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Questions about Fallen Angels ...........

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posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 07:41 PM
ok ok ok my turn to ask questions:

1. How can we rely on god to be our saver from these aliens/fallen angels when we where given the gift of "Free Will". From what I gather, is that free will is the cause of our very problem. God being the Know it all and the one with all the precognitive powers (knowing the future), should have known that we would make bad choices. but yet still we where given it. its like giving a knife to a baby (reference to your amoeba analogy). u may argue" free will was given to us to allow freedom of mind and our bad choices will be an example to the other worlds in the universe, that man (humans) cannot live without the guidance of god" Well again because of his precognitive powers and his allowing us to make these bad choices couldn�t it not be right to argue that god made man on earth to be an example of what not to do,,,, that thus we on earth where made to suffer, die of diseases and old age. Be subject to experiments by the fallen and allow us to destroy ourselves issssss this not wickedness to the plant earth cause and allowed by our so called loving father god?

2. If I recall these fallen angels where the first to sex humans right. When sexing the humans they produced hybrids known as nephilims. These hybrids where stronger than any man on earth at the time right. God found that they where doing a bad thing and in order to destroy these hybrids he caused the great flood in the past killing every thing that wasn�t in Noah�s ark. God then said that those angels abused there powers and he stripped away there ability to put on physical form (they could only stay in there spirit forms).... now i ask how is it that these fallen angels can make hybrid humans once again by the integration of a spirit form and physical.......?

3. God is supposed to know us right, how we think and how we react to situations. Now my question is how stupid can god be send messengers to only a few people in the world and send only one person is son Jesus Christ who is notorious for doing things the humble way. Does god not know how to get mass attention, did he not know that we "earth humans" would not listen to a man on a donkey (that Jesus Christ official entry as son of god for those how don�t know). And that being flashy would do the trick of getting peoples attention example u know like some flamboyant manner coming on a stallion or making earth quakes or making those magical lights in the sky for first impressions.

So how is it that we can have confidence in god to protect us from these hybrids (they don�t exist from question 2) and fallen angels with all these in-competences.

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Questor


Ok. Since you don't respond to comments, here's a question. Don't you think humankind will be saved by the hybrids? They aren't going to kill their own kind & they will have souls because they are part human.

And by the way, with hybrids, aliens will no longer come from a single source as you originally claimed.

Reply: Hybrids were created by Aliens in an attempt to mix alien DNA with human DNA and end up with a Hybrid "WITH A SOUL". They have failed miserably and continue to fail at this attempt. Never the less, they still contintue on the quest to discover this information only known by God. It is one of the main reason for human abductions. Many have been abducted and experimented upon for this purpose. This is why the abductions for the most part center around experiments in the area of the REPRODUCTION SYSTEM!!! Only God can cause a humanoid to have a SOUL!!! Humans created by God have a soul. CLONES do not have a soul. Which is sad indeed because the soul is the main vehicle for eternal life. Of which the fallen angels/ aliens do not possess!!! Without a soul, they cannot prevent their destruction by God.....SOON!!!

Thanks for asking.......

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by banjoechef
.... i think theres aliens, some trying to control us some to help us, we're here on earth to make it to the multidimensional stuff
aliens waited till now to try and reall influence us because of the big communication crud we have.

Reply: The aliens love that "good cop bad cop theory". It will be used to address the issue about the many who have been abducted against their will and tampered with!!! Also the aliens have waited until now to come forward because before now, it was not allowed by God. They could only deal secretly and in the shadows. This is soon to change with the ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Just to address the multi-dimensional stuff...... There is no such thing as living in dimensions. Dimensions are only used for TRAVEL!!! As far as communication crud goes, CHEMTRAILS have spread enough metals into the air to bounce signals all around the world and directly into the brain if desired. Call it "MASS HALLUCINATIONS"!!!

if your deceptive alien theory is true then civilization and knowledge is the true antichrist because the aliens brought civilization to most anceint tribes, and civlizatin is the only means by which the aliens can spread this deception becase humanity would have to work togeterh to destroy itself

Reply: EXCELLENT POINT!!! Humanity would to to work together to destroy itself. It is called the NWO, ONE WOLD GOVERNMENT, GLOBILIZATION. Of course they will probably never acheive this now will they???

Thanks for asking........

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 07:05 AM
Just because I'm asking questions doesn't mean I believe this, since when does asking questions mean you believe something I just want to find out as much as possible I will probably decide if I believe or not when I see some proper evidence like another "speaker" or this announcement. Then I might.

Anyway more questions:

You also talk about four other speakers? Where are they? Shouldn't they be telling people?

You said the same happened on Mars, What exactly happened?

Why does god not tell us himself? If he is the "big guy" in charge why doesn't he appear in front of everyone and tell us?

Where exactly is god located in this universe?

Is he like human?

What was the holy spirit like did it appear in front of you where you were? Or did it take you somewhere?

How does god create a race of humans? Does he just think it then it happens?

Is all the Adam And Eve stuff true? I've seen it in the bible yet how could someone write it down? There was only two of them and surely they couldn't write then? How long ago were they here? Like millions, billions etc.. of years?

What will happen to all these animals on earth? Will they be saved? Will they be killed? Or are animals aware of god?

The goverments have made contact with the fallen angels/aliens is this only the USA? Or if it is not only the USA are the leaders aware of the aliens such as Tony Blair, George Bush, Jack Chirac Etc....

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by mystispice
I always look forward to people knowledgable in this field.

trainedforthis, why do some aliens use vibrational technologies to observe us? What do you know of the alien technologies with parallel realities and robotic forms?

Reply: I have never heard of "VIBRATIONAL" technology being used for observations. But I will check out this question. Who knows you may be attempting to test me They do use "ORBS" of lignt for observations. Also whey you say "parallel realities" if you are talking about living in other dimensions the answer is NO. Dimensions are not for living on/in but only used for travel. And of course robotic forms are real. If mankind can make robots SURELY fallen angels can since they have been around for billions of years and seen many civilizations on and off this planet!!!

Thanks for asking........

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Aztec
You ignored the facts about the bigfoot creatures being in league with aliens and ufo's. So your own mind is closed trainedforthis.

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Aztec]

Reply: I have given brief information about BIGFOOT in and earlier reply. As far as you believing my mind is closed...... that is your priviledge to believe such. I hope you were not expecting a rebuttal on that. LOL

Thanks for commenting........

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
you keep on telling us that things are NOT ALLOWED BY GOD. cant do that because GOD WONT LET THEM. well, if they rebelled against god in the first place, who is stopping them from doing these things? youre a fraud.

Reply: My frend you overlook the fact that what you spiritually or PHYSICALLY do to yourself is up to you. But I would not stand by and allow you to PHYSICALLY acttack my children!!! If one chooses to become prodigal and REBELL against God, God will not stop them if they are serious, but if that same rebellious fallen angel decides to attack the children....then that is another story. God can, will and does become as vicious and ferocious as a mother with her baby cubs!!! And the fallen angels/Aliens are quite aware of this!!!

As far as you believeing I am a FRAUD. Oh well, to each his own......thoughts!!!

Thanks for asking and commenting............

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 04:23 PM
So why does God allow this Fallen angels to run arround the universe making plans for his children to lose their souls?

Is this a way of testing our faith?

Sorry my enghlish is not so good.

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 04:34 PM

Hi, I messaged you this before, but I don't know if you got it. Anyway, I was wondering, have you been given any information about President Bush. He is a Christian and obviously has access to lots of information as the Pres. Do you think he has any idea of what is happening? Also, did God start human life on all planets simultaneously?

Reply: You will notice in the Bible that Jesus for the most part does not address government authorities (like he does church officials). He does say render unto Cesar that which is Cesar. Leave government leaders to God and do not seek to pass judgement. Most all presidents since Eisenhower have been briefed on aliens!!!

In regards to creation of planets in the uiverse, they were not all created at the same time.... and God is STILL creating other planets in the Universe!!!

Thanks for asking.......

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Kriskaos
hmm trained for this u are using what is says in the bible about the apockoyplse and other christian predictions and using aliens ase your fallen angels. You are interpriting the bible in this way. People have interepreted the bible in the past with demons, goblins witches, monsters etc, now its time for the alien fad.

Reply: Sadly, there are actually NO interpretations here (I wish they were just that). I am just giving the message I was asked to give, and I consented to doing so!!!

Angles in the bible have human form why would they take Alien form are they just bored of being in Human skin or what.

Reply: Angels and humans and humans are not angels. The fallen angels/aliens would live for us to believe that they are our space brothers. Angels were created before ANY humans were created because there job was to be Universal and humans live and work only on Planets. Both Angels and Humans have physical and spiritual capabilities. Angels are guardians of the Universe and humans are "THE CHILDREN OF GOD". This was part of the reason for Satan's rebellion!!! Some of those Fallen Angels responded so negatively towards God's decision to ban them from heaven that God took away from them, the ability to anymore have a physical form (otherwise they would have continued to overstep their bounds and restrictions placed upon them). These only have the ability to be DEMONS and have no way to cause ANY physical trouble. They do however enjoy frightening mankind with their spiritual abilities (ghosts, gobblins, mind control, etc.) and they seek humans who would allow themselves to become possessed, which allows them to temporarily have physical capabilities through the host they have entered!!! The Fallen Angels with physical capabilites are the ones who do the cloning of the beings mankind has called and will soon publicly accept as "ALIENS"!!!

Thanks for asking...........

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 05:27 PM
you know this thread started a couple days ago,and it was i come back to check it out and it seeems like church in an insane can anybody or alien be afraid of invented god for power grabbing purposes and at one time im sure they needed the he is not fact unless your an idiot you would know that.god is for children nowadays,grow up.

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 05:38 PM
Special Note:

I am sure there are some of you who when you originally read this thread, thought it was a joke or found it humerous. However I am quite aware that there are those of you reading this thread who have been touched by the Holy Spirit who has opened your understanding. God be praised for this!!! However there are those who will yet remain blind by choice and others who will have a real eye opener after the "ANNOUNCEMENT"!!!

I am committed to getting this warning out to as many as possible. I have always said that once you have heard this warning or read this warning, it is impossible to unhear or unread this warning. I am mostly happy about that fact. The fallen angels will take a LARGE toll on humanity after the announcement, but I praise God that many are beginning to pay attention and because of this God will also reap more children from Planet Earth who will SOON be able to meet their TRUE brothers and sisters throughout the Universe!!!

One voice being used by God, can MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!

I need to make a run but hope to be able to answer more of your questions soon. Other answers can be read at other sites such as the ones posted here:

Thanks for asking......

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 10:50 PM

Sent by U2U MAIL:
you know i didnt think it was funny or anything but real when i first read your stuff.i thought maybe you had real info on aliens.then you turned to god and lost myself as well as any other thinking person.thats plain silly how you think the aliens are afraid of god and are trying to steal or create a soul.who needs a soul and what is a soul?i know that atoms and energy make up our spirit[life energy] and can go on after the vessel has died.thats what ghosts and things like that are,but a soul, all the souls are up in heaven or down in hell,thats ridiculous.i do believe aliens are doing experiments on abducties and aliens are probably why we are here in the first place.they seeded the planet with large mammals to create an atmosphere a long time ago just like we are doing to mars right now.will need to introduce vegetation, things like that.we are the experiment on this planet and maybe one day we wont be neccessary here anymore either.then we will be wiped out like the dinosaurs.who cares,you know this soul and god stuff is crazy,why would the aliens want one anyways?

I thought I would deal with this first.
thats plain silly how you think the aliens are afraid of god and are trying to steal or create a soul.who needs a soul and what is a soul?

Reply: The SOUL is the single vessel that makes eternal life possible. All physical life is physical and SPIRIT. However the thing that seperates Human existence from all other physical existence is the reality of a soul. The SOUL houses every thought one ever had, every sight one has seen, every sound one has heard, the rememberance of every smell, everything touch ever felt and everything ever tasted. On an elementary level you may compare it to a HARD DRIVE on a computer. When anything dies the spirt of that thing just exists as ENERGY. However with a soul everything is HOUSED in the SOUL including the individuals SPIRIT!!! So actually because humans have a SOUL, they reall NEVER DIE!!! God holds to key to the individuals life continuing by placing the invidual's SOUL into another body called "THE MORNING STAR". This is not reincarnation because people believe reincarnation is coming back in the flesh and starting OVER AGAIN. With the procedure called ETERNAL LIFE there is NO STARTING OVER. You pick up where you left off with a better body that is ANGELIC LIKE but you are not an angel. The other good news is that when a Christian dies the SOUL of that individual goes IMMEDIATELY to God!!!!!!!!!

Angels do not have a soul (nor do clones for that matter) because Angels were initially created not to die. Plus God uses the fact that Angels were not created with a soul as a system of "CHECK AND BALANCE". It makes it easier for him to fix any problems that could be started through rebellion. The rebellious fallen angels (who did not know this when they rebelled) were not aware that after they rebelled that they could actually die. This was totally new for them. But because they are aware of it now, It is of the utmost importance and urgency that they learn how to create a soul. Since mankind is the only creation with a soul, they abduct humans to attempt through experimentation to discover how to create this vital tool that only God knows how to create!!! Therefore when they use deception to tell the shadow government that there species is DYING OUT and they need to abduct to experiment to mix their genetics with humanity for survival, they are telling a half truth, for sadly without a SOUL those fallen angels here on earth will SOON be TERMINATED!!! GOD WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO LEARN HOW TO CREATE A SOUL!!!

then you turned to god and lost myself as well as any other thinking person....

Reply: I do find it ineresting that you believe that a person who would trust God is not a THINKING PERSON!!! Actually THINKING people fall into both categories of those who believe in God and those who do not. It is just that one group is not thinking correctly. I'll let you determine which one is not thinking correctly......if not now, you will understand totally later!!!

Thank you dearly from the bottom of my heart for asking this question..............

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
I'm curious...Are you the author of ? Because if you are, I've been trying to find a way to contact you since I read that website.

Reply: No. Just saw the site for first time myself today.

But still.....thanks for asking.........

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by TRAINEDFORTHIS
1. What caused splits among certain alien races in regards orientation service to self and service to others when they had unified intent previously?

Reply: There is no split among alien races in regards to orientation service to self and service to others. It is no more that the old "GOOD COP BAD COP" routine!!! They are all self serving in the end!!!

2. When the new order is constructed on earth what alien races are expected to assist service to others humans in this endeavour?

Reply: All aliens do the same thing since they are "CLONES" of the fallen angels seeking the destruction of humanity!!! The NWO is just a tool being used to bring on the scene their specially prepared clone called "THE ANTICHRIST"!!!

3. Are there plans to attack or impede or stop or even advice humans on lizard transports by postive alien groups?

Reply: Aliens do not attack anyone. Such is not allowed!!! They do abduct for experimentation!!!

4. What is it that aliens find so interesting in humanity besides the godspark? anything?

Reply: Aliens do not find humanity interesting at all; Only their souls are important in attempting to discover how to create a soul!!! They are aware that the soul is the vehicle for Eternal Life, which is something they no longer have!!!

5. Why are the aliens no closer to god then we are despite their better efforts and greater reach?

Reply: They are not close to God because of their rebellion against God. They gave up that relationship and were expelled from heaven and are now vengefully seeking the destruction of humanity through their soon to come Alien Announcement!!!

6. What percentage of souled humans can extricate themselves from the lizard reality even if willfully joining them via soul reincarnations? Will positive aliens assist in providing the 'option?'

Reply: Aliens/Fallen angels have nothing to do with the soul being placed in a new body. And Lizards have do souls to extricate!!!

Thanks for asking.......

Thanks for the response, unfortunately I do not agree that all aliens are 'fallen angels.' We do have one thing in common and that is we are aware of what lurks out there and that is a start.

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
i dont see why you people are giving him the time of day.

Reply: Another one those persons who do not think people are intelligent enought to read for themselves and form their own conclusions.

the answers were getting fit right in with other crackpots and their end of the world scenarios etc and so on.

Reply: Whos speaking about the end of the WORLD? This message is about the "END OF TIME" not the end of the world!!!

convienient answers which only lead to more questions.

Reply: Yes!!! I believe it is called education.

carefully dodging the question only to present more false leads.

Reply: I think that the readers will determine whether or not there are false LEADS or true information!!!

you never did answer WHERE HOW AND WHO trained you, but simply said that 'you must not be reading the thread' so God trained you. how? in a vision? were you under the influence?

Reply: Understanding how the Holy Spirit works/trains requires one to understand John 16:13 which cannot truly be understood without a personal relationship with God!!!

i dont believe you.

Reply: This is entirely up to you. A great priviledge because of free will!!!

Thanks for asking and commenting..........

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 11:45 PM

I'm not sure that trainedforthis can know the difference between the dream world and the real world, and who can blame him - perhaps we all can't. But I think his biggest enemy is the fact that he does actually think he knows all there is to this story.

Trainedforthis. You should take a step back. Ego in control.

The definition of a fanatic is a person who redoubles his effort because he has lost his vision. Balance, Grasshopper...

Anyway, I appreciate you comments on this thread Theno. Thanks.

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 11:53 PM
It seems obvious to me that all aliens cannot be evil because all people are neither good nor evil at the same time.

This is falling into the arms of the catholic church and their 'universe revolves around the earth arguement.'

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 12:05 AM
I asked this in another thread but never got an answer.
Do aliens mastrubate?

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 12:08 AM
Oh yeah...How are they fallen angels?
Why does everything reference back to the Bible.
I never knew fallen angels were so ugly.

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