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aliens eat humans?

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Originally posted by SuicideVirus
I suppose it would be more fruitful to ponder why aliens might eat us if we were first able to establish that aliens actually exist.

Well, let's say for the sake of discussion that they do exist. They still can't eat us.

As far as our Science knows, life on Earth can only eat other life on Earth (and minerals of Earth), because all life on Earth evolved from the same primordial organisms. Consider the banana...the genetic make-up of a banana is 51% the same as that of a human being. Humans and plants and animals and birds and fish and bacteria and stoats are all very, very closely related on a genetic level. We all bear the watermark of Earth.

So, we humans (as omnivores) can consume pretty much anything in our path on planet Earth, except for those lifeforms that have developed complex defense mechanisms such as neuro-toxins, et cetera — even so, the biological and botanical toxins on Earth are also genetically very similar to us, which is why they affect us. And we still find ways to eat the poisonous plants and animals — though, for the life of me, I don't know why — and we do find nutrition in eating them.

However, it's not going to be possible for a lifeform from a radically different gene pool — say, an extraterrestrial biologic entity — to come to Earth and find nutrition, because life on Earth probably won't share even 1% of the same genetic material with an alien lifeform. More like 0.00% genetic similarity. On the same token, we couldn't eat the aliens, either, with any hope of drawing sustenance from their succulent space-faring flesh.

I mean, sure, we could capture a few aliens and toss them on the barbecue with some polish sausages and corn-on-the-cob and chow down on them, but our biochemistry simply wouldn't metabolize the alien flesh. They'd pass right through our digestive tracts like candle wax. Same thing if they ate us. We probably wouldn't even be poisonous to one another, because a toxin has to have the correct genetic keys to affect the recipient.

This same genetic argument pretty much blows the "Mars Needs Women" and "War of the Worlds" theories out of the water, too. As Carl Sagan said, remarking on the possibility of ET/Human interbreeding: "We would have more luck breeding a human with a petunia than with an alien." And H.G. Wells' scenario of Earth germs destroying an ET invasion is equally implausible, in that our bacteria and viruses simply would not possess the correct genetic keys to penetrate and infect the alien physiology.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/1/2007 by Doc Velocity]

That would happen to be the same as what I believe to be true, if something evolves on an entirely different planet with an entirely different set of amino acids and base pairs for their DNA, then it is highly unlikely that any carnivorous aliens that might come across our little planet would find the taste of human flesh appetizing, get any nutrients from it or even be able to digest it. Unless aliens are us from the future genetically altered and come back in time that is, which just opens a whole new can of ew.

As for our junk DNA, it's been theorised that it may simply be the remains of our ancestors that we do not need anymore, an evolutionary throw-back if you will, a larger example of that would be the human appendix.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:28 AM
Whatever makes you all feel comfortable. This is a pretty small hope to be holding on too. i dont think this is being looked at from enough angles.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by nightsescape
Hi, ive read alot of things on this site that talks about aliens eating humans or breeding us to be a better food source. Im just going to give you all my opinion and i would to hear what you all have to think of it.

Why would aliens want to eat us? first of all there are tons of other animals that would have tons more meat on them besides us. I mean come on we dont harvest apes to eat, we harvest cows, chickens animals like that. We eat pretty stupid animals compared to us, like if a chicken gets out of its pen, really nothing to worry about, a cow gets out, just watch out for your foot while you guide it to its pen. On the other hand if a human got out of one of its pens for an alien, that could mean tons of deaths for them, humans are the best at destroying things and we are smart and strong enough to bash one of these little aliens brains in no problem.

My point is do you guys even know what aliens eat? Do they even eat foods that we can produce on earth? If i was as smart as an alien i wouldnt eat something as dangerous as a human. Dont you think they could grow there own food, or have some means of taking food with them in pill form. they arent that big they cant eat a whole lot.

p.s. i know my grammer sucks, please dont comment on it, i know i should have paid more attention in highschool english class instead of talking to girls.

[edit on 1-2-2007 by nightsescape]

Um, well for one, I doubt we could "bash their little alien brains in no problem". There are many different species of aliens, some hostile, some friendly, many of the hostile ones are very big non-humanoid strong alien-type creatures and could kill us in one spunick(What they call a punch)

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:42 AM
They seem to be emotionless (by human standards) and therefore are seen as cruel in their treatment of human beings. They are able to take human lives without any regard for that individual. They apparently can use certain substances of the human body for their sustenance and therefore appear to be carnivorous in regards to humans.

(I also read that they extract fluid from some part of the human brain during intense emotional response [fear] and are able to use it like a recreational drug.)

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by nightsescape We eat pretty stupid animals compared to us, like if a chicken gets out of its pen, really nothing to worry about, a cow gets out, just watch out for your foot while you guide it to its pen. On the other hand if a human got out of one of its pens for an alien, that could mean tons of deaths for them, humans are the best at destroying things and we are smart and strong enough to bash one of these little aliens brains in no problem.
[edit on 1-2-2007 by nightsescape]

Ummm...actually humans have enjoyed eating each other in many cultures as well (and not because they were starving). In fact human flesh was pretty darn popular in some places and is still devoured in areas of the Congo. Apparently they are NOT that hard to capture/control/butcher.

Personally I can't see why aliens would want to come to earth just for some human flesh (or adrenaline, or whatever). It would be much more efficient to simply farm humans elsewhere. Unless of course they just liked it for the sport or whatever, but even that, I don't know, it just seems like they would find it a bit icky to chow down on wild earth raised humans.

Also keep in mind humans raised for meat would probably be selectively bred for temperament and muscle mass just like cattle are. A large, wild bovine is pretty dangerous, but domesticated cattle are easy to handle.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by Sonya610]

And what if this place is just a big farm for those aliens ? It would explain so much such as things that science cannot explain because some beings do not intend to let us evolve pass some level , where does science come from anyway ? Did you met those creating it ? Can you beleive all their saying ? It is safe to trust the authority of this world when # is everywhere and they dont 'seem' to give a # about it ? From a logical point of view the earth is a big cage and the 'x-ray' field around the earth that fews knows about , would kill any humans going pass it.

Simple coincidence ? I doubt so , this world is way , way too much filled with such to be the result of a simple bing bang.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 02:56 AM
The Biggest Problem about aliens eating Humans are their Populations that Far too Superior than Human Populations thanks to their Cloning Technology and the case where there's More Predators than it's Preys can be Catastrophic since it can put Prey Species to Extinction.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by SuicideVirus

I personaly cannot see how it would be a good idea for an Alien to eat a human being. We are not the cleanest of animals to be honest. Western humans are getting more unhealthy and living longer almost soley because of the medical technology getting better, as we fill ourselves with bad food, nicotene, alcohol and so on and so forth. In the eastern nations there are almost opposite problems , too little food and water, illness is rife, death amongst the young is high.
The other thing is , there is no reason to suspect that aliens would even consume energy the same way we do . For all we know they may not even have digestive needs! They may fuel their life force from the same source as they fuel thier vehicles, or tap the energies of the universe by some bizzare unimaginable means. One of the big problems we have here on earth is that when it comes to ETs we assume that they will have the same basic needs that we have, but there has never been any evidence to back that up.
I saw someone site cattle mutilation as good evidence that aliens eat flesh. Thats just complete tosh. If aliens are indeed responsible for mutilation, there is no evidence to suggest that these incidents are linked to the culinary activities of the aliens in question. More than likely mutilations are experimental in nature and have more to do with study of our planet and our ways than they do with hunger pangs from intergalactic travel.
Im not saying that there are no aliens which eat , and its true, you cant discount the idea that some humans may have been eaten, but in the main there is no reason to even bother with the thought !

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

the MAJOR flaw in your thinking is you assume that we are not genetically related to the E.T.s.

I'm not saying we are, but you are assuming an awful lot . . .

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 12:38 AM
This is the first post I have ever written. I felt compelled to comment on this topic. I see comments here stating that it is absurd that aliens are eating humans, or that its impossible. I wonder how many times Copernicus or Galileo were told these same words. There is always a possibility. Here is my argument. There are currently about 6 to 8 billion humans on planet earth. It is estimated that 12 to 17 million children alone starve to death each year. Thats not counting adults. Countless millions more die each year of diseases, accidents, crimes and wars. It is not enough, our popullation is still increasing. We as a species are currently on a popullation growth that our planet cannot sustain. It is quite possible that a deal has been struck by a government or governments (NWO) to let humans be removed from our planet for unspecified purposes in exchage for advanced technologies. Nothing to fancy mind you, just enough to give one goverment military superiority over the others. It would not be logical to give humans a weapon that would destroy the aliens themselves . In the UK it is estimated that 270000 persons disappear every year. In the U.S. the estimate is 1.1 million disapearances per year. Disapearances in China are bout 40 million per year. It is possible that around the world hundreds of millions of persons disappear every year without a trace. Some of those disapearances may in fact be voluntary, but most are not. Where are these persons bodies or bones? Nothing is found. We must keep our minds open to all the possibilities out there. No matter how far fetched they may seem to you today. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 05:44 AM
You are obviously a thinker and an observer.

hundreds of millions of people disappear every year without a trace. [...]Where are these persons bodies or bones? Nothing is found. We must keep our minds open to all the possibilities out there. No matter how far fetched they may seem to you today. Thanks.

There actually HAVE been bodies found since as far back as the 50s and are still being found today. This is one of the biggest secrets being suppressed today.

There is information all over the net right now about human bodies being found with the same exact treatment as the cattle mutilation cases that are widely known and accepted to be taking place as we speak.

Google 'Human Mutilation' and follow all the trails of information and really think about everything you've ever seen or read about and pieces will begin to fit together. -But you MUST start with the perception and understanding that we do NOT know everything there is to know about the universe we live in. -And, in my opinion, actually very little at that.

This is information of the caliber that the government will do ANYthing to keep a lid on and it goes all the way to the top. Law Enforcement officers and even Presidents have made discoveries themselves and, upon further investigation, been silenced by the FBI and other organizations involved in the cover-up.

Pay close attention to the craziest of ideas you come across these days because if we could all know the absolute truth about everything that is going on right now today on planet Earth, it would certainly be absolutey devastating to many, if not most.

The theories, that most here are wholesale denying as even plausible, are backed up by evidence found upon investigation of the mutilated human remains.

Just like the cattle and some other animals, the glands are removed all over the body and blood is drained.

The glands are used to mix nutrients vital to the existence of these beings and the blood contains massive amounts of adrenaline from the shock and terror of these procedures taking place while the human, or animal, is still alive and fully conscious.

It is believed that this is one of the reasons the subject is kept fully alive and conscious so that the loads of adrenaline pumped into the bloodstream can be harvested and utilized for some purpose.

We know this due to the vital reactions detected within the wounds on all the victims, human or animal. Which means if the victim is already deceased when the invasive procedures are taking place, there would be none of a particular kind of bruising and other damage due to the struggling against the incisions and removal of specific tissues and glands. Unfortunately, that bruising and damage IS evident in ALL cases.

We MUST begin to open our eyes WIDER and expand our thinking to encompass these types of possibilities.

The TRUTH is the TRUTH whether you believe it or not.

[edit on 29-8-2010 by LYTSKR]

[edit on 29-8-2010 by LYTSKR]

[edit on 29-8-2010 by LYTSKR]

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by SkyWay

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:36 PM


Originally posted by nightsescape
On the other hand if a human got out of one of its pens for an alien, that could mean tons of deaths for them, humans are the best at destroying things and we are smart and strong enough to bash one of these little aliens brains in no problem.

Really? If we are so smart how come swe haven't solved world hunger? Or cured cancer? Or travelled beyond our own planet's gravitational pull?
For all you know once you got out an alien could use telekinesis to just pick you up and drop you back in without breaking his stride.
And we aren't the best at destroying things. Sure we're really REALLY good at it, but the less advanced lifeforms have wiped out billions more lifeforms than we have.

My point is do you guys even know what aliens eat? Do they even eat foods that we can produce on earth? If i was as smart as an alien i wouldnt eat something as dangerous as a human.

Dangerous. The only thing humans are dangerous too, is ourselves. An alien could see us the same way as you described the chicken. One gets out and its just "Aw geez, its out again... dammit it got onto the top of the pen again. Gryzak, get the laser."
You are also assuming that the only aliens that devour us are the cute looking greys. What about reports of aliens that look like man sized elephants? Or the 8 foot tall reptoids? I don't see myself exactly rushing to rescue everyone else after escaping with a giant iguana looking for me.

Man sized elephants? Larry Niven's novel "Footfall."

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 02:44 PM

According to a few different sources, including Phil Schneider, the alien greys do not actually eat us. But there is another reason for harvesting the human body.....

Our adrenaline glands.

Somewhere in your belly, stuffed in beside your intestines, beside the pancreas, and just above your kidney is the small adrenaline gland.

Pure adrenaline, also known as "Adrenachrome", is said to be a powerful drug substance for the alien greys. It's like coc aine to them.

Adrenaline and just about any other organic can be synthesized by us with our level of technology. So again, it's bad 50's sci fi to expect advanced aliens to come to earth for dinner.

If we can synthesize just about any substance we want and can even make synthetic meat in 2013 why would any sensible person believe aliens from lightyears away wouldn't be able to do a superior job of this?

Sorry but aliens crossing interstellar space to feast on blood or any other organic substance is a bad sci-fi plot but nothing more.
edit on 3-12-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:28 AM


Originally posted by JackofBlades
You are also assuming that the only aliens that devour us are the cute looking greys. What about reports of aliens that look like man sized elephants? Or the 8 foot tall reptoids? I don't see myself exactly rushing to rescue everyone else after escaping with a giant iguana looking for me.

Aliens that look like "man-sized elephants"??? That's a new one to me. Do you have anymore information on this species, perhaps a link or something?

I don't mean to take this thread off-topic, it's just the whole "man-sized elephant" thing really fascinated me. I'm guessing they have trunks? I wonder if they have the big ears too?

But just so my post doesn't completely derail this thread, I'll talk some about the topic at hand. Just from reading threads here on ATS as well as the provided links, I've seen plenty of stories about aliens eating humans. Perhaps the most interesting was the story that the Greys are slaves for the Reptilians and they are sent out to abduct human beings for them. The theory was that a majority of the large number of missing children in the US every year (incidentally, no trace is ever found of them- not even a body) are eaten by aliens. Supposedly there is a huge base for the Reptilians under (get this!) Denver International Airport!!! The reason they prefer eating children and babies rather than adults is because most adults are filled with chemicals and other disgusting elements from the things we eat and the bad habits we have over our lifetimes. Children, for the most part, haven't had enough time to ingest and/or breathe in all of these harmful things yet.

Of course let me say outright that I don't necessarily subscribe to this theory. I think that statistically, however, there must be some alien species out there that has, or would, eat human beings. But if this is the case, and if they are as advanced as they would need to be to travel all the way to Earth and abduct and eat humans without gaining mainstream attention, then I doubt they'd keep coming here to abduct us. I think it would be a lot easier and make a lot more sense for them to have abducted a large, diverse group of us in the past and just brought us somewhere for breeding. That way they'd have a steady food supply and they'd be able to control what we eat and how we treat our bodies. I'm sure there's a certain way they like their human meat. So just like we disgustingly create milk-fed veal and other cruel and inhumane delicacies, aliens would likely do the same.

Any thoughts??

While I was reading your post I had this horrible dawning realization that what you were describing as the logical way to do it if they were going to make us a food source is a fairly accurate and disturbing description of our present situation!

Large diverse group of humans? Check - we have ~7 billion human nuggets walking around this larder (free range to be kind to us)
Control what we eat? Check- despite being so-called intelligent beings, we stuff ourselves on a wide variety of unhealthy food choices to the point of becoming overweight (and that being the majority of people here in the US) whilst certain chemicals are pumped into our air, water, and even in the stuffing- I mean junk food we consume. And because the discerning aliens have a variety of palettes, we have cultural and other norms for what we consume, which will add subtle, delicate seasoning to the various regional varieties. And even those who prefer grain fed have vegetarian humans.

Keep this food source in a confined but more easily accessible location? Check. Tho we think coming to earth would seem a tedious trip, not at all for such advanced beings. Earth is a hop skip away from wherever we originally developed - which had a sun that didn't cause skin cancer or burns from general exposure, gravity that didn't cause us debilitating back problems, etc. But this "pen" was the compromise of accessibility for them and being just enough environmentally compatible enough to sustain us (tho obviously not as good a match as a world we had actually evolved on!). :-)

And of course such a scenario makes sense of the seeming furtive nature of the grocery store shoppers - why they don't land and introduce themselves? Because they are shopping for dinner, not trying to make friends with the entree!
A hunter wants to be hidden, tho the unavoidable glimpses do happen from time to time. The unfortunate gullible, peaceful and kind deer wonder why these advanced creatures with bewildering technology don't just step out and reveal themselves and make friends, while the complicit forest dwellers, some even disguised as other deer, ridicule those who have seen past the camoflauge and try to tell others these beings are here. These double agents denounce any attempt by those who have encountered the mysterious advanced beings (and lived to tell) by ridicule, personal attacks and convincing the other deer that such tales are ludicrous ("walks on 2 legs, has fur that blends in with the forest itself, has some sort of magic want stick that can make things sleep from far away by just pointing at it, etc etc"). Some believe the advanced ones to be evil, but others think they must be good, as they gave been past over and unharmed (tho some report a short tine later a deer of a different gender and/or age was pointed at with the sleep stick shortly thereafter and never seen in the forest again!).

Okay, so my mixed metaphors are first draft choppy, probably should have spent time on organizing it then posting but wanted to reply right now while the realization is fresh and extremely disturbing!

I have never considered we might be a food source to aliens. When I have come across reports - ie human remains found among ufo wreckage" such as the Aztec crash, I just assumed they were abductees unfortunate to have been taken for examining and had not been returned before the crash occurred. I recall reading the "parts" were already dead before the crash, unsure how they determined this exactly but was disturbed by the thoughts of some poor souls being cut up and stored in specimen jars to wind up spread across the dessert floor when the flying lab crashed.

I don't think most aliens are hostile, just as I personally would never hunt for sport and am abhorred by the thought that any creature actually enjoys tracking and killing other living creatures, and boast that it is a personal achievement by displaying the decapitted heads on their walls - is sickening and bizarre to me. Take away the rifle or bow and arrow (tech designed and manufactured by other people, not even the person slaughtering) and wrestle a creature down with your bare hands - that's slightly more even odds and would at least be understandable as a proclamation of skill, tho still disturbing.

And yes, I ubderstand that in this world creatures have to kill and eat other creatures to survive, but the ones who do it for pleasure just demonstrates how deadly and sociopathic some are. But even that is perfectly acceptable to still others. Truly advanced, peaceful beings would apply our cleverness to the barbaric natural way of the world and change it so these nightmarish acts are no longer required.

So could advanced aliens view humans as food? Absolutely. And as humans treat lesser beings with such impunity shows intelligence in no way implies peaceful intent. Disturbing.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by nightsescape

I found out how far this sordid rabbit hole goes when I was abducted and just happened to look off to the side of my examination table and was disgusted to see a cookbook entitled "The joys of cooking humans". Those scum, those alien scum.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:42 AM

reply to post by nightsescape

I found out how far this sordid rabbit hole goes when I was abducted and just happened to look off to the side of my examination table and was disgusted to see a cookbook entitled "The joys of cooking humans". Those scum, those alien scum.

It could have been worse. It could have been "The Joy of Sex" by their version of Dr Ruth, as it is with most abductees.

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