I can't think of ANY current presidential candidate who would accept a donation from such an individual and it's mind boggling that Ron Paul was willing to accept it. By doing so, he's sending out a message BIG TIME, that he personally has no issues with white supremacists and regardless if that's true or not, his acceptance of that donation is most definitely sending out the message that he supports their ideology.

Heck, even small time local politicians of any stripe stay clear of taking any donations from those guys because by doing so... it's political suicide!

So here we have a presidential candidate accepting such a donation and I can assure anyone here, that as a result of doing that, this donation is going to haunt him for the rest of his campaign.

Too bad because I was willing to read up more on Ron Paul's platform but now that this has happened... I have no interest in doing that any longer.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 03:37 PM
Good grief! :shk:

I really feel like going out and temporarily joining every single group that's ever been looked down upon, then making piddley donations to each candidate's campaign. Here's the clincher... make sure to take a photograph of one's self, with each check/bill, with the serial number(s) clearly visible. That way, if a candidate decides to send your money back, you can show that they didn't necessarily send your money back, but kept it, and sent someone elses!

Then you can contact the MSM and show that all of these candidates "support" subversive causes!

Lets see. What to join first? Is is wrong to join a "white pride" and a "black pride" group at the same time? What about brown, red, and yellow pride too?

Gotta include the ACLU & Planned Parenthood for my GOP donations, then a NAMBLA member's donation should piss off both sides equally...

Let's here it for the MSM for giving Black a little nationwide coverage, and his 15 minutes of fame!

Come on people! $500 is a mere drop in the bucket, and wouldn't even come close to getting the ear of a candidate for some one on one time, let alone "sway" them regarding their beliefs.

As far as I'm concerned, that's $500 less in hate pamphlets being printed. $500 less ammunition in the hands of a racist. $500 dollars less in materials to build & burn crosses. Do I need to go on?

For all we know, that $500 donation may be the ONLY "good thing" this man has ever done, and people still want to take that away. :shk:

If this is the best "mudslinging" that the MSM can come up with (against RP), they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel, in an effort to find any "skeletons" in his closet, and it seems they're coming up pretty empty handed.

Props to RP. I'm confident he'll use the money in a far more responsible manner than that racist would have.
And, props to the racist for at least doing one thing right in his life. Let's hope he continues the trend, and changes his racist ways.

[edit on 12/20/07 by redmage]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 03:46 PM
FredT I have a question for you. Do you think any politician should accept a donation from a white supremacist trying to donate to a campaign fund?

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by FredT

One could contend that Perot effectively decided the election by running. Perot garnered 18.9% of the vote and Bush only lost to Clinton by 5.7% of the popular vote. Electoral vote wise it would have been different, but Clinton did not have a landslide win in 1992.

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