Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Tell me something,
Bhudda was 500 years before the time of christ, and before that were the Hindus.
Thier are pictuers which depict what seems to be Alien space craft in some ancient tablets.
How do you explain this.
And why is it that thier is proof of Buddas life, but not that of Jesus.
And Christ is the only way to Live, and be loved by God.
I dont think Gods talking to you my freind, I think you need to be talking to a doctor.
Hey ZeroDeep,
I understand you're frustration at Christianity. But you are confused about one thing I can see. Christ is not the only way to be loved by God.
God loves EVERYONE. No matter what they do in life, they are loved by God. However, even though you are loved by Him, if you do not accept Jesus as
His son, and believe in what He did, then you cannot make it to heaven. This is very sad and is not pleasant to hear I agree. God Himself feels sad
whenever someone does not make it to heaven. But we live in an unpleasant world. Let me explain why this is true, hopefully it will make sense to
I assume you believe in God. I also assume that you believe that humans are sinful, and that everyone sins throughout their lives because we all
screw up and/or do bad things. Since God is perfect, when we sin, it pushes us away from Him because it makes us imperfect. I'm sure you would
agree with me so far. So since we are imperfect with sin, it's like we are contaminated and cannot get to heaven because heaven contains no sin.
God cannot touch it, or will not. Well this sucks right? This means we would all be doomed to go to hell. However, God realizes that we are lesser
than Him and that it is impossible for us to not sin at all in our lives. This is where Jesus, His son comes in! God loves us and WANTS us to be in
heaven, so he sent Jesus to pay for/take the punishment for ALL of humans sins. This is why he died, and descended to hell, which is where he payed
for our sins. He did this, because humans on their own have no way of to pay for our own sins other than going to hell forever. So because of Jesus,
it is still possible for anyone to get to heaven, even though we all sin! But if you don't put faith in Christ, and repent to Him of your sins, ask
for forgiveness from Him (basically, you don't make use of the punishment he took for your own sin) then it is like rejecting the help God offered to
us through Jesus, which means you sadly will go to hell. Again, this hurts God, because He wants everyone to be able to make it. Let me put in a
very easy to understand analogy.
Let's say a person is stuck in a pit of quicksand. The person can represent any human, so think of it as yourself. The quicksand represents sin,
which will lead you to hell as soon as you go under and die. God is outside of the pit and is safe, but because you sin, you have put yourself in
this position of quicksand and separated yourself from the safety of the Lord. EVERYONE sins and therefore is in their own pit. God feels compassion
for us though, and wants to help us get out, so he extends his arm so we can grab it and be saved. His arm represents His son Jesus! This is the way
He chose to help us. He extends this to EVERYONE whether they are black white brown, man woman, young old, of all religions and countries. He wants
to help all. But whether we are saved is up to us! It is our choice whether we grab His arm and accept the help he is trying to give us. Grabbing
his extended arm (or Jesus) represents us believing in what Jesus did for us and that looking to Him and asking for His forgiveness will be what
saves us!
So people have a problem with Christianity because they think; "Why would God be so cruel and not let whoever is nice into heaven?" But he is not
cruel. He went so far as to send His son and have Him KILLED for us and suffer and take the penalty of OUR sins. It is our fault if we don't get to
heaven. What can He do if we don't grab His arm? He will not make us follow Him, even though He could, because He gave us free will. Otherwise we
would have no choice, and He would be like a dictator. So He did His part for ANYONE who wants to do their part and turn to Jesus. I hope this makes
sense. If there are any cloudy parts to you, let me know. The jist of is just that the Christian faith says that we separate ourselves from God
through sin, but God sent His son as a way to clean us from sin when we repent, and this is the way God chose to help us and the only way. Otherwise,
we never get the sin removed from us and therefore cannot get to heaven, even though God loves you and wants you to make it.
So most religions believe in God and know that man is lesser and sins. Religions also believe that God is good, but Christianity is the only one that
actaully tells us HOW God is trying to help us. No other